Introductory GAME

.: Prologue :.

The two figures faced each other, black and white amongst the navy sky.

White stood casually, with an aura of confidence and superiority. This was emphasized by the mischievous smile painted on his face, most of which was hidden by the top hat over his monocle. He was both illuminated and given quite a surreal impression by the pale moon behind him, the calm wind playfully ruffling his cape to the east. The way he stood, hands in pockets and body language assertive, it seemed as if he knew and was the one who planned this impromptu meeting.

On the other hand, the second visitor seemed to be the complete opposite of the white one. He did not have the moon to his back, and his dark, slightly tight-fitting yet comfortable clothes blended seamlessly into the night sky which framed his presence. The staring competition was unobstructed even when his deep russet red hair brushed past his face and emerald eyes thanks to his hair being blown about by the breeze.

Suddenly, the white's eyes fleetingly flickered away towards the rooftop behind them, and black did not pay attention to the soft footsteps heard behind him. A look of recognition flew above white's poker face, and he involuntarily took a sharp breath. Long fingers curved around the brim of his hat and pulled it further down, either as a safety measure or to aid the recovery of the shock accidentally slipping past his barriers.

Gritting his teeth, white had tensed up by now and his left hand twitched. By the way his lower lip vibrated, he had hissed through his teeth, impossible for the black to lip-read and stolen by passing zephyrs. It would've been quite disconcerting to a random passerby - all parts of the phantom thief screaming out anger and hatred, yet blue sapphire eyes remaining unaffected - not the image typically shown to the general public. Those eyes closed for a brief instant, and upon opening white's emotions had seemingly gone and disappeared, leaving only a blank shell.

Black did not think much of this at all, simply standing there and revealing himself to be the one originally in charge of the situation, no matter how much the other decided to pretend differently. Sharp eyes pierced the misty night and he smiled triumphantly.

The sound of a shot rang through the air.

He quickly turned at this moment, intent on welcoming the newest guest to his party, the way a genuine host would. White, however, decided to cut in before him.

"What are you doing here, Snake?"

Black's eyes brightened suddenly, another idea forming in his mind and grinned - an open and honest grin - to the one situated on the other rooftop.

"Ah...Snake, is it? Is that what they're calling you now?" Kudo Shinichi's eyes narrowed disapprovingly. "Since our greetings have now been exchanged, however, I'm afraid I have been asked to eliminate you from the Organisation."

Gwah hah hah hah!..Had this written ages ago. Didn't publish it. Updates most likely will be slooow. Blah, some of these sentences don't flow right. Tch.