My second fanfic! I know there are a lot of these, but give it a chance please! R&R!
The Cullen's (And Jacob's) Private Chatroom
After Renesmee Matured
Warning: Very Random!!
Character's usernames:
Iloveedward12: Bella
Mountainlion3: Edward
Beautifullyblond2: Rosalie
Totallyshopping9: (I think everyone knows who this is!) Alice
Bigandbad09: Emmett
Doctorlove5: Carlisle
Architect2b: Esme
Born2bwild: Jacob (*laugh* Sorry! I just had to put this as Jacob! *laugh*)
Crazy4twilight: ME! (Cool that I put myself in huh?)
Hale23: Jasper
LoveWolves6: Renesmee
Coldplaylover629: My sister (I had to put her in to make the story complete! She's also a special guest!)
TEAMxEDWARD123: (Guess who!) LUCY HALL (Special Guest #2 today!)
Okay, now that everybody has been assigned names….on with the chatroom!
Iloveedward12 is signing on.
Iloveedward12: Ugh! I hate being alone in chatrooms! *reads newspaper* No freaking way! *reads some more*
Mountainlion3 is signing on.
Iloveedward12: Yay! Edward's here!
Mountainlion3: Hey Bella. Anyway, Emmett's coming to get you.
Iloveedward12: Why?
Moutainlion3: Well, he's going to take revenge for all those arm wrestling matches he's lost. ;-)
Iloveedward12: Aw dang!
Beautifullyblond2 is signing on.
Iloveedward12: Rosalie? Could you tell Emmett not to kill me?
Iloveedward12: Rosalie?
Beautifullyblond2: DOG!!!! MUTT!!! I'LL. GET. REVENGE!!
Mountainlion3: *snicker*
Iloveedward12: What?
Mountainlion3: Jacob got food in Rosalie's hair again. *snicker*
Iloveedward12: What do you mean "again"?
Mountainlion3: It was when….. Never mind.
Totallyshopping9 is signing on.
Totallyshopping9: Where's Renesmee?
Iloveedward12: I don't know. Why'd you ask?
Totallyshopping9: I was going to do another fashion shoot, but she ran away.
LoveWolves6 is signing on.
LoveWolves6: Thank goodness I'm away from A-
Totallyshopping9: Finally! I found you! I was about to put you in such a pretty dress!
LoveWolves6: *shivers in fright* MOM! Get Aunt Alice away from me!
Beautifullyblond2: Alice, leave the poor……wait, did you just say fashion?
Totallyshopping9 duh!
Beautifullyblond2: Renesmee! How could you dare defy fashion!
LoveWolves6: Not you too!
Doctorlove5 is signing on.
Doctorlove5: I discovered a cure to cancer! Isn't that great?!
Beautifullyblond2, LoveWolves6 and Totallyshopping9: BE QUIET!
Doctorlove5: You know nothing! The world knows nothing!Life is SO CRUEL!
Doctorlove5 is signing out.
Iloveedward12: Who knew Carlisle was so emo!
Hale23 is signing on.
Bigandbad09 is signing on.
Bigandbad09: Hey Jasper the emo dude!
Hale23: Why does everyone think I'm emo!Life is SO CRUEL!
Hale23 is signing out.
Totallyshopping9: Wait for me Jasper!
Totallyshoppin9 is signing out.
Totallyshopping9: I guess it's like father like son.
LoveWolves6: Does that mean Daddy's emo too?
Mountainlion3: No it does not!
Crazy4twilight is signing on.
Iloveedward12: Who the heck is Crazy4twilight?
Crazy4twilight: YES! I finally hacked into this chatroom!
Mountainlion3: WHAT! You What!
Crazy4twilight: CRUD! TMI!
LoveWolves12: What does TMI mean?
Beautifullyblond2: It means Too Much Information.
Mountainlion3: Can't I tell my daughter anything anymore!
Iloveedward12: Don't you remember what your therapist said to do when you got angry?
Mountainlion3: But I don't want to!
Iloveedward12: Do what you're told Edward.
Mountainlion3: Okay. *sniffle* :-(
Mountainlion3 is signing off.
Crazy4twilight: What did his therapist tell him to do? Wait, I didn't know Edward had a therapist! It didn't say anything in the books.
Iloveedward12: Well, he told him to watch Hello Kitty videos until he calmed down. Wait WHAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN "BOOKS"!
Crazy4twilight: Um…..long story.
Bigandbad09: Beep be-beep beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!
Beautifullyblond2: Emmett? What are you doing?
Bigandbad09: I'm singing to Jesse McCartney's song Leaving!
Crazy4twilight: I love that song!
Bigandbad09: Awesome! It's time for……Karaoke!
Born2bwild is signing on.
Born2bwild: Hey guys! What's up?
LoveWolves6: No! Jacob! Get away from this place!
Bigandbad09 and Crazy4twilight:
Hey baby girl I've been watching you all day!
Man, I think to have you is amazing!
You make me want to take you out and let it rain!
I know you got a man but this is what you should say.
Why don't you tell him that, "I'm leaving, never to come back again!"?
You've found somebody who does it better than he can.
No more making you cry.
No more gray skies.
Girl, we're flying on G5, G5.
And we're leaving, never to come back again.
So call him shorty, and tell him you found a new man.
Don't want it so fly.
Don't want to make it so high.
Have me singing all night, night, night.
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh!
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh!
Now if I talk it girl you know I'm going to walk it out.
Born2bwild: My ears! They're BLEEDING!
LoveWolves6: I'm coming sweetie!
LoveWolves6 is signing out.
Born2bwild is signing out.
Beautifullyblond2: Serves the dog right. *humph*
Iloveedward12: Don't treat your nephew-in-law like that. Oh, crud!
Crazy4twilight: I know how you feel, Bella. Trust me, I know. *shakes head in disappointment*
Iloveedward12: …..
Beautifullyblond2: I know you're there Bella!
Crazy4twilight: Oh snap! OOH! This is so much better than cable! Wait! I need popcorn! *rushes downstairs quickly*
Architect2b is signing on.
Architect2b: Hello children. Who's your new friend?
Crazy4twilight: *quickly rushes back, gasping*Hi Esme! I'm-
Beautifullyblond2: Why is Bella talking about me being that dog's…..aunt!?
Architect2b: Oh, you heard about that. Bella, would you please explain to her?
Iloveedward12: Jacob finally……proposed.
Beautifullyblond2: What the-
Architect2b: Hey! What did I tell you about cussing?
Beautifullyblond2: Loose lips sink ships. *quietly mumbles to herself* I'm signing out!
Beautifullyblond2 is signing out.
Crazy4twilight: Anyway, before Rosalie rudely interrupted, I'm Kayla!
Architect2b: It's very nice to meet you virtually!
Crazy4twilight: It's so cool to meet the actual Twilight characters!
Architect2b: Not to be rude or anything but, excuse me?
Crazy4twilight: You see, Stephenie Meyer, created four books all about vamp-
Coldplaylover629 is signing on.
Crazy4twilight: NO!!
Coldplaylover629: Kayla! Dinner's ready!
Crazy4twilight: Get off the computer Aubrey! Wait, how'd you get in here?!
Coldplaylover629: I'm completely ignoring what you just said. Dinner's ready!
Crazy4twilight: GET OFF!
Coldplaylover629: Touchy, touchy……DINNER'S READY!
Crazy4twilight: Fine. *mumbling to herself*
Crazy4twilight is signing off.
Coldplaylover629 is signing off.
Iloveedward12: So, where does that leave us?
Architect2b: Dance party?
Iloveedward12: I'll go get Edward!
Iloveedward12 is signing off.
Architect2b: Shake, shake, shake, shake, sh-shake it!
Architect2b is signing off.
Bigandbad09: Hey! Why'd everyone have to leave me alone! Hmm. Since everyone is gone……
Born2bwild is signing on.
Born2bwild: Thank goodness for Renesmee! Hey Emmett! What the….
Bigandbad09: I love you Barney! *hugs his stuffed Barney* let's sing your song!I love you! You love me! We're a happy family! With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you! Won't you say you love me too?
Born2bwild: No freaking way! My EARS! They're bleeding again! RENESMEE!!!
Coldplaylover629 is signing on.
Born2bwild: Who are you?
Coldplaylover629: I'm Aubrey. Kayla's sister, DUH!
Born2bwild: Oh no you didn't girlfriend! *snap* Excuse me snooty but I wasn't here when you signed in!
Coldplaylover629: Don't call me snooty Mr. Booty! Ha! That's right. I said it.
Born2bwild: Emmett, who the heck is this girl?
Bigandbad09: She's Kayla's sister duh!
Born2bwild: Not you too!
Bigandbad09: Oh yes I did. She's one of my friends now. I meant Kayla. So I stand by her sister. Plus we both like to annoy our siblings!
Born2bwild: I need to get Renesmee!
LoveWolves6 is signing on.
Born2bwild: Renesmee! Aubrey's being mean to me!
LoveWolves6: Oh wow! Finally someone who can PO Jacob! Virtual high-five! *Pretends to high-five*
Coldplaylover629: *Pretends to high-five back* Yeah! Now we can be BFFs!
Born2bwild: I thought you were on my side! How could you want to PO me!
LoveWolves6: It's okay Jacob. I'm sorry but the look on your face…..*giggles*
Born2bwild: I'm outta here!
Born2bewild is signing off.
LoveWolves6: I didn't mean it that bad! Oh well, see you later Aubrey!
LoveWolves6 is signing off.
Mountainlion3 is signing on.
Crazy4twilight is signing on.
Crazy4twilight: Hey Edward?
Mountainlion3: Yeah?
Crazy4twilight: I have a friend who would love to meet you!
Mountainlion3: I didn't know I had fans!
Crazy4twilight: You don't know the half of it.
TEAMxEDWARD123 is signing on.
Crazy4twilight: I told you I could hack into their chatroom!
Crazy4twilight: Lucy? Are you okay?
TEAMxEDWARD123: Edward freaking CULLEN!
Crazy4twilight: Calm it down! My sister's here!
Coldplaylover629: Forget it! I'm out of here! I don't want ATTACK OF THE FAN GIRL!
Coldplaylover629 is signing out.
Crazy4twilight: Okay Lucy. If you're going to hyperventilate, go to another chatroom for a while.
TEAMxEDWARD123 is signing out. (Regretfully!)
Bigandbad09: Hey! If Edward had fans, don't I have any?
Crazy4twilight: Yes you do. But Edward and Jacob have the most votes.
Bigandbad09: The dog has more votes than me!
Crazy4twilight: Okay Emmett. Sign out before I have Leah steal your Barney doll.
Bigandbad09: Okay, how did you know about that? Never mind. *mutters under his breath* And Barney is an action figure!
Crazy4twilight: They all say that! *rolls eyes*
Bigandbad09 is signing out.
Crazy4twilight: Did Alice have a vision of me?
Mountainlion3: Yes. What's wrong?
Crazy4twilight is signing out.
Mountainlion3: Bella, are you okay? You've been silent this whole time.
Iloveedward12 is signing out.
Mountainlion3: Oh c'mon!
Mountainlion3 is signing out.
A/N Seriously, I'm kind of subconscious of pink. Anyway, is it okay? Should I tell the Cullens' about the Twilight books? R&R!!!!