(without futher adure, on with the story)

To the people of Meridian, King Dorian's and his wife, Queen Namie, were quite ruthles. To the other royals throughout the land, they thought nothing but the best of their king and queen.

Of course it could be said that they only did so out of fear. But who knows for sure.

But in any case, everyone knew that the king became even more ruthless if anyone ever dare harm a hair, or any part,on his little sister. Princess Merla.

Princess Merla

Now she was a whole different story.

One could immediately tell the difference in looks between her brother and herself.

Dorian's hair being a shoulder length pale blonde, whilst Merla had a shocking shade of bright shoulder length red.

Containing eyes as blue as the the cold sea, she possed shining green-blusih eyes that held mischief.

The only thing that they even shared was their pale white skin. Well, looks wise.

While yes it was true she was kinder than her brother and sister in law, she was just as cruel and ruthless as her brother. They were of the same blood after all. But she was also kind and gentle, and the only one able to calm down her older's brother temper when it came to it. The people loved her; well strongly liked her more than their king.

Togther they were strong and ruled the kingdom of Meridian with a strong iron will.

And no they were not strong because of their magic, which did in fact help tremendously, but because of their bond as siblings. Which has always been true in their royal family through every generation. Even if only one sibiling inherited the magic; which is not the case in their generation (although Merla is stronger than her brother magic wise).

Now, as Merla guided her beloved nephew, Prince Phobos (who looked very much like his father), to the nursey of his newborn sibiling, she couldn't help but overjoyed.

For finally Phobos will have a sibling to watch over and be friends with. Just like her brother had her.

She loved Phobos as if he were her own. She knew that others thought him a weird child, for who could perfer reading and observing others when he could be out with the other royals children.

To her, he was perfect. She thought him how to control his magic, which she enjoyed keeping it a secret from Dorian that his son possed magic. She provided for the library that now resides just doors down from his own room when Dorian and Namie denied it. Whatever her darling nephew wanted and his parents would not provide it to him, she did everything in her power (for she knew both her brother and his wife could not resist her) to get it for him.

And of course Phobos adored his auntie more than his own parents. She was always there for him and showered him with love. Unlike his parents who saw him as a somewhat dissappointment for him their heir, the other royals and even their serevants believed the same.

But at this moment, he was angry at his auntie for pushing him to meet the newest addition to the family.

'Wonderful. I'm jumping up and down in joy for this babe.'

Sensing her nephews inner thoughts, Merla stopped right outside the door (where they both could hear the loud wails of something in the room) and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Now Phobos, stop making such a face," even though only she could tell apart his 'facial reactions, " and cheer up. Your mother just graced you with a baby brother or sister. Maybe even both!" Merla said with such glee that its quite hard to even imagined her as the cruel person that she was, even though she only occasionally let that side of her out, she is still known as the cruel yet gentle princess.

"I'm overjoyed with happiness, auntie."

Merla sighed at her nephew's stoic answer and ruffly shoved him into the room.

Noticing Phobos not moving closer to the crying babe, which he identified as the one he heard making the wailing before coming in, she to paused and was slightly disgusted at the noise too.

'Phobos was never this loud!'

"Phobos! Move it!" she ordered and he quickly move towards the crib.

Looking down in disgust, once again only Merla able to distinguish his facial features.

"Has mine and fathers hair and skin color. How wonderful. Now everyone will be able to tell we are related. Great Joy."

Laughing softly at her nephews antics, she took a better look at the babe.

"Well, she does contain some of your mothers features. Go on pick up you new baby sister. She'll stop crying once she gets held by her big brother."

Phobos looked skeptically at his aunt and did as was told.

And his sister only got louder.

He put her immediately down and strode out the room.

Not once looking back, so he did not see the look of contemplation on his beloved aunts face.

'It does not matter. If she inherits our magic like I have, then that's the only good use she will ever be to me,' Phobos thought as he dissappeared around the corner and headed towards his library.

"Well. How did it go?" Dorian and his wife, who was already dressed splendidly in a gown, asked of Merla.

Giving on last look of indifference to her niece, she strode out the room without a word to her dear big brother.

And Dorian and Namie also strode out of the crying babes' room.

After all, if his baby sister does not like his daughter, then why should he and wife care a wit about her.

At least they still have their son Phobos, who Merla loves with her whole heart and soul; even though they they don't understand Phobos, does not mean they didn't love him in their own way.

And why should they care if their daughter disappeared three nights later.



Hope you guys enjoy my totally revision of THE OTHER PRINCESS OF MERIDIAN!