A/N Hi everybody! Okay, just a quickie, I have to apologize to Sierra Charm. I forgot to mention her. She is the personality of Willow Weeping. Have fun, ur gonna love this ch! Please review!

Chapter Two

A scream of terror erupted from the compartment on their left, shortly followed by another scream from their right. James and Sirius howled with laughter. The girls, however scurried to the doors to see what was going on. All except for Rhiannon, who put her hands on her hips and demanded an explanation. Sirius and James, however, were laughing so hard that they were unable to respond to her.

"Oh my God," Julia whispered, and Mindy screamed.

"What?" The other girls demanded, running over to their window view of the compartment to their left. As soon as Crystal looked in she yelped in compulsion and scampered back to the right side of the compartment. Willow glanced in, and her eyes bulged as she backed away from the door. Mindy stalked up to Sirius, (who was, for the record, still laughing his head off) looking fiery.

"SIRIUS WHATEVER-YOUR-MIDDLE-NAME-IS BLACK!" She screamed, sending James into an even harder fit of laughter. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THOSE POOR GIRLS?!"

"Aw, Mindy, that's Esmeralda Safire's compartment, I thought you'd be proud." Sirius replied in a fake pout. Mindy and Sirius were notorious for pretending to be mad at each other when they really weren't. Kitty, who wasn't there at the moment, called it flirting. Crystal called it stupid.

"You didn't let me finish." Mindy snapped, her eyes glinting mischievously. "What did you do to those poor girls WITHOUT ME?!" And with that, the two of them began laughing so hard that they were leaning on each other for support.

Silently, Willow felt sorry for 'those poor girls', even if they were in Slytherin and her Gryffindor friends' worst enemies. It just wasn't fair of James and Sirius to set all those tarantulas out in their compartments!

However, it seemed that Willow was alone. Everyone else in the compartment was howling with laughter. Thinking about it, Willow decided they deserved it, what with that snake thing they pulled last year.

From her seat at the window, Lily giggled.

"Even Mrs. Longbottom can hear them screaming!" She said.

They all hurried over to one of the two windows (which still left them VERY crowded!) and watched, trying not to laugh TOO hard, as Eglentine Longbottom abandoned the train tracks and hurried into the compartment on their left to deal with the troublesome spiders. They could hear her yelling over all the commotion the girls were causing.

"Settle down, girls, settle down!" She was yelling. "No need for all this fuss! It's just a few spiders!" The crowd in Lily's compartment dissolved into giggles.

"I must tip my hat off to you this time, Sirius!" Mindy said, hardly able to breathe. But while she was expecting a saucy, egotistical, Sirius-ish response, she was answered with nothing but the previous giggles of her classmates. She looked around, but the only boy to be seen was Remus. "Sirius? James? Peter?" She said. Her friends finally started noticing that the boys were gone, too.

"Hey, where'd they go?" Willow demanded of Remus, who rolled his eyes.

"The snuck off to get into some kind of trouble. I opted out of it." He replied, sounding disapproving of his friends' antics, but his twitching mouth gave away his humored opinion of the escapade. *Miranda Pandora Himalia!* Mindy scolded herself. *Why are you looking at Remus Lupin's mouth?!* Mindy decided to put that little mental argument off for a few hours.

"How'd they sneak out without us knowing it?" Mindy said, to get herself out of that particular frame of mind.

"That is for me to know and you not to find out." He replied, winking, not even attempting to conceal his glee at being in on something none of the girls were in on.

Rhiannon gave a large, dramatic sigh.

"What's wrong, Rhi?" Crystal asked, not bothering to say all of the name.

"The Slytherin girls have gotten over themselves and Frank's mum is back to cursing the train.

The Jenkins twins, Willow, and Mindy rushed over to the window to watch Mrs. Longbottom, but Lily didn't move. She was looking at Rhiannon curiously.

"You and Frank Longbottom are on a first name basis?" She said quizzically. Longbottom was in seventh year and in Gryffindor, while Rhiannon was a sixth year Ravenclaw. Rhiannon simply shrugged.

"We went out when I was in..." She squinted as if trying to remember something very distant and unclear. "Fourth year? Third? I can't remember..." Lily just gaped. Longbottom was very popular. Of course, Lily had just really gotten to know Rhiannon in the last year.

"His mum's a sweetie." She continued, ignoring Lily's astonishment. "I met her at a party over Christmas break whatever year it was that I was dating Frank. He's with Anna Merchild now, did you know? And looking serious. I'm happy for them, they make such a cute couple, and-" But her comments were cut short by a jolt of the train and a scream from Julia.

"Are we FINALLY leaving?" Rhiannon asked, exasperated.

"I hope not!" Willow screeched.

"Why not?" Lily said, fairly surprised.

"Because the conductor isn't on the train!" She screeched.

"WHAT?!" Lily and Rhiannon screamed in unison, pressing themselves up to the nearest window with Willow and Crystal, while Julia and Mindy just stared in astonishment through the window next to them.

It was true. The train was now rounding the corner, and Mrs. Longbottom was screaming after it, throwing curses. The girls looked around at each other in wide-eyed astonishment.

"All right there's only one thing we can do!" Julia said, standing up, looking determined. Everyone looked up in anticipation. She said, in a strong, clear voice, "Tell my joke!"

Everyone started laughing so hard and so loud that Mindy, for one, couldn't breath. Crystal and Lily couldn't see through tears of mirth, and Rhiannon, Willow, and Remus, who had been crowding the same window, were on all fours, holding each other for support. Julia looked around in confusion.

"What?" She said. At this everyone laughed, if possible, even harder. "I don't get it!" She said desperately. She waited impatiently for her friends to calm down.

"Okay." She said, eagerly. "Why did Mozart get rid of his chickens?" She looked around, pretending to be waiting for an answer. "Because they kept saying 'bach bach bach!" With that, Julia collapsed into a fit of laughter, falling into the seat behind her. The others immediately stopped giggling and stared as if they thought she was mad.

"What?" Julia said, realizing she was the only one who was laughing. "Don't you get it?" They continued to stare, saying nothing. "Okay...I don't get it." She said, and the others roared with laughter.

The train finally started slowing, and the seven waited impatiently to see who had been conducting the train all this time, for it certainly hadn't left on it's own. They were not at all surprised to see Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick (head of Ravenclaw house) Sprout (head of Hufflepuff house) and Dunkel (head of Slytherin house) waiting on the platform as they piled out of the train.

As others piled into carriages or, in the case of the first years, followed Hagrid down the path, Remus, Crystal, Julia, Mindy, Rhiannon, Lily, and Willow waited next to the professors out of curiosity, along with about fifteen others.

The door opened, and James Potter stepped out of the conductor's compartment of the train. And with that, McGonagall spoke the first words of the new term.

"DETENTION POTTER!" This exclamation was shortly followed by "DETENTION BLACK" and "DETENTION PETTIGEW".

Remus, needless to say, was laughing almost as hard as he had on the train. As the four piled into one of the remaining compartments, the girls could hear Peter saying, rather defensively, "It's not THAT funny, Remus!"

The girls were laughing too, though they didn't find quite as funny as Remus did. They split up, Willow, Lily, Rhiannon, and Maria Candle, another Ravenclaw, in one compartment, and Julia, Mindy, Lily, and Kitty Topingside in the other.

"Go figure," Lily said, rolling her eyes. "The first person this year to get a detention is James."

"You're surprised?" Kitty said. She too, was laughing.

"Hey!" Mindy said, as if suddenly realizing that Kitty was there. "Where WERE you? Why weren't you with us on the train. You missed Julia's joke!" She and Lily began to laugh while Julia looked more confused than ever.

"I was with Zachery." She said, blushing. Julia raised her eyebrows.

"Zachery Yttrium?" She said. Mindy and Lily began to laugh even harder.

"Oh my GOD!" Lily said between gasps for breath. "You're dating ZACHERY YTTRIUM!" And she couldn't say anything else because she could hardly breath.

"Isn't he in...Hufflepuff?" Mindy said, giggling like a schoolgirl. (Wait, she is a schoolgirl....nevermind)

"Shut UP, you guys!" Kitty said, blushing and looking away. This made the other three laugh harder than ever.

"WILLOW! CRYSTAL! RHI!" Mindy, Julia, and Lily were all yelling for their Ravenclaw friends.

"Oh please, don't." Kitty begged, but the others weren't listening.

"What?" Crystal said, shortly echoed by the other two as they fought their way over to the four Gryffindors.

"You'll never guess what!" Julia said, and before and of the others could say anything, she plowed on. "Kitty is dating Zachery Yttrium! Isn't that the funnies thing!" She began to laugh again.

"Is that true?" Willow said, trying to keep a straight face. Blushing worse than ever, Kitty nodded. The Ravenclaws burst into laughter.

"It's NOT funny!" She shouted.

"What's not funny, Kit?" A deeper voice said. Kitty's six friends quickly quieted themselves as best they could (which meant biting their lips to keep from giggling, and still a few escaped) as Zachery himself came up behind Kitty and slipped an arm around her waist. A loud giggle escaped Mindy, but she quieted it quickly.

"Nothing, Zack." She replied, slipping out of his reach and taking his hand. They climbed the steps together and entered the hall. The others burst out laughing even harder than they had before.

"What's so funny?" Sirius said as he the other three Marauders approached the giggling schoolgirls.

"Kitty is dating Zachery Yttrium!" Julia gasped.

"She is, is she?" Sirius said with a raised eyebrow. He and Kitty had gone out last year for a few weeks, before he dumped her. There were no hard feelings, of course. Kitty teased him for weeks about being so privileged as to have dated the 'heartthrob' of their year. It was a big joke between them.

"Hey girls, save us a seat." James said, winking at the four Gryffindor girls. Lily rolled her eyes.

"What ARE you four doing now?" She demanded. They laughed, and disappeared into the crowd without saying anything.

"Well, see ya later!" Crystal said. The Gryffindors hugged their Ravenclaw friends, then hurried to the Great Hall to try and find eight seats together. They finally did.

The first years filed in, and Professor McGonagall unraveled her scroll.

"Angelhair, Grace!"

"RAVENCLAW!" And thus the sorting had begun. Lily and her friends clapped politely along with the rest.

"Where ARE those boys?" Mindy hissed as 'Emberstone, Evan' joined the Gryffindor table.

"How should I know?" Lily replied.

"No doubt trying to break the record for the most detentions on the first night of school." Kitty said, rolling her eyes as McGonagall called for 'Furlong, Charissa'.

"Don't they already hold that record?" Julia replied. They all tried desperately (and failed miserably) not to laugh. Poor Charissa Furlong, now of Hufflepuff, looked rather insulted.

The girls managed to restrain themselves for the rest of the Sorting. Dumbledore stood, smiling.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." He said warmly. "I assume you are all very hungry, so let me just say this; Traguna Maquidi Traquarum Satis Dee!" The golden platters were suddenly heaped over with food. The girls began to fill their plates. Just then, the Marauders finally appeared, grinning like mad, and sat down to start feasting.

"Where were you?" Julia demanded. Sirius grinned.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Got your food?" James asked. "Okay, watch the teachers."

It started with Dumbledore, who began to chuckle. Then Professors McGonagall and Flitwick (who were seated at his right and left) began to giggle. It swept across the high table like a contagious disease, and within a minute all of the staff, including Hagrid and Filch, were rolling, shaking and crying with uncontrollable laughter.

By now the students were laughing to, at their teachers. Well, most of them were. Frank Longbottom (head boy) and Wanda Charlston (head girl) were trying not to laugh and figure out what was going on. Eventually, though, they too gave in. But none of the students were laughing as loud as the Marauders.

"Oh my God!" Kitty said between gasps for breath. "What did you DO?"

"We snuck laughing potion into their drinks from the kitchens!" James said, now crying with laughter.

"We didn't think it was gonna be this good!" Remus added, doubled over and struggling to breathe around his laughter.

"How long is this gonna last?" Lily asked nervously, after the student's laughter had begun to die down, but the teachers were laughing louder than ever.

"When someone figures out what's wrong and distributes the antipotion." Sirius replied simply. This sent the girls into gales of giggles.

"You had better eat up." Julia said, pushing the food towards them. "They'll know you did it and drag you off when they're cured."