A/N: Well, here it is, the sequel to Hello & Goodbye. I hope you enjoy it! As always, please read & review!!

Disclaimer: I own no part of this story except for the characters that I have created.

"Lucy. Time to get up. Luce! Come on, it's time to get up." Kevin called softly.

Lucy opened her eyes to see her husband, dressed in his uniform, leaning over her.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Come on, it's almost eight o'clock. You need to get up. Savannah's eating breakfast and Erin is still asleep. I need to leave for work or I'm going to be late." Kevin brushed a kiss across Lucy's forehead. "Come on, get up."

With a sigh, Lucy pushed back the covers and got out of bed. "Do you really have to leave for work right now?" she asked. "I feel like I never see you anymore. You've been working a lot of overtime recently."

"I know, Luce, and I'm sorry, but it can't be helped. Sergeant Michaels is gone, so that means that everyone has to work extra hours. There's no way I can get out of it. Look, as soon as Sergeant Michaels gets back, I'll take some time off and we can spend some time as a family, okay?"

"Okay. When is he supposed to get back?"

"I don't know. He's a witness in a case, so I guess whenever he's finished. It could be a little while." Seeing Lucy's look of disappointment, Kevin quickly added, "I'll try to get off early tonight, okay? I'll call and let you know. Now I've really got to get going or I'll be late." He gave Lucy a quick kiss goodbye then rushed out the door.

Lucy put her robe on then went into the kitchen to check on Savannah. She was still sitting at the table eating breakfast. Lucy quietly walked up behind her and covered Savannah's eyes with her hands. "Guess who?" she whispered in Savannah's ear.

Savannah smiled as reached up to cover Lucy's hands with her own. They had played this game ever since Savannah was a baby. "Mommy!" She said as she pulled Lucy's hands away from her eyes.

Lucy leaned down and kissed the top of her oldest daughter's head. "Are you done eating?" When Savannah nodded, Lucy continued, "Come sit on my bed and watch cartoons. I'm going to get a shower real quick. Okay?"

"Okay." Savannah replied as she climbed off her chair.

Lucy and Savannah went to Kevin and Lucy's bedroom, where Lucy turned on the TV to some cartoons. "Stay here, okay? I'll be done in a few minutes."

When Lucy was done in the shower, she and Savannah went to wake Erin up. "She's being a sleepy head today." Lucy said. She walked over to Erin's crib. "Erin, time to wake up. Erin." When Erin didn't respond, Lucy reached down and shook her gently. She still didn't wake up, so Lucy shook her a little harder. "Erin, wake up!" When Erin still didn't wake up, Lucy picked her up. "Erin! Wake up!"

Lucy was scared. Still holding Erin, she ran back to her room and grabbed the phone.

"Officer Kinkirk speaking." Kevin said, answering his cell phone as he sorted through some of the papers on his desk.

"Kevin, I can't wake Erin up! She's breathing and everything, but she won't wake up. I've tried everything; I don't know what to do!"

"Okay, Lucy, calm down. Are you sure she's breathing?"

"Yes! She's breathing and she has a pulse but she's not waking up!"

"I'm on my way, Luce. Just hag on, okay? Call the squad. I'll be there as soon as possible."

Kevin hung up and quickly got up from his desk. Roxanne, who had been sitting at her desk right across from his, got up as well. "What's wrong, Kevin?" she asked.

"Lucy can't get Erin to wake up," he said while searching for his keys on the desk. "I've got to get home. Lucy's calling the squad."

Roxanne picked Kevin's keys up off the desk. "I'm coming with you." she insisted.

"Fine. I don't care. Just get in." Kevin said. He and Roxanne were now out in the parking lot. Kevin opened the driver's side door, climbed in, and started the engine. He buckled himself in, and then glanced over to make sure that Roxanne was buckled as well. Seeing that she was, he quickly shifted into drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

When he and Roxanne reached Kevin and Lucy's house, a squad was already sitting in the driveway, its lights flashing. Kevin threw the car into park, turned off the engine, and ran into the house.

"Lucy!" he called. "Lucy, where are you?" He ran up the stairs and was almost to Erin's room when Lucy came out. "How is she?" he asked.

"She's awake. She woke up a few minutes after the paramedics got here." Lucy led Kevin back into Erin's room, where the paramedics were just finishing up.

"What's wrong with my daughter?" he asked. "Why wouldn't she wake up?"

"We're not sure. She needs to have some tests run. My advice would be o call her doctor and get an appointment for as soon as possible. That will save you from having to wait for hours on end in the emergency room." one of the paramedics replied.

Kevin showed the paramedics out, and then went back upstairs to be with Lucy and Erin. He glanced around the room. "Where's Savannah?" he asked, not seeing her.

Lucy looked around. "I don't know. She was just here. Savannah! Savannah, where are you?"

Roxanne came into the room then, holding Savannah. "Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you; I just figured it would be easier if Savannah was out of the way."

Lucy sighed in relief. "Thanks, Roxanne. Would you mind watching her for a few more minutes?"

"Not at all." She replied. She started to leave the room, then stopped and turned around. "Oh, by the way, I put us temporarily out of service, Kinkirk."

"Thanks, Roxanne." Kevin said gratefully. He then turned back to Lucy, who had just laid Erin back in her crib. "Are you okay, Luce?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her.

Lucy nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. It just scared me when I couldn't get her to wake up. Oh, Kevin, I don't know what I'd do if I lost Erin, especially so soon after Dad's death." Lucy started crying.

"Shh, it's okay, Erin's fine now, and we're going to take her to the doctor to get checked out, okay? Nothing's going to happen to her, I promise."

"I was so scared, Kevin. I stood there and called her, and she wouldn't wake up. I tried shaking her, and that didn't work either. She always wakes up when you pick her up, Kevin, but this time she didn't. She stayed asleep. What if there's something really wrong with her?"

"Don't even think about that right now, Luce. We'll call Sarah and see if we can get an appointment for Erin with her. I'm sure that we can. She always leaves periods open for emergencies. I need to get back to the station now. Will you be okay here by yourself or do you want me to call someone to come over?"

"I'll be fine, Kevin."

"Are you sure? I can always call Rose to come over and stay with you."

"No, that's okay. I'll be fine. You and Roxanne had better get back to work now, before you get in trouble. I'll call Sarah, and once I get an appointment, I'll call and let you know, okay?"

"Okay." Kevin leaned down and kissed his wife. "Call me if you need anything."

"I will." Lucy picked Erin back up and followed him out of the room. They walked down the hall together to Savannah's room, where she and Roxanne were playing.

"Roxanne, we'd better get back to the station. You ready?"

Roxanne stood up. "I'm ready."

"Okay, then, let's go." Kevin said. He gave his wife and daughters each a kiss, then left. Roxanne started to follow him, but Lucy stopped her.

"Roxanne, thank you for watching Savannah. It was a big help."

"You're welcome, Lucy. I'll see you later. I'd better go before that husband of yours leaves without me."

Once they were back at the station, Kevin sent an email to Sergeant Michael, explaining what had happened and letting him know that he'd call him if anything else came up.

Once he was done, Roxanne spoke up. "Kinkirk, we need to talk."

Kevin looked surprised. "About what?"

"About you and Lucy and the girls. Something's not right between you and Lucy. I can tell. What happened to you? You used to be such a family man. Now look at you. You're working long hours and you're hardly ever home. The old Kevin would have taken the rest of today off after what happened this morning. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had taken two days off. You hardly stayed long enough to make sure that everything was okay. Why the change?"

"I did too stay!" Kevin argued. "The paramedics said that Erin was okay. There was no reason for me to stay any longer when I'm needed here at the station. We're short handed right now, in case you haven't noticed. I'm needed here right now. And about not spending time with my family, I think that's my own business, not yours. I promised Lucy that once Sergeant Michaels gets back I'll take a couple of days off to spend with her and the girls. Not that it's any of your business," he added.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I know you stayed long enough to make sure that Erin was okay, but what about Lucy? After everything that she just went through with her dad, don't you think that she has a right to be a little scared and upset? I know that I would be. Even without everything that happened to her dad, she still has a reason to be upset. I know that I personally would be terrified if I had a baby and couldn't get her to wake up. Oh, that lame excuse about being shorthanded? It doesn't cut it with me, Kinkirk. I still find time to go home and spend time with Chandler. You could just tell them no when they ask if you want some more hours, you know. You don't have to pull all of these extra shifts."

Kevin sighed. "Look, do we have to discuss this right now? I'm really not in the mood for it."

"Fine. Just do me a favor and at least call Lucy, okay? I'm sure that she's worried and I know a phone call from you will do wonders."

"What, suddenly you know my own wife better than me? Don't you think I already know what Lucy would and wouldn't like? After all, she is my wife," Kevin responded angrily.

"Look, I'm sorry, Kinkirk, okay? Let's just drop it for right now. I didn't mean to start an argument." Roxanne stomped off. She needed to get away from Kevin for a little while. She couldn't figure out why on earth he was acting the way he was. It wasn't at all like him. She headed out to her car. She'd call Chandler and se if he had any ideas.

"Hello, Reverend Hampton speaking," Chandler answered his phone.

"Hi, it's me." Roxanne said.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" he asked, concerned. He could tell something was wrong by the tone of her voice.

"Kevin and I just had an argument."

Chandler was shocked. Kevin and Roxanne had always gotten along very well. "What was it about?"

Roxanne told him everything that had transpired at the Kinkirk house and what she had said to Kevin upon their arrival back at the station. "He's just not the same anymore, Chandler. It's almost like he doesn't want to go home."

"I'll tell you what. Let me go over to the house and see how Lucy's doing. If she's doing okay, I'll talk to her. If not, I'll call Annie and have her go over. Lucy will probably open up to her if there is something wrong, and Annie and I have gotten so close now that I know she'll tell me if something's up. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, Chandler."

"No problem, baby. Love you."

Roxanne smiled. "Love you, too, hon. I've got to get back to work now. I'll see you tonight."

AS soon as Chandler got off the phone with Roxanne, he grabbed his keys and walked over to Lucy's house. He was glad that he had decided to work at home today, otherwise it may have been a little while before he could free himself up to pay Lucy a visit.

When Chandler arrived at the Kinkirk house, he knocked on the door. After just a couple of minutes, Lucy opened it.

"Hey, Lucy. Roxanne called and told me about what happened this morning. How are you doing?" CHandler asked.

Lucy started crying. "Oh, Chandler, you don't know how glad I am to see you. I was so scared when it happened and then Kevin had to go back to work right away. I didn't want to bug him, so I haven't called him."

Chandler led Lucy inside and sat her down on the couch. "Hey, Lucy, it's okay. Erin's fine. You and Kevin are going to take her to the doctor, and she'll end up being just fine. Stop worrying, okay?"

Lucy nodded, but Chandler could tell she was still a mess.

"Stay here. I'll get you something to drink and some aspirin for that headache."

Lucy's eyes opened wide at that last statement. "No!" she almost shouted. She calmed down. "Sorry. I don't want any aspirin. Just water is fine," she hurriedly replied.

Chandler gave Lucy a stern look. "You need some aspirin. Now, if there's a reason why you can't have it, tell me. Otherwise, you're taking some aspirin."

Lucy sighed. "I didn't want to tell anyone yet. I'm pregnant. I'll pass on the aspirin, but I will take that glass of water."

"You're pregnant, Lucy? Really? Does Kevin know yet?" Chandler asked excitedly.

"No, he doesn't. I've wanted to tell him for almost a moth now, but I haven't had a chance. He's been too busy at work and hasn't been home very much," she admitted softly.

"I'm sorry, Luce. Don't worry. Things will slow down at the station soon and you'll get a chance to tell him."

Lucy gave him a small smile. "Thanks, Chandler."

Chandler went to the kitchen and got Lucy a glass of water. While he was getting it, he called Annie.

"Camden Residence" One of the twins had answered the phone, but Chandler couldn't tell if it was Sam or David.

"Hey, this is Chandler. Can I speak to your mom?"

"Hi, Chandler. It's Sam. I'll get Mom for you. Hold on."

A couple of minutes later, Annie picked up the phone. "Hi Chandler," she said.

"Hey, Annie. I'm over at Kevin and Lucy's house right now and-"

Annie cut him off. "Is everything okay? Did something happen with Erin again?"

"No, Erin's fine. Everything's okay. I just stopped by to check on Lucy. I think she could really use her mom right now, Annie."

"Okay, I'll be right over. Thanks, Chandler."

"Sure, no problem," Chandler started to say, but realized Annie had hung up the phone without saying goodbye, something normal for the Camden house.

Chandler walked back into the living room and handed Lucy the glass of water. She took it and drank it greedily.

"SO, how far along are you?" CHandler asked when she was done.

"Two and a half months today," she said proudly.

"Wow. I thought you were farther along than that." CHandler said.

Lucy got a panicked look on her face. "Am I showing?" she asked, getting up to look at herself in the hall mirror. "I am," she groaned. "Oh, no!"

"Hey, Lucy, it's okay. No one will be able to tell unless they know you're pregnant."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Positive," Chandler replied. "Now just relax. Oh, by the way, I called your mom. She's coming over."

"Why did you do that?" Lucy asked.

"Because you could really use her right now. I can tell. Does she know…?"

"About the baby? Yes. I told her a couple of weeks ago when I was frustrated about not getting a chance to tell Kevin.

"Hello? Luce? Chandler?" Annie called from the front hallway.

"We're in the living room, Mom," Lucy called back.

A few seconds later, Annie appeared in the room. She went over to where Lucy was sitting and gave her a hug. "Where are the girls?" she asked.

"They're taking their naps," Lucy said.

Chandler stood up. "Well, I'm going to go ahead and get going. Let me know if you need anything, okay, Lucy?"

"Okay, Chandler. Thanks." Lucy replied.

At the station, Roxanne was just wrapping up paperwork and getting ready to leave for the day when Kevin came up to her desk. He perched on the corner. "Look, Roxanne, I'm sorry about earlier, Okay? I didn't mean to jump all over you like that. It's just kind of stressful right now with Sergeant Michaels gone. He's getting ready to promote me to Sergeant, which means that I'm supposed to take over all of his duties while he's gone. That's why I've been pulling so much overtime. I can't just leave when I'm scheduled to leave. I hate it, though, because it means less time with Lucy. I feel like I hardly get to see her anymore. If it doesn't get better even after Sergeant Michael's gets back, I'm going to let him know that I don't want the promotion anymore."

Roxanne gave him a smile. "It's fine, Kevin. I shouldn't have been so upset or nosy about this whole thing. Don't worry about it, okay? By the way, I just got an email from Sergeant Michaels that he sent to everyone; he's going to be back in two days. The training went faster than they expected."

Kevin's face visibly brightened at that news. "Yes! That means I can finally go home and spend time with Lucy and the girls."