A/N: Fun disclaimers are no more. I'm putting all the best ones in a seperate story so watch for that! This is mostly the intro to my humble story, next chapter will be less intro more awesome :) Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: (This should take care of the WHOLE thing.) Artemis Fowl is owned by the wonderful Eoin Colfer, not me. Germany and EVERYTHING in it is owned by... uh... someone other than me. Anything else you may think I own I'd like to say now that I don't kay? Kay. Now let's get this show on the road :)

Artemis Fowl: The Sacrifice

Chapter 1, Loop Holes

You were the one who made things different, you were the one who took me in. You were the one thing I could count on, above all, you were my friend.
- Tom Petty

Deserted Warehouse, Germany

Rabid rats scurried away from a warm, blue glow. It crackled and disappeared in seconds, leaving behind a tattered and dirty figure. It was a female, short and especially thin. Her features were mildly disproportioned, with large eyes and child-like nose and mouth. Her eyes, although shaded with exhaustion, where sharp and glinted in the half-light. She ran a tiny hand through her dark, messy hair, revealing two dramatically pointed ears. With a spin on her toes she observed her surroundings and let out a high pitched cackling laugh. Opal Koboi had found a home.

St. Bartelbys School

Artemis Fowl II was destined to graduate from the prestigious school at some point. Now, as he took the diploma and shook the man's hand, he realized, unlike most of the students, he wouldn't miss one person from the school. He wouldn't even miss the knowledge the teachers shared because every class had bored him to tears. It had taken him only two years to earn enough credits to graduate, although, he could've gradated in one. The People's interference and his inability to keep out of their affairs kept him out of a lot of class.

He was rather excited about the prospect of building his empire, an honest one. The Fowls had resolved to give up illegal ways of gaining gold, but they would not lose their fortune on his watch. His parents where proud that he had graduated, he could really care less. He proved many times over, he was too clever for school. He corrected the science text book five times, choosing (with painful difficulty) to keep his mouth shut about the other flaws because they weren't as important. He passed with ease through the highest level of Calculus, and was asked to tutor in Algebra but was always too busy.

His IQ was, at the least, ninety points higher than any of his professors, making the diploma worthless to him. Yet, his parents insisted they go out to diner afterwards to celebrate. His twin brothers ate their filet minion much too quickly and got tummy aches, sending them home before Artemis had even taken a bite.

Well now that that's over with, at least I can focus on more important things. Was his only thought on the matter. He had a feeling that the "more important things" would lead him back to the People, more specifically, Opal Koboi's disappearance.


Opal, needless to say, was in a wretched mood after what the Fowl boy had done to her. She only hoped that the explosion of the Kraken had done away with him once and for all. She remembered every second she sat under that mess of debris. Trying desperately to pull at enough magical energy to transport herself somewhere safe. If she had taken only a few more minutes she would have been arrested for life by the underground police.

Once she regained her strength she acquired almost $10,000 through some questionable negotiations. With this money, she hired ten professional hit men, and two bodyguards, just to be safe. Then, working as quickly as her magic-free body would allow her, she constructed a lab in one corner of her warehouse. Her bodyguards watched in amazement as their tiny charge tossed aside rain-soaked cardboard boxes full of packing peanuts and rotted wooden lifts. With numerous trips to the junkyard and deals on the Black-market (and of course, many trips to the chocolate shoppe for bon-bons) she finally had set up a decent lab, just enough to track Fowl and his elf friend. In her crazed search she left out one important detail….

Years ago Artemis himself was a thief, so naturally, he had connections. Only two months after Opals disappearance he called in a few favors. Artemis knew that if Opal survived that explosion (and he was sure she had) she would stay above ground, as far away from the LEP as possible. He also knew what she would be looking for, anybody with fairy technology, even if they didn't realize they had it. Artemis had compiled a list a few years back of all Black-market persons who unknowingly had their hands on fairy technology. He struck up a deal with each of these to report anyone they come in contact with who had the profile of Koboi. He chose to leave out the fact that she would be after their "pimped out technology" (as they so tactfully called the priceless items). The price was right, and more was promised if it was Opal.

Opal was blissfully oblivious to this set-up, which made it much easier for Artemis to pin point her location.

Fowl Manor

The pale teenager's face was illuminated by the glow of the pulsing computer. One e-mail message. Not many people e-mailed Artemis so he figured this was urgent.

"got the customer youre after. meet me at the cathedral of st paul in bremen germany tomorrow 8:00 with the cash, alone."

A sly smile crossed his face, brightening his eyes; of course he wouldn't be meeting him… or her alone. With a quick twist out of his chair he grabbed the fairy communicator and called Holly. It had been only a few months since Opal's disappearance. She had drifted from a code red case to unsolved. Artemis thought it was time to take out her file again.

A tired looking Holly answered,

"Arty, this better be good. I'm off duty." His mis-matched eyes glinted, not only because of the news he brought, he was glad to see his best friend again.

"Oh, it's very good. I need you to be at the Cathedral of St. Paul, eight o' clock tomorrow. I have a lead on Opal." The name made Holly shoot awake.

"I can't, we aren't allowed passage to the surface without good cause, not until we have a lock on her whereabouts." She looked disappointed; Artemis knew she would love to be there to sniff Koboi out.

"I'm sure Foaly can jump through some loops to get you here, I promise it will be worth it." Holly sighed heavily but agreed. She would have some major convincing to do tomorrow.

A/N: Arty and Holly back together again ^.^ I promise you action, kissing, fluff, tough love, and yes- death!! O.O Please keep me motivated by clicking that lovely green review button and saying something nice :) I'll give you a whole plate full of cookies and milk! :D Plus more chapters ;D which are healthier anyways...