Genetic Genesis

Chapter 8: All's Well That Ends Well

It took a while for the gang to pick up the stadium. But when the last of the trash got thrown away, Chip called the Galactic Alliance regarding Leroy. After waiting for half an hour, a black spaceship appeared and touched down in the stadium. The rail descended and soon afterwards, the captain walked out. "Gantu!" said Stitch, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to retrieve Leroy," said Gantu, "The Grand Councilwoman thought it would be best if someone with experience saw to the transport of this fugitive." He noticed Leroy's hybrid form and said, "How did he get to be like this?"

"He had some help from a Distracticon robot named Soundwave," said Hyena, "Apparently, he helped spring him out of prison. By the way, Leroy can create mini-clones of himself so you might want to put more security around him."

Gantu rubbed his chin and said, "Hmm, never heard of a Distracticon before. We'll keep on the lookout for any suspicious robots. And we're going to make sure this troublemaker never escapes again." He pulled a pair of handcuffs and placed them on Leroy's wrist. ." Then he noticed Contrinus and looked at her with surprise and concern, "Who or what is this?"

Contrinus opened her beck to reply when Draco interjected, "Actually, that's a funny story. About three days ago, an escape pod crash landed on the island. Contrinus here was inside. She had total amnesia; all she could remember were her name and her powers. The escape pod self-destructed not long after that, so we never had a chance to look at it properly. We know we should have called the GA, but we felt that a more quiet atmosphere and approach is needed to help restore her memory. You don't have to worry, all she can do is heal people, mess with nerve points, and conjure firelight."

Gantu shrugged and said, "Fair enough. I understand your preference to gentler treatment in this situation. I went through that myself when Ploot knocked a palm tree on my head. Well, I better be going, this fugitive has been out of jail long enough."

"Perhaps you could visit us soon," said Angelilo.

Gantu smiled down at her and said, "If I have a day-off, I'll try to see if I can."

As Gantu took Leroy into the ship, Contrinus whispered to Draco, "Why did you stand in for me?"

"For two reasons," whispered Draco, "Number one, I don't think the Council would believe that Jumba didn't create you. Number two, there are some people who don't approve of artificial beings like us. They don't know anything about you yet, so it's a chance to be accepted as a natural being, rather than be treated as a 'trog' like us." Contrinus gave Draco a thoughtful and thankful look and continued on watching Gantu's ship take off, allowing him to take her arm.

When the group returned back to the house, Nani, David, Jumba, and Pleakley were all waiting for them. "Wonderful," said Jumba, "You have returned victorious."

"Yep," said Draco, "We kicked Soundwave's skidplate, sent Leroy back to jail, and got Angelilo back."

"I think this calls for a celebration," said Pleakley, "I'll go whip up a special dinner."

"While we're in the mood for celebration," said David, "We've got something to say."

"We've got big news," said Nani, "Angelilo, you're going to be an aunt. We're having a baby."

Everyone then applauded for them and Morph said, "Muzzle top."

Chip poked Morph in the back of the head and said, "First off, it's 'mazel tov'. Second, none of us are Jewish. But he's right, congratulations! I bet the next nine months will be full of happiness. Morning sickness, irregular cravings, and wild mood swings too, but happiness none the less."

"True, but we'll get through," said Nani, "but that's hardly the worst of what we'll expect. The women in the Pelekai family get incredible hand strength during pregnancy. I remember one time my Aunt Lily actually partially crushed a drain pipe when she got pregnant."

"Is that a fact?" said David, slightly nervously. He had been holding her hand until then, but he slowly removed it from her grasp.

As the others gave Nani and David their congratulations, Angelilo stood next to Stitch. "Do they give you any thoughts?" asked Angelilo.

"Actually, yes," said Stitch, "some pretty funny ones."

"I meant about us," said Angelilo pointedly.

"Oh," said Stitch, "Well, we're kinda young for that aren't we?"

"Obviously," said Angelilo.

"There's also a matter of whether we're actually capable of that."

"That's yet to be proven or disproved."

"And I'm not certain if I'm paternal material," said Stitch.

"Are you kidding?" said Angelilo, "You're one of the most rational, bravest, kindest, and caring people that I know. I couldn't think of anyone more fit for fatherhood than you."

"Maybe," said Stitch, "and I know your kindness, gentleness, and incredible ability to understand other people different from you makes you perfect mother material."

"So you think we could have a family in the future?" asked Angelilo.

"The future will tell," said Stitch and he kissed her brow.

"How about a little lower?" said Angelilo. Stitch grinned and kissed her on the lips.

Contrinus was watching this and nodded with satisfaction. But then Contrinus went into another room. It was simply a hall closet for various cleaning supplies. When she was certain was watching or capable of watching, she removed an object from her belt. It looked like a standard holographic projector, only it was more intricately designed. She placed the item on the floor and pressed the button on the side. From the top of the device came a light quickly flattened into a screen. The screen showed three figures, shrouded in cloaks. Evidentially, this device served as a holographic two-way communicator. The cloaked figure on the left spoke in a deep voice, "You have done well with you mission, Contrinus."

Contrinus bowed her head and said, "Thank you, sir."

"However, you could have done it with a bit more anonymousness," said the figure on the right with a feminine voice.

"It was the only way to make sure that she would be rescued before she was completely corrupted," said Contrinus.

"And there's the issue about 6-2-8," said the figure on the left.

The feminine figure turned to the one who spoke and said, "Must we really refer to him by number? We refer to the others by name."

The figure grunted and said, "Fine. As for Draco, you are getting too close to him."

"But he saved my life," protested Contrinus.

"Still, your… relationship with him might jeopardize your duty. You are here to watch over Angelilo. She is the most important being in this."

"Have I not been sent here to preserve the love between her and Stitch?" said Contrinus abruptly, "Isn't this whole thing about love? We seek protect Angelilo so she will be able to fulfill her destiny, but isn't it the ultimate preservation of peace and love the main goal for this? So why must my love with Draco be forbidden?"

The figure on the left was about to reply but the figure in the center, who has been silent this entire time, lifted his hand to silence him. Then he spoke with a voice slightly higher than the other, "You are right, Contrinus. Love is what this is all about. And Angelilo's bond with Stitch is indicated to be necessary in times to come. So it would hypocritical of us to forbid you a love life of your own."

Contrinus smiled and said, "Thank you, sir. I…"

"But," interrupted the figure, "in the long term, your relationship is not as crucial as hers. So while your own love is not forbidden, it must not interfere with the mission. At any cost."

Contrinus bowed her head and said, "I understand, sir." And the holographic communicator turned off. Contrinus sighed and picked up the device, "I hope it will never have to come to that." Then she put the device away and left the closet.

And there's the final chapter. I hope you've enjoyed the changes I've made from my previous version of this story. Since the few reviews I've had were positive, I'm going to assume that this story has been more accepted than the last one. It certainly has less plot holes in it. I am willing to try to write another story for this continuity, if you reviewers want me to. Since I won't be starting on it till next Feburary, there's plenty of time to decide whether you want me to continue or not. Please review.