A/N: WOW! I got so many reviews in like the space of an hour! Thanks everyone!
It had been three days since Ziva woke up, and she was now able to sit and have conversations for about an hour without becoming too tired. Abby, being Abby, had to be the first t see her.
"Zivvaaaaaa! She squealed as she ran and jumped onto the bed. Tony winced, and delicately tried to pry Abby away.
"Abs, she's just come out of a coma. Not so good." He grinned. Ziva just laughed pulled Abby into a hug.
"Thank you Abby. I'm fine now though." She smiled.
"Oh I missed you so much. I wasn't worried. At all, I mean a teensy bit, or maybe a bit more, I don't know, but it wasn't a lot. OK I'm lying, and I know I hate liars, but I can't do it very well, so I guess it doesn't count, but I was sooo worried Ziva. I really was, me and Tim were like crying each other to sleep every night...." She had to stop because Tony had put a hand over her mouth.
"Please Abby. Limited sleep, and you're rambling like a lunatic? Migraine coming." Tony laughed.
"Mumph mwem mum ma phar." Abby continued, before she licked Tony's hand.
"Ok, that is seriously gross." Tony commented as he pulled a face. "Now, get outta here and get McGee or someone sensible in." He smiled as he pushed her out the door. For 3 days he had been going round with a permanent grin on his face, and so had Ziva. They never took their eyes off each other for more than a couple of minutes, and Gibbs picked it up when it was his turn to visit Ziva.
"Ziva." He said simply as he kissed her on the cheek.
"Gibbs." She said back. The look between them said everything they needed to say. Although it wasn't a romantic look, Tony felt as if he were intruding by watching, and he quietly slipped out.
"I am...."
"I....." They laughed together in awkwardness.
"I'm sorry Ziva." Gibbs said. "I should've seen the signs and trusted my gut, but I let you down."
"No Gibbs. I was stubborn, I let my feelings for Tony cloud my judgement, and I..... Wait. Did you say sorry?" Ziva asked.
"Yeah, mention it to DiNozzo, and I'll slap you so hard..." He started.
"Yeah, I know." Ziva laughed. "Thank you Gibbs. You are more of a father to me than Eli David is." She sighed sadly.
"Any time." Gibbs whispered as he kissed her forehead.
"Ziva?" McGee asked as he put his head around the door. "Oh I'm sorry. I'll come back. I didn't mean to wake you." He apologised as he saw Ziva stir from her sleep.
"Do not worry McGee, come in. I do not mind. I need the company." She nodded her head towards Tony who was sleeping in the chair in the far corner. McGee smiled and shuffled in with a bunch of flowers.
"Oh, McGee they are beautiful." Ziva gasped as she put the on the bedside table.
"How're you feeling?" McGee asked. Ziva smiled. He was much like a big brother to her.
"Like I have been shot!" She laughed. She cleared her throat and looked uncomfortable. "McGee, what was it like? When I was in a coma I mean." She asked in a hushed tone.
"It was... horrible. Abby wouldn't stop crying, I felt like I had let you down, you know, by not being there, and Gibbs, well until the morning you woke up, we don't know where he was. He just walked for 3 days." Tim put his hand on Ziva's.
"What about Tony?" Ziva mumbled.
"He wouldn't leave you Ziva. Not even to eat or drink. He was a mess, he just sat next to you, refusing to do anything." Ziva looked at Tony.
"Thanks Tim." She whispered. McGee smiled and walked out.
"Finally awake?" Ziva laughed when Tony jerked awake, presumably from a dream.
"Hey. How are you?" He asked when he climbed over onto the bed so he was sitting next to her.
"Better actually. McGee came in whilst you were asleep."
"Oh yeah? And what did Elf Lord have to say for himself."
"Nothing much, we just spoke a little." Ziva shrugged. They were silent for a few moments.
"You know, I though I'd lost you there for a moment. When you were in the coma" Tony said whilst he played with her hair.
"For a moment there, you had." Ziva agreed, as she turned round and kissed him.
"Well Miss David, I think as long as Mr DiNozzo here keeps an eye on you, you're fine to go home. But remember any dizziness, sickness, or even if you just don't feel well, please don't hesitate to come back." The doctor said a few weeks later.
"Thank you so much doctor." Tony said as he shook his hand.
"You take care now." The doctor said as he walked out.
"What happens now?" Ziva asked.
"We go home. And we try. If it works it works, if it doesn't , it doesn't." Tony answered. He put his arm around her to support her as he pulled her into a kiss.
"I love you Ziva." Tony whispered as he pulled away. Ziva was stunned.
"Tony, you know I won't be able to say that back."
"I know. That's not why I said it though. I said it because it's true, and I want you to know." He smiled. "Now let's get you home, I have this awesome movie you need to watch."
"Oh Tony!" Ziva groaned as he started to explain the film plot. She laughed as she watched him do the actions.
"And then this guy just gets blown up, like in the first ten minutes, and it's like..."
A/N: ALL DONE!!! My first fanfic! Thank you to every one who has supported this and read and reviewed and whatever! I might do a continuation of this one, I don't know yet, but I'm quite happy to leave the story there, with a happy Tiva =]. Let me know what you think of this chapter. Too cheesy, boring... w/e. Oh and I didn't have a Ziva/Ducky reunion, because I find Ducky so hard to write for.
Thanks again everyone!!!! Annie