A/N It's been a little while. I hope to kinda make it up with this chapter. I had a snow day today and I have a snow day tomorrow so let's see how this will go. I'm back in the writing mode right now so it's a good day. Oh, and something about Maddie: she will play a central role but I felt that she was way too involved in the last story. So to Maddie fans: there will much less of her in this one. The song is Make You Feel My Love by Adele

Make You Feel My Love

Meredith was intercepted by a nurse when she was on the way to the cafeteria. "The chief wants to see you in his office," she said monotonously, looking like she would rather be anywhere else.

The stale hamburgers were calling out to Meredith, and she did not want to resist the calling. "Now?" she asked breathlessly, hungry. At that moment, it did not matter that her child hated anything and everything she ate and that it would make a reappearance. She was hungry.

The nurse blinked. "No," she said, "He sent me here now because he doesn't want to see you 'til next week." She rolled her eyes and turned away.

Meredith made a face at her retreating back. Contemplating her choices, she sighed mournfully and said a mental goodbye to a semi-decent lunch.

After being encouraged by the receptionist to go sit in the chief's office, Meredith was somewhat shocked to find Derek and Addison already standing in the office talking quietly.

"Meredith," Derek said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Meredith suddenly wished she had gone with her initial thought and had lunch instead of obeying the summons. "Well, I thought I was being summoned to the chief's office, but maybe I got something mixed up.." She started to back out and ran into Chief Webber.

"You didn't get anything wrong, Grey. Go ahead and take a seat." He nodded to Derek and Addison as well.

Meredith waited until Derek took a seat at the far left before taking the seat at the far right, leaving Addison with the chair in the middle. It was no different from the real life situation, Addison thought ironically as she took the seat.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here," Webber said, smiling at the three. He felt terrible for the bomb he was about to drop. He was met with blank, slightly glazed looks.

Feeling like a teacher in a classroom full of bored students, he began speaking. "As you all know, there's a very rich, very powerful young man who was recently in a car accident." Everyone in Washington, possibly even the surrounding states, knew of the accident. "His injuries were confined to his face, and, although he will live a perfectly normal life, he wants his face back—"

"Richard," Addison said warningly, suddenly knowing where his speech was headed.

"Dr. Sloan will be flying in from New York to work this case." The finality of his words, he felt, was not up for debate.

Apparently, the feeling was not the same for everyone else. "Why him?" Derek demanded at the same time Addison began protesting.

"Drs. Shepherd," Richard said sternly. "If we're going to save this man's face, we need the best. Like it or not Sloan is the best."

Derek's grip on his armrest tightened, and he had the sudden urge to inflict violence on the nearest thing. He flinched and jerked his hand away when Addison's skin touched his. "There are many plastic surgeons in this area that aren't backstabbing, conniving, arrogant—"

"This is not up for debate. My mind is made up, and I'm sorry that it interferes with your personal lives. While he is here, though, you will keep your hands to yourself." Richard gave Derek his most severe look. "If you inflict bodily harm to Sloan while he is in this hospital, I will be forced to take action."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on all occupants of the room and silence encompassed the doctors. "I get why we're here," Addison said slowly, "but why is Grey here?"

Webber cleared his throat. "Sloan was kind enough to suggest I warn you three. He gave no reasons, though some were painfully obvious."

Meredith glanced up from her shoes to see all three sets of eyes on her. "What?" she snapped, suddenly angry at Mark for putting her in such a situation. She did not want to witness The Shepherd Marriage Issues up close and personal. "I don't know why he wanted to warn me! He didn't sleep with my wife!"

The accusation clear, Derek and Addison flushed with shame and looked away. Even though the comment was undoubtedly aimed at Derek, Addison still felt the sting of it.

Surprised at how quickly the anger came and went, Meredith took a deep breath and muttered, "Sorry." Her eyes, once again, drifted to her shoes and she felt the need to curl into a ball and cry.

"You're dismissed."

Meredith was out almost before the words left his mouth. She found a storage closet and immediately called Mark.

"What?" Mark snapped into the receiver without looking at the caller ID. He was at the airport and the people, combined with the security, were grating on his nerves.

"Why did you have Webber call me in with the Shepherds?" she demanded, the anger returning.

A devilish grin spread across Mark Sloan's face. He was not a stupid man and had rightly predicted her anger. However, it had taken all his effort not to call Derek up and throw it in his face that he had the girl. Sometimes, though, subtlety was required. "Sorry about that. I thought you'd like a little warning."

"You could've called me, emailed me, texted me. What? Smoke signal out too?" Meredith closed her eyes and tried to get a hold on her rampant emotions. A headache was rapidly developing, and she was ready to cry.

"I figured sending out a smoke signal was a little outdated," he said innocently.

"You wanted them to find out!"

Busted. "Uh, Mer. I think I could've gotten either of them on the phone by now if I really wanted them to know." He waited with abated breath to see if she would buy it.

Meredith knew he was full of it but she just rolled with it. "You're really coming?" she asked in a small voice.

Mark grinned. "I'm about to board the plane," he said calmly. "I know I might be reaching here, but I would like to see you while I'm in Seattle."

Calming her racing heart, Meredith nodded. She then realized that he wouldn't be able to see her and answered, "Of course."

The mild tone did not suggest the excitement Mark had been hoping to entice, but he figured that was something he could change when he arrived. "I'm literally about to board. I'll call you when I land."

"See you when you get here."

Meredith exasperatedly glanced at her cell phone and saw Mark was calling. "Is this case getting in the way of something, Grey?" Derek asked amusedly. He easily picked up on her fidgeting and obvious need to leave, but Maddie was being a small child. She was grumpy and fighting everyone about everything.

Knowing what was coming, Maddie begged not to be sedated and asked to see Meredith. She was quite compliant with the young intern, and it annoyed Sarah to no end.

"No, Dr. Shepherd. I was getting a phone call, but it's not important." The smile she gave him felt so fake, and she was so frustrated that she had to lie that it nearly hurt her face. She had not only had to push her doctor appointment back a few hours, but she was going to have to go to the doctor and then straight to see Mark.

"Mm-hmm," he said teasingly. It was sometimes difficult to be Meredith's friend, but sometimes, when he pretended they were still together, he could tease her like a "friend" would.

Meredith ignored him and went into Maddie's room. "Hey, Maddie," she said cheerfully. "I hear that you no longer want to listen to our nurses."

"I want to go home," Maddie said, pouting and glaring at Derek. She looked imploringly at Meredith, her eyes beginning to droop from exhaustion. Her body had been putting her through a lot, and she could only stay awake for short stints at a time. "I haven't seen Trevor and Bobby since the other day, and Sarah won't let me get outta bed. I just want to play with my barbies and trucks. I hate it here!" Her lip started quivering.

Meredith's heart went out to the little girl. "We're just trying to get you better, okay? I know you miss your brothers, but your sister is just doing what the doctors want."

Sarah shot Meredith a grateful look for taking the blame. She hated being the bad guy, especially to Maddie.

"My body shakes now," Maddie began to sob in earnest. "That didn't happen before."

Meredith crouched beside the bed. "Dr. Shepherd is the very best at what he does. He'll find a way to help you, okay? Even if he can't do it himself, he'll find someone that can." She gestured for a nurse to come in. "Until then, will you allow this nice nurse to give you medicine?"

Maddie glared at the approaching nurse. She was tired and sick, and she was trying her very best to understand everything that was going on. She just couldn't.

Sarah stepped back as soon as she saw her sister go into a seizure. She bit back a cry when they turned her onto her side. It was heartbreaking to see her baby sister so frail and sick, but she would take that over seeing her go into seizures.

Meredith was exhausted. She almost wanted to call Mark and tell him their reunion was going to have to wait. Maddie's seizures had progressed, and Derek was frustrated. Something happened during the surgery that caused the seizures, and Derek was hoping that whatever happened was helping dislodge the tumor.

Besides that, Meredith made it to the doctor's office quite late. They had been able to squeeze her in with little problems. She heard her baby's heartbeat and found out—though she already knew—that she was nine weeks along. Her body was changing, but the slight swell of her belly was barely noticeable. Mark, who had been intimately acquainted with her body only once, would likely not notice the difference—at least until she told him about the pregnancy.

Mark was a little surprised when Meredith knocked on his door. It was still pretty early, but she hadn't answered her phone. He assumed she didn't want to see him.

Meredith shifted awkwardly. "Hey," she gave him a small wave. She was still in her scrubs, having been in a hurry to get to the doctor's office. She felt like the moment was inadequate considering the feelings she'd been having toward him, not to mention that she was carrying his child.

Mark pulled her into the room and shut the door. "I thought we could have dinner," he said without preamble.

Meredith looked down at her scrubs and suddenly wished she had taken the time to change. "Oh. I'm not really dressed for a night out…"

"Then we'll make it a night in," Mark said softly, his eyes burning into hers. He stepped closer.

Meredith smirked to herself, relaxing. She was more in her element, backing up a little as Mark stepped gradually closer.

Mark's eyes narrowed. He could tell by the slight quirk of her lips and the mirth in her eyes that she was playing with him. He stepped closer and gleefully realized that there was a door behind her.

Meredith realized the same thing at the same moment. Mark put his hands on either side of her head and leaned in. He dipped her head slightly to look into her eyes. "I think this requires a proper hello," he said gruffly before capturing her lips with his.

Meredith's arms snaked around his neck as she found herself pinned against the door by Mark's body. Mark pulled away and pushed the hair away from her face. "Hello, Meredith," he said softly.

"Hello, Mark," she answered breathless before pulling him back in. Who needed food?

Mark slowly let his hands drift down her sides and suddenly grabbed her legs and hoisted her up. She immediately responded by wrapping her legs around his waist. He nipped her lip as he walked back toward the bed.

Meredith moaned when his lips trailed down her jaw to her neck. She clutched helplessly at his head when his teeth scraped against her skin and his teeth latched onto her earlobe.

Mark grunted when he fell back onto the bed with Meredith on top of him. He immediately relieved her of her shirt and bra. "You've put on weight," he said approvingly, cupping her breasts.

Before Meredith could make any excuses or defend herself, he leaned forward and took her nipple into his mouth. All rational thought flew out the window and she decided to just enjoy herself.

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true

Nothing that I wouldn't do

Go to the ends of the earth for you

To make you feel my love