There was loud commotion surrounding the campsite as everyone made grabs for breakfast. Tristan crawled out of his tent and glared at Seeley and Cadence, "You two are pure evil" Tristan shook his head roughly in an attempt to wake himself.

Cadence laughed and plopped down next to Lance on the log where he was eating and across from Temperance. "How did you guys sleep?"

"Not so great" Lance answered her honestly.

"Yeah, I usually don't get much sleep when we're out here, hence I'm always the first one up and about." She responded genuinely, knowing that this could be pretty difficult. "How about you Temperance? Did you sleep well?" Cadence asked with a light drawl to her voice.

"Yes, better than usual." She responded not seeing how that would feed into Cadence's thoughts, questions and future comments.

"You seemed quite peaceful this morning when I woke Seeley up. Parker must have been happy you stayed the night with them." A small smile was spread on her face. Lance looked between the two women getting what Cadence was insinuating.

Cadence felt herself propelled forward slightly and Tristan shoved her and sat himself next to her. "What was that?"

"Payback?" Tristan suggested shrugging his shoulders.

"Jerk." She responded rubbing her neck.

"When is the rest of the gang getting here?" Tristan asked as he began to devour his bowl of cereal.

"Soon. Probably another hour." Cadence responded shortly, right now she was trying to think of a master plan. A plan to get her brother Seeley and Temperance to acknowledge their feelings for another or at least make it so uncomfortable for them that they had to admit something. Lance noticed her usual loquacious and sunny demeanor was slightly off.

"What's on the Agenda today?" Seeley said approaching the group, he put his hand on his sister's shoulders drawing her out of her thoughts.

"A short hike when everyone gets here, followed by a nice swim at the lake to cool down. And you guys can do some fishing for dinner." Cadence said moving closer to Lance to try to make a space for Seeley. "And before the night's end I'm thinking some charades."

Seeley sat in between his sister and Tristan and glanced a look at Bones who was in a hushed conversation with Angela and Jack. He felt his sister lean her head on his shoulder, "Penny for your thoughts?"

He laughed, "You already know." He wrapped an arm around her and hugged her gently. He missed spending time with his sister; they used to hang out a lot more often before they both became overwhelmed with work.

Cadence saw from her peripheral Temperance watching her and Seeley, she could see the adoration in her eyes. She couldn't understand how neither of them saw this, or let themselves see it. Rather how they didn't fall give in their emotions. Cadence was always so in tune with her emotions, and she couldn't understand how people could deny themselves happiness. She didn't know how but there had to be some way to get these two together! And she was going to figure it out.


Seeley felt his sister get up and walk away from the log and only glanced slightly away from Tristan to confirm this. "Seeley?" He heard his mother call.

"Yeah?" He responded while getting up and following the voice.

When he got closer he saw her struggling with her duffle bag, trying to pull it out of the tent. Seeley reached down and pulled it out for her in one swift movement. "Thank you." She responded out of breath as she pulled back the zipper. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm really happy you decided to bring your friends."

Seeley forced a smile on his face, he knew where this was going especially after that talk he had with his sister this morning. "Yeah, they were all excited to be here mom. Maybe you and Cadence could tone done the insanity a bit." He teased his mother. That was one of the only things his sister and mother had in common, their emotional outbursts, and meddling. Other than that they were complete opposites.

"Angela and Temperance are quite beautiful." His mother added wrapping her arm around her son's biceps.

"Yes they are, Camille is sorry she couldn't be here."

"Oh right I remember her, she was quite sweet. But I don't think she ever looked at you the way Temperance does." His mother said slowing down their steps.

"Mom." Seeley said with slight warning is his voice.

"I just think you two are an adorable pair."

'We are not a pair." He said probably a little too strong.

"Right I meant would make an adorable pair." She said with a drawl of sarcasm in her voice.


Cadence pulled out a bottle of water from the container and felt someone walk up behind her. Quickly she moved to the side and turned to face the person, and instinctual move from years of self-defense. When she turned around she saw Lance's face and knew that he had noticed what she had done. He was incredibly observant, it was part of his job and she knew he would put two and two together. "Sorry" he said sincerely, knowing that she felt snuck up on.

"Don't worry about it." She said with a smile on her face. "I've always been a little too jumpy" she said as she tried to make the situation lighter. Her hand gently found his arm and she squeezed it softly. "How's this trip measuring up so far?"

"It's different, I'm glad I'm giving it a try though."

"It will get even better once everyone else arrives" Cadence promised. "The children are a joy, they always have smiles on their faces so it's hard not to become joyous as well. And then we'll have our games and all that."

"I trust that it will live up to all my expectations." Lance responded to the woman, she was worried about him not enjoying himself. She wanted to make sure this was something he would look back upon with positive feelings. From the moment he met her he could tell that other people came before her, just like her older brother.

Cadence didn't want to feel so drawn to this man before her but she did, maybe it was because he would be only one of the two men here she was not related to. Lance was about to say something to her but a loud noise turned their attention to the forest clearing where they had originally come from yesterday.

"Ayo!" Four loud voices called down

Cadence smiled widely and laughed before responding "Ayo!"

Seeley and Tristan were by their sister side calling back the same response; the newcomers jogged down the hill and pulled one another into greeting.

Angela stood with Lance and Brennan and Jack watching the family greet one another warmly. Seeley lifted one of his nieces in his arms while Tristan did the same with the other, each receiving kisses from the young girls and affectionate hugs. After the girls were set down Parker ran over to his cousins and hugged them forcefully causing them to fall onto the ground, each laughing as the got up and ran off. When the exchange between the family was over the group turned and looked at Seeley's guests and awaited the introductions.

"Alright everyone this is my partner Dr. Temperance Brennan." Seeley began gesturing towards Bones. "And this is Angela Montenegro, Jack Hodgins, and Lance Sweets."

"Oh your psychologist?" Logan piped up at the name he had heard his brother complain about on various occasion. "Do I have stories for you." Logan said with a wide smile on his face.

Seeley shoved him before continuing, "And this is my youngest brother Logan, and his girlfriend Paige. You guys already know Jared." Jared greeted them before sauntering off to meet his parents. "And this is Chase, and his wife Annalise. And those precious little girls were their daughters Peyton and Sadie."

"Wow." Angela responded. "I think this might take some time."

They all smiled at one another, "Don't sweat it, you'll get it by the end of the trip." Chase said piping up, his voice was the lightest of his brothers. He dropped his hand from his wife's back, who moved forward to intertwine her arm with her sister-in-law.

"She's very pretty." Annalise whispered in Cadence's ear, "Are they… you know?"

"No." Cadence said slightly laughing, quickly she turned her head to Logan as she remembered something, "Did you bring the boom box?"

"Of course I did, what's a Booth outing without late night dance parties?" He said pushing past his sister and settling down all of their equipment.

"Come on everyone, let's get you all settled so we can head out on a hike." Seeley said with authority.

"Yes big brother sir!" Cadence said teasingly.

As they all made their way to the center of camp, the squints and Sweets were left standing to watch the family, "Is anyone else feeling like we might be slightly out of place?' Hodgins asked.

"What's on my mind right now is how so many gorgeous men can come from one family!" Angela said staring after the family. "I know Booth is off limits, but that leaves me with three Booth men."

"And Cadence." Jack added with a wink.

"What?" Lance responded "You like Cadence?"

Angela laughed, "Don't worry Sweets I see the way you've been looking at her. Although I must say she does have a pretty sweet ass."

"Wait why is Booth off limits?" Temperance asked her friend.

"Guys." They heard a female voice and turned to see Cadence, "You plan on joining us?"

They began to walk to the center of camp, "Angela!" Bones called after her friend. "Angela!" She called again, as they left her standing there, "What do you mean he's off limits!" Booth hadn't told her he was seeing anyone. Was he seeing someone? Why would he hide that from her? He wouldn't… so what did Angela mean by that. She ran after her friend, she intended to find out.


A/N: Hey guys sorry that took me so long. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think. Have a great week!