First chapter ina few fanfic from me! I hope you guys will like it. It's in response to csiaddict2's superhero challenge. This is the prologue. Please leave us some reviews.

Realm of the Bizarre



"If only I could turn back time," Catherine whispered to the only star in the sky that evening as she wandered out of the cemetery that evening. Warrick had only been gone two days and already she was missing him more than she ever knew she could. She sucked in a deep breath and moved towards her car, climbing in with a final backwards glance at the the grave.

Across town Greg was also getting ready for work, filling the motions of his own new ritual as he thought about everything that had happened over the previous few days. He let a wayward glance flow up to the sky and focused on the only star staring down at him. "If only I'd known beforehand." He sighed and pulled on the clothes that he'd come to keep folded at the end of the bed, still taking the advice Warrick had once given him to heart.

Nick hung up the phone with his sister, the third one to call him that day to see how he was doing, and sighed. He wandered down the hallway sipping a cup of coffee to get him through the night. He scrubbed his hand over his temples and sighed again. As he moved towards the front door he noticed a photograph he'd taken from Warrick's home, one of the entire team together. He looked up at the sky, searching for divinity, searching for his friend, something when he felt the only star above him staring back down at him. "If only I knew what McKeen was thinking."

Grissom walked back into his house and removed the leash from Hank's collar. They had just finished with their evening walk. Grissom rubbed a hand gently over the dog's ears and sighed slowly and looked up out the window. The sun had already set and a single star stood above them, looking down into their home making it just a little less empty. Grissom pulled his lips into a frown remembering how the same star had looked down at him as he fought for Warrick's life. "If only I could have healed him."

Riley Adams pulled into parking deck of the Las Vegas Police Department ready for her second day of work there. She sighed remembering how tense things had been the day before and how on edge her entire new team was. They had lost one of their own and Riley could tell the close-knit bond they all had. Warrick's death had struck a real blow to the entire crew, one she hated seeing them suffer through. She looked up at the only star in the sky and focused on it, "If only I could make them happy."

Sara watched Grissom leave and her heart broke all over again seeing him the way he was. She knew why though, she was feeling it too. A few days ago Warrick Brown, former team member and friend to her, had been alive and now he wasn't. They should have seen it coming, they should have known what McKeen was thinking, they should have been able to help Warrick, they should be able to turn back time and make it so it never happened, and they should be able to be happy. Sara followed Grissom's gaze up to a single star in the sky before he clicked the door of his car closed. "If only I was there."