Chapter 4:

It might seem confusing but all works out ^^

disclaimer: I don't own anything from HP! The song used in the previous chapter was Thinking of You by Katy Perry, I don't own that either ^^


It was the first thing that my mind registered when my eyes opened. My trembling hand ghosts over the blanket where Harry's body should have been. Then, when i felt nothing but the cold sheet, everything started to tremble. I sat up in bed looking at nothing in particular. Then I noticed that it wasn't the world that trembled but my whole body. It shook in tremors as my skin covered in goosebumbs from the cold early morning air. I stared at the door where Harry had come bursting into the night before, then i looked down at my hands. They were clutched into fists as I brought them to my face. I pressed my hands against my face wishing to feel the soft skin they touched yesterday night. Then everything came back into my mind. The way he murmured my name, the way he felt underneath me, the way he gasped and moaned when i touched him. What i remembered vividly, though, was the way his eyes burned with fire. Those eyes consummed me. They were filled with lust, anger, fear amongst others which fueled the fire in his eyes.

His eyes.

If I looked back on the many years i spent in that old castle I can vaguely recall the noise of rushing feet, the smell of spilt ink and old paper, the constant black on the students clothes. I can recall without any fault, though, those green eyes that glared at me from across the great hall, those green eyes that filled with mischief during a quiditch match, those green eyes brimming with anger as we fought.

« Draco . . . » a voice said breaking the still silence in the room. I opened my closed eyes, my head turning towards the voice.

Those green eyes were looking at me . . . with something i've been longing to see.

« You're crying. »

I looked down at my hands, and felt another tear roll down my right cheek and fall into my palm. Then a hand made it's way to my face covering my eyes.

« What are you thinking about? » His voice whispered from behind me, into my left ear. His warm breath washed over my body sending a shiver up my spine.

« You. » I sighed as soft lips touched my skin and kissed their way from my ear to the back of my neck. I felt those same lips smile into my skin as his hand moved across my chest and over my heart where his palm rested against my beating heart.

« Mine » He whispered. That's when I knew that nothing else mattered. That somehow everything was all right again.

« Forever » I said. The last thing either of us would say or hear for the next few hours leaving the food Harry had brought up to spoil and chill because we knew that neither of us, was going to wake up alone and cold.


Well i hope you liked it ^^

I'm pretty sure this story could be more detailed and have many twists but i wanted to write something simple. I'm not used to writing something long ^^"

But i will write something quite long soon ^^
