This takes place post 2x15, because Chuck and Blair haven't even seen each other since then (!?!) so I hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading, and I love reviews 


Chuck was sitting alone, as usual, at Victrola, trying to get drunk enough to forget the long day's events. It was bad enough when Blair had walked in to find him half-naked, doing cocaine with strippers in his office, but he knew that when he called her "his wife," he had gone too far. The look of pain in her eyes surprised him a little, and he certainly did not expect to feel guilty about it afterwards. Chuck Bass never felt guilt, but then again, Blair Waldorf made him feel a lot of emotions that he had never felt before. So he sat there, staring at his empty scotch, trying to forget her.

It was at that point that Chuck Bass realized he was wrong. He knew that he had made mistakes with Blair before, but this time it was different. She wasn't going to just forgive and forget like the other times, he knew he had to go see her and ask for forgiveness. So, in his drunken state, visiting Blair seemed like a good idea. He quickly got up and walked to his limo, ordering his driver to take him to Blair's.

As he was waiting in the elevator, he was starting to have some doubts about his visit to Blair, but by then, it was too late. The elevator doors opened, and Blair Waldorf was standing right in front of him.

"Blair..." He managed to say, somewhat slurring his words, and she immediately knew he was drunk.

"What are you doing here Chuck?" She said, slightly annoyed. "You're drunk, and I really don't have time for this right now, I have to meet Serena. Just go home." And with that, she began guiding him back into the elevators.

"Blair wait. I...I just need to talk to you. I am so sorry, Blair, I screwed up. I know I shouldn't have said those things to you, I was just angry at Jack. I'm sorry." He moved closer to her, stumbling slightly, and looked her in the eyes. He needed her forgiveness.

Looking up at him, that sincere apologetic look on his face, Blair had no idea what to do. She wanted so badly to just forgive him, to wrap her arms around, and to kiss him. She could see how tough things had been for him since his father's death, and she wanted to help him. But she also knew him, and she knew that if she just forgave him again, like always, he would only hurt her again, and she couldn't let that happen.

Blair looked down, knowing that while looking at his face, she couldn't reject him, so she avoided eye contact. Quickly and un-emotionally, she said, "I need you to go Chuck. I just don't have time for you right now. Just leave me alone..."

It hurt Chuck to hear her say things like that, because he knew it was the truth. He wasn't good enough for her. With that, he walked out of the room, thinking about how much he had screwed things up tonight. As soon as the door shut, Blair couldn't hold back her tears any longer.


Over the next couple of days, Blair and Chuck had not spoken once. Chuck didn't know what to do, so he spent most of his time at Victrola drinking. Again. It seemed that was all he did lately, but he didn't care, he just needed to forget about all of it. His father, the company, and especially Blair. A couple weeks ago he couldn't imagine his life without Blair, and now that he had to face that reality, he realized how awful it really was.

Blair was equally confused about the situation, so she went to Nate, hoping that he would be able to help Chuck. Nate was probably the only one who could get through to Chuck right now, so she had to try. "Nate, I need your help. Chuck showed up at my place last night, drunk of course, but he seemed different. I'm really worried about him, and I don't know what to do. Nate, you have to help him, please" she said quickly, panicking.

"Wow, ok, Blair calm down. Chuck's going to be fine, he always is. And as for him being drunk, that's not really unusual for Chuck. Just calm down," he said, sitting her down on the couch. She was visibly upset, which was rare for the always composed Blair Waldorf, and he wanted to make her feel better.

Blair just wanted to forget about Chuck, but she couldn't stop thinking about him. She needed comfort right now, so quickly, without thinking, she leaned up to kiss Nate. For the briefest of moments, Blair was distracted from the drama that was "Chuck and Blair." It wasn't passionate, like when she kissed Chuck, there was no urgency or need to be with him, but it was easy, which was something that her and Chuck never had.

Just when Nate began responding to the kiss, Chuck walked into Nate's house, wanting to talk to his best friend. When he saw Blair and Nate kissing, his entire body went numb. Obviously, he had seen those two together before, although back then it seemed normal, and it now changed his entire world. He stood there, unable to move, thinking that after all of this time, he had finally done it; he had lost Blair Waldorf for good.

Hearing the noise of the door open, Nate and Blair both looked up to see Chuck Bass, a man that they both cared for deeply, with the most pained expression on his face. Blair looked in his eyes and it was clear, Chuck looked broken.


So there you have it. It's definitely gonna be multiple chapters, but i want it to be clear that this is by no means a blair/nate fic. Personally, i hate those two together, so trust me, they will not end up together!

Please review, cuz i could really use the imput lol. And also, thanks to my sister Sam for the idea 