Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing except the plot that has been trying to escape my mind for weeks. The rest belongs to Rowling en Tolkien.

This is my first story ever, and I'm in this to get my creative energy out. And to learn of course so feedback is very much appreciated.

Chapter 1: Worthy

Harry ran. The only thing he could see at this moment were flashes of trees and sometimes dark shadows of the death eaters that were following them. He could hear his own heart pounding in his ears.

They had been running for Merlin knows how long.


"Are you sure this is the last one, Harry" Ron asked. "I am Ron, as sure as I can be" Hermione turned around from the wall she had been looking at. "I think I found something" Harry and Ron turned to her and started scrutinising the patch of wall Hermione had been looking at. "I don't see anything" "Oh honestly Ronald, you should not look at the wall but at the magic covering the wall" Ron cast a magic sight spell and gasped at the myriad of dark colours revealed to him.

"Bloody hell, I think we found it". Harry looked at him incredulously "No really, Ronald". "You don't have to mock me you know" Ron shot back grumpily but with humour in his eyes. "Oh honestly, boys" Hermione scolded them both as she started on the to dismantle the spells on the wall.

Once they got past the traps layered in the spells on the wall, getting to the horcrux had been surprisingly easy, there were no further traps or hidden enemies. They soon found out why.

As soon as Harry touched the horcrux, death eaters started apparating in. The trio tried to apparate out but the wards were set to only let those with dark marks past them.

"Distract them long enough for me to destroy the horcrux" Harry's tone changing to that of a leader. Hermoine and Ron did as they were told and started to fire curses at their enemies, while trying to shield Harry.

Harry meanwhile was trying to figure out how to destroy the soul-container. A memory suddenly popped into his head. "This is a few drops of basilisk venom, Potter. Do not, and I repeat do not waste it!" Moody had given it to him just before grimmould place had been destroyed, how could he have forgotten.

Swiftly fishing the small flask out of one of his numerous pockets he smashed the bottle on the horcrux.

Ravenclaw's tiara was no more.

The trio having done what they came for, escaped trough the place they came from, the wall.

They ran.

End flashback

Turning his head a bit he saw that Hermione was still following him, Ron was a bit ahead of them.

Just as Harry thought they were loosing their deadly followers a death eater jumped from behind a tree, but Ron reacted fast and shot him down with a well placed bludgeoning hex.

They kept on running even though all three of them were nearing the end of their strengths.

Suddenly he heard a scream. Turning his head a bit he saw what he most feared at this moment. He saw Hermione being shot down by a blasting curse.

"Mione" Harry cried. He stopped and ran to her. Even as he did this he heard Ron screaming his name. The only thing that saved his life at that moment was the heavy training he and his two best friends had undergone the past few months. He ducked, rolled, sprang up and fired two confringo curses towards the place he had felt the spells coming from.

Harry heard Ron giving a scream as he found out that Hermione was dead. The blasting curse had hit the main artery trough her stomach. Harry dared not to look at her even as tears ran down his face. He shot more curses at the death eaters that were now coming closer.

He ducked a few curses and threw a shield up. He tried to give Ron some time to pay his respects to the girl his heart belonged to. His shield fell under heavy spellfire. The same moment Ron had come to stand beside him. Ron immediately fired some curses. They looked at each other and a look of understanding passes between them. If they were going to die they would at least do it standing and they would take as many of the bastards with them as they could.

"For Hermione, for my love" Ron said to Harry. Harry for the first time looked behind him as Ron fired more curses towards the death eaters. "For my sister" he whispered. More tears sprung in his eyes but he held them back and a hard look came over his face. He turned back to the fight, drew his sword, the rubies of the sword of Gryffindor glinting in the last rays of the sun as he charged the death eaters. Heedless of the curses flying towards him he attacked the death eaters and blinded by the loss of the sister of his heart he fought with a vengeance. Ron fought beside him, lost in the same rage at the loss of his love.

They had been fighting for a while as suddenly the fighting ceased. The dark lord had come.

Harry turned around and looked at his enemy, the one who robbed him of his childhood, his parents, his family, his friends and his life. He looked towards the one he was supposed to destroy. Rage filled him. This was the person, no monster who killed hundreds of people, the monster who destroyed thousands of lives, if not more. Their whole world was falling apart and just because of one person who believed he was better than every one else.

Both Harry and Voldemort looked at each other for a moment.

Just a second, nothing more and nothing less, before Harry fired a cutting curse at the darkest lord perhaps ever known in this world. Voldemort ducked the curse and fired a cruciatus curse. Harry spent from running and fighting wasn't fast enough and got hit with the brunt of the spell. His nerve endings were on fire and it felt like is bones were being broken and healed and broken again. It felt like someone was ripping his body in two. Until finally it ended. Harry coughed up some blood, he hadn't even noticed he had been screaming his throat raw.

Voldemort came to stand near his head and looked down on him. "Are you afraid little Harry, you should be, because you're death is staring you in the eyes" he taunted. Harry looked towards Ron who had been captured by a death eater who he thought was Lucius Malfoy.

Ron's eyes looked pained, he looked like all the fight had left him. And still there was this little spark of underlying rage in his eyes. Harry turned his head back towards his enemy.

"At least I do not fear death" he said as calmly as one would order a cup of coffee. Voldemort's face grimaced in rage and he shot another cruciatus curse at Harry. But Harry had seen this one coming and rolled out of the way. It hit the ground were he moments before had been laying.

With his last strength he heaved himself up and started chanting a spell he and Hermione had been working on for the last months. At first it was intelligible to any except Ron who understood what Harry was doing. His face became a ghostly pale, and he cried for Harry to stop. But Harry didn't, he couldn't, once the spell was started he couldn't stop.

Ron knew that once Harry had finished the spell he would probably never see his friend again. Not even in the afterlife. The spell required a sacrifice, a participant who was willing to face the same judgment as the one the spell was intended for. Ron knew there was nothing he could do for his friend now, But he did know that he could at least make sure that Harry got the time to finish it.

Ron pulled himself loose from the grip Lucius Malfoy had on him, and elbowed him in the face. He heard the satisfying crunch of the bones in Malfoy's nose of breaking. Without looking he gave a kick to the side and hit a unsuspecting death eater standing beside him.

At the same time Voldemort was distracted by Ron's little escapade Harry had reached the crescendo of his spell. He screamed "thy memories that lost in pain will be yours to regain, for all that's lost but not forgotten you will pay till eternity" in to the now dark night air.

Wind started to swirl around him and Voldemort. The ground shook, and there were holes starting to form in the ground. It started raining, and still the wind held them captive. A lighting bolt lit up the forest clearing they where in and hit the ground. A few death eaters were wounded or killed by it. All lost their hearing for at least a moment. Harry looked towards Ron who had been heavily wounded when he tried to buy Harry some time.

"It was an honor to fight beside you" Harry said even though he knew Ron could not hear him trough the noise of the wind and the commotion around them. But Ron had understood his brother anyway and nodded. "It is an honor to die beside you" He said to Harry and even though Harry also could not hear him he too understood and nodded back.

A fire had started , where the lighting had hit and unnoticed by anyone the four elements had gathered. Earth and water had joined the wind in circling around Harry and his enemy. Harry screamed and Voldemort screamed too as fire joined the circle around their bodies.

Harry felt his own magic joining in with the elements around him. He was in pain, his screams had long since became soundless and darkness was creeping in his vision. Until at last Harry James Potter closed his eyes to the world and disappeared never to be seen again by any that had known him until the end of the ages of the world.

Ron looked at the places his best friend and brother of more than 8 years and the enemy of is brother had been just moments before. He knew he would never see his brother again, just like he knew Voldemort would never walk this plain of living again. There was no way that he would be judged and not found lacking. He looked with his last strength around the clearing and saw that most of the death eaters had fled, those that were still there were either dead or dying, like him.

Ron looked one last time to the place Harry had disappeared, one last time to stars he was not sure he would ever see again. With is vision turning black he looked towards his love, and with that Ronald Billius Weasly closed his eyes to leave the land of the living and join his beloved in death.

Harry woke up, something he had not mere moments ago believed to ever be doing again. He was lying on the ground. As he stood up he noticed there was no pain at this movement and that his battle robes had disappeared leaving him clothed in white pants an a white tunic. 'Someone must love white' he thought. A rustling of sound made him turn around, but he felt not threatened. 14 beings stood before him. And even though he had never heard of them he knew who they were.

In the middle stood Manwë, the king, lord of air, wind and clouds. At his right side stood his wife, Queen of the Stars. At Manwë's left side stood his chief advisor Mandos, the judge of the Dead. Beside him stood Aulë, who is lord over the matter that composes Arda and a master of all the crafts that shape it. Next to him stood Oromë, The Huntsman of the Valar. Ulmo, Lord of Waters who was the chief architect of Arda came after him. Beside the Lord of waters stood Lórien the Master of Visions and Dreams and after him came Tulkas the Champion of Valinor.

At Varda's or as she was called by the Elves Elbereth's right side stood first Vairë the Weaver of the stories of the world and wife of Mandos. Second came Yavanna who was called the Giver of Fruits and spouse to Aulë. Third came Vána called the Ever-young, wife of Oromë. Beside her stood Nienna the Lady of Mercy who weeps constantly. Next came Estë, the Gentle and the healer of hurts and of weariness spouse to Lórien. And last came Nessa, the Dancer who's husband was Tulkas.

"Come forth" Manwë said to him, "and be judged."

Harry took two steps forward before his life started to flash before him.

Green light raced towards him as little Harry cried for his mother.

Little Harry cowered before his uncle as a fist started flying towards him.

Harry fighting with Quirrel, Harry fighting with the basilisk, Harry holding Sirius at wand point, Harry hugging Sirius, Sirius falling trough the veil, Harry shouting the cruciatus curse and Bellatrix laughing at him because he did not have enough hate. Harry fighting with Voldemort, The Triwizard Tournament, Ron and Hermione, his brother and sister, the good times and the bad times, more scenes came flying past his minds eye. Until finally his last fight with Voldemort en the spell that landed him here.

"You have been found worthy, child" Varda spoke to him. "A great warrior have you become" Oromë said. "And great pain have you suffered" Nienna added. Mandos stepped forth, he looked Harry in the eyes and said "You said a spell that was never meant to be spoken" Harry looked fearfully yet determined at him. "And yet it had to be done" he answered him. Mandos looked at him and it took a long while ere he spoke again. "Never again shall you walk as the mortal you once where, eternity you have asked for your enemy, so shall you too get eternity ".

Mandos left his place in front of Harry and it was taken by Estë, wife of Lórien. "Indeed, much have you suffered, yet a second chance shall you be given". As Mandos had done so now left Estë her place before Harry.

Alone Harry now stood before these 14 powerful beings, as Varda took the word. "A new beginning will start for the one who was once known as Harry James, from this day forward you shall be known as Elenion, Son of stars"

The last words he heard before his vision once again turned black where the words of Manwë "May we meet again Son of Destiny"

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it.

I'm Dutch so obviously my mother tongue is not English. And since word spell-check can only do so much I'm looking for a beta, so if anyone wants to volunteer let me know. Thanks.

Okay it took a hell of al lot of time to finally get this one up but i did it. Yeej. Anyway I will try to get the next one up fast but don't expect it al that fast.