Well I believe this is the last chapter. Finally after writers block, a broken computer, a horrible virus and a lot of problems in my life I finally finish this story. And my new on will be coming soon. Thank you all who have read, commented and put up with my lateness with this story, I hope you liked it as much as I loved writing it. Enjoy! P.S song for this chapter and whole story is Busied and Scarred by Mayday Parade.

*Sam's POV*

2 months later

I had been sick the past 3 weeks. Getting up in the morning, puking, going to lunch, eating a little and then running to the bathroom, puking some more and then going home and falling asleep. With each passing Haruhi got more and more worried. And finally she put her foot down.

"That's it Sam! You are going to the doctor. I'm really worried about you and so is Mori-sempia." Haruhi said after my morning puke.

"You're right; I should have gone 2 weeks ago. I'll call and set up an appointment for after school, but will you come with me?"

"Of course; but hurry we have to get to school."


School went better. I didn't puke after lunch but during club I had the worst heart burn ever and it made playing the piano almost impossible. And I gave a huge sigh of relief as the ladies left for the day and I could relax.

"Ready Sam?" Haruhi came up beside me grabbing her book bag and heading for the door.

"Yeah, just a minute." I replied before running up to Takashi, giving him a quick kiss and running out the door with Haruhi.

"What was that all about?" The twins asked in unison watching the door close.

All the men just shrugged and gathered and headed to their limos.


The table was cold, the walls were a sickly yellow and there were creepy pictures of unborn babies on the walls. Haruhi and I were sitting in an examination room, I had had a billion tests done and I just wanted to know what the hell was wrong with me. And finally after about 5 more minutes of waiting the door open to revile a short, dark haired doctor. She looked about 25 and had a giant smile on her face. Gosh I hope its good news!

"Hello , my name is Doctor Cho. And I have some very good news. You are about 3 months pregnant!"

"What!?!?" Haruhi and I both shouted.

"Yes! According to your blood and urine test you are almost 3 months pregnant. I have some prenatal vitamins for you and I would like to set up another appointment in a month or so to see how you are doing. I'll go grab the vitamins and be back in a few minutes." And with that she left the room shouting the door behind her.

"Ok…what the hell? What…when…..how…..who…." Haruhi can even form a sentence more than two words…this isn't good.

"Let me explain. The night I came home I couldn't sleep so I took a walk in the park. And Takashi found me. At first he scared me but then I ran into his arms and kissed him, causing us to fall down in the bushes…and one thing lead to another and….well….I'm pregnant."

She just started at me; with her mouth open, not knowing what to say.

"Please say something…"

"I'm going to be an aunt!!! Well not really but the baby will call me Aunt Haruhi if it's the last thing I do! And we can make room for a crib in our room and…"

After hearing she was ok with this I just tuned her out. I had always wanted kids. But what would Takashi say…does he want a baby so young?

(MF: this is not going to be life "OMG! I can't tell him but I have to, but I don't want to kind of thing…I hate those!)


After we left the hospital I got a phone call from Takashi. I had to tell him now, it needed to be now and I needed to know if he wanted us. Yes, us, I would not kill this baby or give it away. This was my baby and I was its mother.

I took the bus to Takashi's house and walked up the long path to his house. I had no idea how I was going to do this but I had to get it out. I had been through so much and faced a lot worse than telling someone I was pregnant with their baby. I could do anything.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I ran into the door. It was a good way to knock because Takashi opened the door not a minute later.

"Sam." He breathed pulling me into a hug. "Come." Was all he said pulling me to his room.

He placed me on his bed and told me to stay. Looking around his room I just smiled. Dark blue walls, trophies here and there and a picture of…ME! I was sitting at a piano…the one in the third music room. It had to be late afternoon because the sun was shining in the window making me…glow. I was still staring at the picture when Takashi came back into the room.

"That is my favorite picture of you. You look so peaceful and happy." He said setting the picture back on the nightstand it had been and got down on one knee….WAIT…WHAT?!?

"Samantha, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you with all of my heart and I hope you feel the same way. Will you marry me?"

All I could do was smile and lean forward and give him a sweet kiss.

"I will take that as a yes." He said before pulling me into his arms and kissing me deeply. I almost forgot why I came there. Almost, the little baby was giving my major heartburn. I pulled away slowly and looked him in the eye.

"I have something very important to tell you and I wish I would have told you before you asked me to marry you because you might take it back. But I understand if you do. Takashi, I am 3 months pregnant with your baby. And I understand if you don't want to keep it but I……" Silenced with a kiss, and I knew everything was going to be ok.

I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of No Such Thing as Love! Any of you see it coming? Love it? Hate it? Please tell me so I can fix things and be better in the next story.

What happens in the future?

Takashi and Sam get married and have the baby. A little girl named Emma.

Haruhi and Tamaki get married after they both graduate and have a wonderful life together.

Takashi and Sam are expecting another baby and Haruhi and Tamaki are expecting their first.

The twins and Kyoya have their own businesses and are dating but nothing serious right now.

Hunny is a great uncle and is still the happy hyper cutie we know and love.