I watched people bustle around, waiting for someone to notice me. Finally, the lady sitting behind the front desk waved me over.

"Can I help you, young lady?" she asked, looking down at the papers in front of her. I silently cleared my throat.

"I'm the new trainee nurse. I'm supposed to get a tour of the hospital today" I exclaimed, plucking at a loose string nervously.

"Oh. Oh! Yes, they told me you were coming. Let me call the head nurse, she'll give you your tour" the lady said then picked up the phone and pushed a number.

"Hello? MaryAnne? Your trainee is here. Yes. Alright" and she hung up the phone. "Take this hallway here then take a left. You'll see a coffee room on your right, go inside" then she turned back to her paperwork.

"Thank you for the help" I mumbled and hurried down the hall she pointed me down.

It wasn't long before I made it to the coffee room. A few nurses and one elder doctor were standing around, laughing and talking.

They stopped once they saw me standing there in the doorway.

"Are you the trainee?" a middle aged woman asked, stepping forward. She was heavy and had a serious look about her.

"Yes. I'm Lila Harrison" I said, stepping forward also to shake her hand. She gave me a tired smile.

"Welcome to Forks, darling. I'm MaryAnne, the Head Nurse" she exclaimed. I smiled weakly back.

"Thank you" I muttered.

"Shall we begin?" MaryAnne asked. I nodded and followed her out of the room.

It only took 20 minutes to take the tour of the small hospital. Even though it was small, I was amazed at how many people were running around.

"Right, that's about it. We can find Dr. Cullen now, the doctor you'll be working under" MaryAnne explained, running a hand over her face.

"Dr. Cullen? I thought I was to work under Dr. Green?" I asked, frowning.

She sighed. "People needed to be moved around. Moving on" and she lead the way back the way we came.

I brushed my caramel hair out of my face as I rushed after her. It didn't take long for me to catch up with her because of my long legs.

"Here we are. After you're done talking, go back to the front desk. See you tomorrow kid" and Maryanne walked off, leaving me standing in front of an office door.

I hesitantly knocked on the door. "Come in" a man's voice answered. I peeked inside the room.

A blond angel man was sitting behind a desk with golden eyes. He smiled at me and motioned me inside his office.

"Hello. I'm Lila Harrison, the new trainee. It's nice to meet you" I exclaimed, shaking his hand when I finally made it over to him. I glanced down at his hand. It was cold and he had a ring on.

I sighed quietly in relief. I'd been worried that I'd be put under some perverted doctor that was single or something.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm Carlisle Cullen" he said. I gave him a small smile. "Are you enjoying Forks so far?" he asked.

"Yes. I love the area, very green" I answered shyly, plucking at the string again.

We didn't talk for long. Dr. Cullen had a patient waiting for him.

I slowly walked back to the front desk, trying to memorize the halls. In the parking lot my dark blue car was waiting for me.

It was a five minute drive back to my new house. It was a small two-story house that was painted light blue. I'd fallen in love with it immediately when I had arrived two days ago.

I hurried inside and put a microwave pizza in the oven. I trotted upstairs into the master bedroom.

It wasn't a small room but not huge either. I grabbed some clothes out of a pile and took a quick shower.

As I brushed my caramel hair that went to my shoulder blades, I looked at myself. My blue eyes sparkled back at me. I glanced down at my long legs.

Being 5'10 had some advantages but not enough to make me happy about my height.

My body was slim and lean. My mother had told me years ago that hundreds of girls would kill to have my body. It was the perfect body to be a model for.

I shook my damp hair out around me and went back downstairs to get my pizza out. After a few minutes I was done eating.

I glanced around my empty kitchen. I needed to go shopping seriously.

It was getting dark as I pulled back out of my driveway. I looked around the town until I found the little store that I was at two days ago.

I gave a weak smile to the clerk and grabbed a cart. I roamed around the aisles, picking up things I needed.

All I needed was one more thing then I could leave. I glanced up at the tall shelf in front of me. For once I didn't think I could reach it.

My arm reached out for the can of soup but my fingers just was two inches below it.

"Here you go" someone said as a tan hand shot out to grab the can for me. I sighed in relief.

The big tanned hand put the can in my cart as my eyes went to my helper's face.

It was a big, brawny Indian man standing beside of me with shaggy black hair and intense dark brown eyes. My breathing stopping for a second.

The man froze too then a million emotions flashed in his eyes that I didn't catch any of them. He made a choking noise then cleared his throat.

"Hi" he breathed, putting out his hand for me to shake. I timidly reached out for it.

His big, rough hand was very warm. I'd guess around 105 degrees off of the top of my head.

"Hello" I mumbled back to him, pulling my hand back. He grinned and white teeth flashed.

"I'm Embry Call. I live in La Push, the reservation. Are you new around here? I've never seen you" he said in a rush, like he couldn't get the words out fast enough.

"Er, I just moved here from Seattle to work at the hospital. I'm Lila by the way" I said, leaning away from him a little as he leaned closer like he couldn't hear me.

"Really? That's, um, interesting. So, is there anything else I can get for you?" Embry asked, looking up and down the aisle.

"Could you get me one more can of soup?" I asked, staring into his beautiful eyes. Embry grinned like that was like the funniest thing ever.

"Of course" he exclaimed and reached up to get one for me. I stared as his muscles rippled just from the simple task. Wow, they sure don't make them like that in Seattle.

"Thank you. It was nice meeting you Embry" and I pushed my cart to the clerk.

"Embry! There you are. What have you been doing?" a guy's voice rang out. I glanced behind me.

Another bid Indian was standing beside Embry. They could have been brothers for all I knew.

Embry mumbled something to him then suddenly laughed, making me jump while I was in line.

"Congrats man! We are so having a party tonight!" the big Indian exclaimed, clapping him on the back.

I shook my head and helped the clerk bag my stuff up. I had six bags of food in each hand as I ran out to my car in the rain.

All in all, it was a interesting day.