A/N: Okay. Here's my first attempt at writing an "M" rated fanfic. Hope it turns out well and I hope that you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: Don't own LWD or any of the characters. Oh well.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" the young brunette said as she snuggled up closer to her companion. The two had just laid there for hours in the grass, doing nothing but staring at the stars in the nighttime sky.

"Yeah, but not as beautiful as you" her companion said as he leaned in to plant a light kiss on her forehead.

"Der-ek" she whined, giving him a playful slap on the chest.

"What? It's true" He replied back.

"So, you think your charms are going to work on me?" she asked with a grin

He didn't get the chance to respond further before she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. After a couple of minutes, he broke the kiss. "We shouldn't really waste this moment." With that, he resumed kissing her with more passion. Running his hands up her side, he reaches underneath her shirt. Relishing the feel of her skin, he runs his hands across her toned stomach, then along her sides.

"Stop, Derek! That tickles!" she laughed out as his fingers traced over her sides.

"Can't help it. Your laugh is so adorable" he said as his hands slip around her back.

"Devil" she replied as his hands rub up and down her back.

"I'm your devil though" he says with a smile as, slowly but surely, he brings his hands back around to the front of her body and pushes up her bra.

"Mmmm. That feels so good" The girl responded as his hands begin to massage her breasts.

"Casey…" he let out as he planted kisses along the side of her neck.

"Mmm, Derek" she whispered into his ear.

"DER-EK!" her voice boomed as she shook him violently. This snapped Derek Venturi out of his slumber.

"WHAT?!" he yelled back as he shifted his body so that he glare into the eyes of his stepsister, Casey McDonald.

"Mom's almost got breakfast ready! Plus, I don't want to be late to school, since we've got that English test today!" Casey replied back.

Derek let out a long sigh. "Why do you have to be such a damn loser and care about lame-ass school so much?!" he snapped.

"Why do you have to be such a dumbass and try to make me feel so bad because you're stupid?!" she shot back.

"Oh, my. Don't tell me the princess has sunk as low as cursing?" he said in a smart-alleck manner.

"I wouldn't have to if I wasn't stuck under the same roof with you!"

"Cute. Now, how about leaving my room so that I can get ready" Derek said as he pointed to the bedroom door.

"Gladly" Casey snapped as she turned and headed out the door. As she disappeared down the hallway, Derek couldn't resist delivering a parting shot.


Down the hall he could hear her yell out "Pig!"

'Finally! I thought she would never leave!' he thought to himself as he sat up in the bed and ran his hands through his hair. It was no secret that Derek liked girls more than anything in the world (including hockey and playing in his band D-Rock), but even he was unprepared for the thoughts and fantasies that began to overtake him recently. He usually wouldn't mind such fantasies. But why was he thinking about Casey? Casey McDonald! His annoying, klutzy, grade-grubbing, goody-two-shoes stepsister! That was practically incest, wasn't it? 'Ugh! It's too fucking early to be thinking about this!' he though as he kicked the covers off of him and got up to find some clean clothes for the day.

After a usual breakfast – which involved Derek and Casey fussing at each other – both teens had made it to school in one piece. The first three class periods went by quickly for him. Unfortunately, fourth period rolled around.

"Damn English class." Derek muttered to himself as he walked into the classroom. He hated going to English for two reasons today. Reason 1: he had a test – which Derek always despises. Reason 2: it was one of the few classes that he had with Casey. The only thing that helped ease the "torment" in Derek's mind was that his friends, Sam and Ralph, were in the class with him.

"Yo, D-man, you ready for the test" Ralph asked as Derek walked to by his desk.

"Nope. You know better than to ask that" Derek replied back as he took his seat.

"Man, Coach is going to be pissed if you fail another class" Sam said from his seat behind Derek's.

"Coach won't do anything. He knows he needs me in the line-up if we're going to win conference this year."

"Maybe he'll come to his senses and bench you for being a lazy idiot" a female voice said a couple of seats in front of him. Derek rolled his eyes and tore the eraser off of one of his pencils.

"Mind your own business, Space Case" he said as he threw the eraser at her head.

"Hey!" Casey snapped as the eraser bounced off her head. She turned around to say something to him, but the sound of the teacher's voice cut her off.

"Okay class. Remember, do your best work and not cheating whatsoever" the teacher said as she passed out the papers to the class.

About 30 minutes into the test, Derek was already out of it. He had gotten through the problems that he knew (yes, he did pay attention once in a while), but was currently stuck on an open-response problem. Derek let out a groan as buried his head in his hands and closed his eyes, trying to think of a good enough answer to put down.

"Mr. Venturi?" a female voice snapped him to attention. He opened his eyes and looked around, only to notice that he was still in the classroom and that all of the other students had left. He currently found himself sitting in a seat at the front of the room.

"What the…"

"Mr. Venturi?" Derek whipped his head up to see Casey was standing in front of him. He immediately felt his jaw drop at her appearance. There she was, wearing a white blouse and a black skirt that only went halfway to her knees. Her hair was fixed up in a bun and she wore a pair of glasses that made her look a little more intelligent and, in Derek's opinion, more stunning.

"Yes…" was all he was able to croak out.

"What do you see here?" Casey asks as she leans over his desk and places a paper on his desk. Derek picks it up, noticing the big red F written on it. Lowering the paper, he stared again at Casey. This time, he noticed the top buttons of her blouse are undone, granting him a perfect view down her blouse at her breasts.

"Uh, two D's and an F?" he let out.

"Do you think this is funny, Mr. Venturi?" she said, leaning in closer to him. Derek was barely able to swallow the lump in his throat.


"Now, we can't have you making grades like this." She said as she took her glasses off. "You should be very, very fortunate that I'm taking time to provide you with private tutoring." Their lips were just centimeters apart. The scent of her perfume, the pink gloss on her lips was so intoxicating.

Finally, Derek couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing her face, he pressed his lips into hers. As they continued kissing, she eased her way around the desk and took a seat in his lap. Derek's hands roam freely over her body. Growing impatient, he ripped her blouse open. Throwing it to the side, he then began working on the bra blocking him access from her breasts.

"Mmmm. Mr. Venturi, I didn't know you had studied the works of forbidden love so thoroughly" she whispered into his ear. The bra soon came flying off as well. Derek trailed kisses all over her breasts as she began to grind her hips up and down against him.

A sharp pain shot through Derek's ribs, snapping him back into reality. Rubbing his side, he turned around and glared at Sam and his pencil.

"What the hell?" he mouthed to his friend.

"Sorry dude, but it looked like you fell asleep again." Sam whispered, trying hard not to draw the teacher's attention to them.

Derek let out a long, hard sigh. He quickly scribbled some answers down and got up out of his seat.

"Finished already, Mr. Venturi?" the teacher asked as Derek placed his paper on her desk.

"Yeah." He muttered. "May I be excused?" The teacher nodded her head. Derek immediately turned tail and headed out the classroom. Closing the door behind him, he hurried down the hall to the nearest bathroom. Leaning over one of the sinks, he turned on the cold water and splashed himself in the face. "What the hell is wrong with me?!" he asked out loud to himself. Looking up at the mirror, he was stunned by what he saw. Instead of his reflection, he saw Casey's face staring back at him in the mirror. She smiled sweetly and blew him a kiss. Franticly, he splashed more cold water on his face. When he looked back in the mirror, he saw his own bewildered reflection staring back this time.

'I am so fucked!' Derek thought as he looked at himself in the mirror.

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- the OD