A/N: Okie dokie! Here's my Rebecca centric drabble, because I've been itching to write some Rebeeca stuff. On another note, is it me or is the site being completely retarded? Hmm, well, enjoy regardless. It's short. Deal with it. I wrote this in like thirty minutes.

Disclaimer: No. If I owned it, there would be a Season Five. No, Season Five? Okay, then. Not in my possession.


"I can't believe you actually talked me into this."

"I'm proud of you. You took it like a trooper."

"Yeah," the twenty-three year old Brown University political science major winces slightly, remembering the quick fast needles, breaking through the top layer of his skin and etching something he actually likes. Pulling his gaze away from the road, he gives her a crooked smile, and deep laughter is set free. "My mother will totally kill me."

"You're telling me you've never wanted to do something spontaneous for once?"

One hand is on the steering wheel of his silver Toyota Camry while the steady pitter-patter of the Providence rain is streaking his windows. But the windshield wipers are going at this full potential. There's a frosty bite to the air even though it's just reaching autumn and the leaves once green, changed into warm shades of red, yellow and orange. Frost brushes the other four windows make the temptation of doodling on the window with her slender finger hard to resist.

He's not a spur-of-the moment guy, but he loves his girlfriend is, and it's that balance that adores and appreciates so much. It's amazing. Have it been nearly five years already?

"Sure," he shrugs, loosely. "But not this."

"So, you hate it then," the brunette returns, with a look of questioning on her features. Stopping at a red light, he takes those precious seconds to press a reassuring kiss to her lips.

"No," he grins, and takes her slender hand in his own. There's a sigh of contentment that escapes her and it registers that he smells like pine trees. Maybe it's Colorado state smell, but it smells wonderful. Laughing, he makes the vehicle start down the asphalted road again. "I love it, because I love you."

"Aw, you're sweet," Rebecca says, dark eyes shining. "Seriously, stop that."

"I try," is his most humbled reply. James directs his gaze towards her, blue meeting brown. "Not a chance. You're just adorable like that."

He presses his lips to the back of her hand, while Rebecca presses a kiss to his cheek.

Their fingers stay intertwined, and the doodles against the rain-streaked windows long forgotten, as James and Rebecca drive down a Providence freeway in complete, beautiful silence.

James' shoulder blade does hurt, though. But it's all worth it.

He loves Rebecca for her spontaneity and unpredictability, and he's ready for the ride.

A/N: Yeah, it's short, and fluffy. I had this scenario in my head, and had to write it down.

And I had Jordin Sparks' song, "Tattoo" in my head.

Review folks, and read the 20th drabble in The Little Thingsā€¦ if you haven't, and my newest piece Explosion. I'm actually proud of that one, my deepest piece to date. I'm hungry, so I'm out. HAPPY QUOGAN DAY!

