Hehe, sorry for the late update guys. My computer screwed up and didn't upload the chapter. I just noticed a little while ago.

And, if you're looking for the line I used in the preview, it's not there. I changed it and now it's a lot better.
Now, on to the chapter!

Chapter 7

Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life. -Sophia Loren

The first thing I noticed upon waking up was that I was curled up against something really warm. Second thing I noticed: said thing was Nagihiko. His arms were wrapped tightly around my middle and I was curled into a ball, my eyes still closed to ward off the inevitable headache. I took a deep breath and yawned. "You smell really good" I murmured tiredly.

"Good morning to you too." Nagihiko commented back playfully. I frowned and wrinkled my brows. "What's wrong? Do you have a hangover?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head.

"I do, but that's not it. You're in a really good mood so early and it pisses me off." I grumbled, opening my eyes for the first time that morning. My face flushed when I took in his appearance. He was shirtless and his hair was bedraggled, but he still looked like an angel with the rays of early morning light washing over him.

"I'm surprised you're not in a good mood."

"Huh? What? Why?" I pulled the blankets off and examined myself. Luckily, my clothes were still on, but there was something new around my neck. A gold heart-shaped locket. A small pearl was set in the center with dragonflies and vines etched around it. I lifted my hand up to touch the cool surface. "What is…" I trailed off.

"Happy birthday, Amu-chan." Nagihiko's smile widened and he pulled me a little closer.

"I totally forgot." I muttered, still in a daze.

"Hey, wait for me after work."


"We're going to the park. Like we did every year on your birthday."

"Are you still going to push me on the swing?" I teased.

"Of course! But for now, we should get ready for work." He winked and let go of me.

As I finished getting dressed, my phone started ringing. Of course, Utau would be the first to call.

"Hey Utau" I answered.

"Morning, Amu." Utau said. I heard a click, indicating that it was now on speaker. "Happy birthday Amu!" Two cheerful voices chorused.

"Thanks Utau, Kukai!" I giggled. "But shouldn't you say good evening or something?"

"Nope. It's morning in Hokkaido. The sunrise was quite lovely today." She commented nonchalantly.

"What? What do you mean? Didn't you say you were coming in a month?"

"Yeah, but I figured it's better to move back before I'm too far along in the pregnancy." I shrieked in excitement.

"No way!" I shouted. "You're moving back?! You're pregnant?!" By now, my screaming had woken Tomoyo and Kei up, who were both in our bed, and Nagihiko was standing in the doorway wide-eyed. I clicked the phone onto speaker so they could hear as well.

"Yeah! We want our children to grow up here in Japan." Kukai said enthusiastically.

"Boy or girl? And when is it due?"

"Girl and she's due March 29th!" She squealed.

"I'm sorry." Nagihiko and I said

"Eh? Why?" She asked, clearly confused.

"Because it's Tadase's birthday." Kukai answered for us.

"How-but-why-eh-gah-nooooooo!" she wailed.

"Oh, shoot. Amu, come over tonight around 7. I'll text you the address. I've got to go calm her down." The line went dead a moment later.

"Well that was weird." Kei commented from MY side of the bed. I groaned and crossed my arms in front of my chest, rolling my eyes.

"She's like that. You two are disgusting!" Tomoyo blushed.

"I swear we only slept last night. Right Kei?" She elbowed him twice and winked.

"Yep! We only slept! But you might want to stay away from your riding crop." He grinned sheepishly.

"That's it! You vile creatures should be ashamed of yourselves! Did you not read the inscription on the handle? It says 'rest in peace Prancer'. Don't you think it would be a little important to me?" I shouted. "Whatever. Tomoyo, wash the bedding. Ebata, disinfect Prancer's riding crop. I'm out." I threw my arms and stormed out. I could faintly hear "I've been demoted to Ebata."

Work was, in a word, boring. Except when I had to explain to a man that his eggs wouldn't hatch and pickles weren't alien penises. I laughed at the memory and took another drag of my cigarette.

"Amu-chan, I thought you said you were quitting everything?" I jumped and spun around to face Nagihiko.

"Shit! I can explain!" I waved my hands frantically and put out the cancer stick.

"It's okay." He put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I understand it's hard to quit that many things at once, and you've been doing good on everything else. Though I do wish you would eat more."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. But can you do me a favor and keep this a secret?" I asked.

"Sure. Come on, I'll take you to the park then we can visit Kukai and Utau." His hand dropped from my shoulder and into my hand before we set off to the park. I swung our hands back and forth lightly as we walked the many grassy trails and made small talk. We reached a small playground a half hour later and I rushed to sit on one of the swings. Nagihiko sighed and began pushing me as I giggled like a little girl.

A few pushes in, I remembered what I was going to ask him. "Hey Nagi, why did Kukai invite me over and why are you coming with me?"

"U-uh, probably some sort of housewarming party. And I'm going with you because you're directionally confused and a natural accident magnet." He answered quickly.

"You really know how to flatter a girl. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, what time is it?" I asked.

"A little after 5:39. We should probably head back and get ready. Tomoyo laid out some clothes for you"

"That's uncharacteristically nice of her. It's probably to make up for her horn-dog ways." We both laughed and walked toward home.

At home, I found a dress on my bed. It was a simple black mini dress that went about mid-thigh with a lavender wrap to go around my shoulders. I used a purple flower clip to hold the wrap. Nagihiko wore a plain black tuxedo that looked stunning on him.

"Ready to go?" He asked and offered a hand. I simply nodded and entwined my fingers with his. We received a lot of stares on the subway. One little girl even asked if we were celebrities. I laughed and told her that we're here promoting a movie called The Subway People. "That was mean" Nagihiko told me when we got off.

"So? It was fun." I responded. "So, how far away are we from their house?"

"Are you blind?!" He cried. Then I noticed we were standing right in front of a giant mansion reminiscent of a certain Barbie dream house Utau had when she was little.

"Oh. I see what you mean. Sorry, I guess I was distracted." Really, I was. Who wouldn't be if they were holding hands with Nagihiko? And he's in a TUXEDO!!! Okay, I guess a lot of people wouldn't be, but I am.

"Hellooo. Earth to Amu-chan." Nagihiko said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry," I giggled, "I was just thinking that it looks exactly like a Barbie dream house Utau and I used to play with."

"Typical Utau." He rolled his eyes. I pressed a button next to the gates. A loud beep resounded through the air and the gates opened slowly to reveal an ecstatic Utau.

"Amu!" She shouted before lunging toward me.

"Hi Utau. Why are we here?" I asked.

"You'll see!" She dragged me to the door with Nagihiko trailing behind.

"Wow. A door. Exciting." I said sarcastically after standing in the same spot for a few minutes.

"You're supposed to open it silly." Utau said.

"You could've told me that. Yeash." I threw the door open and almost closed it when I was bombarded with cheers of "surprise" and "happy birthday." My eyes teared up a little as I looked around and saw all of my friends standing around the room.

"You guys. Thank you so much." I blubbered and hugged Utau around the middle.

"Amu! Amu! Open the presents first. Then we can party!" Utau pulled me to a table piled with gifts.

As I opened each gift, the person who gave it to me came up. Ran, Miki, Suu, and Dia bought me a new microphone and stand together. Tadase and Rima gave me a small video camera. Tomoyo gave me a pair of Warm flannel pajamas which I thanked her profusely for. Kei got me fake dog doo. Yaya's present was chocolate, as usual. Kairi handed me a gift card for Hot Topic. Kukai gave me a soccer ball signed by all of his teammates. Nagihiko gave me a single rose and said he has one more thing for me at home. Of course, everybody awed. The crowd started to dissipate.

"Hold it!" Utau shouted. "I have one more present here! Ran, Miki, Suu, Dia, I need you up here too. " She pulled out a stack of papers and 5 pens.

"What is this" I asked.

"It's a record deal from Easter. I gave daddy the demo CD you sent me and he loved you guys." She explained excitedly.

"It's true. You girls are amazing." A voice behind us said. I gasped and turned around.

"Uncle Aruto!" I exclaimed.

"Hey kiddo. It's been a while. Don't I get a hug?" I nodded and ran into his outstretched arms.

"Thank you so much uncle Aruto!"

"What are you standing around thanking me for? Hurry up and sign!" I turned around and noticed that the other four were already done. I grabbed a pen from Utau and signed in 5 or 6 places. Uncle Aruto took the pen from me and signed the very last page.

"We'll discuss the specifics later, but go party for now, kiddo. Happy birthday." He hugged me one more time and left.

I wandered around absently talking to people, martini in hand. An hour into the party, a few butlers wheeled in a pink six-tiered cake.

"I am so not blowing out all those candles" I said when I noticed there were at least 10 candles on each tier.

After that, I went back to socializing.

"Amu-chi!" Yaya yelled when she saw me.

"Yaya! Kairi!"

"Hinamori-san. Happy birthday." Kairi shook my hand and Yaya gave me a quick hug.

"It's been a while. How are you doing? Did you finish the nursery yet?" I asked.

"We're doing well. And the nursery is finished."

"It's dinosaur theme! I hope little Ryuzaki likes it." Yaya added.

"Oh dear God. You're really naming him after L. The poor boy's gonna grow up to be an otaku samurai."

"Amu-chi's being mean." She pouted.

"I'm not being mean, just concerned for the future of your son."

"Don't worry, I'll try to make him as normal as possible. Also, we both agreed that you should be his godmother, if you want to." My eyes softened when Kairi finished talking.

"Of course I want to! That would be... Incredible!" I hugged him. "That reminds me, I got a mobile."

"Really? Gimme, gimme, gimme!" Yaya grabbed the phone out of my hand and gave it back after typing her number into my phone then sending herself a text. "There. Now we can talk whenever we want."

"Thanks. Now I have some things to tell you." I pulled her to the corner and told her everything that happened, receiving a slap every few minutes for my stupidity. I saved the main reason for all of this, Nagihiko, for last.

"Oh my God! You're really in love with-" I covered her mouth with my hand before she could tell the whole world how I feel.

"Shut up!" I hissed and took my hand away from her mouth.

"Sorry Amu-chi. It's just so unexpected! You're seriously in love with him?"

"Yes Yaya."

"Seriously?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes Yaya. He's coming this way, so shut up! We'll talk about this later."

"Talk about what later?" Nagihiko asked.

"Nothing!" I replied before Yaya could say anything.

"Okay? It's nice to see you again Yaya-chan."

"You too Nagi!" She jumped on him.

"A-ah! You're heavy Yaya-chan!" He grumbled.

"Sorry Nagi. Forgot I was pregnant." Yaya said before climbing off.

"So when's the baby due?" He asked.

"I'm having a c-section one month from today."

"That's great!"

"I know! His name is Ryuzaki Sanjou." Yaya told him while rubbing her belly.

"Are you going to marry Sanjou-san after the baby's born?" He asked.

"Actually, we eloped a couple months ago." She grinned widely at our stunned faces.

"Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?!" I cried.

"I haven't seen you since it happened."

"It's been that long? Wow, I need to see you more often."

"Yeah, you do."

We continued talking for a while, until Yaya had to go to the bathroom. I wandered around chatting and dancing with people for a few more hours. By the time the party was over, it was almost midnight and I was exhausted and drunk again.

"Amu-chan, I'm going home with Kei, so you can go with Tomoyo-chan, since Kei's car only has two seats." Nagihiko told me.

"Okay. Did they drink?"

"No. Tomoyo-chan said she hates drinking away from home and Kei never drinks two days in a row."

"Good judgment. Wow, I feel immature."

"It's your birthday. You deserve to party a little." He reassured me.

"Thanks. I'll see you at home. I hugged him then went off to find Tomoyo.

"Hey, Nagi said I was riding with you." I said when I found her.

"Yeah. I was just looking for you. Come on. She led me to her car and we got in.

"You're better at hiding stuff than I thought you were." I commented.

"Not really. The reason Kei-chan and I were making out in the hallway yesterday is because I just found out and I was going to tell you." She giggled.

"He could've thrown you in the closet." I groaned.

"Yeah, but that wouldn't be fun." She winked. We sat in silence until I heard canon, my ring tone. I rolled my eyes as I read the text from Yaya. 'You're seriously in love with Nagihiko?'

I started to write the response, but hit end by accident, so I had to re-write it and scroll through my recently used contacts. I read over it as it was sending. Message sending: yes Yaya, do I need to spell it out for you? I L-O-V-E Nagihiko and I have for 8 years! Geez. Message sent: Nagihiko

"What?! No! Stupid phone! I take it back! Break! Now it's going off! Damn it!"

"What's wrong" Tomoyo asked with concern.

"I was telling Yaya for the millionth time that I am, in fact, in love with Nagihiko and I accidentally sent it to Nagihiko and now he's responding!" I yelled as tears started forming.

"Okay, calm down Amu. You can freak out after you check the message." I opened the phone and read the message out loud. "Wow, that was a bold confession. Apparently we need to talk when you get back home. And don't freak out and burst Tomoyo-chan's ear drums."

"Yay, Nagihiko loves me." Tomoyo cheered.

"Yeah whatever. What does he mean by 'we need to talk'?"

"Didn't he tell you not to freak out?" She asked.

"Yes, he did. But- hey, why is the car stopped?" I questioned.

"We're home. If you weren't so busy spazzing, you would have noticed." She answered. I started hyperventilating.

"Hah! How? But! No! I need more time! Mommy!!!"

"Amu, calm down. It's alright. Even if you're rejected, he'll still be your best friend. He's not evil." She got out, rounded the car, then pulled me out and dragged me inside.

"Oh, ow, stomach ache. I'm gonna get some Pepto-Bismol and go to bed." I said loudly and headed for the kitchen. As I walked by the dining room, I peeked in and saw Nagihiko surrounded by at least 5 dozen red roses and a few pink candles. In the background, I heard music from my favorite classical CD playing. I jumped when I heard Nagihiko speak.

"I can see you, Amu-chan."

"H-how?" I asked nervously.

"I think the pink hair in the doorway was a dead giveaway."

"Oh." I walked into the room. "U-um, about the text, it's actually a guy with the same name. He lives in Germany." I lied.

"Really? Then why haven't you said anything about him?"

"Uuh, I didn't want any of you to catch on."

"Where did you meet him?"

"In Germany"

"But you've never been out of the country."

"Germany came here!"

"The fact that you think I'm stupid enough to believe that is insulting."

"I-I mean..."

"You mean what? And why did you tell me at the wedding that I remind you of someone that you love?" I paled so my face was the color of paper.

"Y-you remember that? W-well, I was talking about him. He looks a lot like you."

"Well, I hope he doesn't hate me after I steal you away from him."

"H-huh? What do y-" I was cut off by his lips crashing down onto mine. The kiss lasted for only a second, until he pulled away. "I love you, Amu-chan." He whispered while are lips were still just centimeters apart.

"I love you too" I said before pressing my lips to his again and wrapping my arms around his neck. Our salty tears still mixed together as we broke the kiss.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." He pulled me into a tight embrace and we swayed along to the music. "You really are a bad liar. Germany? Seriously? And I'm pretty sure countries don't move."

"Shut up, I was desperate." I swatted him playfully. "So was this the 'other part' you were talking about?" I asked, referring to the comment he made after giving me the rose.

"Yeah. I was going to confess to you tonight. You made that a lot easier. I still hadn't figured out how I would do that."

"You never plan, do you?"

"Nope. Well, I never plan the important things." He winked at me.

"Aw, I feel so special." I kissed his cheek and yawned. He glanced at the clock.

"It's getting really late." He commented. I looked towards the clock as well and gasped.

"You're right. It's already 2. I need to get into work early and quit." I joked.

"Yeah, miss soon-to-be celebrity." Nagihiko laughed. "But seriously, we should go to bed. I turn into a pumpkin after 2" He yawned.

"Okay pumpkin boy." We walked through the hallway and kissed before going to our respective bedrooms. I giggled and danced around my room after I put my new pajamas on. September 24th is officially the best day ever. Wait, wouldn't it be the 25th? Shoot.

"Amu, you look really stupid standing there mid-happy dance. What are you so confused about?" Tomoyo teased groggily.

"Is September 24th the best day of my life or is the 25th?" I wondered aloud.

"I think it's the 24th because it's the middle of the night."

"Thanks. But don't you want to know why I'm so happy?" I asked.

"I already know. Eaves dropped. Now get in bed. I'm exhausted."

"Alright." I climbed in next to Tomoyo and fell asleep.

The next few days flew by. I quit my job, spoke to uncle Aruto about our deal, and went on my first date with Nagihiko. Before I knew it, it was Thursday, September 30th and I was in the office of Easter's president, Tsukiyomi Aruto, with my 4 band mates.

"So, what I have after an hour of arguing is that Amu and Miki-san are available everyday, Dia-san can only come in on the weekends and Fridays, Suu-san works early mornings during the week, but nights are fine, and Ran-san is quitting her job tomorrow to make time."

"Yes!" We chorused.

"Then we'll start recording on Friday and keep going through the weekend. We'll do this every weekend until your debut. You guys can go now. But I'd like to see Amu alone for a minute." The girls left while I stayed behind.

"What did you need, uncle Aruto?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the producer. You... Might not like him. And I figured you needed fair warning so you don't freak out." He began.

"Who is he?" I asked nervously.

"My son, Ikuto. If you need someone here for support the first couple of times, that's perfectly understandable. And you will never be alone in the same room with him. I'm pretty sure you don't need to worry about him though. In prison, he learned that he... Enjoys the company of other men." He explained.

"O-okay, then, I'm bringing Nagihiko along. Do you know if Ikuto hates me?" I asked.

"I'm sure he could never hate you. And he knows that you told them he was your boyfriend. And that you didn't get a restraining order. Did you just say that you're bringing Nagihiko-kun?"

"Yeah. He's back and we're kind of dating now." I smiled.

"That's great! How is he? And when did he confess? I know he was scared to tell you before he left."

"He's doing well, and I accidentally confessed on my birthday, but he was planning on confessing anyway." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Accident?" He asked.

"Yeah, I sent a text to him instead of my friend. See?" I showed him my phone. He chuckled lightly.

"Amu, Amu, Amu," he sighed. "You've always been clumsy. Remember that Christmas when you put the wrong tags on everyone's gifts? I think I still have the fuzzy pink unicorn. I named him Freddie." We shared a laugh, reminisced a little bit more, then parted. At home, I searched for Nagihiko to ask if he could go. I couldn't find him anywhere until I looked outside and saw him in the gazebo. He looked up from whatever he was doing and waved me over.

"Hey, how'd it go?" He asked when I sat down.

"It went... Well. We decided that we'll start recording and preparing for our debut this Friday through Sunday. We'll be meeting every weekend until we debut. Um..." I squirmed in my seat as I tried to gather the courage to ask him.

"What's wrong Amu-chan?" He asked.

"It's... Uh...well... O-our producer." I squeaked.

"Okay... Is there something bad about him?"

"I-it's Ikuto. And I wanted to know if you could-" I was cut off by soft lips on my own. He deepened the kiss and pulled me into his lap. We parted for air almost a minute later, panting.

"I'll go." He murmured.

"Really?" He nodded in response.

"Anything for you, love." he kissed my forehead. Oh. My. God. I think I just melted. He chuckled a little.

"Eh? What's so funny?" I asked confusedly.

"Your reaction."

"S-shut up. Pervert." I mumbled the last part.

"I'm the pervert? Who's the one that randomly sniffs me and watches me in my sleep?" He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah? Who's the one that- never mind."

"Hmm? What were you saying?" He asked.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I don't say things!" I laughed nervously and avoided his gaze. I don't want to remind him about... That.

"Oh, are you talking about the time I did this?" In a flash, I was facing Nagihiko with my legs on either side of his waist and his hands up my shirt. I gasped in surprise a moment later and pressed closer when I felt teeth on my neck. He started trailing butterfly kisses down my neck. His hands traveled farther up my shirt and, just as his hands got to the bottom of my bra, we were interrupted by a catcall, just like last time. I growled and climbed off of my… aroused boyfriend. Kei came out of his hiding place and laughed at our flushed faces and annoyed expressions.

"Do you follow us around waiting for the perfect moment to ruin?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Sometimes." His grin suddenly turned into a frown. "But, I cam out here to tell Amu-chan that you have a call. It's your doctor. I didn't know you went."

I blushed slightly. "Yeah, I went a few days ago. I'll go answer it." I ran back inside and picked up the home phone. "Hello? Dr. Temari?"

"Yes, is this Hinamori Amu-san?"


"I have a few things to talk to you concerning your visit last week. Do you want me to tell you over the phone or in person?"

"Over the phone would be best."

"Okay. We looked at your test results and weight and found a few things slightly disconcerting. First of all, you're weight is very low as well as nutrient levels. Also, I know you're getting over your drug addiction, but it's best if you were monitored and in a support group. We would like to put you on a special program. It's like rehab, but you don't have to leave home. The second thing is a little hard to tell you, but… you have type 1 diabetes. It seems you have actually had it for a long time, since you were about nineteen, but you stopped coming in so it could never be confirmed. You will have to come in as soon as possible so we can give you information about type 1 diabetes and put you on insulin. I have an opening on Monday at noon. Would that work for you?"

"Y-yeah, I'll be there. Goodbye Dr. Temari." I hung up the phone and collapsed onto the floor. "Oh my God." I muttered before covering my face and sobbing. I faintly heard footsteps heading my way.

"Amu, what's wrong?" Nagihiko asked worriedly.

"I-I hav-ve d-diabetes!" I managed to choke out between sobs. There were three gasps. Nagihiko pulled my body close to his.

"Oh my gosh Amu, I'm so sorry." Tomoyo said before dropping down next to me and rubbing my back.

"Do you want me to get you something to make it better?" Kei asked.

I nodded then managed to croak out a muffled "Cotton candy and a chocolate donut."

"Yes ma'am" He saluted then scurried off.

"Nagi, I'm scared of needles. Now I have to poke myself with one every day!" I whined.

"It's alright. I'll hold your hand every time." He spoke softly.

"Thank you." I kissed him on the cheek, then blacked out.

When I regained consciousness, I was pressed up against something warm.

"You faint a lot around me." The warm thing, now identified as Nagihiko, said.

"Shut up." I grumbled. "How long was I passed out for this time?"

"Let's see, it was about four when you passed out, and it's eleven now, so… nineteen hours." He smiled triumphantly at his math skills.

"Shoot, I have to be at Easter by 12:30. You're still coming right?" I began untangling myself from him and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Of course. Hey Amu, what did you eat yesterday?" I stiffened as I remembered that I forgot to eat.

"Ehehe, nothing. I kind of forgot."

"For how long?""Only two days. But I'm starting a rehab-ish program."

"Alright. Now, care to join me in a shower?"

"Not a chance lover boy." I stood up and walked out of the room.

We barely made to the studio on time. The meeting was taking place in conference room 3. It was a fairly large room. There was a long oval table in the center surrounded by eight chairs and a white board on the left wall. Everybody but Uncle Aruto was already there, including Ikuto. I walked in leaning on Nagihiko for support. Apparently the coffee hadn't kicked in yet. Uncle Aruto walked in a minute later.

"Before we start, I want to get the chatting over with, so, we'll go in order telling each other what's new, starting with me, then Ikuto, and all around the table, ending with Amu. And since a lot of us don't know each other, say your name and a few things about yourself. Nothing's really new in my life except for my new turtle, Pony." We all sweatdropped at his name choice.

"Alright, I guess it's my turn." Ikuto said. "I'm Ikuto, I'm gay, I'm Amu's cousin and this old guy's son. As for what's new with me, my boyfriend Jake, and I are moving in together." A big grin broke out on his face as he sat down and Miki stood up."I'm Suu, the manager desu. I cook and bake in my spare time. Hmm, nothings new for me." She sat down and was pinched by Miki, who stood up.

"Yo, I'm Miki. I love art and designing clothes. I also play the drums. What my space-case of a girlfriend failed to mention is that the renovations in our kitchen are done."

"Oh! They are?!" Suu exclaimed.

Miki sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why did I fall in love with the stupid one?"

"Alright, you two shut up. I'm Dia, Suu's fraternal twin. I do back up vocals and Ran. I-" Dia yelped as she was slapped in the arms by both Miki and Ran.

"Stop saying lewd things!" They scolded in unison.

"Sorry. Back to what I was saying. Ran and I are thinking about adopting a child." she squealed then sat down.

"Heya! I'm Ran, Amu-Chan's other cousin! We look alike, don't we? I play bass and I was the fastest runner on track in high school. I also got first place in nationals. Dia already told you what's new with both of us." She plopped down in her chair and Nagihiko rose out of his.

"I'm Nagihiko. I teach traditional Japanese dance among many other types. I dressed as a girl, Nadeshiko, until sixth grade and I still do for classes. The newest thing for me is that I'm going out with Amu, finally." He sat down and I stood up, blushing slightly.

"I'm Amu. I'm the lead singer and songwriter. Apparently I'm an accident magnet. I have three new things to share with everyone. 1st, I found out Nagihiko is really perverted." Ikuto opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "Yes Ikuto-nii, about as perverted as you. 2nd, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes yesterday. And lastly, I'm starting a rehab-ish program." By the time I finished everybody's jaw was hanging open. Well, everyone but Nagihiko and I.

Miki was the first to recover. "What are you doing a rehab program for?" She asked.

"Drug addiction and anorexia." I chirped. Now there was a mix of emotions on everyone's faces.

"Amu-chan, why didn't you tell us?" Ran asked quietly.

"Why did you do drugs?" Ikuto asked at the same time.

"I-it's complicated. And I really don't want to explain everything right now. I've never been able to get through the whole thing in one sitting. I always end up passing out. Nagihiko's the only one who's ever managed to get the whole story." I replied weakly. "Oh, I forgot to tell everyone that I got my bellybutton pierced a couple weeks ago!" I exclaimed as a distraction and lifted my shirt up to just barely show the skull charm that matched my lip ring.

I sat down a minute later. Nagihiko grabbed my hand and asked me if I was alright. I shook my head and fought back tears.

"It's okay." He whispered then kissed my cheek. I heard a few muffled giggles and realized we had an audience. My face turned bright red and I slumped down in my seat.

"As sweet as that is, please try to pay attention." Uncle Aruto teased.

"Yes!" I squeaked. It was reassuring that even Ikuto was smiling at our random PDA.

I was half asleep by the end of the meeting, but I made it through. As we said our goodbyes, Ikuto did the last thing I expected him to do: he hugged me tight.

Okay! here's chapter 7! Great, right? But it seems rushed. Well, that's because I was hella eager to write the confession. WHICH is the way I confessed to one of my girlfriends. It's also rushed because I'm making a bonus chapter with Nagi and Amu's first date and the results of the bet.

To make up for the lateness, you get an extra special preview!

I don't care even if you have a boyfriend, break it off with him. You're not getting out if this arranged marriage!

Muahahahaha I'm evil. Can you guess who's being put into an arranged marriage and how she gets out of it? If you beg me enough and guess who it is, I might tell you how she/he gets out of it.

TTFN tata for now!