A/N: Have any of you seen KuroshitsujiII? UWAAAH! I started this story before that series even came out, but some of the things in it are so similar to my story I watched every episode just to avoid anymore coincidences! Totally came up with the chocolate battle first! \\(*o*)/

This chapter had been going nowhere fast. I was sitting on the 4 page mark with a Writer's Block the size of Jupiter, until I read the reviews of you, my lovely readers and decided to delete the whole thing and go in a completely different direction. Im sorry it took over a year and then I forgot my password yeesh… well enough excuses here's your chapter:

Chapter 29: Treasured One

"I have a guest arriving today." Ciel spoke up once their lunch was finished and Sebastian was clearing the table. Lilis raised a brow at the statement.

"Are you asking me to take my leave?"

"Quite the contrary. If I could speak to you in private, I actually have a request to make of you."

Lilis' eyes lit in interest. "Oh, would you like to make a deal with me, Little Earl?" she joked. She knew this was not the case, but she wondered what the boy could possibly want to ask of her.

She could not refuse his request, her curiosity was too strong, so she followed the boy back to his study where, surprisingly, the rest of his staff, sans the demon butler, already stood. On his desk sat a camera that Lilis gazed at curiously. She'd never had her picture taken before nor had she used one of the box like contraptions.

"What was the matter you wanted to discuss with us?" Maylene inquired with a nervous tone. Her companion servants seemed to share her unease.

"I have a job for you." Ciel explained, resting a hand on the camera. An air of relief swept over the three.

"A job!"

"I thought for sure we were going to be fired."

Lilis observed their antics, jumping up and down in joy before turning to the young Earl.

"Does that camera have anything to do with this?" she asked.

Ciel smirked. "Everything in fact. This camera belonged to one William Henry Fox Talbot. It was the last camera he used before he died and rumor says anyone who has their photograph taken with it will have what they treasure most revealed in the developed picture."

A collective 'oooh' rose from his audience as they stared at the supposedly supernatural device.

"The thing most important to that person? It sounds so romantic!" Maylene gushed.

"I went through quite an effort to attain this camera, shall we give it a test?"

Ciel lifted the curtain on the back of the camera and aimed it at Lilis. She shook her head and replaced herself with Finny.

"You'll have to stand still for ten seconds or the picture wont turn out." Ciel ordered the fidgeting gardener. He straightened up and held his breath, standing completely still has the image burned into the film.

"All right you're done."

They all joined him in the developing room, anxious to see what the photo would reveal. He dipped it in the chemicals and an image began to form.

Finian gasped.

"That's my little bird!"

Even the demoness found herself leaning in closer for a better view of the photo once they had relocated back to the study. Over Finny's left shoulder a small bird was in mid flight. It was an adorable, tiny little thing that the gardener explained he had accidentally killed trying to pet it due to his abnormal strength.

"So it's…" Bard trailed off.

"One more thing about this camera." Ciel tapped the picture. "That precious thing treasured most is always something that does not belong in this world."

"In other words, only the dead." Bard said in realization, though Lilis knew there were other things besides the dead that did not belong to this world, herself included. She was beginning to grasp what Ciel was going to request of them.

"How amazing! What an exceptional camera!" Maylene praised.

Bard mumbled something about the occult and Finny cried over the memory of his lost birdie. Ciel was addressing Lilis mainly when he placed his hand atop the camera.

"I want you to take a picture of Sebastian with this, but do it without him realizing."

"The one Sebastian cares for the most?" she mused aloud. She wondered if he'd appear in the picture twice and stifled a chuckle.

"I'd kind of like to know." Finny admitted and Bard shared the sentiment. The large red blush that covered the maid's cheeks revealed her own opinion on the matter.

The Earl's three faithful servants were so excited at the prospect of completing this task for Ciel that they set to it immediately, cornering Sebastian in the library where he currently cleaned. Their hiding spot behind a bookcase was ingenious but the butler zipped around the room in such a flurry that catching him still for ten seconds was out of the question.

Similar antics followed and not even Lilis was able to catch him still for more than five seconds. Eventually Sebastian cornered them and Lilis hid the camera behind her back as the butler looked them over with a look of suspicion He didn't know what they were up to, but it was disturbing his work and he ordered the servants to deal with Pluto to get them away from him, though his excuse was that a guest would be arriving later and the demon dog would hardly be an acceptable sight. He could not order Lilis away however and they stood staring at each other in silence.

"Hiding something?" he asked.

"Why so suspicious?" Lilis grinned pulling her arms from behind her back and showing him her empty palms.

It was obvious she had been concealing something moments ago, but he truly had other more important matters to deal with. He had a whole manor to finish cleaning before Ciel's guest arrived, though that hardly compared to what had really been dwelling on Sebastian's mind.

He had never discovered whose blood he had found on the kitchen floor. For a master detective like Sebastian, it was a rarity. He'd not had any feeling of intruders since then however so he had let it slip his mind for the time being.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm currently on a task for your itty Earl." She passed him.

He allowed her to pass and when he turned she'd already vacated the hallway. He returned to his own matters at hand. No doubt he'd find out what was going on eventually.

Lilis entered Ciel's study. He looked less than please at the pile of blurry photographs that were laid across his desk.

"Damn him." the boy's eyebrow twitched in frustration.

"Why do you want to know so bad? What Sebastian hold most precious?"

Ciel didn't answer her and simply pushed the camera back towards her. "Keep trying."

"You're a slave driver." she complained, but picked it back up anyway. She wasn't one to give up easily.

Ciel's guest had arrived on schedule and she found the butler greeting him at the door. She took aim and kept his face in frame, but at the last moment the blonde man that had entered blocked the shot. She growled and moved to a different position.

Every missed opportunity made her want to hold him down by force and take the photo, his realization of her mission be damned. The thought brought provocative images to her mind and she ignored the heated feeling that spread through her briefly.

The amount of wasted film was piling up as well.

Once the Earl's business meeting had concluded and Mr. Jones had departed Sebastian began cleaning up other messes around the manor with Lilis on his tail like a shadow. Whether he noticed or not was unknown.

If she couldn't catch him not moving she'd just have to keep up with him.

But even that wasn't as easy as it sounded. After an hour of fruitless pursuit she decided that different tactics would have to be employed. Underhanded tactics.

The plan was chancy at best, but it was the best plan she could come up with and she set to it.

Sebastian was wiping down various decorative hall statues when she stuck her head out suddenly from her room, which was located to his right a small ways down said hall and called out. "Sebastian." He gave her a sideways glance and waited for some kind of request or question but she just smiled bashfully, an expression that looked very odd on the demoness. He raised an eyebrow.

"Could you come here please?"

He stood there for a brief moment before he left his task and entered the room and froze. Lilis stood a few feet ahead of him with her back to the butler. The ties on the back of her dress had been halfway undone and opened, revealing some her creamy caramel skin.

"I was going to change, but this knots stuck…" she gestured to the offending tangle of cloth that sat at the midway point of her back. "I don't want to rip the clothes given to me so generously by the Earl, could you undo it for me please?"

It was so obviously a trap it was laughable, but he couldn't resist such an open invitation. He approached her and reached out, gently pushing some carmine hair away from her back. He let the tips of his gloved fingers just barely brush across her skin and was pleased to see the goose bumps rise along the path his fingers made.

He took his time at the knot, much longer than he had too and Lilis resisted the urge to point out the fact, wondering just what the hell he was doing back there. Sure the camera she set up had managed the get the full 10 seconds of exposure required, she grew impatient at his leisurely untangling of her corset knot. Too much exposure would damage it.

Finally he the two cords fell separate of each other and she sighed in relief, turning around. The sigh caught in her throat when she came to face Sebastian only to see him holding the very camera she had set up pointed at her.

"How did you?.."

He lowered the device. "Ten seconds." he said.

At the risk of sounding like a spoiled child she blurted the words "Not fair!" and grabbed for the camera. But with her corset untied she had to pull her arms in to keep the garment in place. Her own trap turned against her. She felt so stupid. She bent her arms back to haphazardly try to tie the corset enough that it'd stay in place and once more lunged for the machine in Sebastian's grip.

He evaded her easily enough and she glowered at him.

"Tch tch don't be so glum." he grinned. "I'm sure Ciel will be just as interested in who your most precious is."

If looks could kill he'd be a mess fleshy chunks and blood across the floor.

Without warning, her leg whipped out and she kicked the device from his hands sending it flying high above them and she tackled Sebastian to the ground, swiping a tall candelabrum on her way down.

Using all of her strength to keep him pinned she bent the metal decoration around his shoulders and caught the camera as it descended.

She kept her left palm on his chest to keep him still, using her right hand to ready the camera.

"I wonder what will be revealed… a past lover, family,…Ciel perhaps? Probably a cat."

When ten seconds was up she jumped off of him and hopped back a few more feet in case he decided to go after her, but he remained wrapped in the metal on the ground.

She quickly darted off to the developing room, leaving him there.

"Son of a bitch."

Lilis gripped the developed photos tightly. The last photo was the one he had taken of her. There had been no film when she'd managed to pin him down. The bastard definitely knew. That's why his resistance had been so weak.

She groaned and rubbed her forehead before looking at the top photograph. It was a picture of her back, corset half undone and Sebastian's hand resting too cozily right below the knot.

To the right of her stood a person she'd not seen in over four centuries. She stared, fixated on the image of the old woman standing there. Her clothing was drab and hung from her frame shapelessly, her dark hair was kept in a long thin braid that hung over her shoulder and her face was a testament to the long hard life she had lived.

But despite the worn appearance, her eyes held an obvious light and her small lips were set in a smile. She was also undoubtedly human.

Lilis ran her thumb over the old woman's image and dedicated a moment to memories long dead before crumbling the picture tightly in her fist. When she opened her hand again it held nothing but ash.

"It's good to see you leaving memories of such trash in the past. Perhaps there's hope for you yet?"

Lilis had not even noticed the second presence in the room. She spun around to face the intruder.

Shining golden hair and large doe eyes as red as freshly spilled blood. Those were the features Lilis processed first. Next came her petit frame, shorter than Lilis, she looked like a teenager.

She wasn't dressed like one though. Her form fitting dress hugged her curves like a lover and pushed her breasts up provocatively, making them appear much larger.

Her lips matched her bloody eyes and when she grinned they parted to reveal razor sharp teeth that briefly reminded her of that obnoxious death god, Grell.

"Should I assume you're in connections with my father?" she found the word 'father' didn't pass her lips easily. She was hardly used to the concept, nor did she particularly welcome it.

"Bingo!" The woman chirped before suddenly attacking the demoness. Her blade like claws extended as she raked them across Lilis' forearm, which she had brought up at the last second to protect her face.

The gouges went deep, almost to the bone and blood splashed across the floor. The small space was in no way conducive to fighting and she dashed to the exit. She reached the door handle when a tremendous force hit her square in the back and sent both of them flying through the demolished threshold.

It wasn't easy to see in all the dust and debris, but Lilis managed to grab a hold of a large portion of the smaller demoness' hair and yanked as hard as she could, pulling her attacker off the ground and flinging her into the far wall. A large chunk of the golden strands had tangled around Lilis' fingers and had not made the journey. She shook them off her hand in disgust and turned to her foes landing point.

The blonde raised her hand to her head and felt at the bald spot she now sported. There was a moment of dead silence before she let out an inhuman screech and launched herself at Lilis, hissing and spitting like some rabid beast.

"You bi-!"

The insult was abruptly cut short by the presence of a steak knife sticking out from the center of her forehead. Lilis saw Sebastian in the doorway, holding three more knives in between his fingers, but one had done the trick of immobilizing her. Lilis grabbed the end of the steak knife and pulled it from her skull before swiftly separating her head from her shoulders.

The head rolled across the floor and the body tumbled limply to the ground, but even then she wasn't sure if the pixy like demon was truly dead. She retrieved the head, picking it up by her golden locks and threw the body over her shoulder.

"Tell Ciel, my apologies about his camera." Said camera was nothing but scrap now, buried under the rubble of the wall. "…and the wall. I hate to be such a poor house guest, but I must be taking my leave now. I have a few matters that must be tended to."

Sebastian merely nodded, understanding and assured her he'd take care of the room, wall, and camera.

"You can be such a gentleman when you're not being such a beast."

"Thank you." the demon butler bowed, grinning his wicked grin and when he rose she was already gone. A few more seconds after that and she was completely off the Phantomhive estate.

A/N: Whoooie wrote this all in almost one sitting in the last two days. If anyone still monitoring this story after so long. I know I don't deserve 'em but I still love your reviews 3