Survivor: Seireitei Forest

Jet Black is standing near the outskirts of the Seireitei Forest, with a group of characters all lined up, waiting for him to speak.

"Welcome to Survivor: Seireitei Forest," Jet announces. "These 24 characters from 12 different anime series are about to attempt to outwit, outplay and outlast each other in order to win a large sum of money. They are about to enter the Seireitei Forest, where they will have to deal with life in the most primitive portion of the Soul Society. Which one of these players will be able to outlast all the others, and become the Soul, I mean, sole survivor?"

The Survivor theme song "Ancient Voices" plays, showing all the characters of the series, who are:

Alphonse Elric, from Fullmetal Alchemist

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV, from Cowboy Bebop

Erika, from Pokémon

Haruhi Suzumiya, from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

InuYasha, from InuYasha

Ryoji Kaji, from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Kakashi Hatake, from Naruto

Kenpachi Zaraki, from Bleach

Koga, from InuYasha

Kyon, from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Li Syaoran, from Cardcaptor Sakura

Light Yagami, from Death Note

Maes Hughes, from Fullmetal Alchemist

Meilin, from Cardcaptor Sakura

Mihoshi, from Tenchi Muyo

Misa Amane, from Death Note

Misato Katsuragi, from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Misty, from Pokémon

Rangiku Matsumoto, from Bleach

Rei Hino, from Sailor Moon

Ryoko, from Tenchi Muyo

Shikamaru Nara, from Naruto

Spike Spiegel, from Cowboy Bebop

Usagi Tsukino, from Sailor Moon

Chapter 1

The Goof Troop

Day 1

"We are ready to pick tribes," Jet announces. "But first, each of you will take a rock out of this box without looking, then cover it up with both of your hands. The four of you who end up choosing purple rocks-"

"-are out of the game?" Spike finishes.

"Wrong, Spike," Jet replies. "Just because I know you well doesn't mean you're going to get to steal my thunder and stop me from feeding my ego, so you better learn to be quiet while I'm speaking. Anyway, the four of you who get the purple rocks will be team captains, for our four tribes, as we will have a schoolyard pick. No one may choose someone they know to be on their team."

The players pull rocks out of the box, then Jet tells them to reveal. Haruhi, Rangiku, Ryoko and Usagi end up with the purple rocks.

"Get this, Kyon, I get to be a captain!" Haruhi announces excitedly.

"How come I get the feeling you wished that to happen?" Kyon mutters.

"Okay, Haruhi, you will be captain of the Sokyoku tribe, wearing the red buffs," Jet says, handing her the buffs for her team. "Choose one male character to join your tribe."

"I choose… the guy with the patch and the crazy hair!" Haruhi exclaims.

"Kenpachi," Kenpachi responds, walking over to Haruhi.

"All right, time for your choice, Rangiku," Jet tells Rangiku. "You are captain of the Gotei tribe, wearing the green buffs. Choose a male character for your tribe."

"Ooh… I'll choose the cute guy with the ponytail," Rangiku says happily.

"I'm Kaji, and I'm pleased to meet you," Ryoji Kaji replies, as he walks over toward Rangiku. Meanwhile, an angry Misato glares at Kaji after he sounded happy to be with the beautiful Rangiku.

"It's now your choice, Ryoko," Jet announces. "You will be captaining the Reiatsu tribe, wearing the yellow buffs. Choose a male character to become a member of your tribe."

"I will go with… that cute boy there," Ryoko tells Jet, pointing at Light.

"That's Light Yagami," Jet responds. "Come on over here, Light."

Light gives Ryoko a sinister smile as he takes his buff off her.

"Finally, Usagi," Jet says. "You choose a male character to join your tribe, Rukongai, which will wear the blue buffs."

"Oh boy!" Usagi replies. "I think I'm going to pick… Rei!"

"Uh, Usagi," Jet tells her, "you must choose someone you don't know, and-"

"Okay, then I'll pick that blonde girl!" Usagi cuts him off.

Jet sighs. "Usagi, you must choose a male character."

"Oh, all right!" Usagi answers him, undaunted. "I will choose that boy wearing the green robe!"

"I'm Li Syaoran," Li responds, walking over to meet Usagi.

"We're going back to the Sokyoku tribe, where Kenpachi will choose a female character to join his tribe," Jet says.

"That purple-haired girl will be my selection," Kenpachi tells Jet.

"You have chosen Misato Katsuragi," Jet responds to Kenpachi. "Come over here, Misato."

Misato sighs as she joins Kenpachi and Haruhi.

"Your turn, Kaji," Jet says.

"Let's see…" Kaji thinks out loud. "I don't want to choose someone weak… who looks strong? How about that girl there, with the dark pigtails?"

"No!" Meilin squeals. "I wanted to be with Li!"

"Sorry, Meilin, but you are now a member of the Gotei tribe," Jet tells her. "Come over here and get your buff. Meanwhile, you choose, Light."

Light looks over the players carefully. "I'll go with the blue-haired girl."

"That's Erika," Jet says.

Erika joins up with Light's tribe, then a fast-forward scene is shown, as everyone is picked up until Al, who is standing all by himself.

"There's not much choice, Mihoshi," Jet tells the most-recently picked member of the Rukongai tribe.

"I have to pick a boy, though!" Mihoshi protests. "The only one left is a giant robot!"

"I am a boy," Al clarifies.

"No, you're not!" Mihoshi responds. "Who am I supposed to pick?"

"Al is joining your tribe, like it or not, Mihoshi," Jet tells her. "Alphonse Elric, you are the final member of the Rukongai tribe, and the final player selected. How does it feel to be the last player chosen?"

"I think everyone was confused about my gender," Al responds. "I will be a real help to my tribe, regardless of being chosen last."

"I hope so," Jet says. "Now here are our four tribes:

Sokyoku, which has Haruhi, Kenpachi, Misato, InuYasha, Misa and Maes;

Gotei, which has Rangiku, Kaji, Meilin, Spike, Misty and Kyon;

Reiatsu, which has Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, Rei and Kakashi;

and Rukongai, which has Usagi, Li, Ed, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al.

Anyway, it is time for our first twist: we will hold our first immunity challenge, right here, right now."

The players look at each other in confusion, as he pulls out of his pocket Kon, the immunity plushie.

"This here is the immunity plushie, which, for the first time, is up for grabs," Jet announces.

"Only one?" Gotei member Misty responds.

"That's right," Jet explains. "The other three tribes will be forced to go to Tribal Council, and based on your finish, you will go to Tribal on Day 1, 2 or 3, or of course not at all. On my go, you will all head out into the forest, where you will look for trees painted with your tribe's color. Those trees will have bags of puzzle pieces hanging somewhere in the branches. You will have to use teamwork to climb into the trees and gather those puzzle pieces. Once you gather all three bags of puzzle pieces, you will return to the starting line here, where you will put together the puzzle, which will reveal this picture of the Seireitei Forest I have here. The first team to finish their puzzle wins immunity and is safe from the Tribal Councils that will take place on Days 1, 2 and 3."

The players look at each other with a mixture of excitement and anxiousness.

"For immunity!" Jet announces. "Survivors ready, go!"

Gotei Tribe

(Rangiku, Kaji, Meilin, Spike, Misty and Kyon)

"There's a green tree!" Misty shouts to her teammates, who were running in the other direction.

"Where's the puzzle pieces?" Kaji asks.

"They're pretty high up there," Kyon comments.

"You four move on," Kaji says. "I'll help Misty get this bag."

The other four run farther into the woods, but Meilin trips on a long root of a tree and takes a tumble.

"Are you okay?" Kyon asks.

"Sort of," Meilin says. "But my knee really hurts."

"I'll help her," Kyon tells the other two. "You keep going."

While Rangiku and Spike run off, Kyon tries to help Meilin stand up, but she cannot.

"I'm in too much pain," she says. "I don't know if I'll be able to keep on going."

"Come on, we really need all the help we can get," Kyon tells her. "Climb on my shoulders, I'll carry you."

Meilin climbs up on to Kyon's back, and Kyon picks her up and begins to carry her deeper into the woods.

Reiatsu Tribe

(Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, Rei and Kakashi)

The Reiatsu tribe thought to split up into three groups of two people each right away. Kakashi is going with Ryoko through the forest.

"You know, I was thinking…" Kakashi tells her.

"What is it?" Ryoko asks frantically, thinking that he has a better idea on how to win the challenge.

"You and I would make a good alliance," Kakashi says.

"We can't think about that right now!" Ryoko responds. "Look, there's one of our trees! Let's get those puzzle pieces!"

Kakashi quickly climbs into the tree and snags the bag of puzzle pieces.

"Wow, you're really good!" Ryoko tells him.

"That's why we'd make a good alliance," Kakashi replies. "How about it?"

"Not right now," Ryoko responds. "Get going back to the starting line while I help the others look for more pieces!"

Sokyoku Tribe

(Haruhi, Kenpachi, Misato, InuYasha, Misa and Maes)

The Sokyoku tribe has already found two bags of puzzle pieces, thanks to Kenpachi's keen knowledge of the Seireitei Forest.

"These trees are in a certain pattern," Kenpachi explains. "I remember them too well."

"Only one more bag!" Haruhi shouts. "Let's find it!"

"I see the last tree," InuYasha says. "Hold these bags."

He hands the other bags to Misato and Maes, while he leaps into the tree and snags the final bag.

"Let's get back to the starting line!" Misa yells.

Rukongai Tribe

(Usagi, Li, Ed, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al)

The Rukongai tribe still does not have a single bag, as they are walking around the forest in confusion. Usagi has already walked right into two trees, and she is about to walk into a third one.

"Usagi, look out for that-" Al screams.

"Too late," an annoyed Shikamaru comments.

"Trees, trees, trees in a forest, green! Green!" Ed shouts.

"Huh?" Li asks Ed.

"Green! Green!" Ed shouts.

"No, we're blue," Li responds.

"I want green!" Ed yells.

"Okay, whatever," Li says.

"Hey, everybody, here's a tree with a color!" Mihoshi announces.

"That's a yellow tree," Al points out. "We need to find the blue-colored trunks."

"But it has a color too, just yellow!" Mihoshi protests.

"It's not going to help us," Shikamaru says.

"Usagi, no!" Al yells, watching Usagi walk right into yet another tree.

Reiatsu Tribe

(Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, Rei and Kakashi)

"Thanks for the lift, Light!" Erika tells her partner, as he helps her down from a tree with puzzle pieces.

"No problem," Light responds. "Now let's hope our partners have found the other bags."

Koga and Rei have gone further into the forest, and they have finally found the last bag of pieces for their team.

"Do you need my help?" Rei asks.

"This is not any trouble at all," Koga says, leaping into the tree and snatching the bag of puzzle pieces.

"Wow, you're amazing!" Rei exclaims.

"You know something, you remind me of someone," Koga tells her. "Is your name actually Kagome?"

"Kagome?" Rei questions. "I don't know anyone named Kagome."

"You look exactly like a girl I know named Kagome," Koga replies.

"That's strange," Rei says. "Come on, let's get back to the start!"

Starting Line

"Sokyoku first back to the start!" Jet announces, seeing the Sokyoku tribe running towards the starting line.

"We've got all our pieces right here!" Misato says to InuYasha, as they open up their bags at the starting line.

"Let's get to work immediately," Maes says, starting to grab a few of the pieces.

"There are thirty-six pieces," Jet announces to the Sokyoku tribe as they start to piece their puzzle together. "They will form a perfect square."

As the Sokyoku tribe is putting together their puzzle, the Reiatsu tribe arrives with their pieces.

"Sokyoku has a big lead, but Reiatsu trying to come back!" Jet shouts.

Only about thirty seconds later, the Gotei tribe comes back with all of their puzzle pieces.

"I guess my injury didn't hurt that badly – Kyon lifted me to get a bag of pieces," Meilin tells her teammates.

"Get to work!" Spike yells. "We've got to come back big time!"

"Sokyoku, Reiatsu and Gotei all working on their puzzles now!" Jet announces. "Rukongai is way out of this challenge!"

Rukongai Tribe

(Usagi, Li, Ed, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al)

Al has helped Li get one of his team's bags of puzzle pieces, but when he walks over to his teammates, he finds that they are still in disarray.

"What is going on here?" he asks.

"We can't find anything," Shikamaru replies.

"We need to hurry up!" Al shouts.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry up, up, up and away!" Ed says.

"What?" Li asks, absolutely confused.

"Oh no, not again," Usagi mutters as she bumps into yet another tree.

"You need to walk into one of the blue-colored trees," Ed says.

"We're hopeless," Shikamaru remarks.

Starting Line

"Sokyoku, Reiatsu, Gotei, all very far into their puzzles, but having some trouble now," Jet says. "The puzzle pieces will only fit together in one possible way. Make sure you have them all put together correctly!"

Koga and Kakashi begin arguing over some of the pieces in the Reiatsu puzzle, as they cannot figure how to put them together. Light then realizes the problem.

"You're both incorrect," he says. "This first part of the puzzle was put together wrong… we've got to start all over."

Meanwhile, it is getting really close between Sokyoku and Gotei, as Gotei has made a great comeback.

"I think we've almost got it," Misty comments.

But as she says this, Maes puts in the last piece of the Sokyoku puzzle, finishing it.

"Sokyoku wins immunity!" Jet shouts.

The Sokyoku players begin to congratulate each other, while the Gotei players finish up their puzzle.

"Gotei finishes second," Jet says.

The Reiatsu tribe has some trouble, but they finally get their puzzle together after a few more minutes.

"Reiatsu finishes third," Jet announces. "That means that Rukongai, wherever they are, will vote tonight."

About ten minutes later, the Rukongai finally exits the forest.

"We couldn't find all of our puzzle pieces," Mihoshi tells Jet.

"Well, it's too late," Jet tells Rukongai. "You have finished in last, and you will visit me at Tribal tonight."

"What a start," Shikamaru mumbles.

"Reiatsu, you will go to Tribal tomorrow, and Gotei, you will visit me there in a couple days," Jet announces. "Sokyoku, this is for you."

Jet hands Kon to Misato, who squeezes him happily across her chest.

Oh, Misato! Kon thinks.

"Congratulations," Jet tells Sokyoku. "You are immune from the first three Tribal Councils. And, as a reward, here is a pack of matches, to start your tribe's first fire."

"Thank you," Misa says to Jet.

"Now, I have boxes of rice for every tribe and maps to your new homes," Jet announces. "A couple people from each tribe need to come over here and pick them up, and get on your way to camp."

Sokyoku Tribe

(Haruhi, Kenpachi, Misato, InuYasha, Misa and Maes)

The tribes have now arrived at their camps, all deep in the Seireitei Forest. InuYasha and Kenpachi begin gathering a pile of wood together.

"That was easy, wasn't it?" Haruhi asks.

"Yeah, I think we have the best tribe by far," Maes comments.

"I'm just glad we don't have to vote anyone out for a little while now," Misato remarks.

"Our tribe completely dominated the first immunity challenge, and I can see us winning several more challenges to come," Maes says. "I think there should be plenty of time to get used to camp life, and worry about voting people out later."

"I want to make an important announcement!" Haruhi shouts.

"What is it?" an annoyed InuYasha asks.

"I am the leader of this tribe!" Haruhi announces. "I do such a great job running the SOS Brigade at my school, so I think it's only fair that I am the leader here!"

"Hold on a second," Kenpachi interrupts her. "I am the captain of Squad 11 here in the Soul Society. I think I have more qualifications as a leader than you do."

"And I lead my group into battle against Naraku," InuYasha adds. "You better believe that I have the qualifications to be the leader!"

"That's okay, you can all be the leader!" a clueless Misa chimes in.

"That's not possible!" Haruhi argues. "One of us must be the leader, not all of us!"

"Well, it's not gonna be you," Kenpachi comments. "It should definitely be me."

"Shouldn't we all get to know each other first before we start choosing a leader?" Maes breaks in.

"Perfect," Misato says. "We have the best tribe for winning in challenges, but they're all already getting angry at each other, which will mean that I will fly under the radar. Then I'll be able to simply pick and choose who I want out."

Rukongai Tribe

(Usagi, Li, Ed, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al)

The Rukongai tribe members have arrived at their camp, despite twice going down the wrong path thanks to some poor leading by Usagi. Al took over and got the tribe where they needed to go.

"All right, Al is our big hero!" Mihoshi cries.

"I was on the right path, wasn't I?" Usagi asks.

"No, you weren't, Usagi," Li replies.

"This tribe is a joke," says Shikamaru. "They were all clueless in the challenge, not knowing what to do. They're the goof troop. I don't know how I'm going to last with all these losers… it's so stupid."

"Let's put together our shelter," Al says. "I'll gather some of the logs to build it up, and some of you will have to help me."

"Working together, that's the way, always, always work together!" Ed exclaims.

However, after a while, it is clear that only Al can do any legitimate work on building the shelter, as Shikamaru and Li are feeling apathetic, and Usagi, Mihoshi and Ed are utterly clueless.

"Come on guys, I need some help," Al tells his teammates.

"Come on in, guys!" Ed jokes.

"All right, I can't take it anymore!" Li shouts. "Edward!"

"I'm Edward," Ed says.

"Please, tell me why you are acting so strange," Li requests.

"Edward is not acting strange, Li is acting strange," Ed replies.

"I'm done with Ed. That girl is insane, and I don't know how she was even chosen to be a part of this game," Li says. "Our tribe will be much better off once she goes home tonight."

Al becomes increasingly frustrated as he puts together the tribe's shelter without any help.

"Isn't anyone going to help me?" Al asks.

"I'm trying!" Usagi says, dropping a log onto Al's foot.

"I don't know what to do with this tribe," Al says. "Apparently I'm the only one who wants us to succeed. Everyone else is either arguing or too stupid to help. I'm going to have to make a decision on which one is hurting us the most – right now, it's Usagi."

After a while, Al is finally able to put together a shelter for the team, and he is applauded by both Usagi and Mihoshi.

"Yay, Al! You did it!" Mihoshi exclaims.

"Way to go, Al!" Usagi shouts.

"Al's getting a little too popular around here," Shikamaru says. "But he's the best worker we have on our tribe."

Reiatsu Tribe

(Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, Rei and Kakashi)

It is a little later on in the day, and the players are all huddled around a pile of wood placed in the middle of their camp area, waiting for Rei.

"Where is she?" Ryoko asks, holding her Ryo-ohki.

"Getting changed, I think," Kakashi replies.

Rei returns from behind a tree as Sailor Mars. She launches a fiery arrow right into the middle of the pile of wood, igniting it instantly.

"Wow! Nice job, Rei!" Erika exclaims.

"Thank you," a very gracious Sailor Mars responds, before going back to transform into her ordinary self.

"Rei is a huge help to our tribe," Koga says. "It would be great to become allied with her, before anyone else does. No one is going to vote her out after that."

About half an hour later, Light and Erika have gone deep into the woods to talk to each other, alone.

"Erika, you're a really sweet girl," Light tells her.

"Thank you, Light," Erika replies. "You're a great guy, too."

"What I wanted to talk to you about, was-" Light begins.

"Forming an alliance?" Erika wonders.

Light laughs. "Well, that too," he says. "Actually, I was wondering…"

He reaches out his hand and grabs her right hand.

"I would like you to be my girlfriend," he tells her.

"Oh, Light!" Erika exclaims. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely," Light replies. "I am more interested in developing meaningful relationships in this game than winning it all."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Erika shouts. "You are such a caring person, Light."

"Perfect," Light says. "I have Erika in the palm of my hand now. She will be the pawn whom I will hang on to for a long time, before sacrificing her in order to ensure my victory."

"So, shall we become aligned with that fiery girl, Rei?" Light asks.

"You're so smart," Erika responds. "I think that would be great."

"We'll align ourselves with her and the wolf boy, and take out whoever we want," Light tells her. "Then the two of us will go as far as we can."

Gotei Tribe

(Rangiku, Kaji, Meilin, Spike, Misty and Kyon)

The Gotei players have put together an impressive shelter, but none of them have any idea of how to start a fire.

"I know there's a way to do it, but I'm not sure how," Kaji says.

"Here, let me try," Kyon says, scraping a knife against a piece of wood in a vain attempt to catch a spark.

"It's no use," Misty says. "I'd use my Starmie, but it only knows Water-type moves."

"Starmie?" Meilin asks.

"Yes, it's a Pokémon," Misty replies. "Want to see it?"

"Sure," Meilin answers.

Misty sends out her Starmie. Some of the players go over to touch the starfish-shaped Pokémon. Meanwhile, Rangiku is talking to Spike a little bit away from the others.

"I really think that you and I should be aligned with each other," Rangiku tells Spike.

Spike, enamored with Rangiku's beauty, agrees. "Well, of course," he responds. "We just need to get a couple others on our side."

"I'll work on some others, don't worry," Rangiku replies.

"This should be easy," Rangiku says. "Spike gave into me on one look, and I'm sure the other men will too. I can become the puppeteer of all the men on this tribe, and get them all to go along with me."

A little later, Rangiku talks to Kaji. The result is the same.

"I'd love to join up with you," Kaji tells her. "You just tell me who to vote for, and that person will be ousted."

"I'm thinking we go after Misty," Rangiku replies.

"Why not Meilin?" Kaji asks. "She seems weaker."

"Trust me," Rangiku says flirtingly.

After a moment's thought, Kaji agrees. "Okay, Misty it is," he replies.

"I'm not sure what Rangiku's planning, but if it involves voting out someone besides me, I'm all for it," Kaji says.

Rukongai Tribe

(Usagi, Li, Ed, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al)

It is the evening now, Shikamaru is talking to Li and Al about his voting plans deep in the forest.

"I really think we've got to take out that Mihoshi girl," he says. "She's so stupid."

"I'm thinking Usagi," Al responds. "She's only hurt our tribe so far."

"Are you two serious?" Li asks. "The most clueless one is that Edward… she doesn't know what she's even saying!"

"We've all got to come together and choose one of them, or else it might be one of us," Shikamaru comments. "Who should it be?"

"Usagi!" Al replies.

"Edward!" Li responds.

"I'm still thinking Mihoshi…" Shikamaru adds.

"This tribe is hopeless," Li says. "I try to get into an alliance, and even we can't agree on everything. This is really bad… one of us could end up going."

Back in the shelter, Mihoshi and Usagi are just lying around doing nothing.

"Who do you think we should vote for tonight?" Usagi asks.

"Voting? Oh, who cares!" Mihoshi replies. "Let's just have some fun!"

"I agree!" Usagi adds. "Let's forget about the whole voting thing!"

There is not much time to forget about voting, however, because it is just about time for the tribe to go to Tribal Council.

Tribal Council


The six Rukongai members walk into Tribal Council, where host Jet Black is standing, watching them all come in. They notice a gate near Jet, which he does not yet acknowledge.

"Each of you grab a torch and get fire," Jet commands, as the players start to do so. "In this game, fire means life. Once it is gone, so are you."

"What if it rains?" Mihoshi asks.

"Let's not get too technical here, okay?" Jet replies. "Anyway, tonight is our first Tribal Council, where one of you will be going home. Al, why shouldn't that be you?"

"I built the whole shelter for our tribe, with very little help," Al responds. "Some people tried to help, but they weren't much help at all."

"What do you think is worse, people who try to help but can't, or people who just refuse to help?" Jet questions.

"It's hard to say," Al replies. "I don't know why a couple people chose not to give me a hand, but that was their decision."

"Interesting," Jet says. "Li, what was your choice?"

"I didn't help because I didn't want to get in Al's way," Li answers. "I thought that trying to help and getting in the way – like some others did – would be even worse than not helping at all."

"You could have been useful, though," Al argues. "I would have been glad to have your help."

"Well, you should have told me," Li responds.

"I did!" Al protests.

Jet pauses for a moment to let the argument end. "Already some animosity built up in this tribe," he comments. "Shikamaru, can you feel that animosity?"

"I don't really care what others think about me," he replies. "I know that there are some people here who don't even know how to think."

"Are you meaning that as an insult?" Jet asks.

"Yes, yes I am," Shikamaru says. "And those who I am insulting probably don't even realize it."

"That's not nice!" Usagi interjects. "You shouldn't be insulting anyone at all! I'm sure Ed doesn't like your comments one bit!"

"I'm insulting you, too," Shikamaru replies. "You just proved my point."

"Hey, everyone, let's not argue!" Mihoshi exclaims.

"All right, this is getting pretty sticky, so let me set this train in motion," Jet breaks in. "Tonight you will all get a chance to vote for one player who you want voted out of this game. Make sure you make a good decision, or otherwise your tribe will not be any better than it is right now. The player voted out will walk through this gate here to return to the world of the living. Al, you're up first."

The Tribal Council theme "Tally the Vote" plays as Al gets up from his seat.

Al goes to vote.

"Usagi, you've only been a detriment to our tribe, not helping us one little bit," Al says. "I'm sorry, but you've got to go."

Ed goes to vote.

Li goes to vote.

"Ed, you're completely clueless," Li says. "You don't know what is going on. You may not even realize that you have been voted out."

Mihoshi goes to vote.

Shikamaru goes to vote.

"You don't know what you're doing out here," Shikamaru says, holding up his vote for Mihoshi.

Usagi goes to vote.

After Usagi comes back from voting, Jet says, "I'll go tally the votes."

Jet goes to the voting booth, gathers the votes, rearranges them, then returns to the players.

"Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be asked to return to the world of the living immediately," Jet says. "I'll read the votes."

He holds out the first vote.

"Mihoshi," he says, with Mihoshi looking a little nervous.

He then pulls out the next vote.

"Ed," he reads. Ed, however, seems to not even know what is going on.

"Usagi," Jet says, pulling out the next vote. "One vote Mihoshi, one vote Ed, one vote Usagi."

He then pulls out the fourth vote. "I don't know who this is for," he states.

The vote shows a crude picture of a robot. "The robot!" Ed shouts.

"Al, that's for you," Jet says. "Ed, if you don't want others to know who you're voting for, you have to write the person's name so I can read it."

He pulls out the next vote. "Ed," he reads. "Two votes Ed, one vote Mihoshi, one vote Al, one vote Usagi, one vote left."

Jet pulls out the final vote and opens it slowly. "First person voted out of Survivor: Seireitei Forest," Jet announces, "is Edward."

Ed looks around the Tribal Council area, not knowing that she has been voted out.

"Ed, you need to bring me your torch," Jet tells her.

Ed is still just looking around cluelessly, before getting nudged by Li to get up. She then walks over to her torch and holds it out before Jet.

"Ed, the tribe has spoken," Jet says, snuffing out her torch. "It's time for you to go."

Ed walks on her hands to the magical gate, which takes her back to the world of the living.

"It's very clear that this tribe is in disarray from the very start," Jet says. "It's time you get things figured out, before more of you end up being ousted. But one good thing: you will have fire, since you're bringing back your torches."

"Yay!" exclaims Mihoshi.

"Grab your torches, head back to camp," Jet tells them. "Good night."

The five remaining Rukongai players take their torches and walk back in the direction of their camp.

"Vote, vote, vote," Ed says. "Torch, fire, tribe has spoken."

(Who voted for whom:

Al- Usagi

Ed- Al

Li- Ed

Mihoshi- Ed

Shikamaru- Mihoshi

Usagi- Ed)

Day 2

Gotei Tribe

(Rangiku, Kaji, Meilin, Spike, Misty and Kyon)

Several of the players notice that Meilin is doing nothing but sitting around in the shelter, even while everyone else is doing work. These players, Kaji, Spike and Misty, begin to talk about it.

"Meilin's completely useless to our tribe," Misty comments. "She just sits there. We ought to take her out the first chance we get."

"I completely agree," Spike adds. "If we want to get strong as a tribe, we need to remove her immediately."

"Everyone else in this tribe serves a purpose, but her," Kaji remarks. "I'm sure there will be no problem removing her."

"Meilin is utterly useless," Misty says. "Maybe she got hurt or something, I don't know. But she is just sitting there, while the rest of us are hoping to start a fire. We can't have someone on our tribe that is just dead weight."

A little later on, Misty confronts Meilin on her idleness.

"Meilin, the rest of us are gathering wood, trying to prepare for a fire," Misty says. "What are you doing?"

"I got hurt in the first challenge," Meilin replies. "My knee is in a lot of pain."

"Then maybe you should just leave the game," Misty remarks.

"I would never do that!" Meilin snaps. "I'm not that hurt!"

Kyon steps in and tries to stop the argument.

"Hey, enough of this," he says. "We're going to have to figure out how to start this fire, and we can't have arguing while we try to do so."

"So Misty just comes over to me and decides to call me out on my injury," Meilin says. "I don't understand, what is she doing that's helping us out so much that she has the right to insult me? I just need some rest, then I'll feel better, but she wants me out now. It's clear that she's got to be the first one to go."

Rukongai Tribe

(Usagi, Li, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al)

Shikamaru, Al and Li are again deep in the forest, talking about their voting.

"So what happened?" Al asks the others. "You two were too stuck on voting for who you wanted that you couldn't come together on voting one person out?"

"I was right," Li replies. "Edward had to go, and you all knew it."

"But Usagi and Mihoshi now have a real alliance!" Al protests. "They actually voted together, and we didn't!"

"Chill out, all right?" Shikamaru says. "Next vote, we'll make a united decision, and one of those two will be the next to go."

"Al's trying to pull the strings around here," Li says. "I don't understand why, but he thinks he's the leader of our alliance. We're only an alliance because we're the only three with brains, not because we want to be allied. Personally, I don't feel comfortable being around a robot."

"Al's panicking already," Shikamaru says. "He gets one vote, a throwaway vote, and he's mad at us about it. He just needs to relax, because it's clearly one of the two girls going in the next vote."

The three players return to camp, where a campfire is burning. Mihoshi has a bucket of water, hoping to use it for cooking.

"Hey, everybody!" she says. "I'm going to cook with this- oops!"

She accidentally dumps the water on top of the fire, putting it out. The other players try to keep it going, but they cannot. This leads to several of them lashing out at her.

"Mihoshi, you ruined our fire!" Al screams.

"We don't have any way to start a new one!" Li yells. "We'll have to wait until our next Tribal Council to get one going!"

"Now, come on, lay off her," Usagi breaks in. "It was an honest accident!"

"She just put out our fire, and we won't get a new one until we get something to start it with!" Al shouts.

"Mihoshi accidentally put out our fire today, and Al and Li instantly throw a fit," Usagi says. "I mean, can't they be a little nicer to her? Like, she didn't mean to or anything!"

"I can't decide who I want to go next – Mihoshi, who put out our fire, or Usagi, who defended her," Al says. "Both of them need to go, that's for sure."

Reiatsu Tribe

(Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, Rei and Kakashi)

Things are much happier around the Reiatsu tribe. The players have fire, they have put together a nice shelter, and they are now all eating rice.

"There's a stream deep in the woods, where we might be able to catch some fish," Rei comments.

"I'll go there right now!" Koga exclaims.

"You don't have to…" Erika says, but Koga is off to find the fish.

"Isn't he something," Rei remarks.

"Koga is my biggest ally so far," Rei says. "He's always trying to help me in one way or another. I think the two of us have to just find a couple of others who are willing to join us, and we should have no problem surviving the first vote."

A little later, Koga comes back to the tribe with a whole bunch of fish. The rest of his tribemates applaud him.

"Well, I've gotten everyone happy with me," Koga says. "Now it's time to make that go to use."

After eating their meal, Koga and Rei go into the woods, where they are joined by Light and Erika.

"Hi," Erika says shyly.

"Hello," Koga replies. "Have you come to discuss starting an alliance?"

"We want to make a strong alliance, the four of us," Light tells him. "The goal is, not for us to be two separate pairs, but to be all equal in our alliance."

"That sounds excellent," Rei responds. "We would love to join up with you."

"The only question is: who's next?" Koga asks.

"That shouldn't be too hard to decide," Light answers. "But when we return to camp, I'm sure they'll be mad, and I'll lie to get them to calm down. Just don't believe anything I tell them."

"Understood," Rei replies.

"Actually, there may be a kernel of truth to whatever I am about to tell Ryoko and Kakashi," Light says.

Meanwhile, it is not too difficult for Ryoko and Kakashi to realize that they have been excluded from the alliance.

"This isn't good," Ryoko comments. "We're being left out, and one of us will end up going."

"What are you going to do about it?" Kakashi asks her.

"I'm going to confront them, face to face, that's what!" Ryoko replies.

"So pretty boy Light and the rest of the tribe have decided to conspire against Kakashi and me," Ryoko says. "That's just fine, but wait till he hears what I have to say about it."

When the four others return from their talk in the woods, Ryoko immediately begins arguing with them.

"So, you're planning to take us out?" Ryoko asks.

"What do you mean?" Light questions.

"Kakashi and I saw you, you're off talking about which one of us you want to remove from the game first," Ryoko remarks. "Now I'm calling you on it."

"What does it matter?" Koga asks. "We've got the numbers."

"Relax," Light tells Ryoko. "We were only discussing how to cook fish. If anything, Koga should be worried, because I plan on backstabbing him."

"And you're just going to tell him that right to his face?" Kakashi asks, stepping in to the conversation.

"That's right," Light responds. "He can't do anything about it, can he?"

Koga smirks, figuring Light is lying as he promised. "Well, we'll see about that," he says, playing along.

"I don't trust any of you, that's all I'm going to say," Ryoko comments.

"That Light is spinning lies, trying to make us all paranoid," Ryoko says. "If I'm not mistaken, he's the first one who's got to go."

Sokyoku Tribe

(Haruhi, Kenpachi, Misato, InuYasha, Misa and Maes)

The Sokyoku tribe has built an impressive shelter, but they are having a problem starting a fire. That is only one of the problems they are having.

"I'm telling you, I'm the leader around here!" InuYasha exclaims.

"Want to settle that?" Kenpachi asks, taking out his zanpakuto.

"Absolutely!" InuYasha replies, pulling out his Tetsusaiga.

"Wait a minute, I'm the leader around here!" Haruhi protests.

"Stay out of this or you'll get hurt," InuYasha tells her.

Kenpachi and InuYasha begin clashing their swords against each other, while the rest of the tribe watches in shock. A couple of them wonder who they should root for.

"Should we want Kenpachi to win, or InuYasha?" Misato asks Maes.

"We should probably hope they both injure themselves and get themselves taken out of this game, shouldn't we?" Maes replies with a smirk. "Seriously, though, I don't want to see anyone get hurt."

Just then, InuYasha slashes Kenpachi across the chest, causing blood to squirt out. Misa screams and averts her eyes.

"It looks like I win," InuYasha comments, "unless you're thirsty for more."

"Bring it on!" a happy Kenpachi replies. "This has been nothing more than a morning exercise for me!"

The two continue their battle, and every time InuYasha strikes Kenpachi, it just makes Kenpachi even happier. This leads to Kenpachi finally slapping the Tetsusaiga out of InuYasha's grip.

"I win," Kenpachi says. "But thanks for the battle."

"Ha! You haven't won anything yet!" InuYasha screams, beginning to slash with his claws at Kenpachi. Kenpachi slashes InuYasha with his zanpakuto, causing him to bleed as well, but the two just keep on battling.

"This is awful! This is horrible!" Misa cries.

While the two keep on battling, a thunderstorm approaches the camp area. Suddenly a lightning bolt strikes a nearby tree, catching it on fire. The tree collapses into the middle of the camp, providing the tribe with a convenient campfire.

"All right, a camp fire!" Maes exclaims. "It's almost as if we wished it would happen!"

"Come on, you guys, stop fighting!" Haruhi shouts. "We've got a fire! It's time to eat!"

"Good fight," InuYasha says, holding out his hand to shake Kenpachi's.

"Thanks for actually giving me a battle," Kenpachi replies, shaking InuYasha's hand.

Everyone then goes around the fire to start eating some rice.

Gotei Tribe

(Rangiku, Kaji, Meilin, Spike, Misty and Kyon)

Rangiku takes Kyon out into the woods to talk to him about his voting strategy. Kyon, like the other two men, is instantly enchanted by Rangiku's beauty.

"So, Kyon, would you like to join an alliance with me?" Rangiku asks.

"Well, of course," Kyon replies. "Who are we going to take out?"

"I want to remove Misty from the game," Rangiku tells him.

"That's fine with me," Kyon says.

"I'm sympathetic towards Meilin," Kyon says, "so when Rangiku comes to me and asks me to vote out Misty, I'm all for it."

Meanwhile, Kaji and Spike begin talking about voting strategies as well.

"Meilin's useless," Spike comments.

"There's no question about that," Kaji replies. "But the question is, is she the right one to take out at this point?"

"I'm not really sure," Spike responds. "Rangiku came to me and talked to me about taking out Misty…"

"She did the same to me," Kaji says. "You know, I wonder why she wants Misty out of the game so badly?"

"Maybe we should work together to blindside her," Spike remarks. "You know, a beautiful woman can be extremely dangerous."

"I know," Kaji replies. "But I'm not sure if that would be the right move at this point."

Meilin and Misty continue their argument in the shelter.

"You've done nothing to help us," Misty argues. "Nothing! Why even stay in this game?"

"You know, all you do is whine," Meilin replies. "You're just as useless, if not worse."

"Not as much as you are," Misty snaps. "You're going to be the first to go from our tribe."

Rukongai Tribe

(Usagi, Li, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al)

It is the evening now, and the players are desperately trying to restart their fire, but to no avail.

"Look what you did, Mihoshi!" Li snaps.

"I'm so sorry!" Mihoshi cries.

"This is why I wanted Mihoshi out, and I don't see why the others didn't go along with me," Shikamaru says. "Now we're paying for it. I wish we could go right back to Tribal Council and take her out."

"You know, you should stop picking on Mihoshi and start doing something yourself!" Usagi shouts.

"You aren't doing anything, either!" Al yells.

"None of you is doing anything," Shikamaru comments.

"And neither are you!" Al replies.

"This tribe is in total disarray," Li says. "I don't know how it got this way, but we are absolutely hopeless. All that is going to happen is that we are going to self-destruct, challenge by challenge."

Reiatsu Tribe

(Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, Rei and Kakashi)

Rei, Koga, Light and Erika are back in the woods, having a last-minute strategy talk.

"Did you like my plan?" Light asks.

"Absolutely," Koga replies. "Those two are so stupid that they really believed you."

"So who are we going to vote for tonight, Light?" Erika asks, putting her right hand on his right hand.

"We'll make it really secretive, so no one can figure it out," Light says.

He then begins to whisper.

"The first name I say during Tribal Council, that's who everyone votes for, no matter what else I say," Light whispers. "Understood?"

"Got it," Rei replies.

"Light sure is a great strategic player," Erika says. "I'm so happy to be aligned with him."

Tribal Council


The Reiatsu tribe members enter the Tribal Council area, where host Jet Black is waiting for them, as well as a gate to the world of the living.

"Each of you grab a torch and get fire," Jet says, as the players walk over to their torches and take them. "In this game, fire means life. Once it is gone, so are you."

"What if it rains?" Ryoko asks, holding onto her Ryo-ohki.

Jet rolls his eyes. "Don't get me started," he replies. "Now, it's only two days, and I'd expect that most tribes wouldn't have fire yet. How about you?"

Rei smiles. "I was able to start one," she tells Jet.

"How interesting," Jet remarks. "So you have already shown yourself to be useful to your tribe."

"I guess you could say that," Rei replies.

"Even early in the game, you want to be allied with people who are strong," Jet comments. "Is that something you're finding to be true, Koga?"

"Absolutely," Koga responds. "Rei, for example, I would consider to be strong, so everyone wants to be with her."

"I'd expect, though, if there are alliances this early, there also has to be animosity in the tribe," Jet says. "Ryoko, are you finding that to be true?"

"Yeah, we've got this Light character who thinks he's in charge of everything around here," Ryoko replies. "I really don't get it."

"Excuse me?" Light responds. "I really don't consider myself in charge of anything."

"You know you do!" Ryoko snaps. "You're trying to pull all the strings, behind blue-haired girl there and Rei and Koga too!"

"I'm sorry," Light says, "but you and Kakashi should know better than that. I already told you who I planned on voting for tonight, Ryoko."

"Who would that be?" a meddling Jet asks.

"That's none of your business," Light replies.

"Ooh… nice to see some backlash already," Jet says. "This should be an interesting tribe to deal with. With that, it is time to vote. Erika, you're up first."

The Tribal Council theme "Tally the Vote" plays as Erika gets up to vote.

Erika goes to vote.

"I'm following your strategy, Light, even if I don't understand it," Erika says.

Kakashi goes to vote.

Koga goes to vote.

Light goes to vote.

Rei goes to vote.

Ryoko goes to vote.

"Light, you are trying to control this whole tribe from the very start, and it's not gonna work," Ryoko says. "I see right through you, hopefully your allies do too."

After Ryoko comes back from voting, Jet says, "I'll go tally the votes."

Jet gets the votes, rearranges them, then returns to the players.

"Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be asked to return to the world of the living immediately," Jet states. "I'll read the votes."

He pulls out the first vote, revealing a vote for Light. "Light," Jet states, with Light not looking the least bit nervous.

He then takes out the second vote. "Light," Jet says. "Two votes Light."

Light still does not give an expression.

Jet pulls out the third vote, opening it up slowly. "Kakashi," he reads, with Kakashi not giving much of a response.

Jet takes out the fourth vote, another one for Kakashi. "We're tied, two votes Kakashi, two votes Light," he states, with Ryoko looking surprised.

He pulls out the next vote, opening it up slowly again. "Kakashi," he says. "That's three votes Kakashi, two votes Light, one vote left."

Jet pulls out the final vote, opening it very slowly. "Second person voted out of Survivor: Seireitei Forest," he says, "Kakashi. You need to bring me your torch."

Kakashi gets up disappointedly, picking up his torch and holding it out before Jet.

"Kakashi, the tribe has spoken," Jet says, snuffing out Kakashi's torch. "It's time for you to go."

Kakashi waves to the tribe, then enters the gate to the world of the living.

"From the very beginning of this game, you must ask yourself, 'Am I helping this tribe?'" Jet says. "For Kakashi, the answer was no, and that is why he is gone. Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night."

The Reiatsu players take their torches and begin their walk back towards their camp.

"I didn't have much of a chance, I guess," Kakashi says. "I should have figured that they'd try something sneaky, and they did, fooling me into thinking Ryoko would go. It's unfortunate, but sometimes that's just the way it goes."

(Who voted for whom:

Erika- Kakashi

Kakashi- Light

Koga- Kakashi

Light- Kakashi

Rei- Kakashi


Day 3

Sokyoku Tribe

(Haruhi, Kenpachi, Misato, InuYasha, Misa and Maes)

"Everything is perfect around here," Misato says. "We have food, we have fire, we have shelter, and the main arguments around this camp have to do with people besides me. I'm safe for a while out here."

"So, have we decided on a leader yet?" Maes asks.

"It's clearly me," InuYasha replies.

"I think I won that battle," Kenpachi breaks in.

"No way! That was a draw!" InuYasha snaps.

"Hey, you guys, why not just let me be the leader!" Haruhi requests.

"Why is it so important that someone becomes the leader of our tribe?" Misa says. "I don't really care who the leader is, as long as they don't want to vote me out."

"Let's just enjoy this meal now, okay?" Maes suggests, giving some rice to Haruhi.

Haruhi takes her rice and begins to eat it, but she is still insistent on being the leader.

"All I want is to be the leader, like I am of the SOS Brigade," Haruhi says. "Anyone who has seen anything the SOS Brigade has done would know that I would make a perfect leader for this tribe. If only these people could see that."

Reiatsu Tribe

(Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, and Rei)

"So, you chose to take out Kakashi?" Ryoko asks Light, while the tribe eats their rice.

"Yes, I felt that you are a better help to our tribe than he was," Light responds. "Honestly, Ryoko, I'd like to keep you around."

"Well, it certainly didn't seem that way last night," Ryoko says. "But I'll take your word for it."

She leans in closer to him.

"Maybe we can vote out Koga after all," she whispers.

"Sounds like a great idea to me," Light responds.

"I've got everyone in this tribe to trust me in one way or another already," Light says. "Then the only thing to do will be to eliminate whoever trusts me the least. Right now, that would be Ryoko, but that could always change."

Koga comes back from the woods, where he has collected a bunch more fish.

"I have more fish for everyone!" he announces.

"Great job, Koga!" Rei exclaims.

The tribe then begins cooking and eating the fish as well as their rice.

"I've pretty much ensured my spot in this tribe," Koga says. "There's no way I'd get voted out, given how much I do around here. Right now, Ryoko's on the chopping block, and she doesn't have an escape route."

Gotei Tribe

(Rangiku, Kaji, Meilin, Spike, Misty and Kyon)

The Gotei tribe still does not have fire, and thus the players are starving. All of them besides Meilin have gone off into the woods to search for fruit-bearing trees, but unfortunately for them the Seireitei Forest is full of trees that do not have any edible fruit. This gives some of them a chance to talk about their voting strategies.

"So we're voting out Misty, right?" Spike asks Rangiku.

"Yes, I think she needs to go," Rangiku replies.

"I'm just wondering… why not Meilin? She does nothing to help us," Spike suggests.

"Trust me," Rangiku says, batting her eyes at Spike.

Spike stares at her for a second, then gives in.

"Oh, all right," he responds.

"This is too easy," Rangiku says. "I thought that maybe I'd need some sort of strategy, but I can control all the men in this game just like puppets. The goal is to remove as many females as possible, so that I get left with a bunch of easily-controlled men. Then it will be child's play to win the game."

Kyon, meanwhile, is talking with Kaji.

"You sure taking out Misty is the right choice?" Kaji asks.

Kyon sighs. "I feel a little sorry for Meilin," he admits. "She really was trying as hard as she could, even when she got hurt. She even proved to be of some help after she was hurt, in getting some puzzle pieces. I'd rather keep her around than Misty."

"Kyon's playing this game with his heart on his sleeve," Kaji says. "There's no good reason to keep Meilin around, yet he wants her to stay. You'd think he'd want to cut the dead weight from our tribe, but instead he feels bad for her and wants to keep her around. It's the wrong way to play the game, and it's only going to hurt our tribe."

Rukongai Tribe

(Usagi, Li, Shikamaru, Mihoshi and Al)

With no fire, the players cannot eat. But that is not the only problem they are about to have.

"This stick here is just taking up space," Usagi says, pushing at it.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you," Li warns her.

"Oh, come on, there are lots of sticks holding up this shelter," Usagi replies. "Moving this one shouldn't hurt much."

She finally pushes it hard enough to knock it over, and with it, half the shelter collapses. Shikamaru and Mihoshi have branches and logs fall right on top of them.

"Eeeeek! Get me out of here!" Mihoshi screams.

"What is all of this?" Shikamaru asks, climbing out of the debris. He reaches out to help Mihoshi out of the now-collapsed portion of the shelter.

"Oops!" Usagi says. "Sorry!"

"So Usagi just decided to destroy half our shelter," Shikamaru says. "She's such a bumbling idiot. I know that Mihoshi's useless, but it's very possible that Usagi is even worse."

Al comes back from gathering some logs only to find half of his shelter completely destroyed.

"Hey, what happened here?" he asks.

"Usagi chose to knock over your hard work," Shikamaru remarks.

"I'm sorry, Al, it was an accident," Usagi claims.

"I was off in the woods, and I come back, and part of the shelter is just completely destroyed," Al says. "Now it's obvious who has to fix that."

Al immediately goes to work on fixing the shelter, while no one else in his tribe even offers to help. After a while, however, he just gets fed up and quits working.

"You know what, if I'm not going to get any help, there's no reason for me to do all the work around here!" Al shouts.

"That's fine with me," Shikamaru replies.

"There's no reason for shouting," Li comments. "You didn't even ask us if we wanted to help."

"That's because you didn't help last time, and you won't help again!" Al yells.

"Calm down, everybody!" Mihoshi protests.

"Al just threw a fit because no one was helping him, but he didn't ask anyone if they wanted to help," Mihoshi says. "I would have gladly tried to help Al if he had only asked me."

"This tribe is a joke," Shikamaru says. "It needs to be disbanded before it destroys itself."

Reiatsu Tribe

(Ryoko, Light, Erika, Koga, and Rei)

That evening, Erika and Light go together into the woods to talk to each other about their strategy.

"In the next vote," Light says, "it's going to have to be either Ryoko or Koga."

"Koga?" Erika asks. "Why him? He's really helped out our tribe."

"If we eliminate Ryoko, he and Rei are obviously going to be against you and me," Light responds. "We can't have a 2-on-2 setup, then they have a great chance at eliminating one of us. And I'm looking out for you."

"Oh, Light," Erika says softly.

"Now if Ryoko annoys me too much, she'd have to go, instead," Light suggests. "So it will be up to her whether she ends up getting eliminated or not."

Meanwhile, Rei and Koga are also discussing their strategy around the fire, while Ryoko relaxes inside their shelter.

"It's clear who has to go next," Koga says in a low voice.

"Ryoko," Rei replies.

"Right," Koga says. "She's annoying, she doesn't do much – she has to go."

The two of them stare inside the shelter, where they can see Ryoko watching them.

"I know they're talking about me, planning on getting rid of me," Ryoko says. "There's nothing I can do about wolf boy and his fiery girlfriend. All I can hope is that Light sees the light and realizes that he'd have a 2-on-2 situation if he removed me next, which would be worse for his sake."

Gotei Tribe

(Rangiku, Kaji, Meilin, Spike, Misty and Kyon)

The players are picking up their belongings, getting ready for their visit to Tribal Council.

"Tribal Council scares me," Meilin says. "I know I have Kyon on my side, but I'm not sure about everyone else. My knee is starting to get better, and I know I can help out this tribe in the future. It's just a matter of whether they can see that or not."

"This is it," Kyon comments.

"Don't get scared now," Kaji jokes.

"Time for us to cut our dead weight and move on," Misty says.

Tribal Council


The Gotei tribe walks into the Tribal Council area, seeing Jet Black standing there, as well as the gate to the world of the living.

"Each of you grab a torch and get fire," Jet says, as the players all walk over to their torches and take one. "In this game, fire means life. Once it is gone, so are you."

"What if it rains?" Kaji asks.

"Then you're all eliminated!" Jet snaps.

The players look at Jet seriously.

"I'm only joking," Jet replies. "Now let's get to talking about your first three days out here. Spike, even very early on you can see who's useful and who isn't, right?"

"From the very first challenge, you're looking to see who's helpful to your tribe," Spike answers. "It's very clear that one member of our tribe in particular isn't very helpful at all."

"And who would that be?" Jet asks.

"That would be Meilin," Spike responds.

"Meilin, why is that?" Jet questions.

"I hurt my knee during the first challenge, but I was still able to help us during that challenge," she answers. "But I've been resting it to try to get it to heal."

"So while everyone else has been working, you've just been sitting around?" Jet wonders.

"I can't help it," Meilin responds.

"Misty, what is it like having one member who doesn't help at all while everyone else is doing something?" Jet asks.

"It's frustrating," Misty replies. "But this is our chance to remove the dead weight from our tribe and get rid of whoever isn't helping us."

"Rangiku, is there anything else that goes into the decision-making when it comes to voting someone out?" Jet questions.

"You also have to look forward a bit, into future Tribal Councils," Rangiku answers. "And if you think that maybe you'd rather remove another threat now than vote out the weakest player, that's sometimes what you have to do."

"All right," Jet says. "With that, it is time to vote. Kaji, you're up first."

The Tribal Council theme "Tally the Vote" plays as Kaji gets up from his seat.

Kaji goes to vote.

Kyon goes to vote.

Meilin goes to vote.

"Misty, you hate me for some reason," Meilin says. "I can't keep you around any longer."

Misty goes to vote.

"You are nothing more than a waste of space," Misty says, holding up her vote for Meilin.

Rangiku goes to vote.

Spike goes to vote.

"I'm not sure why I'm voting for you," Spike says, "but this is nothing against you."

After Spike comes back from voting, Jet says, "I'll go tally the votes."

Jet gathers the votes, rearranges them, then returns to the players.

"Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be asked to return to the world of the living immediately," Jet states. "I'll read the votes."

He pulls out the first vote. "Misty," he reads, with Misty looking a bit upset.

"Meilin," Jet says, reading the second vote, while Meilin looks a little worried. "One vote Misty, one vote Meilin."

Jet pulls out the next vote and opens it slowly. "Misty," he reads it. "Two votes Misty, one vote Meilin."

He opens the fourth vote. "Misty," he states. "Three votes Misty, one vote Meilin."

Jet opens up the next vote slowly. "Third person voted out of Survivor: Seireitei Forest," Jet announces, "Misty. That's four, that's enough, you need to bring me your torch."

Misty gets up from her seat sadly and brings her torch over to Jet.

"Misty, the tribe has spoken," Jet states. "It's time for you to go."

Misty walks into the gate to the world of the living without turning back to look at her tribe.

"A very curious decision made here tonight," Jet comments. "One positive from this vote: you will have fire when you bring your torches back to camp tonight. Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night."

The five players happily take their torches back towards their camp, knowing that they will now have fire.

"That tribe is so dumb," Misty says. "They kept a useless player around instead of me. I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to struggle having one player who is simply dead weight."

(Who voted for whom:

Kaji- Misty

Kyon- Misty

Meilin- Misty

Misty- Meilin

Rangiku- Misty

Spike- Misty)

Scenes from our next episode:

Rukongai finally gets fire and begins to eat, but this only leads to more problems, over how much they should eat:

"So we finally get to eat for the first time, and Mihoshi's just eating however much she wants, not even thinking about saving rice for the future," Li says. "That's exactly the poor planning that could have us starving in just a short time from now."

"Li's just a big bully," Mihoshi says. "He doesn't realize how hungry I am. He ought to be nicer to people around here."

It's the same argument at Sokyoku, over who's the leader of the tribe:

"As leader of the Sokyoku tribe, I want to thank everyone for their hard work," Haruhi announces. "Very well done!"

"Leader? Who appointed you as leader?" Kenpachi asks angrily.

"I was off gathering fish for us, and I was the only one doing that," InuYasha comments. "I think that if anyone, I would be the leader of this tribe."

And a man at Gotei finally turns on Rangiku:

"I didn't think there would possibly be a man who would actually resist my charm," Rangiku says. "But if there is, he's going to have to be the next to go."