The Meeting Place

By: ElegantPaws

Edited by: Meara The Celt

Title: Chapter 1 - Bench

There was nothing to recommend this weathered gray bench by the lake's edge other than its current occupant, who sat waiting with a serene expression; thin wisps of silky onyx playfully dancing in the caressing winds that warm, autumn afternoon.

He stopped, momentarily caught by the tableau she made and how well she fit, after all these years.

Her gentle, pale features were a study in calm, the very opposite of her aura which dazzled and pulsed, reflecting the autumnal hues within the waters of trees replete with sap and the cool of Fall's acquiescence to the coming cold.

"You are early."

More of a statement of fact than an accusation, she noted with a wry smile.

Kagome pulled her dark coat about her, tapping the bench with a gloved hand where she had left him a spot to perch.

Time had not changed that predatory streak within the Taiyoukai. He never quite relaxed, regardless of surroundings; always ready to pounce on his unseen, unsuspecting prey.

"I couldn't resist. It is incredibly beautiful today. Don't you think?"

Sesshoumaru's patented blank stare amused the Miko, who silently took note of the single yellow rose held between the sharp claws of index and thumb as he sat with unhurried grace and ineffable dignity.

"A day like myriad others, Kagome. This Sesshoumaru sees no point in referencing it or his surroundings in a banal attempt at making pleasant conversation."

Sometimes it was difficult to suppress the smile he often engendered, but time had taught her how to manage to curb the urge. What he would never truly realize is how entirely amusing he was in moments such as these. He and his long deceased half-brother had more in common, than he could readily imagine or admit.

"You are staring… again, ningen."

"Afraid not, my Lord, though you are being kind. More of a woman of a certain age, as they would say now."

"Let us not quibble about such a trifling. You are but twenty four by this time line. Time and perception are relative, Higurashi."

Kagome narrowed her eyes turning fully to face his exquisite profile which had grown rigid with feigned annoyance.

'Odd,' she thought. He looked tired.

"Can't get a thing past you, can I? Never could."

She pursed her lips as though deep in thought but her eyes twinkled in anticipation of the flat amber stare she would receive for her next statement.

"Rin was quite right."

The slight flicker of surprise she saw in his cognac depths when he abruptly turned to face her was quickly masked with a supercilious lifting of a well arched silver brow and the thinning of pale lips.


"You really are rather pretty in any light."

Kagome's cheeks began to redden at the careful, meticulous, almost clinical perusal he made of her form.

Though covered, she felt entirely naked with that singular glance.

"Time appears to have been kind to you as well, Miko."

Searching for something to both say and do, Kagome hurriedly retrieved the flask and two porcelain cups she had brought with her. They were antiques, carefully wrapped in rice paper, which she had secreted in her coat's pocket.

It had promised to be a cool day, according to the weather report earlier and she thought it advisable to bring something to drink.

This day was never kind in their memory; a ritual shared.

Her fingers fumbled nervously, whether due to gloves or the poignant silence in that moment. The fragile cup, slipping from her tentative grasp heading for its early demise upon contact with the pier but for the flick of an elegant wrist and strong hands which held its surface gently.

"Still clumsy, I see."

She could not meet his eyes, or what she thought she would find there.


Author's Note

Hmmmm, I cannot promise where this will lead, but I have often found moments not yet, and perhaps never quite, depicted to my satisfaction in what I have written to date.

I will use this series to fill the gaps. Please note, do not expect the usual in this piece.

It is my wish, as always that you enjoy the journey we undertake. This series is inspired by Ken Navarro's CD the Meeting Place and cold medicine lol.

Be well…
