The Fourth's Legacy

Chapter 9

By: AvalonNakamura

A/N: Hey guys I am back! Again sorry for my absence but I have been having a hell of a month. Between my father moving in with me and the holidays fast approaching. It has been just a tad bit hectic but Hope you guys enjoy the latest chapter!

gStandard Talking"


gDemon speaking and inner Sakura"

As Zabuza and Naruto entered the house, they were surprised to see someone neither of them expected in the kitchen at this time of night. The Sandaime Hokage stood there a small smile on his face as he lit his pipe and observed the two of them.

gAh, there you two are. I wanted to come personally to give you this final thing, Zabuza-san. This way no one in Mizu will ever cause you or Haku pain ever again."

As he spoke, the old man pulled a scroll out from his robe and handed it to the awe-struck Jonin. A small smile stayed on Sarutobi's face as he looked at Zabuza.

gAno....thank you, Hokage-sama..."

Opening the scroll, Zabuza's eyes went wide as he read what the hokage had written on the Scroll.

As of 11pm on The date of October 27th, Momochi Zabuza and Momochi Haku have hearby been formally seen to be reconized as family by The Sandaime Hokage. They are granted the honor and respect of the Hokage and are granted along with Uzumnaki Naruto the rights of a family and are under the Clan Protection Act. Giving them the right to protect each other from any harm done to them they see fit.


Sarutobi Hiruzen

Sandaime of Konohagakure no Sato

Zabuza's eyes softened and started to tear up as he looked at the aging Leader. He went to one knee in front of him.

gThank you...Hokage-sama....I speak for Haku....and Naruto...when I say thank you for the recognition as a family. We are deeply honored..."

At this Both Haku and Naruto looked completely confused as they continued to look between the Hokage and Zabuza.

gNe, Jiji! What does he mean?"

Naruto asked and was given stares of 'watch who you're talking to' as Kakashi started to laugh lightly and motioned to the Hokage, if he could answer. Seeing Kakashi wanted to educate the boy, he nodded lightly.

gNaruto....Hokage-sama has officially recognized the three of you as a family and, therefore, a clan… The Momochi-Uzumaki clan as it would be. And in such... He has granted you three the Clan Protection Act, meaning that only he or your own clan can pass judgment on any wrong doings that would transpire. As well as Sense he was recognized Haku and Zabuza..They have become Citizens of Konoha completely. They are no longer renegades of Mizu. They are in fact… Home."

As Kakashi continued to talk, Naruto's eyes were getting wider and wider. Finally he smiled and started to cry lightly; as he looked at the old man, he ran over and hugged him.

gJiji....Thank you...You finally gave me a family for real. Thank you..."

Smiling, the old man rubbed Naruto's back as Haku could only look on and smile. He seemed truly happy. She was happy the old man gave them the right to be the family, and Haku herself felt like crying in happiness. Instead she did the one thing she thought would be respectful.

gAno....Hokage-sama, would you please join us for our real first meal here in this house? As a family? We would be honored if the one Naruto-kun sees as his grandfather would join us."

Zabuza smiled and nodded in agreement grabbing some sake from the fridge and going about to get it ready to heat for him and Kakashi as well as the Hokage.

gI thank you, Haku-san...And I would love to but sadly...I still have to do battle tonight...with the evil known as paperwork, but I will stop by this weekend. If that is alright with all of you. That way I can truly sit and relax and enjoy a meal with all of you."

Nodding happily, Naruto moved to the table before smiling brightly at Hiruzen. He then laughed lightly.

gWe understand Jiji. Sure you know you're welcome here Jiji. You gave us this home. So you're always welcome here."

Smiling, the old man nodded to all of them and left the house feeling better as he moved toward the tower to do battle with the horrid paperwork again. One day he will find a way to defeat that foul beast.

Chuckling lightly, Kakashi sat down on the end of the table getting out his personalized sake cup set. He smiled towards Naruto as Haku giggled lightly. She was finally home. It finally hit her... She had a home. She had a place where she wouldn't have to run anymore. It felt good. Soon though the timer went off , Haku grabbed the food out of the oven and sat it on top of the stove, smiling. She started to get out the plates for them and set the around the table. Her face softened. She didn't realize she was that tense.

Soon dinner was done and Kakashi was chuckling as Zabuza downed another small cup of the heated alcohol and Naruto helped Haku clean the plates. Soon though, the two were done as Zabuza stood, smiling, and placed a hand on Haku's head, ruffling her hair. Soon after he did the same to Naruto, he moved to the bathroom he grabbed a small basket and looked towards Naruto and Haku.

gWell, you two, go grab your things. Kakashi and I are ready. We will be waiting here."

Smiling, he leaned against the wall as Haku and Naruto bolted upstairs. He looked over to Kakashi who stood and grabbed his basket. He eye smiled at Zabuza and moved to stand next to him.

gDo you think he will tell her, Kakashi?"

Hearing that question, the silver haired jonin sighed.

gI don't know, Zabuza...Somehow...the two of you have given him something he needed for a long time. And I will do everything in my power as his teacher to make sure he keeps it."

Nodding lightly, the taller one looked a little sad.

gHe was treated like trash....And he still has a heart...The boy has the potential to become an even bigger demon than I am....Yet he is stronger...A good shinobi...kills their emotions...but....A great shinobi uses their emotions to make them strong...He will be an amazing shinobi, Kakashi."

Nodding, Kakashi was rewarded with a loud crash followed by cursing.


gAre you alright, Naruto-san?" came the soft lilting voice of Haku as she helped him up. The two of them were wearing light airy yukata's. Haku's was a pale light blue with swirl markings on the hem, and Naruto's was a dark blue with strangely enough the Uzumaki clan symbol on the back.

gYeah. I am fine Haku-chan. I am just not use to these robes..."

This brought a chuckle from the older men as they waited as the two young teens came over to them. Soon though the four of them were walking through the mild air heading towards the Onsen. A light mood circled them. Soon though, they arrived at the onsen. Only to receive another surprise of the night.

gSay...that again?" asked an embarrassed and flushed Naruto.

gI said...That tonight is a special mixed bathing night. I am sorry, but I thought you knew..."

Chuckling nervously, Naruto looked at Haku who had a small tinge of pink on her cheeks, she smiled lightly as Naruto was then handed a note from the attendant.

gAlso the Nara boy asked me to give you this, Uzumaki-san..."

Naruto opened the note and read it feeling dread already.

Yo Naruto,

You probably were told this already, but it is mixed bathing here today. And well, With Ino already here, It would be troublesome to deal with her. We will come over tomorrow. I have all the guys in agreement. We will be at your place in the morning. Besides....It would be fun to watch you get beaten by a suiton user.

Nara Shikamaru

Sighing lightly Naruto looked at Kakashi and Zabuza. He had a smile on his face.

gWell.....You wanted to get to know people....but the guys aren't here...It's just the girls...So...Let's get this over with. I know I am gonna get pummeled..."

Chuckling lightly, Kakashi shook his head at Naruto's fear before starting to enter the Onsen.

gIt can't be that bad Naruto-san…" Haku said as Zabuza followed Kakashi, and she gently lead Naruto into the building.

gWe will see Haku-chan...."

To Be Continued....

A/n#2: Haha. Yes I know I am an asshole with my weird cliff hangers. But tomarrow will be super updates. So look forward to Naruto's adventures in mixed bathing! :D Anyway this being betaed by SeaBean. She is a good friend. And a good beta. I highly recommend her.

Seabean- *waves, nibbling on Pocky*