Disclaimer: Guess what? I still don't own Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z.

Theme: Majin

Despair, sourly began to cake itself on her tongue, washing down her esophagus to form a heavy ball which she had trouble swallowing. "Usagi! We have to go," A mere shadow of what could be called a voice called out next to her. Her skin smudged with ash, Usagi turned to see the expressions of horror and fear littered on her friend's faces.

"Usa, oh my god, your ears," Chichi began, her voice shaken, "Their bleeding."

Unemotional, dead eyes turned away from the older woman to stare back at the squared circle in the middle of the dome. Standing calmly in the center was her lover, wickedly taking the lives of innocents as it were nothing.

"Usa!" The persistent voices continued to rise and she could numbly feel someone tugging on her arm.

Moister overwhelmed her vision as her fingers absently pulled off the gold band from her left hand. "Why," She asked of the debris filled air, laying her ring on the broken, twisted railing.

Absently she followed after Chichi, silently saying a final goodbye to her Vegeta.


An: Thanks for reading! Oh, I decided to end this at 50 chapters.. so we're almost done!

Sere Vegeta: So this will be the last time I'm gonna read and answer you back

Oh, my god, THANK YOU, that was the best X-mas present you could have given anyone, an end to your constant whining and poor grammar. Thank the heavens.
