For a Disclaimer, see the previous chapter.

Five - Teen Proofing, part two.

Kaito snickered as he slid open his window.

Summer air leaked in, and he sniffed the pleasant aroma.

Nobu laughed from a few yards away.

"Come on, Kaito!" he hissed, trying to keep quiet.

Kaito rolled his eyes and whispered back, "Shut up, I'm coming!"

Kaito expertly maneuvered out of his open window, pulling out a shuriken and flicking it into the sill so it would stay. Then slowly, Kaito pulled the window down, making sure it was propped up by the shuriken in a comfortable position.

When this was done, Kaito went to Nobu, and the two of them ran like hell toward town.


"Ah," sighed Kaito, grinning happily as he slouched in his chair.

Nobu looked at him stupidly, his dark eyes dancing.

"So, how many more of these do you think we can drink before we pass out?" inquired Nobu, his words slurring together.

Kaito eyed the liquor and snorted, somehow finding it amusing.(1)

"Maybe like, seven," he answered, licking his lips.

"Hm. Seven," mused Nobu.



"Hey! Nobu!"

"I said 'What?'!"

"Oh. How much trouble do you think we're going to be in?"

Nobu smiled.

"A lot. Your mom's gonna be PISSED!"

Kaito grimaced.

"Maybe we should go home. . ." said Kaito, sounding unsure.

"No, no. Stay for one more. One more and we'll go home."

Kaito nodded and reached for another cup of overflowing sake.


Kaito awoke to loud noises.

He noticed vaguely that he was, in fact, in his bed.

Good, he thought, relieved.

"KAITO!" came the muffled sound of his mother's voice through the door.

Kaito blocked his ears, placing his hands over his hears.

So loud!

More pounding.

Kaito attempted to stand a little quickly and the beginnings of a headache started in his brain.

He groaned but stumbled over to the door, unlocking it.

His mother was standing there, looking furious.

However, before she could say anything, his father touched her shoulder, telling her to let him take care of this.

Kaito moved backwards, not wanting to face his father's wrath, which was much more fierce than anything his mother could produce.

Neji shut the door behind him, much to TenTen's silent protests.

Neji eyed his son who looked petrified, hugging the wall.

Taking in his rugged visage, Neji noted the dilated eyes and general not-all-thereness.

Kaito grimaced, as if he could read his father's mind.

Neji stepped forward and stared his son in the eyes.

"Now that you've had your fun, don't do it again. I hate doing damage control on your mother."

And Neji held out ten dollars to his son.

"Bribes?" Kaito questioned quietly.

Neji raised an eyebrow but left.

Kaito wondered how his father had figured it out and why he wasn't angry.

Possessed by this, Kaito absently pocketed the money and sat on his bed, thinking.

"My dad is so cool. . ." Kaito said, this profound thought leaving his mouth truthfully. "Too bad he's a sucker though."

Kaito and Nobu got drunk again two weeks later and suffered much more severe consequences.

(1) My friend freshpaint informed me that Kaito's name also means "sake dipper". She then suggested this. :D

Ha. You've just got to laugh a little at that.

So, we're done guys! Yay! This has been fun! :D

And now that I'm done with this, I can start a new one-shot series. Be on the lookout for it; it's titled, "Kimonos".


Thanks for all the reviews and I'll be seeing you guys soon!
