The Fourth's Legacy

by: AvalonNakamura

The atmosphere was heavy in the office of the Rokudaime Hokage.

An imposing figure sat behind the desk, his fingers templed beneath his chin. Before him stood six shinobi fresh from the academy. He looked at them with hard eyes and they fidgeted under the rigidity of his stare...

Finally a smile broke out on his face and the six relaxed.

Standing from his desk the blond Hokage came full circle around it, as four women moved away from him. With his 6'3 frame, he towered over the youngsters imposingly. Ice blue eyes softened now as he gazed upon the six and in his hand he held a bag. The whiskers on his cheeks were darker now.

He smiled a huge grin cover his face.

"I never thought I would get this honor, dattebayo..." He said as he looked at the six.

The four women then moved to stand beside him.

"Naruto-kun, It's alright they earned it." The one with long darkish purple hair spoke.

"Yeah Naru-chan! They beat everyone else!" The blond Kunoichi spoke.

"I have to agree with Blondie Naruto." Added the one with two buns in her hair, which gave her a mouse like appearance I might add.

"They proved themselves to be who they are Naruto..." The last, a soft spoken woman with long black hair said this.

"I know they did. They proved to be worthy of being Genin of Konoha. I am just proud I can do this Ino-chan, Hinata-chan, Tenten-chan, Haku-chan."

He smiled at his four wifes.

Yes four.

Uzumaki Naruto had achieved his dream and then some. He brought his best friend back from the clutches of a demon. He became Hokage and he got four of the most beautiful women in konoha to help rebuild the Namikaze-Uzumaki clan.

"Did you ever doubt them Naru-chan?" Ino murmurred as she put her arm around his shoulders rustling his long white coat lightly. "After all...They are our children." She smiled looking at the children the two bright blond haired ones gave a victory size to her which she returned.

"They can do anything."

At this the Leader of the Leaf Village chuckled.

"You're right Ino-chan they can do anything. And now lets get this ceremony done right...

Giving a loud cough, he spoke with authority.

"Uzumaki Yuki Step foreward!"

Upon hearing her name, a short girl stepped forward. She was the daughter of Naruto and Haku. Her hair was down to her shoulders and unkempt like her father's but it was jet black. Her eyes, full of life, were the same color as her fathers but though her cheeks bore the whisker like birthmarks they were far lighter than her father's, barely even noticeable unless you knew what to look for. She wore a outfit similar to her mothers but it was a icy blue with the Uzumaki clan swirl emblazoned on the back of it.

"Ye-yes Tousan?" she muttered in a meek voice when she stepped forward. As she did Naruto kneeled down to be eye level with her his eyes gentle and kind.

"Uzumaki Yuki. You have completed the Academy with flying Colors. I am proud to present you with the Konohagakure Hitaiate. You have made me proud, my daughter." As he said that he tied the Hitaiate to her forehead and then hugged her tightly.

"Thank you Tousan!" she finally returned her fathers smile and hugged him back with much enthusiasm. She then jumped back to her place in the line as he stood and moved to face the next of the six children.

"Uzumaki Kyoko! Step forward!"

As he said this a very soft spoken girl stepped forward. Her eyes were a pale lavender color, her hair a soft mix between blond of her father, and the purplish of her mother.

She was the daughter of Naruto and Hinata.

She wore a jacket similar to her mothers but apparently developed her fathers taste in colors. For it was a pale orange color with black markings all over it. Luckily, it was not a bright neon color. On the sleaves were the clan symbol for the Uzumaki. In contrast, she had developed her mother's soft spoken nature inheriting the Byakugan as well.

This of course came as a suprise to both Hinata and Naruto but it was a welcome one.

"Yes Hokage-sama?" she said her voice quiet and soft as he kneelt down to look her in the eyes as well.

"Uzumaki Kyoko. You passed the Academy at the top of the class. Your mother and I are proud of you for this achievement. And you passed the academy with no problems. I am proudto present you with this Konohagakure Hitaiate " As he said this he tied it around her neck similair in the wayhow her mother wore it when she was this young.

A happy smile all but lit her face, and she gently hugged her father the tears already welling up in her eyes. "Arigato gozaimasu Tousan..I'm... so happy."

"As am I."

Gently, she released his neck and stepped back beside her half sister with a big smile on her face as well. Next Naruto knew he had to present them at the same time otherwise he would have trouble on his hands.

"Uzumaki Kai! Uzumaki Kei! Step forward!"

As he spoke this the brother and sister stepped forward.

Their hair was a light brown in color like their mothers.

These are the twins Naruto and Tenten had.

They also inherited their father's eyes and birthmarks but they were through and through their mother's children. They both were expert weapon users....

Well, at least as much as one could be at their age.

Kei, the girl wore a pink outfit similair to her mother's when she was this age. She also wore it tight and proudly after all she was the most endowed of the children so far. The Uzumaki symbol was adorned on her back as well and on her hip was a solid white katana.

Kai on the other hand wore something similar to what Tenten wore when she became a chunin. His long sleaves however were entirely black and on his hip was a jet black katana.

And also on his back was the Uzumaki clan swirl.

"Yes Hokage-sama!" they said in unison as they stood there looking at Naruto.

His eyes happy, he yet again went to his knee in front of them.

"You two have mastered a large amount of combo attacks. And in fact I heard you managed to give Neji's son a run for his money in a spar."

He quirked an eyebrow at them, secretly proud that they were following in his footsteps so very well.

"Well done."

They beamed under his praise, grinning cheerily.

"I am very proud of you two. You two have earned the nickname the teachers gave you in the academy. Kai You earned your nickname of Dusk stems from your choice in black clothes and style of weapons. I am proud of you. And Kei...You have earned the nickname Dawn, for your white sword and use of white weapons. I am also proud of you. I am honored to welcome you both to the Shinobi of Konohagakure. Wear these Hitaiate proudly!"

He then tied the Hitaiate to their forheads respectively.

"Hai! Otousan!" They chorused again as then resumed their places in the line of children smiles on their faces as Naruto moved to the next twins.

"Uzumaki Masami and Uzumaki Yumi! Step forward!"

As he said this the two blondes' stepped forward.

They were the twin daughters of Naruto and Ino.

They inherited their mothers looks and were clearly proud of it as they stood there.

They both wore the purple colors their mother was known for. Yumi was a bit more bold, as she had more bandages around her body than purple fabric...

But What could Naruto do?

He knew their mother was a flirt so doubtlessly they would be too. He smiled as he gazed upon them. They were identical twins except for their hair style. Yumi wore her's long and in a low ponytail, so as to keep it out of her face. Masami had her's shoulder length and pulled up in a style reminiscent of how Ino wore it now.

One their backs...

Was the Uzumaki clan symbol of course.

He looked from one to the other, then flashed his pearly whites in a grin.

"My my. I am honored to see you two here. I am proud of you two. I heard from your sensei that you two both received the title of Hottest Kunoichi in school."

Both girls giggled.

"That in itself is a proud accomplishment." He stated with reverence, at least for Ino's sake. "You were even at the top of your class for genjutsu. For all this and more, I am very proud of you both."

He then went down again on his knee and smiled to himself.

He knew how they would wear the Hitaiate's if they were anything like their mother and he was right. The minute he pulled out the last two headbands, the girls each stuck a leg forward.

Masami wanted hers on the right leg and Yumi had her left leg out.

"Haha. Why Am I not suprised?" A shrug, and everyone laughed. "Like Mother Like Daughter they always say." He smiled happily and gently tied each headband down onto the girl's legs. If it was at all possible, his smile grew when they hugged onto him tightly, before jumping back to the line of children.

He stood and smiled as each of the mothers had tears in their eyes upon looking at them.

Slowly, he reached deep into his pocket and took out a scroll.

Breaking the seal that held it shut, he opened it and read from it quickly.

"Alright. From this day on you are all Members of the Shinobi of Konohagakure! You are going to be tested and will fight to protect the village and her people. As my late adopted grandfather said many times: The will of fire burns brightly in each one of you."

Pausing, he gave each of them a look of kindness.

"Do this village proud."

Then his tone hardened and once again he was in what the children had began to call 'lecture' mode.

"Now being a shinobi is not easy. By far it is very hard and very difficult. You will be tested time and again, to your limits and beyond. Therefore, I have personally selected your instructors."

He now looked further down the parchment until he found the list.

"The first team: Uzumaki Yuki! Uzumaki Masami and Uzumaki Yumi! Your jonnin sensei will be Mitarashi Anko! The other team shall be: Uzumaki Kei, Uzumaki Kai and Uzumaki Kyoko! Your jonnin sensei will be...

He paused, then gave Hinata a glance.

"Well... Hinata-chan was worried about this but...It shall be Hyuuga Neji!"

A few eager gasps from the kids now, but he drowned them out with his deep voice.

"Learn...Grow and become even stronger under these sensei! I am proud to call you my children and am proud of each of you!" With a swift movement, he closed the scroll and pocketed it.


In the blink of an eye, the children disappeared, each eager for the arrival of their sensei.

Once the door was closed, only then did he slump lightly sighing lightly as he did so.

Silently, he went back to his desk.

The girls each hugged onto him, worried.

"What's wrong Naruto...They passed." Haku asked this, her brown eyes reflecting her own worry.

"I had a hard time choosing their sensei's, Haku-chan...Sasuke and Sakura both volunteered. As did Kiba and even Shino...But I chose Neji and Anko cause I know they wouldn't pull any punches with them. They'll force them to grow stronger, but...

Now he looked to be worried.

"I just hope I chose the right thing...."

The girls each hugged him and said as one:

"You did Naruto. They will grow strong."


The children by now were in the academy watching the clock. It was rare where their father's speachs wouldn't take four hours. It was a welcome respite Yuki was sitting there brushing Masami's hair. This was a favorite past time for her. She enjoyed brushing and taking care of the other girl's hair....

She just never really took care of hers.

"So...What do you guys know about the senseis?" This was said by Yumi

"Ummm...Well Neji-ojisan is a master of the Byakugan and he has the Jyuken completely mastered. I heard from otousan that Neji-ojisan use to be caught up in destiny. But now he's a nice man. Anko-sensei...

A brief shudder.

Well...She is supposed to be insane...At least...Thats what Ino-okaasan said?" this was spoken by the lavender eyed Kyoko.

"Insane huh? Your wrong there. She isnt insane Kyoko-chan. She is down right nuts..." This came from Masami who all but purred as her little half sister brushed her hair.

"Ha! You guys are weak if your afraid of rumors. She isnt that bad." Kai said this as he was leaning against the wall he hated being the only boy in this family.

Stupid girl talk.

"She is far worse than those rumors brother. She once licked otousan's blood off a kunai! Okaasan told me that." This came from Kei as she was sharpening her katana her eyes happy.

"Your all very noisy in here..." a soft male voice came from the door way as a man with long black hair and a loose fitting robe entered the room. His pale lavender eyes gave away who he was and the children snapped to attention. Hyuuga Neji was not one to be lazy in front of. He looked them over and a small smirk played on his lips.

"Uzumaki Kei, Uzumaki Kai and Uzumaki Kyoko! Your with me. I won't go easy on you just cause you my Neices and Nephews. And Kyoko. I will make sure you learn how to use your Byagukan properly." His tone all but said their would be no arguments. He then turned and began to walk out the door. "Meet at Training ground Ten in 30 minutes. It is time for us to get to know each other better."

He then dissapeared out of the door a smile still on his face. As he left the three new genin nodded and started to leave before stopping and hugging their siblings.

They then left to head to training ground ten.

Not a second after they had left...

Thewindow shattered and in came a bundled piece of cloth before it expanded and showed itself to be a sign that said enter Mitarashi Anko.

Standing in front of the sign was said Kunoichi in her fish net goodness. She smirked upon seeing her pupils.

"My my...I got Naru-chan's three children as my pupils! I wonder...Does your blood taste as good as his?" She snickered evilly as thee three girls paled slightly they heard this woman was nuts but this was a whole different level. "Well...Let's get to know each other. Meet at Odango's R' Us in 30 minutes!"

She then disappeared in a poof of smoke as Yumi, Masami and Yuki looked at each other in horror and began to head towards said restaurant.

They knew this wouldn't be fun nor easy they were terrified that this woman was going to eat them!



Well guys this is the beginning I hope you like it. It is just to introduce Naruto's children. The Next few chapters will be how Naruto got the four wives and his children. I just wanted to get the introductions out of the way. Leave me a review and tell me what ya think. Much thanks to NeonZangetsu for beta reading this and fixing my tons of Grammtical Errors. Oh and helping me come up with some ideas for it. Much love to ya bro. Stay tuned for chapter two. Oh and read Neonzangatsu's Fics Or I will Rasen-shuriken your ass to the moon! :D