Author's Note: Hello!! Just a quick word about this story!! I'm been totally fantasizing about a tattooed Edward and a rock star Edward, no less. Plus, I just saw David Cook on Friday, so the rock concert atmosphere is fresh in my mind. That's also why the two songs I have in here are David Cook. Anyway, enjoy!! Lemon is more towards the end-ish. Innuendos early on, though : ) LINKS TO EDWARD'S TATTOOS ARE ON MY AUTHOR'S PAGE!!


Okay, if you actually listen to these songs while reading them, it doubles the effect of the story. If you have these on your iTunes or Zune or whatever, more power to you! If not, YouTube the following:

"Bar-Ba-Sol" by David Cook – It's the first song when they go out on stage. Don't start until Edward's POV.

"Permanent" by David Cook – When Edward announces a slow song. You'll see what I mean. (I've always found this to be a very Bedward-ish song :D)

Disclaimer: I freakin' wish I were Stephenie Meyer. I just make the characters do dirty things where Stephenie would normally "fade to black."

My Own Personal Rock Star


We were finally back in Seattle again, our most frequent venue. My band, Irritable Mountain Lions, and I got our start here when we were just in high school. We were now twenty-five and exponentially more famous. We were a cross between Aerosmith and One Republic, or at least that's what we liked to flatter ourselves into thinking. We really tried not to let our egos get too big, but we couldn't help but be proud of how far we'd come. We'd gone from practicing in my garage (sometimes Emmett's) to having every single we released make America's Top 40 every weekend on KISS FM. Last week we won our first prestigious award: a Grammy for best new group.

So as our tour bus pulled into the back lot of The Gorge Amphitheater in Seattle, we were still trying to come down from our ego trip. This was the first stop on our Irritable tour, our first huge nationwide tour. Not to mention that the show was sold out and The Gorge was one of the most anticipated venues in America by any type of artist. It was right up there with Madison Square Garden, for crying out loud (which we were playing next month). That wasn't the only reason I was excited to be back in Seattle.

It wouldn't be long now until I could see her beautiful face. I was slightly nervous, only because I mentioned her in our Grammy acceptance speech without even having told her we were nominated. I cursed myself every day for not inviting her to be my "plus one." Instead, I went solo. I was probably a one of a kind for a rock star, being that it was Bella or no one at all…at least until I found out if Bella felt the same. I didn't just pick up random groupies on the road. It's always been Bella. Even Emmett and Jasper didn't know I was a virgin. Of course, she probably didn't feel quite as strongly about me. I only got to see my favorite makeup artist every time we came to Seattle. She was officially hired by our band, but she didn't travel with us. Last time we were here (at a smaller venue, mind you) we'd flirted like crazy. I knew the whole rock star thing didn't impress her as it would some random groupie, and I liked that. She liked me for me. My ability to play keyboard, guitar, and sing probably didn't hurt my cause, though.

I could recall the first time I saw her angel's face like it was yesterday even though it was six years ago. We were playing a show at The Rave, a popular hangout for older teens to hear good music and actually a pretty well-known concert venue in the Pacific Northwest. It was one of our first shows for a bigger audience and I was slightly nervous, though I'd never let it show. The three of us guys walked out on stage to a pretty neutral-sounding applause, which didn't surprise or offend me. We were halfway through the first song when I saw her. She'd come from nowhere, but I was thankful for whomever had made the decision that she should be in this club tonight. Hell, I was thankful for her parents for bringing her into my world and I hadn't even met her…yet. She looked like heaven and sin all at the same time in her dark blue tube top and ass-hugging jeans. Her mahogany tresses flowed down her back in soft curls. But more than all that, what I'll never forget were her velvety brown eyes staring up at mine.

Our first song got a huge response and from then on the show was a riot. That didn't stop Jasper from flirting with a small cute girl who appeared to be my heaven's friend. And I swear, when Jasper invited them to the after party I could have kissed him if I had batted on that side of the plate. It turned out she had gone to beauty school part time while studying to be a writer. It also just so happened that we were looking for a makeup artist. At the time, we only played gigs in the Seattle area, so we quickly hired her and haven't regretted it once.

Here in 2009, the bus parked by the loading dock and we got off, Emmett and Jasper joking about something that I wasn't paying any attention to as we walked inside and down the dimly lit hallway to the dressing rooms. The room we walked into was much brighter. There were mirrors above low counters, and every mirror was surrounded by bright lights. And there she was, sitting on the counter, the lights behind her making it look like she was glowing—or maybe that was just me being biased—smiling up at me, her chocolate brown eyes swimming with excitement from under her long, thick lashes.

"See, dude? I told you that's what his goofy grin on the bus was for when we pulled in," Emmett said loudly as he jabbed Jasper in the ribs with his elbow. They had been making fun of me ever since I mentioned her on worldwide television. They always knew I liked her, but that crossed the line.

I ignored them and opened my arms for a hug from Bella as she stood up. "It's so good to see you again, Bella," I whispered in her ear, my arms still wrapped around her slight frame.


I sat on the counter in the makeup room backstage at The Gorge chewing relentlessly on my lower lip, my leg bouncing up and down. The Irritable Mountain Lions were finally coming back to Seattle to play a concert to a sold out crowd. It seemed like ages ago when I first met the band in that small hole-in-the-wall bar. The Rave was the perfect venue for stars on the rise. Countless bands were founded there, some more famous than others. I still remember the exact moment I saw the most perfect man on earth. We were the same age, nineteen and still in college.

I was standing with my back to the bar, my elbows resting on the counter to face the stage when I saw him. Edward Cullen came out on stage, an electric guitar strapped around his body and his bronze hair absolutely perfectly placed in complete disarray. He was wearing a black wife beater and dark denim skinny jeans with a studded belt. I knew immediately that I wanted him. I found myself drifting absently toward the stage until I was right in front, never taking my eyes off him the whole time. Thanks to my best friend Alice—who was completely extroverted and continuously flirted with the bass player, Jasper Whitlock—I was introduced to them and then officially hired as their makeup artist when I told them what my profession was. Edward and I had kind of a flirty thing going on, but nothing ever really happened. And it had been like that every time they came back to Seattle or at least somewhere close.

I didn't travel around the country with them now; I couldn't leave my father by himself for too long. It still boggled me as to how he lived alone for all those years. Though, I sensed the time was near. He was getting pretty close to Sue Clearwater, a friend of the family.

I shook my head and tried to prepare myself for when the band would arrive. That meant I would get to see Edward again. We were now twenty-five and I hadn't seen him since the year we graduated college when he was at The Rave again, that time to a much bigger crowd. I always knew they would be famous one day, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened when I was watching the Grammys last week.

I was sitting on my couch next to Alice—who hadn't heard much from Jasper while they were gone either—and we were just about to dig into the popcorn we had made for the occasion. About halfway through the show, Alice had gone to the bathroom and I was alone. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus were presenting the Grammy for best new artist, which I shrugged off. I knew they would probably just be some country or pop star, so I was looking down at a crossword puzzle on my lap and was halfway through writing the word "Hepburn" when I heard Taylor Swift's peppy little voice say, "And the Grammy goes to, The Irritable Mountain Lions." My eyes popped out of my sockets and I screamed bloody murder, causing Alice to come out of the bathroom, slamming the door open.

"Bella! What the hell?!" she shouted at me as I shot up off the couch and pointed to the television where Edward, Jasper and Emmett were headed up on stage, huge smiles on their faces. I was now kneeling in front of the television, my face six inches away from the screen, just staring at his beautiful face as he thanked all the screaming fans in the balconies. When it quieted down he spoke, fulfilling his duty as the lead singer to be the band's representative. "Thank you all so much. We just want to thank all of our fans who were with us from the beginning and those that are new. Thank you to our producer and manager, Gary Olds and RCA Records for signing us. Thank you to our parents for letting us practice in the garage in high school, and The Rave in Seattle for giving us our start. And finally," he said looking at the camera, "I'd like to thank Seattle's best makeup artist, Bella Swan, for always believing in us from the start." And he winked. He winked. At me. I don't know what happened next because I was melted in a pool on the floor.

Back to the present, I felt the beginnings of a familiar pool in a certain place at the thought of him. It happened whenever Edward Cullen popped into my brain. He could not only sing with the voice of a rock God, but he could play piano and guitar. If that isn't sexy, then Harry Potter's not a wizard. And his hair? I felt like it should be capitalized and treated as a proper noun: The Hair. It was perfect, and I never had to do a thing to it when I worked on him before a show. The golden bronze mop seemed to sit just right every time. His bright green eyes shone every time I saw him. The last time we had seen each other, we had flirted like mad. I mean, I know that I have no chance in hell with this God among men, it had at least seemed like there was the ghost of a chance in him wanting me. It was all I could think about after that wink a week ago. But then again, he is a famous rock star now with a huge following of fans. He could have absolutely any woman he wanted.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a faint rumbling sound. I knew what that sound was because I spent countless hours waiting to hear it every time my boys were back in town…my boy…my man. Shut up, Bella, he's not yours by any means. Just because you have creepy fantasies about him does not mean you own him. The sound meant that the tour bus had pulled up to the amphitheater. It felt like hours before I saw Emmett and Jasper enter the room where I had been waiting. They were grinning and joking about something, but I couldn't make out what it was. Then, I saw him. Edward entered into the room with that breathtaking crooked smile on his face. I smiled back up at him, looking up through my eye lashes in a lame attempt to look sexy. He then walked over to me, beaming with his arms wide open for a hug. I stood up and hugged him back. "It's so good to see you again, Bella," he whispered into my ear. I fought back a shudder and tried to keep my knees from buckling. God damn it all, his voice was sexy. Every part of him was pure sex. No wonder every woman on Earth adored him. "It's fantastic to see you, too, Edward. It's been far too long," I replied with a seductive smirk.


God, she felt even better in my arms than I remembered. I pressed her soft body to mine and inhaled the familiar strawberry scent of her hair. "Yes, far too long." It had been three years since I saw this perfect Goddess before me. Three years in which anything at all could have happened. I subtly took a step back from her, my hands sliding down her arms all the way to her hands. I ran my thumb over the ring finger on her left hand…empty, just as I'd selfishly hoped. I smiled widely at her, my heart soaring before telling myself to calm down. Just because she's not engaged or married doesn't mean she doesn't have a boyfriend, douche bag, I told myself.

"Shall we get started?" she asked as she gestured for two of her assistants to work on Emmett and Jasper.

I looked at my cell phone which informed me it was an hour until show time. "I think maybe that would be a good idea," I told her with a wink.

She smiled and gestured to one of the chairs in front of the lighted mirrors. "Have a seat, then," she requested.

"Yes ma'am," I joked, sitting down and facing the mirror. Her laugh lit up the room, making me smile wider.

She opened her huge black box full of everything a makeup artist would ever need and pulled out the foundation. I scrunched my nose, hating the makeup, but I'd never stop her from touching me, so I put up with it. She dabbed the brush in the powder foundation and moved the brush in circular motions all over my face, occasionally blending it in with her fingers, making me tingle.

"So," she finally said with a mischievous gleam in her eye, "I guess congratulations are in order."

I laughed, knowing where she was going with this. I watched her reach for bronzer before answering. She turned back to me, swirling the brush over the brown compacted powder as I spoke. "I suppose you could say that," I teased as she began sweeping the soft bristles over strategic places on my face and neck. God, how I wished that brush was her lips.

"Well congratulations, then," she said, her voice ringing with amusement. "I'm not sure if I should be offended that you didn't tell, 'Seattle's best makeup artist,' that you were nominated for a fucking Grammy," she said with a laugh.

I raised an eyebrow at her, smirking before shaking my head. It wasn't often Bella swore, but when she did it was usually for comedic dramatization, just like she did now. "I have a reason for that," I informed her.

"Oh, a reason?" Her lips moved away from her perfect teeth into a stunning smile, which appeared to be somewhat flirtatious if I wasn't just trying to appease myself with fantasies.

"Yes, Bella, a reason." I smiled back briefly but my face turned more serious as she held the black eyeliner up, waiting for me to speak before she applied it. I could tell she wasn't going to say anything so I continued. "I didn't want to jinx myself."

Probably knowing what was coming, Emmett and Jasper got up and left, saying they wanted to look around before the show started.

She rolled her beautiful eyes and swatted my cheek gently. I knew that was her way of telling me to close my eyes so she could line my eyes in black. I never understood why women liked that on rockers, but there was only one woman I was trying to impress anyway. "But surely you told other people."

I simply smiled, not wanting to move my body with laughter. I wasn't particularly fond of the idea of getting poked in the eye. "You were the person I most wanted to be proud of us if we won, Bella. You believed in us more than anyone, even more than our parents. I didn't want to mess it up by telling you."

She pulled the eyeliner away from my eye and I opened my eyes to see her head turned. I reached out and used my index finger to turn her face to me and noticed she was using her free hand to wipe a tear. "Bella, I'm sorry I—,"

She cut me off before I could finish. "No, no, Edward. It's not that. I'm just so…,"

She didn't have to finish for me to know what she meant. She was touched, and the fact that all of that mattered so much to her made my heart melt. There was no doubt about it. I was head over heels in love with Bella Swan. I reached up to intimately wipe a tear away, and then wiped it on my own pants, the ones I was going to be wearing on stage.

She finished my eyeliner, and after applying the clear mascara (which I hated), she backed up and brushed her hands off. "There, done," she said, clearly satisfied. I looked in the mirror and there he was: my alter ego, badass-totally-not-a-virgin Edward. I didn't like him as much, but he was hot.

I looked at Bella just in time to see her avert her gaze from me, making me chuckle. Okay, maybe she was a little bit into this part of me. Her cheeks flushed a bright red and I kissed one chastely before turning my back and yanking off my t-shirt and replacing it with the only way I would go out on stage: my favorite black beater. It was the exact one I was wearing when I met Bella. It had holes in it to be sure, but that just made my look even grungier.


I had to bite my lip to stop the drool from dripping down my chin when Edward took his shirt off. He probably didn't think anything of it. As far as I knew (which wasn't very far) guys usually didn't think much of it. But Edward was perfect. On his left arm he had a tattoo that I had become very familiar with. He wore that same beater for every show, so during every show I got a perfect view of the golden-eyed lion on his bicep. But this was the first I was seeing of the larger tattoo between his shoulder blades.

It was black and white, and depicted an immortal with huge wings the length of his body who had his arms wrapped around a woman in a white flowing dress, his mouth pressed to her neck. There was an asp wrapped around their feet, representing what I assumed to be the temptation of the forbidden fruit. I realized that the wings must have meant he was her angel…just like Edward was mine.

I let out a hugely embarrassing groan when he covered it up with his infamous black beater. He'd told me once it was always the same one he was wearing the night we met. He turned around at my outburst and laughed. "Something wrong, love?" he asked in a fake British rocker accent he knew I loved.

I smirked and shook my head. "I just love that tattoo. I've never seen it."

"Not many people know it's there," he replied with an adorable shrug. "Actually, you're one of the few people to have ever seen it." I could have sworn he blushed when he said that. What did he mean? He was a rock star, surely lots of people had seen his bare back…lots of girls perhaps?

I ignored it temporarily and smiled. "I love it. It's a forbidden fruit kind of thing, right?" I asked.

He beamed at me as he ran a hand through his hair. Oh God. His Hair. Maybe I should try to do something with it just to have an excuse to run my fingers through it. Snap out of it, Bella, let's go. "That's exactly right, Bella."

"You know, maybe you should let people see it," I suggested. "It's very…badass."

He smiled crookedly and he almost looked as if he was getting an idea. "Maybe that's a good idea, thanks Bella," he said as the stage manager came into the dressing room.

"Two minutes, Edward," he warned, holding up two of his fingers as Edward nodded.

He turned to me, then. "You'll be watching?" he asked.

I laughed and mockingly crossed my arms. "Edward Cullen, have I missed one of your shows when you've been in town?"

His grin grew and he kissed my cheek. "No, Bella, you haven't."

"That's right," I said with a firm nod. "Now let's get you out there." I put a hand on his back briefly to guide him out of the room and it sent tingles up my entire arm, across my shoulder and throughout my body.

We walked down the small hallway and entered into a larger one that was more of a tunnel that led to the side of the stage. There was crew everywhere, but they parted for Edward to pass through. The stage was dark and Emmett and Jasper were already in their places. Edward kissed my cheek swiftly before grabbing his guitar and going down into the pit that would lift him dramatically onto the stage.

The lights changed to green and purple as Emmett started a steady rhythm on the drum while Jasper strummed even chords on the bass and an extra guitar player played a repeated motive, causing loud shouts and cheers from the sold out crowd. But those shouts were nothing like the ones I heard a few seconds later when the sounds of another guitar came even louder from the speakers to follow Emmett's lead-in. I knew it was Edward from the literal blood-curdling screams from the girls in the audience. Back off, bitches. I stood on my tip-toes, moving a little closer to the front of the stage so Emmett's platform wasn't in the way of my view. There he was, my own personal sex bomb, singing his heart out and making the teen girls in the front row scream with glee.


I didn't get stage fright anymore. I was fairly used to the screaming fans. It actually sent a thrill through my spine and my body was pumped with adrenaline every time someone screamed my name, making me play with more emotion than the measure before. By the end of the show I was usually standing on a piano or sliding across the stage on my knees while the screams crescendoed to their highest. On one occasion about a month ago, I actually broke my Fender, smashing it on the stage. When I came down from my adrenaline rush—they're actually quite common, you can Google them—I actually cried over the splintered pieces of wood.

But now, as I walked to the stage with Bella by my side, her promise to watch the show ringing in my ears, I realized I was nervous. The last time she saw us live we weren't quote, unquote "rock stars." Back then we were more like aspiring musicians. But the show must go on, so I kissed her cheek before ducking down into the little contraption that would elevate me dramatically up onto the stage. Emmett and the extra guitar player started the subtle entrance to our first song, quickly joined by Jasper on the bass in the third measure. Why my dramatic entrance? We were one of those bands where the average fan only knew my name. I was the "heartthrob." Ew. I was like Adam Lavine of Maroon 5 or Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy. Finally my entrance was coming up and I felt a small jolt as the elevator rose slowly. The lights changed colors as I rose onto the stage, immediately hitting a power chord that prompted ear-splitting screams.

I started singing and the screams got impossibly louder. This was a crowd favorite, and one of our few cover songs. It was called "Bar-Ba-Sol" and was originally sung by David Cook. I looked to my left and saw Bella's beaming face as she swayed lightly and sang along. Then I broke into my big guitar solo as I got in Jasper's face in a classic rock concert move.

The song ended and I smirked to myself. Taking Bella's advice, I pulled my tank top off and threw it straight to her. I laughed at her surprised face as she caught it and my heart melted when she smiled and pulled it close to her chest. Of course, this earned a heavy response from the female portion of the audience. I grabbed the mic and pulled it loose from its stand, screeching like a true rock star into it, "How ya doin' Seattleeeee?! It's fuckin' great to be home!!"

I turned to let the world see the tattoo on my back for the first time, the microphone fisted in my right hand which was pumped into the air as Emmett laughed at my uncharacteristic moves, starting the next song right away. I glanced to my right and saw Bella giggling and I couldn't resist winking at her.

After a few more songs, when we were about halfway through the show, I nodded meaningfully at Emmett and Jasper, indicating it was time to debut our new song. I was glad they'd agreed to put this song I'd written solo on our next album. I grabbed the microphone again after putting my electric guitar down. I spoke to the audience as a baby grand piano was wheeled onto the stage. "Alright this next song is for someone very important to me, and I owe her so much, especially my humility. Whenever I think about her I remember what life is really about, at least for me." I turned to my favorite person in the entire world. "Bella this is for you. Thank you for being in my life."

I smiled at her dumbfounded expression and walked over to the piano and started the notes with my right hand, adding a subtle left hand as I started singing into the attached mic. I sang that song with more emotion than I'd ever felt in my entire life combined. By the time my fingers struck the keys of the final chord, I had a tear running down my cheek and I could only think of one thing to do.

"Thank you so much," I said into the mic in response to the adoring fans, who I hoped were as touched by that song as I was at that moment. One split second look at Emmett and Jasper as I stood up from the piano bench told me they'd never seen me perform a song like that either. As much fun as I had on stage, nothing had ever hit me like that before. So I moved away from the piano and walked directly at Bella. Without asking for permission or caring if thousands of people were watching, I put one hand on the small of her back and the other behind her neck, pulling her close. I pressed my forehead to hers, feeling our mutual tears meet. I kissed her softly at first, not wanting our first kiss to be a disaster, but when she started kissing back I deepened it rather quickly. I could feel her hands in my hair as I ran my tongue against her lips quickly one time and she immediately opened to me, smashing her tongue to mine.

I backed away regretfully after a minute and picked up another guitar to hide my new little problem from the audience. I brushed my hand against her cheek and kissed her once more softly. "I love you, Bella," I said just loud enough for her to hear over all the noise; the guys had started playing a little riff to distract the audience and as a lead-in to the next song.

Her answering smile made me weak in the knees. "I love you, too, Edward," she said, a tear running down her perfect cheek which I wiped away just like earlier and I dried my finger on my chest. She smiled and looked back up my face, slight alarm crossing her features. "Oh, wait!"

She ran to her emergency makeup kit and made quick work of fixing my tear-stained makeup. Yep, I felt like a man alright. I laughed when she was done fixing my "rocker eyeliner" as she liked to call it and pecked her cheek. "Thanks, babe," I said as I winked and went back out on stage for a few more songs.

I felt like I was walking on air during those last songs and I was in fact so high on life that I combined all three of my adrenaline rush acts. I played my final guitar solo on my knees on top of the closed lid of the baby grand. At the end of the song I stood on the piano and jumped down, sending my guitar sailing into the crowd into the eager arms of the teenage girls in the fifth row.


I held Edward's tank top close to my heart the entire time I watched him perform. He looked like he was having the absolute time of his life, so carefree. I was never more sure that I was in love with him than I was when I watched him let loose like this. The music seemed to grab him and throw him on a three-hour roller coaster.

But during every show there was always one slow song, and I knew that time was coming when the stage crew pushed past me with a baby grand piano. What I wasn't expecting in the least was Edward's speech. "Alright this next song is for someone very important to me, and I owe her so much, especially my humility." Crap, what? A girlfriend I don't know about? Shit. "Whenever I think about her I remember what life is really about, at least for me." Gag. Oh wait, nope. He was turning to look at me, his beautiful green eyes pouring his message into my soul. "Bella this is for you. Thank you for being in my life." If I hadn't wanted to hear this song so badly, I would have been a big pool of Bella mush.

He sat down at his piano and the second he started to play, it felt like someone was trying to push all my insides up through my throat, choking me up completely. I felt the pressure behind my cheeks building, and by the time he was through the first line of the song, there was a steady stream of warm, wet tears running down my cheeks.

His fingers graced the last notes of the song and I could feel the waves of emotion flowing off of him and crashing into me, making me drown in the love I knew he felt for me in that moment. He said something I didn't hear to the audience and made his way to me in all his bare-chested beauty. It wasn't until he was right in front of me that I could see he was crying, too.

He pressed his forehead to mine and my breath stopped as he started to kiss me. His lips were the most perfect thing I'd ever felt in my life. And it finally felt like saving myself for him wasn't as stupid as I'd been starting to think it was a few weeks ago. When he ran his tongue over my lips I couldn't help myself. I opened my mouth right away to him, which was apparently the right move. He pulled my tongue to his and massaged them together lovingly.

All too soon he backed away, picking up a guitar and sliding it into place over his very prominent erection. Noticing this I felt the fait tingling between my legs turn into more of a pool. I lost all my peripheral vision and all I saw was him as he stroked my cheek and said the words I'd wanted to tell him for the last six years. "I love you, Bella," he said, his crooked smile looking absolutely delicious.

Emmett and Jasper started playing something random to keep the crowd from getting restless and effectively prolonging Edward's time with me. I smiled brilliantly up at him and said, "I love you, too, Edward." I felt another pesky tear run down my cheek which he sweetly wiped off and dried his thumb on his chest. Yum.

I looked up at his face and saw his makeup completely smeared. "Oh, wait!" I told at him as he was about to go back on stage. I quickly fixed his fucking sexy-as-hell eyeliner and wiped away any smudges.

When I was done he kissed my cheek adoringly and said, "Thanks, babe," before waking his beautiful self back on stage to finish the concert. Okay, that was officially the hottest thing I'd ever heard. "Babe." I prayed to whatever amazing God had created him that he'd always call me that.

As I watched the rest of the show, I thought about what it would be like to finally let Charlie live on his own with a little help in the meal department from Sue Clearwater. If Edward asked me to, I'd gladly be his makeup artist (and girlfriend) everywhere he went and not just Seattle. I also briefly wondered how I felt about dating a rocker. I was sure he had a girl in every city. But wait, if he had time to fall in love with me while he was gone, had he even been with anyone? I shook my head and enjoyed the rest of the show. I snapped to just in time to see Edward kneeling on the piano, wailing a huge guitar solo as he leaned back making his low-riding skinny jeans go even lower. I sucked in a breath and my eyes widened when he stood up and flew off the piano, his guitar flying through the air and out into the crowd. Seriously, people. There was not a creature on God's green Earth that was as fucking gorgeous as Edward Cullen.

Finally the concert was over and he high-tailed it off stage right toward me and I jumped into his arms, throwing my legs around his waist and wrapping his shirt behind his neck, pulling him closer to me. "I'd better get to keep this shirt," I joked before he kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth right away. I felt him chuckle, making every part of our bodies vibrate together.

"Your wish is my command, love," he said in that adorable fake British accent of his.

"Anything?" I whispered in his ear, nibbling gently on his lobe then blowing on the spot.

"Absolutely anything in the world, Bella," he promised, making me smile.

I wound my fingers more tightly into his hair and kissed him deeply again, but pulling away more quickly as I went back to his ear. "I'll hold you to that, Edward," I vowed.

He smirked mischievously as he put me down only to pull my back to his chest. He held me like that forever, even walking like that out to the limo we were taking to the after party. The only time he let go was for a grand total of two seconds to throw on a t-shirt. I had the feeling his reasoning for not letting go was two-fold. The first reason was that he simply didn't want to let go as much as I didn't want him to. The second was because he wanted to hide the boner that kept poking me in the back, effectively making me wetter than before each time.

We made it to the after party, which was conveniently being held at The Rave, the usual band being temporarily replaced by a D.J. We entered the club to the thumping music of the latest hip hop, of course. Edward pulled me to the dance floor immediately, making me laugh as I followed. "Edward you do know I can't dance, don't you?"

"Well," he said with that crooked smile of his. Damn him. "I could always make you." He pulled me close, his erection now pressed to my stomach.

"I'm sure you could make me do a lot of things, Edward," I breathed into his neck, causing him to growl. I felt the grumble from his noise against my stomach. That combined with the vibrations of everything else were enough to make me moan, which I did.

"Oh God, Bella," he choked out, pulling me even closer. "I've wanted you since the first second I saw you right here in this bar."

"Same here, Edward," I said, kissing his neck. "So why the hell did it take so long?"

He laughed huskily and kissed me, sucking my bottom lip between his own. "I'm prepared to take full responsibility."

"You'd better," I teased, running my tongue along his teeth then exploring the rest of his mouth. He tasted so fucking amazing I just had to wonder how the rest of him tasted. I pressed my hips closer to his, my hand sliding down his back to grip his perfect ass, making it his turn to moan.

"That's it," he said almost roughly as he pulled my leg up and wrapped it around his hip, still grinding me to the music. He pulled my head up, which had fallen back at the new contact he'd made with my leg in that position, speaking low in my ear. "I've waited six years to make love to you, Bella, and I can't wait anymore." He took a deep breath then spoke again. "Actually, you could say I've been waiting my whole life."

I pulled back to look him in his beautifully piercing green orbs and smiled wide. "I guess you could say I have too," I replied honestly.

"You too?" he asked, blushing even over the heat that was already in his face from dancing.

I nodded and pressed a kiss to his pulse point. "I never wanted anyone but you after that first time I saw you here. So I never had anyone else."

The smile he flashed me in response was absolutely heartbreaking at the same time that it turned me completely on. Edward Cullen: Rock star and virgin extraordinaire. I kissed him urgently then, not able to hold back any longer. Twenty-five years was quite long enough, thank you. How he'd managed having all those groupies and fans was beyond me. But I'd never been more flattered.


I couldn't take it anymore. I had to admit that I was nervous when I admitted to the woman I loved that I was a rock star virgin. Who the hell had ever heard of one of those? I'd won a fucking Grammy and I was a virgin.

I detached her leg from my hip and put my arm around her waist, leading her to a VIP room down a small hallway. I pulled out my wallet and slipped the attendant two hundred dollars to keep away everyone for an hour. "You got it, Mr. Cullen," he replied.

I thanked him and led Bella inside. She walked forward, touching the velvety black and purple cushions that were everywhere before looking back at me, smiling and wiggling her finger for me to come closer. Yes ma'am.

I walked eagerly towards her and pulled her to me, lacing my fingers with hers by our thighs as I began our slow kisses again, letting them slowly build until she sought entrance with her warm wet tongue. That was all it took for me to kiss her hungrily, walking her backwards and down onto a cushion.

"You know I don't love you only because of your fame, Edward, but you looked so fucking hot on stage tonight. And when I saw you going up for your Grammy, I was so proud, but all I could think about was hopping through the glass of my television and going down on you right on stage," she whispered in his ear as she clutched my upper arms, drawing me closer to her.


He pressed his hips into me, his hard length poking me in the stomach. His hands trailed lightly down my sides, tracing the line between my shirt and jeans before sliding under the blue fabric of my shirt and cupping my matching lace bra. I bit my lip and shuffled my legs, trying to create some sort of friction.

He chuckled and ignored that, which I assumed must be some kind of bizarre torture. He kissed across each of my collar bones, and along the line of my bra, teasing me endlessly. "Bella, I dream about you like this every night. And in turn I wake up thinking about you every morning."

I moaned at his words and rubbed my legs together again. "Patience, Bella Mia," he sang in a whisper, emitting a long, soft sigh from me.

He kissed down my stomach before reaching to pull his own shirt off which joined mine somewhere a few feet away from us. His rippling chest muscles descended back toward me as he leaned on his forearms. I put my hands on his back and felt his shoulder blades sticking out. I reached farther around and ran the tips of my fingers gently over his vampire tattoo, then sent one of my hands down to the arm with his lion tattoo to run it over that. "I fucking love your tattoos, Edward. They're so sexy on you."

I pushed up on his chest and successfully flipped him over so I was straddling his waist. I kissed down his chest, my hair tickling his sides. I stopped to twirl my tongue around his nipples, and then ran my tongue up and down each valley between his chest and ab muscles.

Taking advantage of my back not being pressed to the floor, he ran the backs of his hands up my sides with a feather-light touch while his fingers ghosted across my back and unclasped my bra like he'd been doing it for years.

"Virgin, huh?" I teased with a laugh.

"I've just fucking fantasized about you so much it felt like I'd done it before," he admitted shamelessly as he rolled me back over.

"Oh, that's hot," I breathed as I clawed at his back, pressing him desperately closer to me as I rubbed up against him, this time using him for friction instead of my own legs.

"Fuck, Bella," he groaned and massaged my now-exposed tits, bending down to suckle each one lovingly and attentively while never neglecting the other as he used his hands to roll my nipple between his calloused guitar-playing fingers.

I bit my lip and tilted my head back as my fingers dug deeper into the angel's wings inked on his back. I couldn't stand the jeans anymore. My hands wound to his front, exploring his muscles until I reached his belt buckle. I fumbled with it for only a second before it was unbuckled and it didn't take much longer for the button and zipper to be undone and his pants made their way across the room when he kicked them off.


There was no way I'd let her get away with wearing more clothes than me. I slid my tongue easily into her mouth that was slightly open and massaged the roof of her mouth then met her tongue in a fight for dominance, all the while making easy work of her jeans and helping her pull them all the way off and onto the floor.

Her underwear matched everything else, blue lace boy shorts. I ran my hands slowly up her outer thighs, switching to the inside as I neared the top. "The heat's just radiating from you, Bella," I told her when my hands stopped, my thumbs less than an inch away from the place I wanted to be the most.

Her eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled back in her head as I teased her. Adding to it, I bent down and blew cold air on her hot pussy. She grabbed my hair and yanked my head up to meet her face. If she thought I was done teasing her she had another thing coming.

I kept kissing her, my hands never touching her panties, though they were everywhere else: her waist, her breasts, her neck, hair and thighs. I purposely rubbed my cock still covered by my boxer/briefs up her covered slit just once. She moaned and growled at the same time in frustration and bit her lip to keep from screaming.

"You fucking like it when I tease you, don't you? You've been a fucking cock tease since I've known you, Bella Swan."

"Fine, then let it stay that way," she said with a smirk. "I mean, since you continue to be the cunt tease that you are."

Fuck me.

I closed my eyes for a moment then kissed her again, my hands massaging her breasts. While my dick poked her soft stomach, my balls rubbed against the spot her clit would be if I wasn't mistaken.

"JESUS, EDWARD!" Nope. I wasn't mistaken at all.

I smiled to myself, once again satisfied at her sexual frustration. She'd thank me for it later.

I backed up away from her to pull my underwear down my legs and I nearly exploded at what I saw when I looked up at her. In the split second that I'd looked away, she'd spread her legs and her hand was on its way down her stomach, then inching slowly into her panties. This must be my punishment for being a cunt tease.

I heard her moan as she slipped a finger inside herself and twirled it around. Well I couldn't be sure that's what was happening. I had to know for sure. I just had to. I reached up toward her and pulled her underwear quickly down her legs and bringing them to my face, smelling her sweet juices on them as I watched her.

Yes, she was definitely twirling her right middle finger around in her dripping wet folds. Her left hand came down and started massaging her clit, slowly at first, then faster and faster and faster. Her right hand matched its rhythm and soon her hips did too. This had to be the sexiest fucking thing I'd ever seen in my worthless life. At least, my life that was worthless until this very moment.

Her hips were gyrating to the rhythm that her fingers were setting and she was starting to moan. "Mmm, Edward," she was saying softly. Somehow my hand found its way to my throbbing shaft and was pumping as furiously as Bella's fingers in her own cunt. I watched her fragile body shudder and contract as she came from her own hand. I followed quickly after, my cum shooting to her stomach. I immediately bent down and pulled her fingers from herself and licked up her slippery lips, tasting every drop of her cum. When I was finished, I licked off her fingers.

"I can't lie, Bella," I whispered as I tried to catch my breath and looked up, "I've wanted to see my jizz all over your stomach since I saw your perfect face watching me sing that night in this building six years ago."

"Mmm," she sighed, her head tilting to the side as she took the same hand I'd just licked and wiped my cum off her stomach and bringing it to her mouth, probably tasting a mixture of her and me. "Salty," she moaned quietly. "So good."

"Bella," I said quietly. "You said my name when you were fingering yourself…why?"

She smiled softly and reached up to stroke my cheek. "Habit. It's always your name I scream when I make myself come, Edward."

"Well this time, I'll be the one to make you come and you can still scream my name," I promised.

I'd already gotten harder as I licked her folds, but watching her taste me sent me over the edge and I was stiff again.

I reached down and rubbed her clit for her in slow, sensual circles, occasionally pinching the bundle of nerves between my thumb and forefinger trying to make her wetter again. I stroked the tip of my cock against her opening a couple of times until it felt slicker. "You ready for me, baby?" I asked gently.

She nodded contently. "Yes, please, Edward. Please make love to me."

Make love. Absolutely. The hardcore, dirty foreplay was over for the night. I needed to worship the woman I've loved since I saw her. I leaned down and kissed her sweetly, deepening it little by little as I pressed my tip to her.

I looked down at her and she pressed her hands to my butt, pushing me inside her slowly. Her silky, wet insides were even better than I'd ever imagined. I could stay sheathed in her heaven forever and never need to come down from the highest of all highs.

I pushed past her barrier and stayed perfectly still just reveling in the all-around feel of her until she sighed in contentment, letting me know that the pain had subsided. She spread her legs farther for me as I started to move in and out slowly and fully.

I kept pacing it like that for a while, just reveling in the feeling of finally being one with Bella. At one point I saw her look down and her face just glowed, her eyes bright and a wide smile on her face. I looked down too and saw what made her so blissful. I watched my own hard length move inside her soft, wet core and felt more complete than I ever had in my entire life. No amount of Grammys or platinum records could compare to the way my heart exploded in my chest at that exact moment. I leaned back as far as my spine would let me to get a better view. I ended up on my knees, holding her up by her back. With her legs wrapped around me there wasn't much room for movement, but just seeing us together was enough for the moment. She took my hand in hers and brought them down to gently touch the spot where we met, tears forming in her eyes.

I brought her face to mine with my free hand and kissed her tears. I felt like a fool, her eyes reminding me I was still wearing that stupid eyeliner during the most intimate moment of my life. I reached up to wipe it off, releasing her cheek and she stopped me with her only free hand as our other hands were still touching the spot where her beautiful warmth met my penis.

"Don't," she whispered. "It'll stay in my memory this way and someday when we're old and grey and watching Wheel of Fortune together I'll remember my sexy rock star that took my virginity while I took his."

God, she was perfect. "I love you, Bella," I said as I kissed her gently, laying her back down.

"I love you too, Edward, so much," she sighed as I started moving in and out again. I kept our hands touching where we met for extra friction as that same thumb went up to rub her clit again. She lifted her hips to me and I moved in at a little faster pace, but mostly I still made love to her tenderly, letting my thumb do the work that would bring her to her orgasm. I pinched and teased her clit while my free hand rubbed circles on her nipple, my elbow supporting me to her side. Finally I felt her walls clench around me and saw her abdominal muscles tighten.

"I'm almost there, Edward," she said quietly, sweetly almost if it weren't for the erotic way we were still touching ourselves.

"Come for me, love," I begged her, still rubbing furiously.

And as if my words were what sent her over the edge she shuddered around me, screaming my name so loudly I was sure the entire bar could hear it over the loud DJ music.

Knowing everyone could probably hear was my undoing and I exploded inside her as I shouted her name at the top of my lungs.

I rested my head on her chest, still inside her. "I'll go get the pill first thing in the morning," she said with a laugh as I remembered that both of us had been too caught up to remember.

"Very good plan, love," I agreed, using that British accent she loved again.

As was my goal, she giggled and kissed my forehead.


I was definitely going to make some sort of arrangement to go with Edward on tour. Being away from him now was out of the question.

As if he could read my mind he said, "I can't go on tour without my girlfriend, Bella. I'd love if you would come with me, but if not I'll just cancel the whole thing."

What?! Cancel? No, I had to go with him. I couldn't let the potential demise of the greatest rock band (at least from my biased perspective) be my fault. The Irritable Mountain Lions would stay on tour. I would find a way. "I'll find a way, Edward. I need to be there to beat groupies to a pulp when they try to touch my man." Yes, Bella, now he's your man.

He pulled out of me and pulled me close as I reached over and pulled his beater to me that I'd been carrying with me since the show. "Maybe I should frame this." I suggested jokingly as I rubbed the beautiful tattoo on his back with one hand.

"I was hoping you would, Bella," he answered with a laugh, then spoke more seriously. "I only wear it for every show because the first time I wore it I met you. I'm glad you're keeping it because I won't need the good luck shirt with me when I've got what made it my good luck shirt with me."

Author's Note: If you read, please review. It's just polite, okay? Thanks! Luffles you all!!!! ::cuddles her readers:: You guys are fabuloso. If you're one of those people who just went to the website, browsed for Books, then Twilight and chose Romance, M rated, 1,000 words, Edward/Bella and Complete stories and came across me by accident, then check out my other stories!!!! Finally, thank you to orlisgirl04 for all the ideas and helping me decide on his tattoos, etc.!

P.s. The review button is huge and rectangular now ::points down at it::