Title: Monster Academy

Genre: romance, humor

Rating: T for violence, language, and themes

Pairings: YamiXYugi; MarikXMalik; BakuraXRyou; and SetoXJonouchi

Summary: Yugi Mouto is a new student at Monster Academy, but he isn't the only dangerous creature at the Academy! With evil monsters and spirits threatening destruction on him and everyone around him, will Yugi and his new friends be able to survive?

Me: This is a fun little story that I wanted to write for a while!

Lucy: It's fully of comedy and some sad, yet romantic moments!

Me: I hope everyone enjoys this!

Lucy: Please read and review at the end!

Both: Please enjoy!

Chapter One: Welcome to the Academy of Monsters

"Sigh, yet another day at the Academy. Sigh, today is gonna suck," Yami groaned, rubbing sweat away from his forehead. The sun was beating down on his head, and the star-haired boy strode down the dirt path with a bored look on his face. The dusted off his school uniform, which was a navy jacket with black clasps, and a pair of black pants to match.

"God, I hope we aren't in gym today. Those bastards keep untying my bandages," Yami said with a loud growl of anger. Yes, it was true. Yami was a mummy, but not in the hollywood way where he was the living dead with rotting flesh and bandages. No, Yami was a mummy who looked human, but he held powers unimaginable.

Yami raised his head up at the sound of bike pedals chugging along quickly behind him. The star-haired mummy looked over his shoulder in mild confusion, screaming in terror as a boy on a blue bicycle shot over a jump and rose into the air with a loud yell.

"OUT OF THE WAY, CIVILLIAN!!!!" the boy hollered as the bike whacked Yami on the head, sending him to the ground with a loud crash. The bike flew out from under the boy, smashing onto the ground with a loud crash, and the boy was thrown onto the ground with a loud grunt.

"Ow ow ow ow..." Yami moaned as he sat up, finding himself sitting right above a younger version of himself rubbing his head and moaning in pain. Yami blushed at how beautiful the boy was, noticing how the boy's purple eyes slowly opened and shone in the light of the sun. The boy gasped in shock.

"Oh! P-please forgive me! I got light-headed and wasn't watching where I was going. Please forgive me!" the boy said as he bowed down slightly to show his apology. Yami raised his hands to show that it was okay, and the second boy smiled.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yugi Mouto, and I'm a new student here," he said with a wide smile. Yami smiled back before rubbing his stinging cheek, shocked to see that he had been grazed by the bike and was bleeding slightly. Yugi's eyes went wide and then hazy.

"Oh... Your blood..." he said in a dizzy voice before grabbing Yami's shoulders and leaning against the mummy's chest, breathing in gently. "I'm so sorry, but I can't hold it back," Yugi said as he opened his mouth wide to reveal small white fangs growing longer.

"I'm a vampire," Yugi whispered before plunging his fangs into Yami's throat. Yami gasped as he felt the canines plung into his throat, causing him to feel dizzy as his blood was drained, but not enough to kill him. Suddenly, Yami felt his strength return.

"What the Hell?!" he shouted in terror before shoving Yugi off of him and grasping his neck, his crimson eyes bugging out when he saw blood coming from his neck. "Oh my God! A vampire bit me! A vampire I don't even know bit me!!" he hollered. Yugi gasped in shock and covered his mouth.

"I-I'm so sorry! But I've never drunk blood from a living creature before and the urge just washed over me! Please forgive me!" the star-haired boy stuttered in terror. Yami rubbed his sore neck before casting a smile over at Yugi to show that it was okay.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine now. I just wasn't expecting that, is all," the mummy said, smiling when Yugi sighed in relief, happy to know that Yami wasn't mad at him. The boy then rose up off the ground, rubbing his head nervously as he helped Yami up off the ground.

"Sorry about running you over. I'm new at riding that bike. Sorry about that," Yugi smiled before picking up his bike and then walked it towards the direction of the school with yami following close behind him. Yami smiled at his new friend, telling him that it was okay that he accidently ran him over.

And off they went to school, two new friends happy to have met one another.


At School...

"Okay everyone. This is Yugi Mouto, and he's a new student here, so make him feel welcome, okay?" the teacher said as she pointed towards Yugi. Yugi fidgited a bit under everyone's stares, but he gently made his way toward the seat next to Yami. He sat down, and then felt a pair of eyes on him.

"So, Yami. Dis the vampire dat almost ran you ov'r?" a blonde male with brown eyes and a heavy Brooklyn accent asked, narrowing his eyes slightly. Yami nodded and smiled at Yugi before smiling over at the blonde boy and then he pointed to him.

"Yugi, this is Jonouchi. He's a werewolf, but he means well. Jonouchi, this is Yugi," Yami said with a large smile, causing Jonouchi to calm down with the glares. He greeted Yugi with a smile, shaking his hand gently to show that he ment peace.

"Nice t' meet 'cha, Yuge," Jonouchi smiled, instantly becoming friends with the vampire. Yugi smiled happily that he had made friends so easily, but his happiness was stopped once he heard a scoff come from the seat behind him and Yami.

"Typical that you'd become friends with someone in three seconds flat," a new voice said before laughing. Jonouchi cast a glance over his shoulder and growled, his teeth growing into dog canines that reminded Yugi of a large dog. Typical of a werewolf.

"No one asked you, Bakura!" he growled to a boy sitting behind him. The boy called Bakura was leaning back in his chair with a smirk on his pale lips. His hair was pure white, cascading to his chest in sharp and wild spikes. His purple-brown eyes were filled with mischief.

"Well, it's true isn't it? You make friends with almost anyone. But anyway, Yugi was it?" Bakura asked, looking down at Yugi. Yugi nodded nervously under the boy's gaze. "I am in charge of handing you your Mini Monster Manual, or MMM for short," the silverette said as he dug a book out from his backpack.

"Like the candy?" Yugi asked in an innocent voice, MMM having reminded him of the colorful candy. Bakura stared at the boy with a look of disbelief on his face before slapping Yugi on the head with the booklet, making the vampire squeal in mild pain. Bakura thrust the book into Yugi's arms.

"Take this. It'll tell you everything that you need to know about all the monsters in this academy," the silverette said. Yugi smiled and then looked up at Bakura.

"Sooo, what monster are you?" the star-haired boy asked with a confused look on his face. Bakura sighed before flipping open the MMM and then flipping into the D section, and then he pointed at a small paragraph in which Yugi read.

Mini Clarification: Demon

A creature identified since time began as a creature with amazing strength and powers that usually supports animal-like qualities, but can also have many other types of powers that cause them to be almost like humans in appearance, but they are 500 times stronger than a human. Can sometimes look animalish.

"Wow! You're a demon?" Yugi asked with wild amazement in his purple eyes. Bakura smirked and then nodded before pointing to himself with a wide smile, revealing small silver fangs where his canines were supposed to be.

"Indeed I am. I'm a race far superior to those stupid mummies," he said before glancing over at Yami and then he smirked evilly and in a cocky fashion. Yami growled and then noticed that Yugi was flipping through the book until he came to another page. The page that spoke about Yami.

Mini Clarification: Mummy [Also see Pharaoh]

A creature that appears human with great powers, almost like a spell caster. They existed in the times of Ancient Egypt, and are still around today. Usually decked out in gold and bandages all around their bodies, they are not rotting like they are in Hollywood films.

Yugi smiled before flipping through the book and then landing in the W section before he looked through and then he looked for the monster that Jonouchi had been identified as earlier on in the class period.

Mini Clarification: Werewolf

A creature that takes a human form and can transform into a giant wolf at his own will. They act like dogs in their human forms, but they can also act human whenever they want to. They are at their strongest during a full moon, and can't transform during a new moon.

"Wow, this book is really handy!" Yugi said with a wide smile, thanking Bakura for giving it to him. Bakura scoffed, saying that it was only part of his job on the student council, and Yugi still thanked him with a smile, showing that he was happy.

This school was filled with kind people.


Later that Day...

Yugi trotted down the hallway, having just survived his first and second classes, and his first lunch at Monster Academy. A sigh escaped his lips, and he reached into his pocket, fingering the edge of the Mini Monster Manual that Bakura had given him. He didn't know that it could shrink to pocket size so that it was portable!

"There are so many things to learn here," Yugi said in a soft voice. He suddenly felt an arm snake around his shoulders, and then he felt something strong pull him against its chest with a loud grunt of pain. Yugi moaned and glanced at his attacker.

It was a tall, muscualar male with black hair and evil eyes. He was dressed in a school uniform, and he appeared to be terribly strong. Yugi shuddered as the boy slammed him up against a wall and then stared into his eyes with his own.

"Nice to meet you. I hear you're a pretty tough vampire," the boy said. "My name is Ushio, and I'm a gargoyle. Nice to meet you, Yugi-kun," Ushio said with an evil smirk, his eyes flashing red with energy. Yugi gulped as he was suddenly punched in the face hard. He coughed as Ushio punched him again.

"C'mon! Fight back! Fight, vampire!" Ushio shouted as he kicked Yugi hard in the stomach. Yugi gasped in pain and moaned loudly as he rubbed his stomach in pain. Ushio muttered the words 'weak' under his breath before kicking Yugi in the stomach again.

'Yami! Yami, please save me!' Yugi thought as tears formed in his eyes. He was then dropped to the ground as he writhed in pain.

---In the Classroom---

"Yami-kun!" a girl shouted as she came running into the room. Yami glanced up at the girl, recognizing her from several of his classes. She was named Miho, but most of her friends called her Ribbon because of the ribbon she wore in her hair. She was a siren.

"What's wrong?" Yami asked in a confused voice. Miho shuddered before glancing at the doorway that led to the hall, shuddering violently as she did so. She then cast a look down at Yami that said whatever it was, it wasn't good.

"Yugi-kun is getting beaten by Ushio!" she cried out in terror. Yami released a gasp before leaping to his feet and then making a break for the area where Yugi was located, knowing right away where Ushio would be fighting him. The same place he always did.

"Yugi, hang in there!" Yami hollered as he sailed down the hallway.


"P-please leave me alone!" Yugi pleaded as Ushio backed him into a corner of the hallway. Ushio cracked his knuckles evilly and then took a threatening step towards Yugi before grabbing his shirt and yanking him upward so he was face-to-face with him.

"Leave you alone? No way, little boy. You're not as strong as you claim. You're insanely weak, especially for a vampire, and I am ashamed to say that you're part of my school," the bully said in a cold voice. Yugi gasped before lowering his head slowly.

"....Is that so?" he asked in a cold voice before flipping his head up, revealing his purple colored eyes. The pupils were thin like a snake's, and his fangs jutted from his lips, making him seem like a vampire from a horror movie. This was no longer the little kid they had picked on! This was a real vampire!

This was a real monster!

"Is that so!?" Yugi hollered, swinging his foot and slamming it into Ushio's thick chest, sending the gargoyle away from himself. Ushio skidded back with a pained look, clutching his stomach with a loud moan of pain as he glanced up at Yugi.

Yugi was standing with his hands like claws, in a fighting stance, ready to attack. He hissed loudly, revealing his fangs, and then he lunged at Ushio. Ushio squealed in terror as Yugi grabbed him by the arm and hurled him at the stone wall with as much effort as chucking a pencil. Ushio grunted in pain before crumpling to the ground.

"D-damn it. He's gotten so much stronger," Ushio moaned in pain, rubbing his back to show that he was in pain. Yugi smirked and then took a step towards Ushio before raising his fists into the air and then pounding them down on Ushio in a painful fashion.

Ushio screamed in pain as Yugi pounded him, hissing and cackling in a horrifying fashion. As he finished pounding Ushio, he rose up and looked over as Yami came running into view, gasping when he saw Yugi in his transformed state.

"Y-Yugi..." he whispered as Yugi gave a tiny hiss of anger, his eyes flashing in rage. He closed his purple eyes and then opened them, their pupils turning back to normal and then his fangs shrunk back into his mouth as he smiled at Yami. He raised his hand and waved.

"Hey there, Yami! What are you doing here?" he smiled warmly, ignoring Ushio's broken body on the ground, moaning in pain. Yami shuddered and slowly walked towards Yugi, placing a hand on his shoulder as he looked into Yugi's eyes to make sure that it was still Yugi.

"What was that? You were like a different person," Yami whispered in terror. Yugi blushed before glancing away in an embarrassed fashion, his eyes closed halfway as he stuttered for a way to answer. He then smiled at Yami.

"That was my Vampir mode," he said with a sigh. Yami raised an eyebrow and Yugi explained. "Vampir is short for vampire, and it means that I lose my true self and attack anything in my way and whoever I see who is trying to harm someone is an enemy."

"Oh, I see," Yami said with a small nod. Yugi nodded and smiled before taking Yami's hand and leading him towards the school, a smile on his lips.

"I love this school! It's gonna be a great year!" the star-haired boy said with a wide smile. Yami nodded before smiling back at his friend, showing that he was happy with Yugi's company and wanted to stay friends always and forever.

---Back with Ushio---

Ushio groaned as a pair of black sneakers suddenly appeared in front of him, and he glanced up to see a boy standing over him with long silver hair that fell to his chest in fairly neat spikes, the fronts shorter than the rest. The boy's face was covered by the shadows of him looming over Ushio, and Ushio spat up a bit of blood.

"B-Bakura Touzoku?" he asked in a shaking voice. The silver-haired boy smirked evilly, the smirk and his white teeth being visable in the shadows that he was casting, and he raised his head up a bit to reveal his pale face to Ushio and his eyes flashed a deep green color.

"Wrong, weakling," he smirked before his eyes flashed brightly, his hair whipping in a sudden gust of wind, becoming like thousands of silver, wriggling snakes. Ushio gasped as he suddenly felt his heart stop, and he became solid stone. Marble to be exact, glittering in the sun's light.

"There. Now you match your description. After all, aren't gargoyles made of stone?" the boy asked with a smirk. The silverette's hair settled down and became normal and he then glanced over his bony shoulder, his green-brown eyes flashing as he saw Yugi and Yami in the distance.

"That little kid. He's got good skills, I'll give him that. But he's not ready for me yet," the silverette said before taking off for class before he was late.

---With Yami and Yugi---

"Yami! I'm sooooo thirsty!" Yugi moaned as he rubbed his throat to show how thirsty he was. Yami nodded and then scrambled through his bag to try and find his water bottle to give to Yugi to drink, but he suddenly felt Yugi wrap his arms around him.

"Yugi?" he asked, gasping when Yugi licked his neck and then plunged his fangs inside the mummy's throat, lapping up as much blood as he could. Yami waited for a moment for the shock to wear off, and then he squealed, backing away from Yugi.

"Why again?!" he said in shock, amazed that Yugi had bitten him twice in the same day. Yugi blushed and looked away, his cheeks tinted pink with embarrassment.

"Because you were my first. And a boy never forgets his first time," the star-haired boy whispered in a gentle tone. Yami blushed when Yugi said this and he glanced away in absolute embarrassment as he cleared his throat.

"Y-you make it sound like I took your virginity or something!" he said in a shaking voice. Yugi blushed and then glanced away.

"T-that's not what I meant..." he said with a nervous laugh before trotting off to class with Yami following close behind. Today, the first day at Monster Academy, had gone surprisingly well for Yugi, and he couldn't wait for the rest of the day.

It would be great.


Me: There we are! Chapter one is all done!

Lucy: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will continue reading on with this story! Who do you guys think that person who killed Ushio was and what monster he was?! The description should have given it away, but still!

Me: Here's a preview for the next chapter!

Yugi: I think I'm really gonna enjoy Monster Academy!

Yami: I really hope nothing bad happens while we're here.

Malik: Not likely, you two!

Yugi: W-who are you?

Next Time: The Nightmare Demons

Yami: What do you want from us?! Oh, no! Yugi, look out!

Lucy: Please review and tell us your favorite scene in this! Thank you all so much!

Both: Please review nicely!