I do not own Hellsing or Inuyasha


Echoes were flowing throughout the dark forest, as leather met dirt. The powerful yet calm steps took its time in reaching its destination. For a place that was supposedly crawling with ghouls, he has not seen one yet. But the closer he got to his target, the more uneasy he felt. Something was pulling at his senses, and it did not feel friendly.

The sound of the hard boots stopped, just as groans and grunts were heard ahead. He smirked when he finally found what he was looking for. The 'disturbance' that was causing all of these ghouls to flock around this area. He reached into his jacket, and started to pull out his Casull, but stopped.

"Interesting…" He mumbled.

There were ghouls all around him, but they ignored his presence, only going towards a cave that was a few feet away from him. That was rather odd but another thing caught his attention. The ghouls were unable to go inside the cave. The moment they tried, they hit a barrier and instantly turned into ash. Soon all of the ghouls were gone, and he sighed, mostly from boredom. Oh well, maybe there is someone to play with inside?

He grinned in pleasure, just thinking of the idea. He'll find out where the ghouls were coming from later, right now, he was interested in this cave. So, he strolled forward and stood in front of the dark entrance. He resisted the urge to shiver as his senses went on overload, telling him of the danger that was to come if he went any further. He smirked. Danger is exactly what he was looking for. He pushed back his instincts, he walked into the cave. He was hit with a strong feeling of raw power, making his hair prickle and his spine tingle. He chuckled and continued deeper in the cave, finding the sensation to be quite amusing, for it made him feel ticklish.

After a few feet he was quickly consumed in darkness. This would be a problem for any normal person. But he is not exactly normal, for human standers at least. Darkness was his playground and he was very comfortable in it. After all, he was a creature of the night.

"Hmm…" His relaxing stroll through the dark cave quickly ended though, when he saw a faint glow in an opening in front of him.

He reached up, and rubbed the back of his neck as his hairs stood on edge again. He sighed as his body started to tremble with excitement, wondering what could cause such a wonderful reaction from him. He smirked in amusement, and walked through the opening. What he saw was not something he expected. He paused in his stride, his attention quickly narrowed unto a strange glowing thing in front of him.

It was a huge crystal, which barley towered over him in size. It was stationed in the middle of the large room. For some reason he felt calm, as he looked upon its white surface. This is what killed the ghouls? He felt slightly disappointed there wasn't something more-- He paused in his thoughts, getting a closer view of the gem. He's eyes widened slightly from surprise. There was a woman, encaged inside. He quickly recovered, and smirked while strolling up to the, now, interesting stone.

"What do we have here…?" He mumbled, standing directly in front of the crystal. He paused, getting a good look at the woman.

It was hard to tell, because the crystal resembled more like ice, not very transparent. He placed his hand underneath his chin and sighed. He couldn't see much, just from her chest up, but what he could see he found quite entertaining. Her eyes were closed, and a small tear trail down her cheek, yet it was frozen in place. The picture looked rather surreal. Not to often does he see this kind of depressing image, and he wasn't the direct cause of it.

"Hmm…" He felt intrigued by this woman, though he didn't know why. She looked so… innocent-- Made him want to feed upon her till there was not a drop of blood left in her body-- "Yes." He smirked, licking his lips. What a wonderful meal he could get from this. To bad she's dead. "What a shame…" He reaching up with his gloved hand, he touched the crystal's surface, feeling disappointed.

The crystal cracked under his touch, and he immediately pulled his hand away, surprised by the sudden reaction. His eyes narrowed at the crack in the hard stone. He watched as it quickly expanded, and snaked its way up the gem, splitting it in two. He took several steps back, not wanting to be in its path when it came crashing down-- He was surprised, yet again, when it did not fall, but instead burst into tiny particles. He smirked as a wave of tingles washed over him. Ah, what a wonderful feeling.

He looked though the small specks of ice and found the woman standing, while staring him down with her deep blue orbs. His grin only grew in size. So she's not dead… yet. She slowly walked up to him and kneeled in front of him, respectfully. Interesting…

"What is your bidding, My Master?" She spoke.

He chuckled in amusement. How very interesting indeed…