I'm not sure if I should add another chapter? I do like it how it is, but it seems as if it needs a resolution. Any ideas?
He didn't love her. She didn't love him. Their arrangement had been the same for months. There was nothing romantic about it. Passion deliberately directed at the wrong person. It was always the same. She would start it. She'd turn up at his house, he could never resist. He would give her exactly what she wanted. But he knew that it wasn't him she was thinking of. It wasn't his name she sighed.
Occasionally, afterwards, she would open her eyes. Look up at him in surprise, as if she expected him to be Sam. She wouldn't stay the night. She got up, got dressed, and it wasn't mentioned. They never talked about it. They both pretended it wasn't going on, until the next time it happened.
He knew things had changed when he stopped imagining Bella. He was careful, he never let Leah see it. The normal process, he would close his eyes, whisper someone else's name, and he was never caught. He wanted her now. Not Bella.
One night, he went to her house. That night was the first night that he needed it. He was frantic. He ran there in human form. He didn't want to phase because he knew he would think about it. When he got to the door he let himself in. He didn't think anyone else was in. Not that that would have stopped them. He would've dragged her into the forest if necessary, the mood he was in.
He opened her bedroom door, and leaned against the frame. She was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. But she knew he was there. She didn't sit up, but she looked over at him. "You're here". He didn't bother to answer. He climbed on top of her, pinned her down. There was no time to waste. He kissed up her neck, along her jaw, hungrily. She gasped, clawing at his neck and shoulders, pulling him down more, wrapping her legs around his waist. He was moving his fingers up her thighs. He heard her gasp again, moan something, he thought he'd misheard. He looked at her and her eyes had widened in shock. He could see that he hadn't.
She'd said his name.