Cyndathine Floral's first waking thought was 'Who gave the sun permission to shine and wake me up?' Groaning, she turned over and pulled the blanket over her head. "WAKE UP TIME!" She jumped. "AAAARGH!" Her father chuckled, yelling in her ear was a hobby of his... he never seemed to tire of it.

She rubbed her ear, "Dad...." She complained. "I'll go deaf if you do that to me every day!"

"Ah but who said I'd do it EVERY day?"

"Your actions."

"Which ones?"

"The ones that make you do it EVERY day."

"Fine." He laughed. He exited her room and she groggily sat up, rubbing her head. Climbing down from her bunk bed, she remembered that that day, they were heading for a trip to the lake. She groaned again, this time in despair. "Great......" She stood before her antique mirror that hung over her dresser and combed her hair out. Then she took exactly two inches worth from each side of her face, drew them behind her head, and used a small elastic band to bind them together, giving her a look she liked a lot.

Then she put on some perfume, went into the bathroom, and finished getting ready for the day before going downstairs, lugging gym bag with her that she was using for the things she'd need for the lake trip.


"ARRRGH!!!!" Her father burst out laughing again. She rubbed her ears. "Oh leave her alone dear... it wouldn't hurt you to stop doing that for once."

"I know but I can't help it! Making her jump is fun."

"Is THAT why you wanted a daughter?"


"Oh you silly man.... I love you so much!"

"I know you do." And then they kissed in the way that parents have when their children are in the same room... and it effectively embarrasses them.

"MOM!" Yelled Cyndathine.

"DAD!" Yelled her brother Jordan.

"What?" They both asked. Their two children started eating their buttered sourdough toast in silence.... and avoided looking at their parents who flirted to annoy them.




"What?" He asked, as if he hadn't yelled. Cyndathine glared at him briefly before climbing out of the car and stretching her legs. "Some day I'll get you old man..." She muttered. Jordan leapt out, leap frogging over her and knocking her face first into the dirt. "Woohoo! A lakeside camp! This means we'll do some fishing doesn't it Dad?"

"That it does Jr.!" Jordan immediately complained.

"Dad! Don't call me Junior!"

"Then don't act like a junior." Said her father smiling brightly.

"Whatever..." Jordan went to the trunk and started pulling out the fishing rods.

"Cyn, help me here!" Called her Mom, who was lifting the boat off the car roof. Cyndathine jogged over and helped her Mom pull it off without dropping it on both of them.

Jordan pushed Cyndathine, making her lose her balance and fall into the boat, banging her head against one of the seats. "Ow! Jordan!" She complained.

"What? Here's your fishing rod! Maybe you'll beat me this year."

"Beat you?"

"Yeah! We'll see who can get the most fish. I won last year."

"But that wasn't a competition!"

"Yeah it was! I got five salmon to your measly two." Jordan boasted. Cyndathine growled, "Oh yeah? I'll beat you!"

"Well when you lose you can hug your Shadow keychain." He taunted. She glared.

"You'll regret that little man."

"HEY!" She smirked.


"AAAAAAARRRGH!" They both yelled as their father started laughing.


"Don't do what?" He asked as if nothing had happened. He climbed into the boat making it tip perilously.

"Dad! I thought you said your diet would have made you lose enough weight so you wouldn't tip us into the lake!" Said Cyndathine, fear momentarily flashing through her eyes.

"I did. You two have to sit in that end and not move." He said cheerfully.

"Cyn, I thought you took swimming lessons?" Asked Jordan.

"I did! I can still only starfish float though."

"Tell me Ms. Starfish.... how are your suckers feeling? Moisturized? Or dehydrated?" Jordan laughed as if he had made the most hilarious joke in the world will his sister glared at him.

"DAD!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Cyndathine as he stood and the boat tipped VEEEEERY perilously.


Jordan scoffed. "Yeah right! I bet you don't!"

"How much do you bet on that young man?"

"My thirty dollar allowance."

"Hmmmmmmm........... I bet a penny."


"Fine..... a dollar."

"DAD!" They both yelled.

"Two dollars?"


"Fine... you young people are so expensive." He said with a dramatic sigh. "TEN."

They stared at him as if he was insane.


"Nevermind...." As it was, their father had to pay up, it was only a rather large salmon.

"Darn! I was so sure it was a swordfish!"

When they were heading back to the lake shore, Cyndathine noticed a glitter in the water. "What's that?"

"What's what?"


"Maybe it's a fish. Try and hook it."

"Dad, not everything shiny is a fish."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, what's this?" Asked Jordan, waving a sparkling quarter in their Dad's face.

"A TUNA!" He yelled in mock delight.

"Okay then... what's that Dad?"

"A beluga whale." He said dramatically. Even thought the shiny object that Cyndathine had noticed was no bigger than her hand.

"Whatever. I'm getting it."

"I thought you could only do the starfish float?"

"That's right."

"Then how are you going to re-surface once you get it?"

"Simple, you two will haul me up with this rope once I tug on it twice, I can hold my breath for five minutes. I'll be fine."


"I thought you said it was a beluga?"

"Aren't they the same thing?" They stared at him open mouthed.

"Okay, before my head bursts with confusion." Cyndathine tied a rope around her waist and dived in. "HONEY! MY DAUGHTER TURNED INTO A SWORDFISH!" Yelled their dad in mock terror.

"Really? How lovely." Said his wife absently as she counted stitches for her knitting. "1... 2... 3... 4...." Suddenly there was a huge flash.

"IT MUST BE A BLUE WHALE! THE WORLDS LARGEST!" Was the last thing heard before the light disappeared.

Authoress note: Um yeah...... this is my first ever fic like this. :3 I hope it has been enjoyable to you, it certainly has been to my brother and me as I write. ;)

Disclaimer: The girl's father is nuts.

Don't you start up the whole "nuts" business again.... R&R!