First awakening, after a blast of white and screams and her father staring at her in horror.

The loss; friends, a father who would play with her, her health.

The gain? Powers to heal and powers to maim, constant seizures and never-ending pain.

Second awakening, after a blast of black and purple and screams and Sailor Moon staring at her in pity and love.

The loss; years of her life, her beloved saviour Chibiusa.

The gain? A father who loved her, the chance to start again and - at last! - no more pain.

Third awakening, after a blast of evil magic and screams and Sailors Neptune and Uranus staring at her in awe.

The loss; her father, her chance at normality.

The gain? Friends, more friends than ever before but not Chibiusa, stuck behind the Time Door.

Then Crystal Tokyo, a new life for everyone.

Crying, she brought down the Glaive.

All life.


This wasn't supposed to be a poem, until I saw that the first 'verse' (third paragraph as it was then) rhymed, then I thought "Why not?" and started trying to craft it into poetry. Rather fun. :)


x Maz x