Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS that belongs to D. BellisarioChapter 10

The next day went just as planned. I got Aunt Jen into NCIS without causing a commotion. She hid around the corner of the stairs, and I went into the bullpen. Luckily everyone was there even Ducky, Palmer, and Director Vance.

"Agent Gibbs, Agent McGee, Agent DiNozzo, Officer David, Dr. Mallard, Palmer, and Director Vance. I have something to tell you."

" What is it Sophia?" Gibbs asked me.

"Well… It's more tell than show. Aunt Jen come over here," Aunt Jen appeared and took off the hat she was wearing; letting her strawberry-blonde hair fall back down to her shoulders.

The first and only thing that she said was to Gibbs:

"Hello Jethro," with that Gibbs did something you would've never thought Gibbs would've done; he maneuvered through the small crowd of people stopping briefly and getting back into Gibbs mode and smack me on the back of the head then returned to the not-so-Gibbs mode. He stood in front of Aunt Jen and picked up slightly enveloping her in a tight hug.

I could tell that if you tried to get either of their attention, it wouldn't work. They were too wrapped up in each other. I almost started to cry but I knew DiNozzo would make fun of me hence then he would ruin the moment so I kept them back. But it was an interesting happy ending. For now at least. They are all probably (except for Aunt Jen and Gibbs) thinking how much of an Unexpected Visitor I was at this moment.

Soooooo that ends it. I know short very very short chapter but there is a whole lot of stuff that is going to be JAM-PACKED!!! with JIBBS (DUH!!!) and some real sour/sweet stuff that might make you cry a little at the beggining. But no need to fear there will be quite a bit of humor!!! It will be probably slightly shorter than this fic but it's still worth reading!!!! Trust me my friends at school love it.

A/N: I will be writing some one-shots that will be posted soon thanks to my friends Chance and Seth who are the FREAKIN' 13 years old versions of Gibbs and Jen. It's creepy!!! Chance has never seen NCIS until last night but she walks, talks, and acts just like Jen. She even flirts and jokes with Seth like Jen and Gibbs do. I get scared half to death. Oh and Seth been watching and get this he mastered the Gibbs Stare. I am serious people!!! HEAR MY WORDS. They flirt and they are muses by giving me GREAT JIBBS fics ideas!!!