Mentally?  Well mentally she was standing before the Goblin Kind jaw dropped in disbelief, unable to even think that it was 'unfair.'  But that was only in her mind, numb it may have been but the newly awakened instincts she had acquired through her journey in his land were in full use.  Physically she was running at top speed through halls back tracking her way in to escape the center of the Labyrinth as fast as she could.  Calling out to her friends she was soon accompanied in her furious speed.  "I have to get out."  She spoke, they nodded surprised, between breaths Hoggle panted out instructions for her to take, she thanked them all and told them all to go hide.  Jareth would most assuredly be angered at them.  Soon she was once again alone and for once glad of it.  She didn't want to cause more trouble than she already had.  Tears threatened to pour from her eyes, but years of repressing her sorrow were not put to waist.  She screamed, she complained, she shouted to the world of its unfairness, but never did she cry, never did she show what she truly felt.  'I'm not worth the tears.'  She thought.  And I can't cry for them right now, later I will, when I am safe and have time to feel again.  For that was what she was, numb, cut off from emotions she ceased to let herself feel, and with all her adrenalin she could hardly feel the burning of her tired body.  Slipping into one of the directions her dwarf of a friend had told her she did her best to ignore the eyes she knew were watching.  He had told her she would have no interference from him on her backtrack, but the moment her time was up he would appear.  Looking to her watch she cursed.  Three hours left.  'Damn him.'  She thought, too winded to hiss it aloud.  'Oh how he must be loving this.'

~Flashback. ~  Her brother was safe.  After he disappeared she felt confusion wash over her, too many times this night had this happened and she resented that she was being so intimate a friend with the emotion.  Looking to her side she saw the thirteen-hour clock spinning erratically.  "What?"  She began only to be cut off by the sudden manifestation of her foe before her.  Stepping back startled she raised her guards.  Hid her emotions, being all that and actress was.

"Never."  He began in a voice that made her want to fold her shoulders and look ashamed.  But instead she held her chin up in defiance to the power he radiated.  She would not show she was afraid.  She still had her pride, what was left of it anyway.  "Never has anyone made it so far as the oubliette.  But yet you."  His last word was filled with an emotion she couldn't even begin to describe and she felt, and ignored, the need to step back.  "Have made it to my castle and won you're brother back."  She nodded slowly not removing her eyes from his.  What was he getting at?  "But of course the game is not done with."  Her eyes widened at that and a new fear pierced her heart.  "As Higgle."

"Hoggle."  She corrected glaring at the look he sent her.

"Said."  Continuing as if she had never spoken.  "You have to get out as well.  Which you did not."  He looked at her as if waiting for her to comment on the unfairness of what he was saying.  She didn't even part her lips just looked to him.  "But to prove that I am not so unkind."  She snorted at that and nearly shrunk back at the withering look he sent her.  She decided to hold back all sarcasm from this point on for a while.  "As to give you a chance, I will graciously allow you the hours I revoked from you and allow you to use them to make it to the entrance."

"Thank you."  Her voice seemed odd to her ears, as if she were looking they whole scene from a third perspective.  'I guess.'  She added mentally.  She could have almost sworn that she had seen a bit of shock in his mismatched eyes at her slight show of mannerism, but just as soon as it had been there it was gone. 

"I will not stop you in any way and neither will my subjects, they are to let you pass but give you no discouragement nor help.  You start now."  At that she found herself to be in the thrown room and took to a run, not bothering to consider the meaning his words at that moment.  ~End Flashback ~

'Left.  Left.  Left.  Right.'  She thought still running, albeit slower than when she had started, but still quickly.  Sweat ran from her body and she felt very disgusting but that's what a shower was for; needless to say she would win no beauty contest within the next week.  Her hair clung to her back and was in desperate need of a brush.  Her feet ached her legs screamed agony, and her whole being begged for rest, regardless to this she treaded on as fast as she could.  'How much time is left?'  Glancing to her wristwatch she picked up the pace as best she could.  One minute, turning a corner she found herself in the Parallel Walls.  Finding the worm she followed his barely noticeable pointing and ran full out.  She could see the entrance, wide open and ready for her to cross.  Arm out she felt her fingers brush the course rock that served as edge to both sides, but at the same time she felt a painful wrench from behind.  Unable to stop herself she collided with the Goblin King's chest.  Looking up she felt terror enter her. 

She hadn't known him all that long, hadn't conversed with him much, and even then they were never polite to the other, (The peach incident didn't count.) but it didn't take a genius to know he was furious.  And even that word was an understatement.  It was then she noticed the silence, she had heard the chimes, tolling a warning to her like it had once before, that time was running out, in her race she hadn't acknowledge them, but now the silence screamed into her ears.  The only sounds she heard were of her own irregular breath and of the blood flooding in the veins of her ears and head.  All she could do was stare at him wide eyed and mouth parted in mute shock and unbidden terror.  A chill raced along her spine when his lips curled into what could have been a kind smile, that is if his eyes hadn't been so cold, angered, and sinister.  'Oh dear god am I ever in for it now.' 

Evil aren't I?  Well this Idea came to me TODAY and since it's 2:08 am right now I'm not sure how good it is or if the sleep is talking.  (I'm a basket case just so you all know)  I'm working on the second chapter now, hell it might even be out by noon tomorrow.  (My dad doesn't allow us to sleep in often plus I have siblings)  Oh well!  What do you think?  Please review.