This is sort of a sequel to my last story, Caught in the Act, in that it takes place about a month later where my previous story left off, and will include my original character from that story, Gestapo Captain Friedrich Wagner. But you shouldn't need to read that story to understand this one.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Hogan's Heroes characters.
The operation had gone off without a hitch; bomb a train full of ammunition headed towards Berlin. Carter had set the explosives, Newkirk had helped place them on the track, and Hogan himself got the honors this time to manually plunge the detonator. And oh, what a sight!
That's one train that won't be reaching its destination, or the Earth, for that matter, any time soon! Hogan thought, mentally trying to think of some way to congratulate his men on a job well done. Maybe I'll let them go into town this weekend…I know Newkirk in particular could use some time spent in the company of a pretty Fraulein.
They were headed back to camp, when they came upon an area that Hogan didn't remember from their trip out to the railroad tracks. There was a large pond in front of them, frozen over, and he knew they hadn't crossed it before. Something about it didn't seem right, so he told his crew to hold up for a moment.
"Carter," he said, keeping his voice low in case any German patrols might be nearby, "I don't remember this pond. You sure you know where you're going?"
"Uh, yeah, Colonel," Carter responded, not sounding sure at all. "I think it's this way," he said, pointing towards the other side of the pond.
Newkirk rolled his eyes. "Andrew, 'ave you got us bleedin' lost again?" He asked the Sergeant, wondering how the man could be so good with explosives, and so bad with directions!
Carter looked at him, embarrassed and annoyed at the same time. "No, I'm not lost! I know it's this way!" He answered defensively. At least, I hope so! He thought to himself.
"Well," Hogan said, looking at the frozen surface, "It should be all right to cross. I'll go first, and the rest of you can follow me."
Hogan started across, trying to test each step before he put all of his weight on it. He was just over halfway when suddenly the ice started to crack, splintering in every direction. He wasn't sure which way to move, when he heard someone yell, "Colonel, look out!" and felt hands shoving him from behind. He went flying forward to safety, just in time to hear a loud, "Crraackk!" Hogan got to his feet, turned around, and looked into Newkirk's frightened eyes a split second before the Corporal plunged into the icy water.
"Newkirk!" he shouted, the German patrols suddenly forgotten. He started scrambling for the opening in the pond where Newkirk had disappeared. "Carter!" he yelled, "Help me get Newkirk out of there!"
Carter was standing there in shock, trying to comprehend what just happened, when he heard the Colonel yelling at him to help him rescue Newkirk. He started to inch his way across the pond, aiming for the gaping hole in the middle. Just then they both noticed Newkirk's head bobbing above the water, gasping for breath.
Newkirk wasn't thinking very clearly. He certainly hadn't intended to fall through the ice when he pushed the Colonel to safety. The frigid depths of the water felt like a thousand knives stabbing him at once. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, and his heart felt like someone had put a clamp around it, trying to prevent it from beating. He finally broke the surface and inhaled a welcome breath of air.
Hogan moved closer until he could reach out and grab Newkirk's hand. "Here!" he cried out, "Grab hold of me, I'll get you out of there!"
Newkirk looked around, as well as he was able, and saw Hogan reaching toward him. He grabbed onto his hand, willing himself to hang on.
Hogan started pulling and sliding backwards, slowly bringing Newkirk up unto the ice and closer to dry land. Carter, in the meantime, had seen what Hogan was doing. He scooted across the ice, as fast as he dared, giving the break a wide berth. Hogan inched back, Newkirk in tow, until he felt his feet start to hit dirt. Just then Carter caught up with him, and together they dragged Newkirk onto the frozen ground.
"Newkirk!" Hogan called out, leaning in close, "Newkirk, are you okay?"
Newkirk's eyes fluttered open. "C'Colonel, sssoo c'cold…" was all he could manage between his chattering teeth. His body started to shake uncontrollably, and his eyelids were closing again.
"We have to get him someplace warm, fast!" Hogan exclaimed, "Carter, we should be close to the tunnel entrance. Here, help me!" He gestured to Carter to help him get Newkirk to his feet.
The two of them hoisted Newkirk up; arms around his waist, putting Newkirk's arms around their shoulders. They were trying to keep him conscious, but Newkirk appeared to be struggling; managing to open his eyes briefly, trying to walk; then going almost limp.
It took them several minutes to reach the entrance of the emergency tunnel, Carter finally remembering where it was. Hogan had Carter descend first, to help support Newkirk as he helped him onto the ladder. They managed to get him to the bottom, and Newkirk finally collapsed.
Private Schmidt trod through the woods, going over the same area he had been patrolling for the last three hours. He was cold and bored, and couldn't wait for his shift to be over. I don't know why Colonel Klink makes us do this, he thought to himself, frustrated, there's never been an escape from Stalag thirteen, anyway! But he stuck to the path that he was supposed to follow, not willing to risk getting into trouble. He knew all too well what happened when orders were not followed.
Suddenly he heard an explosion off in the distance, and turned just in time to see a flash briefly light up the sky. Private Schmidt stood there for a moment, unsure whether to investigate what he'd seen, or stick to his regular patrol. After careful deliberation, he decided he better just do his duty; he didn't want to get accused of abandoning his post!
He continued his trek through the woods, wishing once more that Corporal Molz would appear soon to relieve him, when he heard a loud splash, followed by someone yelling. He couldn't make out the words, but the voice was very familiar. He started in the direction of the noise, moving as quickly and quietly as possible, and soon came upon a frozen pond which had a large hole in the ice about midway across. It appeared that something, or more likely someone, had recently fallen through. He suddenly realized whose voice he'd heard earlier and his eyes widened in surprise…it was Colonel Hogan's!
Newkirk was shivering violently. He couldn't seem to think straight, and he felt so incredibly tired. He heard someone talking to him, but he didn't have the energy to answer. Just let me sleep…
"Newkirk! Newkirk, wake up! Newkirk, can you hear me?" Hogan was crouched over the Corporal, trying desperately to rouse him, without much success. He looked up at Carter and shouted, "Get some help!"
"Yes sir!" Carter responded, and was already turning to head down the tunnel when he heard Hogan add, "And get Sergeant Wilson!"
Carter ran as fast as he could through the tunnel, quickly reaching the main section that was directly below their barracks. He saw Kinch sitting at the table near the ladder that led up to the hidden entrance under the bunk. Kinch was monitoring the radio, and looked up when Carter appeared.
"Kinch!" Carter called out, "We need help…it's Newkirk!"
"What happened?" Kinch asked, jumping up from his seat and removing his headphones.
"He fell through some ice," Carter answered, breathing hard. "We got him into the tunnel…Colonel Hogan's trying to get him up…"
Kinch was already hurrying down the tunnel to help Colonel Hogan with Newkirk. He called back, "Go get Louis, and bring some blankets down here, fast!"
"I'm going to get Wilson, too!" Carter shouted, and practically leaped up the ladder into barracks two.
Newkirk was trying to sleep, but there was an insistent, nagging voice preventing him from falling into blissful unconsciousness. He tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't stop. Finally he opened his eyes, and saw Colonel Hogan leaning over him, talking to him urgently, and he tried to force himself to listen.
Hogan breathed a sigh of relief; Newkirk was awake! "Hey, Newkirk, it's time to get up, now. We've got to get back to the barracks." Hogan leaned down and slid his arm behind the Corporal's shoulders. He started to pull him to a sitting position, when Newkirk's eyes blinked several times, and then closed once again.
Oh, no you don't! Hogan kept tugging at him, trying to get him to sit up. "C'mon, Newkirk," Hogan barked, worry etched across his face, "Stay with me! Get on your feet, Corporal!"
Newkirk grudgingly opened his eyes. He was aware that Hogan was trying to help him; could hear his voice telling him - no, ordering him - to get up. He started struggling to get to his feet, but couldn't seem to get his legs to cooperate. Not to mention he was soaking wet, which just added to his difficulty.
Just then Hogan looked up and saw Kinch running towards them. He called out, "Kinch! Help me get Newkirk into the main tunnel!"
Kinch came up to them and, without hesitation, leaned down and grabbed Newkirk; pulling him to his feet in one swift motion. He stood on Newkirk's left side, and put his arm around him, while Hogan grabbed him from the right. Together they half-dragged, half-carried Newkirk to the main tunnel area.
When they got there, Carter and Lebeau had just climbed down, carrying several blankets. Sergeant Wilson was with them, and he quickly approached, motioning for Hogan to give him a hand. Kinch held onto Newkirk while Hogan and Wilson quickly stripped him of his soaking-wet uniform. LeBeau had also brought a clean, dry uniform of Newkirk's, which they helped him put on, and then wrapped him in the blankets. Kinch guided him to a bench along the tunnel wall. He sat Newkirk down and plopped next to him to help keep him steady.
Wilson bent over Newkirk to check him out. He was groggy and shaking uncontrollably. His skin was extremely pale, and his heartbeat sluggish. Wilson knew right away what that meant. He turned to Hogan and said, "Colonel, he's got hypothermia. We need to get him upstairs and into bed, and warm him up as quickly as possible."
"All right," Hogan replied, "We'll put him in my quarters; it should be a little warmer in there." Not by much, Hogan knew. They weren't allowed to use the stove at night, and the temperature was below freezing outside. He went over to Newkirk and, grabbing one side while Kinch grabbed the other, pulled Newkirk up and helped him to the ladder. They managed to get him up top and into Hogan's office.
When they got there, Wilson glanced at the bottom bunk, and then back at Hogan. "I'm guessing that's where you want to put him." He stated. He saw Hogan nod, and continued, "Okay, we need a few more blankets to use as insulation between Newkirk and the wall. I want him on his side, back up against the blankets. Colonel, someone needs to crawl in there with him; body heat is the only thing that's gonna save him." Wilson said in his most serious voice.
"I figured as much," Hogan replied, knowing how serious this was. "I'll do it." He still felt responsible for what had happened out there on the pond. Maybe if he had moved faster, instead of standing there watching the cracks in the ice radiating out from under his feet, Newkirk wouldn't have felt compelled to shove him to safety, and fallen in himself.
Lebeau had gone to get a few more blankets; the most that could be spared. While Kinch and Wilson positioned Newkirk on the bunk, Lebeau and Carter wedged the extra blankets between him and the wall. Newkirk was shaking so much that he was making the bunk rattle. His eyes were closing, and he had a pained expression on his face, which made Hogan feel even worse.
"All right, good job guys," Wilson said, motioning everyone except Hogan to the door. When they had left, the Sergeant turned to Hogan. "Okay, Colonel," he moved over to the bunk and held up the blankets that were to cover them both, "Get in here."
Hogan climbed into the bunk and slid up next to Newkirk. He lay on his left side, facing the Corporal. He wrapped his arms around him, drawing him close, and Wilson placed the blankets over them both, tucking one edge in behind Newkirk.
"Now stay like that until morning, and he just might make it." Wilson told Hogan, and then quietly left the office, shutting the door behind him.
The first thing Hogan noticed was how cool Newkirk was to the touch. He began to rub his hand up and down Newkirk's back, hoping it might help him warm up faster. You've got to make it, Newkirk; he thought to himself, I need you! Who else can open a safe like you? He smiled, and then grew serious. Besides, the other fellas wouldn't forgive me if something happened to you, would they? And, to be honest, I'd never forgive myself…
Newkirk's shaking brought Hogan quickly out of his reverie. He was holding the other man tightly against him, willing his body heat to radiate into him, desperately hoping to raise Newkirk's temperature. He lay there for a while, periodically running his hand up and down Newkirk's back, when he began to notice that the shaking had subsided somewhat. He looked at Newkirk's face, and to his surprise, saw a pair of green eyes looking back at him.
"Colonel, is that you?" a soft, cockney-accented voice asked.
Hogan, overjoyed to hear him speak, exclaimed, "Newkirk! You're awake! I thought we'd almost lost you there for a while!"
Newkirk smiled, "Oh, Colonel, you know you can't get rid of me that bloody easy!" he replied. "Say," he added, suddenly aware of where he was, and his close contact with Hogan, "This is a bit of a compromisin' position we're in, isn't it, sir?"
"I'm just here to keep you from freezing to death," Hogan answered, smiling back at him, "Doctor's orders."
Newkirk yawned. He was very tired and just wanted to sleep. He still felt cold, but now it was more like the cold that he felt after an hour of standing outside during roll call in the middle of winter. He looked at Hogan, eyelids drooping, and mumbled, "Well, if its doctor's orders…" Newkirk yawned again, and then his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep, absently sliding his arm around Hogan's waist. Hogan watched him for a few moments, then closed his own eyes and eventually let sleep take him as well.