A/N: What's this? A strip teasing Sasori? This fic is dedicated to TeamDavid0698 who loves this sexy pair as much as I do xD Reviews appreciated!

Akasuna no Sasori was considered a genius by many. He had graduated high school at the age of fifteen with top marks, gone on to receive two PhDs and was now a highly successful business man, Yes, he was a genius and he knew it. Nothing could stand in his way. He was undefeated…until today. Akasuna no Sasori had indeed been thwarted by a rubix cube.

Sasori growled in frustration. This thing just refused to be solved. Randomly twisting a line, he wondered why he was even bothering with this thing. Oh right, it was a gift from his lover. Supposedly, smart people were able to solve it. Twisting it in half again, he grit his teeth in anger before throwing it onto the ground and kicking it away.

Deidara, who had been watching the display from the doorway, grinned in an amused manner. Sasori was known for many things; patience was not one of them. His grin grew wider as he watched his lover grab a knife and viciously rip apart the rubix cube. Sasori could be so childish sometimes.

Triumphantly, Sasori stood up. That would teach the rubix cube not to mess with him! A hand on his shoulder startled him. He hadn't realized that Deidara had been watching his little display. Now that his mind was clear from the rage, he flushed lightly at the thought of his childish behaviour. Attempting to salvage his image, he crossed his arms and turned to give Deidara his most menacing glare. Unfortunately for Sasori, it just made him look like a pouting child.

It was too hard to resist. Deidara ruffled Sasori's hair even though he knew it would piss him off more. It came as no surprise when his hand was swatted away.

"What do you want?" Sasori growled.

Deidara replied in a smug voice, "You couldn't solve it." Actually, he was surprised that his Danna has lasted that long. He had expected the other cube to not make it past the two day mark. Reaching into his pocket, Deidara pulled out another rubix cube. He fought back a grin as he caught Sasori's expression. The horrified look on Sasori's face was priceless. He pushed the rubix cube into Sasori's limp hands.

"I thought you of all people would've been able to solve it, un."

"The...the rubix cube is evil!" blurted out Sasori.

Deidara fought back a laugh before replying. "Oh? How so?"

Sasori glanced down at the rubix cube despairingly before meeting Deidara's gaze. It almost made Deidara feel sorry for him.

"It doesn't want to be solved. It's plotting against me. I swear I nearly solved it and then it re-scrambled itself!" The rational part of Sasori's mind was busy committing mental suicide for how ridiculously childish he sounded. However, that part of his mind had fled long ago at the fact that he, THE Akasuna no Sasori, could not solve this simple puzzle!

Deidara had to let out a snigger at that. This rubix cube idea was definitely one of his better ones. Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Tell you what Danna, why don't I solve it for you?"

The rational part of Sasori came back after hearing that. "You?" he sneered in a condescending manner, "If I can't do it what makes you think you can?"

Deidara remained unphased. "Maybe I can, maybe I can't," Deidara shrugged before continuing. "How about we make a bet, un?"

Sasori instantly narrowed his eyes in suspicion. The brat was planning something. "What do you propose?"

"Well, if I can't solve it in twenty-four hours, I'll admit that your art is superior to mine, un."

That seemed tempting. "And if you do solve it?"

"If I do solve it before the deadline..." Deidara paused there to draw out the suspense. Annoying Sasori was an added bonus.

"Well?" Sasori prompted impatiently.

Deidara smirked which instantly made Sasori wary. "If I can solve it, you have to give me a striptease."

Sasori was speechless. The brat wanted him to do what?! He refused to degrade himself so. On the other hand, Deidara had agreed to change his view on art. An artist offering to change his beliefs was always a very big thing.

Seeing Sasori's internal conflict, Deidara decided to throw in something to seal the deal.

"...I'll wear that French maid outfit."

"Deal." Sasori wasn't a business man for nothing.


Sasori smirked while he worked on his latest puppet project. It had been three hours since they made the bet and Sasori was feeling fairly confident. If he couldn't solve it after three days then there was no chance that Deidara could. He was looking forward to seeing Deidara in that outfit. It had been a gag gift from Hidan and Sasori had kept it just in case. His contemplation was cut short when suddenly, Deidara burst through the door.

"Danna~! Guess what?" Deidara said in a sing-song voice.

A sudden dread gripped the pits of his stomach. "What?"

Instead of answering, Deidara thrust the rubix cube into Sasori's hands while wearing a shit-eating grin. Sasori looked at the object with wide eyes.

No. Way.

He checked every single face of the cube only to find that all the colours were exactly where they should be.

Deidara watched as Sasori double-checked and triple-checked the rubix cube. When Sasori finally accepted the reality of the situation, he stared up, wide-eyed at Deidara. With the shit-eating grin still plastered on his face, he pet the shocked Sasori on the head before announcing, "You owe me a striptease, un." Then he flounced out the door. In a manly way of course.

Sasori was still frozen in shock. The brat had out-smarted him and now he had to…striptease. Jolting out of his reverie, he desperately tried to think of a way to get out of this. Then he remembered the last time he tried to get out of something. A shudder. Deidara could be very stubborn and…persuasive when he wanted to be. Slumping into his chair, Sasori realised that, indeed, all hope was lost.


His Danna had ambushed him while he had been going to the kitchen. Currently, Deidara was blindfolded and being tied to a chair.

"Wow Danna, feeling kinky today?"Deidara asked in a playful manner while squirming slightly.

"I'm giving you a striptease. Knowing you, you'd try to touch me and we can't have that can we?" Sasori responded, checking the knots.

"Whatever you say, Danna." Deidara licked his lips in anticipation.

Standing back, Sasori took a moment to admire his handiwork. He would make Deidara regret this. He turned on the stereo before removing Deidara's blindfold.

Blinking to adjust his eyes again, he looked at Sasori. Then Deidara blinked again to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. His mouth went dry and dropped slightly as he took in what Sasori was wearing. Short mini skirt, tight shirt showing off his mid-riff, fishnet stockings, stilettos... just kidding.

Low-riding ripped jeans, loose hoodie with a zipper; his Danna always wore impeccable clothing so this casual "bad-boy" look was a nice change.

Trying to regain his composure, he nonchalantly said, "That's not what you would wear if you were a stripper."

"Well I'm not a stripper. I am an artist who lost a bet to some blonde idiot and is now being forced to perform against his will. What do you think I'd wear? A feather boa?" Deidara started to protest but Sasori cut him off, "Besides, I'm just going to end up taking it all off anyway, why does it matter what I'm wearing?" Sasori unzipped his hoodie and allowed Deidara to have a peek at what was underneath. The shirt underneath it clung flatteringly to Sasori's body showing off everything. Deidara shuddered at the delicious image.

Sasori smirked at Deidara's reaction. This could be more fun than he had originally anticipated. He walked towards Deidara again and bent over so he was resting the palms of his hands near Deidara's upper thigh. Leaning forward until his lips were a breath away from Deidara's ear, he purred in his most sensual voice, "Like what you see?" while suggestively kneading Deidara's thigh.

Deidara's breath hitched at that. He never knew Sasori could be quite the seductive minx. God, his lower regions were already beginning to stir and Sasori hadn't even done anything yet! His mouth worked to reply but he seemed to have lost the ability to speak so he just nodded meekly.

Sasori purposely brushed his hand briefly against Deidara's half erection earning a strangled gasp. He then stepped backwards before reaching over to turn up the volume. He mentally took a deep breath before beginning.

The hoodie came off first, revealing a muscle shirt that clung to Sasori's body quite nicely. Deidara flexed his fingers, itching to touch that piece of art. Oh god, he never realised his Danna could move like that. The shirt went next. Fingers played across the newly exposed skin in an enticing manner that drove him crazy. The wandering fingers then dipped below the waistband of the jeans in a teasing manner before hands removed the belt causing the already low-riding jeans to slip down even further. Deidara mentally prayed for the jeans to slip off completely but his prayers went unanswered. Instead of taking them off, Sasori continued to move in a rhythmic and seductive manner until the begging and hungry look on Deidara's face became too much. He slipped out of the jeans to reveal that he wasn't wearing anything underneath. By then, Deidara was breathing quite heavily.

Taking calculated steps forward while never letting his smouldering gaze break eye-contact, he straddled Deidara's lap. "Guess what comes next, Dei-da-ra?" he half-moaned in Deidara's ear.

Oh god. Deidara could've come right there. His Danna's striptease had him all hot and bothered and he wanted to jump him right there if the damn bonds weren't in the way. He should've protested against them earlier. In his half-dazed state, Deidara had to remind himself to reply.

"W-what?" His voice was husky with lust.

Sasori grinded himself into Deidara's lap earning a groan from both of them.

"I...am going to take a shower."

And with that, Sasori stood up and stalked out of the room as if nothing had ever happened.

Sasori was long gone by the time Deidara's mind caught up with him. No...Sasori did NOT just leave him like that. No one was THAT cruel. He listened in hopes of hearing approaching footsteps. Unfortunately, all that he picked up was the sound of a shower starting. He struggled against his bonds before realising how futile his efforts were. Sasori had always been extraordinarily talented with knots. He let out a howl of frustration as he realised his hopeless situation.

From his shower, Sasori heard Deidara's howl and the string of curse words that followed. Heh, that would teach the brat for messing with him. Sasori had already taken care of his 'problem' and he was taking his time in the shower. Knowing the stubborn nature of his lover, it would take him about fifteen minutes to free himself from the knots at best. Truthfully, he didn't tie them as tight as he could have. It would've been no fun if they were unescapable. He turned off the shower and put on a bathrobe before exiting the bathroom and starting the countdown.

Three... A crash was heard down the hallway. About time Sasori thought while rolling his eyes.

Two...rapid footsteps could be heard approaching the bedroom.

One...CRASH! The bedroom door slammed open and there stood Deidara. Sasori examined his state with mild interest. He was panting and there were visible angry red welts from the ropes. All in all, he was looking worse for wear.

"You!" Deidara snarled venomously.

"Me." Sasori replied calmly.

They maintained eye-contact momentarily. Sasori's cool gaze against Deidara's fiery one. Then Sasori's bathrobe 'accidently' slipped off one shoulder. That was all it took to break the spell. Deidara quickly strode forward, grabbed Sasori and practically smashed their lips together while tackling Sasori onto the bed. Deidara then proceeded to ravish him in quite an desperate, animalistic fashion. Working up Deidara always had amusing results. That was Sasori's last rational thought before he was overwhelmed by Deidara's lust induced frenzy.


Sasori snuggled up to Deidara. They were both exhausted from their activities and were ready to sleep. However, something nagged Deidara's conscience and he decided to come clean.

"Sasori?" Deidara asked rather nervously.


"I have a confession to make." Sasori cracked open one eye and regarded Deidara warily.

"What is it?" Deidara bit his bottom lip, a nervous gesture, before meeting Sasori's gaze with a sheepish expression on his face.

"I rearranged the stickers."


"The rubix cube. I rearranged the stickers." Sasori was fully awake now.

"You what?!" Disbelief coloured his tone as he snarled at Deidara.

"Well, I said I'd solve it but I never said I'd do it properly?" Deidara defended weakly as he pasted his most pitiful expression on his face.

All righteous anger drained out of Sasori at that point. Partly because of Deidara's puppy-dog face but mostly because, well, the results of Deidara's deception were rather enjoyable. Not that he'd admit that. Too tired to really do anything, Sasori merely kicked Deidara off the bed and turned to face the other direction. He'd deal with the brat in the morning.