Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, and never will be. This never happened, it's all fiction and I'm not making any money.


Sam's POV

The last day of school, the last five minutes of the most boring history class to ever grace the earth. The day seemed even longer, a life time almost, if one was going on a cross country road trip. The day would seem like millennia if one was going on a cross country road trip with their new girlfriend and alien robot friends. Five minutes in the last class of the day, on the last day of school would feel like an eternity if one was going cross country with his girlfriend and alien robot friends so that said aliens could hopefully find more of their robotic comrades.

Four minutes and counting, Sam watched the minute hand his eyes boring holes into the face of the clock. Still the minute hand refused to move any faster. How angry would his teacher be if he just got up and ran out the door? Better yet, how angry would Mikaela be?

Three minutes.

Sam turned to look behind him and saw Mikaela staring out the window with a soft smile playing on her lips. Sam followed her line of sight the best he could and there out in the student parking lot next to his 2009 Camero a massive C4500 black Topkick was idling, rather impatiently it seemed. Sam shook his head and glanced back at Mikaela who smiled wider. Turning back around Sam went back to staring at the clock.

One Minute.

Thirty Seconds.

Sam was outta there, with Mikaela close behind.

As soon as they were inside Bumblebee, music began pouring from his speakers,

School's out for summer

School's out forever

School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils

No more books

No more teachers dirty looks

Bumblebee shot out of the parking lot with Ironhide burning rubber to catch up.


Tranquility really was a very tranquil place, unless two Autobots decided to street race. Then things could become very un-tranquil. Bumblebee came to a skidding halt in front of Sam's house. Sam's white knuckled grip on the steering wheel loosened only with the promise of solid ground outside the driver's door. Mikaela was laughing hysterically as though she enjoyed the suicidal/homicidal robot's driving.

"Oh come on Sam, it wasn't that bad! But Bee next time you decide to race a train could you leave just a little more breathing room behind us, I think you lost some paint." Bumblebee played a sound byte of a train whistle, Mikaela laughed again and Sam curled into the fetal position.

"Come oh mighty Earth saving warrior, you told me you needed to pack." Mikaela mocked as she uncurled Sam from his current place on the ground. As Sam slowly uncoiled himself the loud roar of a diesel was heard as Ironhide barreled down the quiet suburban street. Ironhide screeched to a stop next to Bumblebee, his engine growling. Bumblebee revved his own engine and smoked his tires as he took off on another suicidal drive through the quiet streets of Tranquility with Ironhide hot on his trail.

"Optimus would flip if he knew what they were doing." Sam said, still a little shakily. He cringed as he watched them disappear around the next block and then looked at Mikaela, "Well, they should be able to entertain themselves while I get my crap together."

Mikaela rolled her eyes, "If your room is organized like it was the last time I saw it, we may need to postpone this entire trip." Sam glared at her and grumbling under his breath led the way into the house.

Despite Mikaela's pessimistic attitude Sam had his things packed and ready to go within an hour. When they emerged from the house Bumblebee and Ironhide had been joined by a silver hardtop Pontiac Solstice, the newly resurrected Jazz.

"'Sup, lil' dawgs!"

Mikaela walked over to the gleaming vehicle and gently patted the hood, "Nothin' much, how're you doing?"

"Jus' chillin' an' drivin' th' Hatchet crazy, ya' know th' usual." Jazz revved his engine, "so, ya' guys ready ta' go or what?"

"Yeah, we gotta stop by Mikaela's house so she can grab her things then we hit the road." Sam answered throwing his backpack and gym bag in Ironhide's bed.

"Fo'shizzle, I'll meet ya' over there." And with that Jazz sped off down the street towards Mikaela's house. Ironhide grumbled something about 'spastic droids' and, despite his previous race with Bumblebee, left in a calmer dignified manner.

Hey, Ho, Let's Go!

"Fine, Fine, we're coming. Sheesh you are so impatient." Sam climbed into the driver's side and Mikaela slid in next to him.

The current Autobot headquarters was stationed in Capt. Will Lennox's barn. Optimus was leaning against said barn when Bumblebee, Jazz, and Ironhide rolled up. Gracefully Optimus stood as his soldiers drove up the long drive. Sam and Mikaela waved at excitedly at Optimus, who returned the gesture with a kind smile. Ratchet appeared next to Optimus eyeing the other three Autobots carefully, "Everything is in order Optimus." Ratchet transformed and pulled alongside Jazz idling quietly. Optimus changed into his flame streaked Peterbilt, "Good, alright Autobots, Roll Out."


Several miles up in the cold darkness of space two pods drifted gracefully toward Earth. Dead as they may have looked inside each slept a life force that had been burning with a single minded purpose for millennia. They were undetectable to any human radar and once they woke they would stop at nothing to reach their goal.

A/N: I killed it, resurrected it, killed it again, and now it's back with two, almost three, brand new spiffy chapters packed with action.

Bad, bad, bad author I know, but I will finish this. I refuse to leave any story unfinished, not only does it drive me bonkers but it annoys readers as well. So, thank you, once again, for your reviews and for reading…again, lol.


'School's Out' - Alice Cooper

'Blitzkrieg Bop'- The Ramones (Thank You Virus16623)