Author: LunarBlade Valentine

Description: A stand alone sequel to Dark Outside. Can you know someone, but really don't? People grow together in adversary, but it can also tear them apart. Vin/Tifa

Genre: As Feather Wolf coined it: "Melodramatic Self-inflicted Comedy". This time (hopefully) with more romance!

Spoilers: Not any that I can think of. This doesn't really touch on DoC or AC. It does talk a little about Dark Outside and builds on the Vincent that developed there, but I don't think the two stories have to be connected.

Notes: Please review intelligently. As with Dark Outside, I will answer any questions left in reviews in the next chapter author's notes. Again to state: This does not have to be viewed as a continuation of Dark Outside, and (I hope) can stand on it's own as a Vin/Tifa story.

To Know You

I hate it when the phone wakes me up.

What time is it? It's still dark outside, who the hell is calling me?

Phone? Phone, phone, phone, knock something over, phone, phone…



I nearly drop the cellphone when I hear its Tifa. She sounds… distraught to say the least.

"Tifa? What's wrong?"

She says there's been an accident. Something bad. "Vincent," She says, "I don't know what to do." Asks if I'm sitting down. I guess it's early morning in Midgar. Wutai time is…

Where's my alarm clock? How did it get to the floor? Oh, right. I knocked it over.

I pick it up, the time is 4:10am.

"An accident? Is everyone alr-"

Barret. It's Barret.

He's dead.

You asked and ye shall receive.

A stand-alone sequel to Dark Outside. Ye gads, I can't believe it's been three years more or less since that story!

Please enjoy this chapter and the next, and make sure to tell me what you think!!