iFound This!

"Carly, Carly?!" Spencer screamed from Carly's room. He was only in there looking for old things for his next art sculpture.

Carly quickly ran into the room. "What?"

He brought out something that was familiar to her.

Her eyes widen and mouthed dropped. "Uh," She couldn't believe he found it. "That's not mine!" She pointed.

"Then who's is it?"

It was indeed hers, but he didn't have to know that, so she made up a lie. "It's Sam's!"

He looked confused. "Why would she leave this here?" He gave a slight chuckle. "She might wanna use it."

She shrugged and ran out of the room. He followed.

"Carly, we need to have a talk?"

She turned around in the kitchen and rolled her eyes. "Ugh!"

"You're lying, aren't you?"

"It is Sam's! Why don't you trust me?!" She said as Sam let herself in.

"What is mine?" Sam wondered.

Spencer walked to her with one hand behind his back.

"Hi, Spence! So what in the heck is going on?"

"Well," he paused and showed her what was in his hand. "Is this yours?"

She tried not to laugh. "Well, no. I mean, I always wanted one but they're too expensive." She said, seriously.

Carly jumped in. "Sam, remember? You left it here." She winked at her, nervously.

"Carly, I do not know what you're talking about." She was confused. "Besides, why would I leave it here. I'd use it for my own entertainment only."

"That's what I said." Spencer agreed.

"Wait, Carls, it's yours?" She asked.

Carly looked down at her shoes and mumbled to herself, "Aw, man!"

"Yep. I think we've need to find you a man!" Sam said, seriously as she tried to comfort her best friend.

Spencer walked to her and patted her on the back. "It's okay, little sis. Everyone tries it at least in their lifetime." he explained. "You're not the only one."

About one minute later, someone knocked. Spencer opened the door and asked, "Freddie, is this yours?" just as a joke.

He looked at Spencer, confused. "Um, no. Why would it be?" he asked. "Well, I was gonna come over, but now I changed my mind. See ya." He walked back into his apartment, wondering, "What the hell?!"

-The end-