"O..... M..... G....." said Sonic, before fainting. He'd come back when he'd heard the credits rolling, only to see Bliss and Cyn picking up a movie that he dreaded: Twilight. Of course, they weren't really going to watch it, Cyn had only been wondering how the heck they had it in their world. When she saw that it had Mobians and humans in it she relaxed, turned around, and saw Sonic lying on the floor.

"Um... Tails?"


"What just happened to Sonic?"

"What do you mean what just....?!" Tails rushed out of his lab, tripped over Sonic, and had his chin connect with the floor. "Ow."

"Need an ice pack for that?"


"No, not a hamburger Bliss! Ice pack!"

"You weren't going to watch it?" Asked Sonic, again, to be completely sure that Cyn had had no intention of doing so.

"No. I told you about twenty times already!"

"Knowing Faker, you've got about eighty more times to go," said Shadow calmly, from where he stood in the doorway.

"Shad! What are you doing here?"

"My name is not Shad!" Growled Shadow at the exact same moment Cyndathine said his name wasn't that.

"Weird much? Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Egghead is looking for her," said Shadow, nodding towards Cyn.

"Why? I don't have super powers, I'm not ultra cool, and there is absolutely no way that I'm connected to any powerful items."

"He knows, he's only interested in you because you're from another world."

"That makes sense...." Shadow rolled his eyes.

"I was joking!"

"So he thinks I am connected to some powerful item?"

"Way to go genius," said Shadow sarcastically. Cyndathine ignored him.

"If he thinks I am, then what in the world gave him that idea?"

"Maybe the fact that the last human friend we had had a weird influence over the chaos emeralds?"

"Even if he was incredibly annoying?" This question was met with spluttered indignation from Sonic, a smirk from Shadow, and a hidden grin from Tails.

"You've got to be kidding me! This is one of the first places Eggman would look!"

"Oh? Why?" Asked Rouge, Cyndathine wanted to know why too.

"Because this is always one of the first places he looks!"

"Good point, how about with the Chaotix?"

"Are you crazy?! She might get killed by a flying stapler!" When Cyn opened her mouth, Rouge shot her a look that told her not to ask.

"Alright then, where you do suggest, genius?"

"Shadow's house," said Knuckles simply.

"Shadow's? None of us know where it is!"

"Which is exactly why Eggman can't look there."

"For once, you've got a good idea Knuckie." Cyndathine frowned, Bliss did too.

"That is not the first good idea he's ever had! He's had plenty of other ones!"


"Name o...." They heard the unmistakable sound of Eggman's airships at that moment. Rouge muttered something under her breath that definitely wasn't polite, then grabbed Cyndathine and ran.

"Hide her at my house? Are you insane?!" Asked Shadow, he definitely didn't want that girl hiding out at his house. He'd kept it safe from fangirls this long, he wasn't about to lose that secrecy now!

"Please! We need you to do it Shadow! It's the only place Eggman won't think of, mainly because he doesn't know it's location." Shadow grumbled, but eventually grabbed Cyndathine's shoulder and yanked her towards him.

"A little more gentle next time please," said Cyndathine after they disappeared and reappeared in a front hall.

"No looking out the windows," said Shadow. Even if he had to keep her at his house, he wasn't going to have her find out where it was. He didn't need other girls falling through to this world and knowing exactly where to find him.


"Because I said so!"

"Fangirl problems?" She asked, noticing piles of mail around a tiny table. Shadow glanced at it, groaned, then disappeared into the house. "What's his problem?" She asked Bliss, who shrugged. And so they explored, and explored, and explored. If I actually gave you a description of his house, that might help you find it. And if you found it, Shadow might get reeeeeeeeeeally reaaaaaaaaally mad at me. And I definitely don't want that.

After they got bored of exploration, they went to his living room and sorted through his DVD collection. "OOOOOOH!" Shadow was there in a flash, glaring.

"What happened?"

"You've got Alice in Wonderland! The same one that's in theaters in my world!" Shadow groaned, he could not wait for her to go back to her world.......

"How dare you?! Flying staplers indeed! There are none of those here!" Said Vector as he ducked, as a stapler that had been chucked at him by Charmy whizzed by overhead.

"Then why did that just happen?"

"Excuse me for a moment....... CHARMY!!!!!!!"

"I cannot seem to find that blasted girl!"

"Maybe it is because you are a loser, or because you just do not know when to quit, or because you never seem to realize that not all of Sonic's friends are connected to powerful ite......"

"RAWR!" Yelled Eggman, smashing a fist down on the robot's head. Then he grinned maniacally at a recorder. "'Rawr' means 'I'm going to eat you' in dragon, and 'I love you in dinosaur'." He cackled, "But in Eggman, it means 'YOU WILL ALL DIE'! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Shadow finally had it, "STOP SINGING!"

"Why? It's a good song."

"And you keep singing the same lyrics over and over and over....."

"Because those are the only ones I know. Loosen up!" Shadow's eye twitched. "You may be my favorite character, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to let you tell me to stop singing." And Cyndathine resumed singing the only lyrics that she knew for "Tik Tok" (by Ke$ha) which had been going around her head without letup. The only way of getting songs out of her head was by singing them at least five times. She was on the fourth round of the same lyrics over and over again for two minutes. Shadow went to the door.

"I'm going to go check on that machine," he said, before chaos controlling. As soon as he was gone, she found that the song was out of her head. So she snuck over to the curtain and pulled it back a bit, for just a peek......

They were in the mountains. She grinned and poked Bliss. "Journal! Quick!" Bliss flew off and brought back a journal Tails had given her. She quickly opened it and looked at the first page, then smiled. She handed a pencil to Bliss. "Draw Shadow here," she said, pointing to the top left corner. Bliss did an accurate drawing of Shadow, and then beside the drawing, Cyn wrote "Shadow the Hedgehog, Ultimate Life form, lives in mountains." Closing the book, she thanked Bliss. The two had a plan in mind, they would find a way to get the location of Shadow's house. After all, if she posted a story of with the location of Shadow's house, who would believe that it was real?

And if they did, how in the world would they get there? There was absolutely no way it could happen, which is what made them decide to do it. So then she pulled her iPod mini from a secret pocket and started listening to U.G.L.Y. by Daphne & Celeste. And as Bliss took a piece of paper and started drawing the inside of Shadow's house, Cyndathine sang along with the song and carried Bliss around so the chao could concentrate on drawing.

"Shadow! What are you doing here?"

"Escaping from repetitive lyrics," said Shadow.

"Ah.... so you've discovered what she does when she doesn't know all the lyrics?"

"Yes. Is the machine ready?"

"Well..... almost."

"How long until it's done?"

"About a day," said Tails, who had skipped lunch to work on it after he found out Rouge had handed Cyndathine over to Shadow.

"It had better be ready then."

When Shadow walked through the door, these lyrics greeted him. "Fish lips, toad licker, point dexter, UGLY! Spaghetti arms, limp butt, freak show, UGLY!" And it almost managed to start the chorus before he got to the stereo and turned it off. Cyndathine frowned at him.

"Hey! I was enjoying that!"

"I wasn't," Shadow said before going into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water. Cyndathine smiled.

"Shadow, why does it smell like fresh air in here?"


"When you came inside, it smelled like fresh air.... reaaaaaaaaaally fresh. Like 'in the mountains'."

"Don't get any ideas."

"Too late." She said, grinning. Shadow glared at her, realizing that she had figured out where they were.

"You wouldn't dare," he growled.

"Oh I would, if you don't agree to something that is."

"Which would be...?"

"I want you to go with me to do something fun!"

"Like what?" Asked Shadow, feeling a twinge of dread.

"Hmm... what do you think Bliss?"

"Chao chao!"

"Perfect! Let's go to Twinkle Park and go on a merry-go-round!" Shadow thought for a moment. Refuse and possibly have fangirls demolish his house in search of him, or agree, bear the indignity, and keep his safe haven?

"Fine," he sighed as Bliss and Cyndathine danced around, grinning happily at each other. He had a feeling that the option he chose was the worse of the two.....

Yup, it probably had been, especially seeing as the girl insisted on him riding the merry-go-round too. Luckily, he found a "carriage", so he didn't have to sit on a horse. When she complained, he pointed out he was on the ride, and she wouldn't get him to sit on one of those horses for anything. Then, to his dismay, she'd decided she had to sit beside him, and someone got a picture.

So this definitely had been the worse choice, at least with the other one, he'd have been able to relocate, and no one would have thought he had a girlfriend. The fangirls would probably attack her at some point, and Rouge would blame him for it. Just perfect. And speak of the devil, there she was, grinning at him. This couldn't get any worse could it.......? As the ride slowed to a halt, he realized that it could get worse. Much, much worse.

"LOCATED!" Crowed Eggman. "See Eggle? I told you we'd find her!" Metal Sonic stood in the shadows and wished that he could bang his head against a wall. Unfortunately, the two robots beside him prevented this. One happened to be Scratch, the other was Decoe.

"Who's Eggle?" Whispered Decoe. Wordlessly, Metal Sonic pointed at the dark chao in a cage on the dashboard.

"That?" A nod was the reply. "It looks like it wants to eat his nose."

"That's because it does."

Ha ha, this came to me randomly. :P I was just reading what I'd put in the other chapter, and I realized there was an awesome opportunity for Shadow torture! XD Just joking, I just decided she'd go to Shadow's house and after that I made it up as I went. :P Disclaimer has a nasty cold right now, Shadow is busy fuming, and Finitevus is currently unconscious, so I've got to do my own disclaimer! Oh horror of horrors..... XD I don't own any of the things in here, except the location of Shadow's house, Cyndathine, Bliss, Eggle, and the story idea. ^_^ I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope I get inspiration for the next (and possibly last) chapter soon. ^^' If the next chapter is the last chapter, then don't worry, I'm thinking of writing a sequel. :P Or if this story scares you....... worry. XD R&R