Hi everyone! Just a small filler. Enjoy!

Susan Vandom loved her daughter as much as any mother could. When she and her husband divorced two years ago, she wanted to Will to live with her.

But when asked, Will chose to stay with her dad. It wasn't a surprise to her, as Thomas loved his little girl and it was no surprise to Susan. It still caused a big disagreement between her and Thomas on what was right for their daughter. In the end, Thomas got to keep their daughter and every other weekend, Will would stay with her and the first part of summer. Holidays they both agreed to play it by ear.

So, when Thomas called her and informed her about his temporary assignment, she was thrilled to have her daughter back under her care. She immediately called -. Thomas won't say anything to her, but she knew he would be disappointed once Will told him.

To Susan, it felt like he forgot whom Will really was. They both agreed to do what was right by their daughter; unfortunately, Thomas had different views than her.

Now that Will was living with her, she felt that it was time to put Will back on track with her after school classes. So irritated by Will for not attending the classes and being busy with work, she was surprised that one day walking into her apartment by her daughter's physical appearance.

She looked on with wide eyes as her daughter continued with her homework with her headphones on that Will hadn't heard her come in.

Susan rushed to her bedroom and headed straight for her closet. Kneeling, she moved her shoes aside and pulled on the board concealing the safe she installed. Upon unlocking the case, she reached for the case inside to grab two of the glass vials of potions she needed and put everything back in its place.

Looking around the corner, she made sure Will was still unaware of her presence and walked to the kitchen.

Susan grabbed the pitcher of lemonade inside the fridge, and poured some into a glass and then poured the contents of the vial into the lemonade. She watched as the color shifted to a bright blue color then to a bright orange and finally settling back into a yellow color and grabbed a bag of chips.

Taking deep calming breaths, she walked back out into the living room and approached her daughter.

Will startled around when she felt someone reach for.


"Sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to scare you. But you didn't hear me when I called your name out," Susan said quickly.

"Oh, sorry about. Guess the music is a little loud," Will reached for her iPod and put the music on pause.

"Here, I figured you needed a small snack and drink while you do your homework."

"Thanks mom."

Susan turned and started to head back to her bedroom, but turned back around and watched as Will drank some of her lemonade.

Will's natural bright red hair slowly returned to a dark red and the small hint of golden strands also bleed back to a dark red.

"Will, honey?"

Will turned around to face her mom once again.


Susan hid her joy as she watched honey-reddish eyes shift to a light brown color and the skin tone more tannish than the creamy, white tone.


"Oh! Sorry, sweetie. Just wanted to say I'm going to take a small nap if you needed me."

"Oh, ok. I might go out later when I'm done. Is that ok?"

"Just don't stay out too late., sweetie."

"Thanks, mom."

Susan leaned against her bedroom door and let out a deep sigh.

She prayed the potion finished it job before her daughter went out.

Spies where everywhere, even if they didn't know where to look. And if Thomas found out that she had risked Will being found, he would take their daughter faster than she could explain and never get to see her again.