A/N: I know I am a horrible person. It has been 2 years since I have updated this and I am terrible, but to be honest, I have lost all the passion I had for writing Twilight. I'm not a big fan of it anymore, that is why I have decided to end it here. One day I may look back at this and re do it, but for now, this is it.

I really want to thank you all, the people who have read, reviewed and those who have favourite-d and even to those who sent flames. I appreciate all the things you have done.

Disclaimer: For the last time, I do not own Twilight, everything that sounds familiar, is probably from the book, everything that doesn't, is probably mine. LOL

Chapter 29

The final few weeks of planning had gone... well, according to plan. The music was written, the instruments were ready, practices had come and gone, pranks were played, pizza was eaten, fights happened and the costumes had been made.

A couple things I had learnt in this experience, working with someone you have recently become involved with is not a good idea, especially when the two people in the relationship have majorly contrasting ideas.

Working with someone you have recently become involved with can be handy when you are working with a group of people who are also in newly formed relationships.

And music is one thing that will bring people closer together, no matter what has happened between them, or how much time has passed.

After the truces had been called, and the initial fights had been fought, we were able to settle back into old patterns again. Something that we realised we had missed greatly. Our relationships with our partners, and our group flourished once again and we were able to stick together even with the hounding of our old cliques and the whole student body in general.

The skaters eventually came up to me to apologize (after a lot of nagging from Nikki, I'm sure), and even though I doubt we will be as close as we once were, it was nice to know that I was still accepted by them.

Nikki and Ryan had an awkward start, neither wanting to say anything to each other after the shock of being found out by yours truly. It was not until a couple weeks ago, with the help of the group, some carefully placed speakers and the song 'kiss the girl' were they able to put aside their proud feelings and admit that they wanted to be together. It was an achievement that we were all proud of.

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone's lips on mine. Recognising the feel of them, I melted into his arms, "You looked like you were deep in thought there, love," I heard Edward say as he pulled away.

I smiled, even after the fights and distance, he still had this ability to make me feel calm, "Just thinking," I replied with a small smile.

It was at that moment that the rest of the group came in through the door. I could hear the excited whisperings from the other room. "There's a lot of people out there you guys," Jasper mentioned in an annoying calm way.

The other four surrounded us as we broke away, "You guys ready?" Alice asked, bouncing in place as more people entered the other room.

I heard the sounds of agreement from the others as each of them put their hands in the middle, "Bells?" Emmett called out. Looking around the circle, I nodded, adding my hand to the pile.

"Let's do this!"

They all ran out to the other room, Edward following after a quick kiss. Grabbing my mic I followed, "HELLO FORKS HIGH AND WELCOME TO THE HOMECOMING DANCE!"

A/N: Well that's it, it's finished. I'm sorry it's so short, but as I said earlier, I don't have the inspiration for this story anymore. But here it is anyway. Thank you for everything you guys have done. You truly are amazing :D