Warning: Explicit adult content—18 and up please.

Chapter Nine

Ticket to Ride

Bella's POV

"T-t-t-totally duuuuude. Party like a rock…party like a rock starrr.."

I knew I wasn't dreaming that I was in a Shop Boyz music video, because I didn't even like the stupid one-hit wonders, so I bolted awake wondering why that of all songs was waking me up. I looked at Edward, knowing it must have been his phone because it sure as hell wasn't mine. Was I rethinking being with him because his ringtone was an overly-repetitive "song" by a bunch of talentless rappers who had to have a bunch of technical effects to make that "song" somewhat catchy? Never…but close.

He was staring at me with the same expression when I looked over, but I just shook my head with a smirk, indicating that it wasn't mine. He groaned and blushed as he rolled over to pick up his phone. I giggled and watched the way his muscles in his back flexed under his tattoo with the motion.

"Emmett must've set that to his ringer ID when he borrowed my iPhone the other day, the fucker," he muttered as he pressed the button to answer with speaker phone. "What do you want, d-bag?" he growled into the receiver. I pinched his bare thigh and pursed my lips at his behavior.

"Just wanted to see if you liked your new ringtone," I heard Emmett's voice answer on the other end.

Edward rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it suits you perfectly. Nice choice." He hung up and put the phone back on the nightstand. A mischievous smirk grew on his lips as he lay back down next to me, pulling our bodies closer. That was when I realized we were no longer naked. Edward was wearing boxers, and I found myself in another pair of his boxers and one of his wife-beater tank tops. His smirk turned into a smile as he realized what I must have been thinking when I looked down. "I, uh…you were out like a light but shivering a little, so I put those on you before I fell asleep," he admitted quietly.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Very thoughtful," I whispered. "Speaking of thoughtful…you can't hide that smirk from me." I raised an eyebrow and ran my fingers down his back, over the hump of his glorious glutes.

"Payback's a bitch," he answered with a malicious grin.

"What are you planning?" I asked skeptically. I knew it was probably just good fun between him and Emmett, but the last thing they needed was to start getting involved in ridiculous pranks. More importantly, I didn't want to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time and get hit with the brunt of one meant for Edward.

"Don't worry, love," he assured me with a carefree laugh that coaxed a wide smile from me. I loved knowing he was so happy that he could laugh like that without a care in the world.

"Nothing insane?" I asked as I trailed the pads of my fingers gently back up his spine.

"Nothing insane," he promised as he kissed my forehead. For most people, a kiss on the forehead was nothing special. And if I had received it from anyone else, I might feel the same way. But from Edward, it was a sign that my world was still turning. It was lovely reassurance in the simplest form.

"But you won't tell me?" I batted my eyelashes, but to no avail.

"Not a single word. Sorry, but this is serious business. You know," he started as his lips curved up, "I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

I feigned shock and hit his shoulder. "Mr. Cullen! How dare you?!"

He simply smirked and pulled me closer to nuzzle his nose into my hair. "Ah, my Bella, as if I could ever lay a less-than-loving finger on you," he whispered, his hot breath fanning the side of my neck.

"I know, Edward," I assured him as I kissed his head. Of course I'd known all along it was a joke, but it was wonderful to hear him say it in such sweet words. He really did spoil me quite a bit.

"Are we still going to your parents' today?" I asked as I propped myself up on my elbow to lean over him.

He nodded and craned his neck up to kiss me. "How about a shower?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I laughed. "Yes, a shower would be wonderful!" I bolted out of bed and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me, giggling like a little girl the whole way.

I heard the thump of his feet as he followed me out of bed. I leaned against the door, biting my lip to keep from laughing as he turned the doorknob uselessly. I could practically see the puppy dog face he was surely giving me through the door. I realized I was right as he completed the effect by scratching the wood of the door.

"Okay, Edward, listen," I started, trying to sound all business. The scratching stopped and I smiled. "You can come in with me if you promise me no hanky panky." The truth was, I was just starving and I was hoping to stop for breakfast on the way to his parents' house.

I waited for his answer and I could've sworn I actually heard him whimper before he muttered, "Fine."

I opened the door and he shuffled in with his head down. I covered my mouth to hide my smile. He kissed my forehead before heading over to the shower. He turned the knob nearly all the way to the left and stepped under the spray of water from the showerhead. I hadn't given a second thought to the fact that he went in with his boxers on until he threw them over the shower door…right at me. I caught them with one hand and smirked to myself before tossing them on the floor and stepping out of the clothes he'd dressed me in during the night. I was still busy adoring the fact that he'd taken such good care of me like that. I'd have to find a way to repay him later. Once I stepped in the shower and saw Edward starting at me while Little Edward stood at attention, I knew the promise for no hanky panky had gone out the window.

That was perfectly fine by me.

Edward's parents actually lived in Bellevue, across Lake Washington from Seattle. It was about a half-hour drive from the hotel which Edward and I spent listening to ridiculous nineties music courtesy of my iPod. It was a lovely compilation of Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, early Britney Spears, and a little 'N Sync. I was surprised to find that Edward actually didn't mind stepping back into the past to listen to that kind of music with me. I knew we were soul mates for a reason. And, as a musician, he should appreciate all types!

When we drove into the neighborhood and I saw the other houses, I expected his parents' house to look like all of those: a small two-story house or a relatively large ranch house. Instead, I found myself shocked it didn't have a gate complete with an intercom system. It was two stories and in an L-shape with a three-car garage.

Edward parked his oddly-pretentious-for-a-rock-star silver Volvo behind the garage door furthest to the left and pressed a button on a garage door opener on my sun visor. The door opened to reveal a car covered in a massive sheet.

"My favorite inanimate object," he breathed. "She never gets to come with me anywhere."

I looked over to see a huge smile on his face. "Oh that car under there is a she? Should I be jealous?"

He laughed, throwing his head back. "Of course not, love. If you were an inanimate object I'd love you much more than her. Or, you know…if she suddenly came alive like that Disney-Pixar movie."

I giggled and leaned over to kiss his cheek before we both climbed out of the Volvo. "So, what's under there, anyway?" I asked curiously. It must have been good if he loved it more than his Volvo. I walked toward the covered beast and reached my hand out for the tarp. I expected Edward to stop me, so I peeked over at him. He looked nervous with his lips pressed tightly together, but when he saw me looking at him he flashed me a small smile and nodded once. I smiled back and pulled the tarp off of the car, gasping when I saw what was underneath. I walked around to the rear of the car to check the words on the back before I made myself look like an idiot in front of him, but it turned out I was right about what kind it was. It was a sleek, black Aston Martin Vanquish. "Holy…" I breathed, running my fingers along the edge of the trunk. I heard him suck in a deep breath and looked up at him, pushing my hair back behind my ear. "What?"

Edward's POV

I never let anyone touch the Vanquish. Ever. When my parents gave it to me for college graduation and Emmett laid one finger on the door handle, I punched his arm and made him cry like a little girl. Ever since then, everyone knew that you don't touch Edward's Vanquish—no buts about it (unless your Rosalie and have a deep reverence for cars and volunteer to be my mechanic for free). Bella was different, though. It pained me greatly at first when I saw her hand going for the tarp. But I wanted to trust her. I needed her to see that I trusted her, and to me, this was the perfect way to do it. By the time the cover was completely off the car and piled on the ground next to my mom's Audi, I'd relaxed almost completely. I was glad I did, because I was able to appreciate the way she ran her fingers along the edge of the trunk. Never in my life had I seen something so erotic—I had to adjust my pants just watching her trail those fingers all the way along the bottom of the windows until she reached the driver's side rearview mirror. She was standing in front of me now, and I was sure my eyes were already dark and lust-filled. I put my hands on her hips before she spoke.

"When did you get this?" she asked quietly, her eyes locked on mine. I knew she could see what I was feeling, and the way I talked about the car as such a precious possession, I was sure she knew why. Perhaps she'd even done it on purpose, knowing what it would do to me to see her caress the metal that way.

I cleared my throat, but that didn't stop my voice from coming out raspy. "College graduation present from my parents."

"Spoiled little rich boy," she breathed as her hands fisted the front of my shirt.

"I'd resent that, but there's no room in my head for that right now with how turned on I am seeing you touch my other favorite girl. It's like…girl-on-girl porn," I teased with a crooked smile.

When she didn't giggle, it turned me on even more because it probably meant she hadn't found it funny—she was equally turned on by it.

I leaned down to nibble on her earlobe, blowing on the wet spot. "Does that make you hot, baby?" I whispered in her ear. She swallowed thickly and nodded in small gestures. "That's good…me too, Bella." I licked my lips and continued to whisper in her ear. "I just imagined my car as if she were a woman. She's not nearly as beautiful as you, but it's a damn hot sight watching you caress her like you just did to my car."

I felt her weight increase in my arms as he knees started to buckle. I had no idea lesbian talk would turn Bella on. I had the feeling she'd never agree to a threesome, but then again, I wouldn't necessarily want to, either. I liked the thought of having Bella all to myself sexually. I wouldn't want to share her for one night even if it meant watching her make out with a girl. "Fuck, baby. You have no idea how much it turns me on even more that me talking like that doesn't repel you."

"Just the opposite," she whispered. "As long as that other girl is really just a car and I know we don't live in a Beauty and the Beast world where people turn into talking objects, I'm perfectly fine with it."

"You're my only girl, Bella," I said before pecking her lips. "I love you."

I felt her smile against my cheek as I kissed her neck. "I love you, too, Edward."

She put her palm against the driver's side window to assist in holding herself up in addition to the support of my arms. "Edward…" she breathed as I sucked on her pulse point on her neck.


"I want you to…" she started as my hands roamed down her back to squeeze her behind while pressing her against my now-hard pelvis.

"To what, baby?" I said in between kisses down the exposed area of her chest. She'd worn a pretty blue sundress, leaving a lot of skin exposed.

"To fuck me against the hood of your car," she finished.

My knees almost buckled when her words registered in my sex-riddled brain. "Jesus Christ, really?" I pulled away slightly to look at her.

After she'd nodded only once, I was already pulling her over to it. I was so painfully hard I knew I needed her soon. There wouldn't be any messing around beforehand. She wanted me to fuck her against the hood of the Vanquish, so fuck her I would. Hard.

I spun her around without an assenting word on my part, and put my hand on her upper back between her shoulder blades. I pushed her forward gently and she rested her elbows on the hood of the car. I knew we were covered from sight of any of the neighbors by gigantic bushes on the driveway, so I didn't bother shutting the garage door. I quickly unzipped my jeans and pulled my rock hard dick from my boxer-briefs which were already a bit soaked from pre cum and she hadn't even touched me. I pulled her skirt up and shoved her thong to the side. I let my fingers graze her folds, delightfully pleased to find her already wet and more than ready for me—she was incredibly swollen. Fuck, maybe the talk of her making out with my personified car was more of a turn-on for her than I thought. Mother fucker, I had the best goddamn girlfriend in the world.

I dipped my first two fingers in her and pulled them out quickly. I reached forward with that same hand. "Open your mouth, Bella. Taste yourself." I felt her lips part under my fingers and I could even see her reflection in the windshield the way the sun was bouncing off of it. As soon as her tongue circled around my fingertips and she hummed in pleasure at the taste of herself, I'd had enough. I shoved the thong to the side further and shoved my cock into her. I knew I was being rough, but I also knew that that was how we both wanted it. I gripped her hips hard and pounded into her as she gripped the hood of the car.

Both of our grunts were loud and animalistic as I pounded into her repeatedly. Her left arm angled slightly inward so she could remove her right arm from the car and still balance herself. Her fingers found her clit and she rubbed hard. I looked down and discovered that not only could I see my shaft being drawn in and out of her wet, pink cunt, but I could see her fingers moving relentlessly against her sensitive bundle of nerves. I glanced up and saw that she was watching my movements in the windshield, and I met her eyes briefly before looking back down.

"Fuck, Bella. I can't fucking take it anymore," I all but whimpered. "I'm gonna fucking juice your pussy, baby."

She moaned loudly and I saw her eyes close in the windshield. Okay, so mental note: Talking dirty as hell is something she fucking loves. Could I perhaps be rewarded with her returning the favor?

"Spill in my pussy, Edward. Unggghhh fuck yes." Yesss!!!!! Oh God, yeah. " No. Not in my pussy this time, baby. I changed my mind," she groaned. "I want you to fucking come on the hood of your car. I want to watch what I did to you as you spill it all over your precious car."

Normally, hell no. For her? FUCK yes.

I pulled my cock out of her right before I knew I was going to explode and shoved three fingers into her as I exploded an unusually massive amount of cream onto the black shiny surface of the hood of my car. She gasped and I felt her walls start to clench around my fingers. Still a bit hard, I pushed my cock back into her and rubbed furiously at her clit as she climaxed around my shaft.

I pulled out of her slowly and zipped my pants back up before replacing her thong and pulling her skirt down. She stood up and faced me, a ridiculously adorable smile on her face. Almost as if, after all those words we just said, she was feeling embarrassed. I reached up and stroked her cheek with my thumb while my other arm looped around her waist and pulled her close to me. "Thank you, Bella." I smiled crookedly and kissed the corner of her lips. "I had no idea that was even a fantasy until I saw your beautiful fingers tracing the metal of the Vanquish." To emphasize, I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed the pads of her fingers one by one.

"Funny," she laughed, "I never knew it was a fantasy of mine either. You see, I'm not always very big on cars. But…you apparently are," she said with a not-so-sly glance at my crotch.

I smiled and kissed her gently. "You head inside and grab something to drink if you like." I handed her the house key, showing her which one to use on the service door in the garage. "I know that I defaced my car just for you, but I can't let it sit there," I winked.

She nodded with a smirk and I watched her retreat into the house. I quickly got some supplies and wiped the cum from the hood of my car. Once I was sure it was fully cleaned (very, very thoroughly) I kissed the hood in a spot where I didn't think any of my seed had spilled, and proceeded to apologize to the car. "I'm very sorry, but you see…I've met someone else, and I do love her more than you. So I simply couldn't say no. I hope we can still be good friends." I rolled my eyes at myself but chuckled, shaking my head.

I put away the cleaning supplies and headed into the house to find Bella and hopefully a beer. She was no longer in the kitchen which was the first room off the garage, but I made a pit stop at the refrigerator and fist-pumped discreetly when I discovered a twelve-pack of Rolling Rock sitting on the shelf. Well…it was an eleven-pack. Bella must have chosen that because due to the Post-It attached, I deduced that it was a fresh case put in there just for us.

Dear Edward and Bella,

Thanks so much for taking care of the house for us for the rest of the weekend. I know a case of beer is a weak form of thanks, but I do know that it's your favorite. I put some old scrapbooks on the living room coffee table if you're interested.

Much love to the both of you,

Mom (and Dad even though the beer was my idea)

I had the best mother in the world, it was true. Rewarding me with beer was just one of the many wonderful things that were so typical of her. I snatched one from the box and headed to the living room. I had the feeling that was where Bella headed when she saw the note. I wasn't exactly stoked about showing her my baby pictures, but if it pleased her I would do it.

Sure enough, I walked into the living room and found her curled up on the plush tan loveseat with a beer in her left hand and a large scrapbook resting half on her lap, half on the left arm of the couch. She smiled up at me and I returned it as I sat close to her, draping my left arm over her shoulders.

"You. Were. Adorable," she gushed, emphasizing each word. "They're all precious, but this one's my favorite so far." She pointed to me in a Little League baseball uniform, complete with a glove tucked under my left arm and an aluminum bat slung over my right shoulder.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks when she pointed to the picture. I knew this was going to be humiliating, but at least she thought I was adorable and not ass-ugly, right? I mean…some kids are. I feel like I was lucky even if my stupid aunts always did pinch my cheeks constantly. Oh wait…they still fucking do, especially Aunt Carmen. It's ridiculous.

She turned the page and my life was replayed in still-form right before my eyes. She went through middle school, and then made it to high school, and finally college. There were a few from present day, like newspaper clippings from concerts and awards we won. There was a whole two-page spread dedicated to the Grammys and when our album went platinum for the first time. When we got to high school, though, she flipped back and forth between a couple pages, looking confused.

"Prom?" she asked, looking up at me.

I shrugged. I never went to prom. Truth be told, I hated most of the girls at my high school. They made my skin crawl. "I didn't want to go. I thought it was a cliché waste of time. Though, if you had gone to my high school, I wouldn't have been opposed at all. I would've been first in line to ask you."

She smiled and kissed my jaw before continuing to flip through the pages. Once she was finished, she shut the book and her brow was furrowed like she was lost in thought. I raised an eyebrow at her while I waited for her to say something.

"I still vote on the peewee baseball one as my favorite," she concluded with a smile.

I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway. "It was Little League, Bella. Peewee makes it sound nerdy. It was fun."

"Hey, I love baseball!" she defended herself. "Go Mariners, baby!"

I smirked and kissed her. "She drinks Rolling Rock and is a Mariners fan. Though, I'm surprised you're not a D-Backs fan."

She shrugged and took a sip from the green beer bottle in her hand. "They kinda suck and are pretty much off the radar unless you live in Arizona."

Damn, maybe this girl really did know what she was talking about. Yeah. My girl was a baseball junkie. How did I never know this about her? "How did I never know you loved baseball that much?"

She shrugged again. "I don't love it so much that I randomly bring it up. Baseball's never come up with us until now," she laughed.

"Okay, okay," I laughed. "Speaking of which, I think the Mariners are on right now," I said, checking my watch before picking up the remote and flipping to Fox Sports Net.

"Oh the Twins!" she squealed, setting the scrapbook aside and sipping her beer again as she fixed her eyes intently on the screen.

I stared at her for a moment with a raised eyebrow. "Justin Morneau," she said indifferently before gazing up at me. Apparently Jusin Morneau batting was good enough excuse for her to look up at me. "What?" she asked when she saw the way I was looking at her.

"Why do you care so much that they're playing the Twins?" I asked.

"Well, for two reasons," she said seriously. She held up one finger and said, "First reason is J.J. Hardy. He just got traded to the Twins from the Brewers and we finally get to see his sweet ass more often because he's American League now and the Mariners play his team. I'm not about to pay twenty bucks a month for MLB network online just to watch National League games. Second reason is Joe Mauer. Enough said. He's such a sweetie pie and he's adorable."

"I'm certainly offended," I joked.

"Oh, don't worry, baby! I've had a crush on you for way longer," she assured me with a nod.

I laughed and kissed her cheek. "I'm so very flattered. But if you say one more thing about J.J. Hardy's sweet ass I may have to make a phone call to the Brewers' general manager and beg them to take J.J. Hardy back."

She giggled and shook her head. "I'll shut up about him, because I really would like the Twins to keep him. Just be glad he's not a Mariner."

"Oh believe me, babe, I'm way ahead of you on that. I'm beyond grateful."

She kissed me softly, lingering there for a moment before pulling away and smiling at me.

"Hungry?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, actually, I'm starved. And I have a great idea for lunch."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Tailgate food!" she said excitedly in a way that reminded me strangely of Alice. "Hot dogs on the grill, baked beans, and ripple potato chips with French onion dip."

"Honestly, Bella, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. I'll get right on it, and I'm sure my mom has everything, down to the very specific ripple potato chips."

She smiled and turned her attention back to the game. I wouldn't have had it any other way. She wouldn't be lifting a finger while she was here with me. I wanted to worship her in the short amount of time we had left together before our tour break was over. I headed into the kitchen, and sure enough, we had everything down to the ripple potato chips.

Bella's POV

We spent the rest of the afternoon finishing the Mariner's game (which they lost) and eating lunch. Edward did an amazing job grilling the hot dogs, and it tasted sinfully like Heaven. When the game was over around four o'clock, he finally got around to watering the plants while I flipped to a random Lifetime movie. They were definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. What woman could honestly say they never watched Lifetime Movie Network for an entire day? True Movie Thursday was my favorite, though it creeped me out to know that that stuff actually happened.

When it got somewhat dark outside, Edward suggested we go sit on his parents' massive and gorgeous back patio to look up at the stars. It was an unusually clear night for Washington and we wanted to take advantage of it. We grabbed a blanket incase it got chilly outside, and made our way out the back door. We sat on a wide, cushioned lounge chair and curled up next to each other, staring up at the sky with another Rolling Rock in each of our hands.

"Bella…" he started, moving his hand lightly up and down my upper arm above the blanket which stopped at my elbow.

I tilted my chin up to look at him, only to find his gaze already fixed on me. "Hmm?"

"I just want to talk about what we're going to do once I go on tour."

What? What did he mean do? I hadn't really planned on anything changing. "What do you mean?" I asked, unable to stop my voice from shaking.

His hand stopped moving on my arm and he pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head. "Don't panic, Bella. You know I love you. I just meant…well, I was hoping that eventually you'd be able to go on the tour with us. It's not forever, and we'd be back in Seattle eventually and stay for a while before the next tour."

Go with him? The thought made me ecstatic, even though I knew there were going to be a lot of arrangements to be made. He was more than worth it. I smiled, looking up at him again, and nodded. "Eventually."

He smiled back and kissed my forehead. "A month from now we'll be in Dallas. How would you like to join us there?"

I sighed and nodded. A month would be a long time, but we could manage. I knew we would. We'd gone a long time without seeing each other before, only now we were a couple. It would be different, sure, but we both knew we'd survive. "How many cities after that?" I asked.

"There'll be fifteen in the U.S.—which will take about two months or a little longer—and then three European cities in two weeks: Amsterdam, Paris, and London, in that order. They thought they were clever or something starting the farthest West and coming back."

I laughed. "Well it makes perfect sense to me. And I've never been to any of those cities. I think that would be fantastic."

"I have big plans for you in the city of love, my dear," he said as he kissed me in the way that apparently originated in France.

We both froze as we heard a car door loud and clear out front, and the crunch of gravel as whoever it was walked around back. "I thought they weren't coming home until Monday afternoon!" I hissed, my eyes growing wide.

"Yeah, baby, I thought so too," he frowned and sat up a little bit, setting his beer on the table next to our lounge as the person finally made their way around the back of the house and came into view. Well, he was in view of Edward anyway. Once Edward stood up he was blocking me completely from sight. His body visibly relaxed and he looked over his shoulder at me. "Pool guy," he whispered.

"Hey, Edward," the voice of the apparent pool guy, said. "I saw your car. Didn't know you were gonna be here," he said casually. I relaxed, too, realizing they were comfortable with each other. "Your mom mentioned they were gonna be out of town when I came by this time, and I figured it would be okay if I did it at night."

"Yeah, no problem, bro," Edward said as he stepped forward to shake his hand. When he did so, I could finally see the face of the pool guy.

Edward turned around and gestured to me like he was going to introduce me, but I stood up quickly before he could as my mind processed who was standing in front of me. "Jake?!" I ran forward and threw my arms around his neck.

"Bella!" he laughed as he hugged me back.

Author's Note: Okay, so, I was going to leave it without her saying his name, but I figured it would be totally obvious to most of you anyway, so I didn't bother. What do you think? How do they know each other?!

The next order of business, is that I feel the need to explain myself a bit. For those of you who actually noticed that the baseball player Bella was gushing about has the same last name as my pen name, yeah…it's no coincidence. I love J.J. Hardy to death. I'm a hardcore Brewers fan and was deeply saddened by the fact that he was traded this year. (I actually cried. Shut up. I hear you laughing.) Anyway, I found myself actually paying attention to the Twins (and sort of liking them except when they play the Brewers in interleague) this year because I couldn't bear to part with him. But I only get to watch when they play the White Sox (because Wisconsin gets Chicago channels sometimes) or are on ESPN, hence her comment about not paying twenty a month for MLB network.

Third, "Party Like a Rock Star" is property of Shop Boyz and "Ticket to Ride" is property of the Beatles (actually, Michael Jackson's kids, probably).

Fourth and final, REVIEW!! It seriously makes me write faster to know you guys are enjoying this story. Needless to say, I don't get too many reviews, hence, no inspiration for the next chapter!

Follow me on Twitter if you aren't already (and pimp my story while you're at it)!! Username: bellin715