
Jack had come to this planet solely to keep an eye on Daniel. He didn't have to come, he could have stayed behind but the thought of handing over his trouble magnet to another SG team just didn't bare thinking about. The MALP had filmed a temple on PX 768 and as soon as Daniel had seen it on film he just had to visit. Carter had assured Jack and General Hammond that the planet seemed safe. There was a small village about a mile east of the Gate but the villagers didn't seem very advanced. SG 11 had been sent to see if the people were friendly and they had been welcomed with opened arms.

General Hammond told Daniel he could go. He ordered SG 1 to go with him but Daniel had told the General that it didn't seem necessary for the rest of the team to go because SG 11 were already there. The real reason for not wanting Jack there was because he really wanted to explore this temple in peace and he knew if Jack was there he would not be allowed to work nonstop as he tended to do when Jack wasn't there.

"Jack, there's no need for you to come," Daniel protested one more time.

"Daniel I'm coming, end of story," Jack held up his hand in front of Daniel's face to stop further argument.

"I'm not a child," Daniel said.

"Didn't say you were."

"I am allowed out on my own you know."

"If I let you go on your own, you will not eat or sleep properly. I know you, once you get engrossed in a project you don't take care of yourself. That's what I'm there for."

Daniel counted to ten under his breath in at least five of the languages he knew and let a few swear words slip out as well. "You know, my mother would have washed my mouth out with soap for saying those words. In fact she did a few times. There's no point complaining we're going with you."

So next morning SG 1 were in the Gate room waiting to go.

As they stepped out on the other side the sun was shining. It was certainly a beautiful planet. SG 11 were waiting at the Gate to report to Colonel O'Neill. "Carter stick with Daniel will you?"

Sam went to the temple with Daniel. At least it's not Jack, Daniel thought. Sam was much easier to get round.

Jack and Teal'c had a walk around the area but could find nothing untoward. They headed back towards the temple. A man dressed from head to toe in feathers stepped out from behind a large bush. "Welcome to Entrona." He opened his palms in a form of greeting.

"Thank you, I am Colonel Jack O'Neill and this is Teal'c. We are peaceful explorers. Two of my friends are looking at your temple." He pointed to the building. "If you could come with us you could talk to our Dr. Jackson."

He led the man over to the temple. Daniel and Sam came out as soon as they stopped outside. "This is Dr. Daniel Jackson and this is Captain Sam Carter."

"I am Guidus. I look after the temple."

"You do? Great." Daniel pulled his arm and led him back into the temple.

"Well looks like Daniel made a friend. Stick with him Carter, just in case. I'm going to set up camp over there."

"Yes sir."

For the next two hours Daniel talked to Guidus. Jack called him to the camp to eat but as soon as they were finished he was back in the temple. Jack and Teal'c took another look around. The people in the village were very friendly. When they returned to camp Sam was sitting lighting a fire. "Where's Daniel?" Jack asked looking round.

"He's in the temple," she told him. "He's fine sir," she said when she saw the worried look on his face.

"Just the same I'd prefer if you stayed with him." She got up and went back into the temple.

Jack's radio crackled," Sir do you think you could come into the temple?" her voice sounded a bit worried.

"Carter, what's he done now?"

"Just come sir, please." That did not sound at all like Carter. Then he heard a baby cry. He was off like a shot.

He came to a halt just in front of the temple. Carter was standing just inside and in front of her lying on what looked like an SGC uniform was a child of about one year. Guidus was standing beside her. "Where's Daniel?" Jack asked the man.

Guidus pointed to the child on the floor. "That is Daniel."

"No I mean our Daniel."

"That is your Daniel." Sam could see that Jack was beginning to get very angry. Just as he was about to take a step forward the child woke up. A pair of the most amazing blue eyes looked up at him.

" 'ack," and the child held up his arms. Jack automatically bent down and picked the child up. Two arms wound round his neck. "Orry 'ack," was all he heard.

"Oh crap," he said.

"O'Neill?" Teal'c said.

"This is Daniel," Jack said.

"I did tell you that," Guidus said. Sam was so glad Jack had his hands full with the child. The look on his face was murderous.

"What did you do?" he said angrily.

The child burrowed his head into Jack's neck. "Orry 'ack."

"Sh! I'll get it sorted Danny, don't worry," and he patted the blond head of curls.

"It is Daniel?" Carter asked incredulously.

"Oh yes," Jack said. "Now whatever you did, sort it," he said.

"What do you mean, sort it?" Guidus asked.

"I mean put him back to his right age."

"I cannot. He asked me to do this."

"What did he say exactly?" Sam asked.

"He asked me to demonstrate what the temple was for. so I did."

"And what is its purpose?" Jack asked. The child in his arms started to cry.

"The temple makes us young again."

"And he asked you to do it?" Jack said. He couldn't believe Daniel could do this. Why couldn't he think before he acted? The boy began to cry even harder.

"'ack noyed?" he asked lifting his head. Tears were running down his face.

"No, Daniel. Jack's not annoyed," Sam said trying to cheer the child up. "Not with you. He's just worried." Jack tried to rein his temper in. There was no point upsetting the child.

"Is there nothing you can do?" Teal'c asked.

"No," Guidus said, "but he will not be harmed by this." Jack looked ready to explode again. "It only lasts for a short time." Jack let out a sigh of relief.

"How long?"

"A day for each of his years."

"You mean in 30 days he will be back to normal?"

"Yes, it is not meant to be permanent."

"Thank God," Sam said.

"We've still got to explain all this to Fraiser and General Hammond," Jack said. The child stiffened in his arms as he said the names. "Yes buddy, they are not going to be too happy with you. Nor me," he said in a quieter voice. "Well better go face the music." He turned to Guidus. "Anything else we need to know?"


"Good cause if anything else happens I'll be right back for you."

SG 1 headed off to the Gate.