Disclaimer: Blah blah didn't create Twilight blah blah.

A/N: Obviously I was watching High School Musical when I wrote this chapter. Or, at least I was listening to the soundtrack. Wrote this just to wrap things up. Thank you for waiting patiently for the conclusion. And thank you for reading my story at all. You are wonderful.

Also, please excuse my sixteen year old self's writing. Again. I cringe every time I read this.

Epilogue: Start of Something New

I looked at myself in the mirror, examining the new outfit that Aunt Alice had bought especially for today from our vacation. Dark Levis jeans, a white shirt with a Promod waistcoat. She'd even got me a new bag for school; not the dorky, two strap type, but a nice shopper, big enough to fit my books and stuff in.

"I'm ready," I yelled, bounding down the stairs in excitement.

I was so thrilled to finally be starting school; the summer vacation had been too long and I hadn't even done any home schooling with Carlisle. My mind was focused and ready to take on any challenge the school could throw at me.

Everyone was waiting downstairs for me in the lounge with huge smiles on their faces.

Jacob was even there, leaning against the open front door with the car keys in his hand.

"Yep, she's got ETL syndrome written all over her," smiled Jacob, "What's the cure, doc?"


"Eager to Learn," he replied, with his wolfish grin plastered to his face.

Everyone laughed as I breezed over and slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"Don't tell me you're not excited for school," I said, "You haven't been there in a while. You must be missing it."

"Please; missing the homework? I don't think so."

I gave him a look, "Lazy."

"You two are going to be late if you don't stop quarrelling and go now," said Dad.

"And you don't want to be late on your first day, Renesmee," teased Emmet.

I blew them all a kiss before I walked out the door, yelling, "Wish me luck!"

Jake held the car door open for me to get in. Things between the two of us had never been the same since our trip to South Africa. We'd taken our relationship to the next level just before I was napped by Mangaliso and Nahuel.

After the whole drama, a lot of things have changed and a lot of questions have been answered.

When I had stopped crying, I explained to my family exactly what had happened and told about the HIV blood and Mangi's plan to overthrow the Volturi. Together, we decided that those Italians didn't need to know any of what happened in South Africa – imagine what Aro would do if he found out about the benefits of HIV blood.

It turned out that I was actually being kept in a little cottage type of place near the sugarcane fields, far away from everything else which is why no humans heard me. Jacob, however, had picked up my scent and heard my scream from a couple of miles away. That was how they'd found me. When the fight was over, they took the pieces and burned them outside away from the sugarcane plantation.

Carlisle had a theory as to why I didn't go into bloodlust once I'd been given that stuff to drink. Because it was diluted with something else, so the effects weren't so great that I would become an addict.

And as for my family and Jacob… well simply put, I'll never take them for granted ever again. When we'd gotten back from South Africa, Jacob moved back into the spare room at the Cullen Mansion. Even though I was supposed to be staying at our cottage, I'd also moved in with Carlisle and Esme to be closer to Jacob and the rest of the family. Dad and Mum also joined us, but went home every second evening… Emmet said something about wrecking their own cottage rather than the Mansion.

And my eavesdropping days are at an end. For sure.