The day had started like any other: the boys were sleeping in a questionable motel; Sam was awake while Dean was still dead to the world, and they were hunting a coven of witches. Sam got out of bed and stretched his long legs, running a hand through his shaggy hair.

"Dean." Dean grumbled and rolled over, turning his head away from the window. "Dean, I'm going to get us some breakfast ok?" Dean mumbled something unintelligible, but that was enough of a response. Sam slipped into the jeans he had worn for the fifth day in a row and made a mental note that a laundry trip was necessary. Sam opened the motel door and stopped in his tracks.

"Dean, Dean!" his older brother finally sat up and rubbed his temple.

"What?" he practically growled.

"You're going to want to come and see this." That piqued his interest, so Dean rolled his pretty ass out of bed and walked over to the door.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" asked Dean irritably, squinting out into the parking lot. He heard a squeal and a giggle. Dean slowly looked down. A pair of wide, innocent, brown eyes met his green ones with another giggle.



Both Winchesters were at a loss for words; they had had a lot of weird things happen to them over the years, but this took the cake.

"Dammit, only we could manage to wake up one morning and find a freaking baby on our doorstep!" Sam bit back a smile at Dean's annoyance. The baby was pretty cute, he had to admit; he had sandy brown hair, chubby cheeks and very wide eyes that seemed to light up whenever he looked at either of the brothers.

"So what do we do? Dean sighed, walking over to the baby who instantly raised its arms with another squeal. Dean picked him up and the baby waved its arms, smiling.

"We find out where this little guy came from."

Nobody at the police station had heard anything about someone missing a baby. And nobody they spoke to had ever seen him before. Sam bit back a laugh every time a girl would come up to Dean to coo over the baby and say what a wonderful daddy he was. Sam found it especially funny that Dean didn't bother setting them right; apparently babies were chick magnets.

Sam didn't find it quite as funny when they took the baby to get breakfast. He was bouncing up and down in his high chair and flapping his arms. Neither boy had really been sure what to get for him, since they had no idea how old he was, (Sam suspected less than a year old) so they settled on mashed potatoes and applesauce. When the baby dribbled applesauce down his chin, Sam leaned over to wipe it up. A chubby woman walking by their table stopped and gushed,

"He's so precious! What's his name?"

"Bobby," said Sam, saying the first name that popped into his head. Bobby gave another shriek.

"Shush," said Dean leaning over and wiping Bobby's chin once again. The woman's eyes traveled between Sam and Dean before her face broke into another wide smile.

"How precious! What made you decide to have a child?" Sam sent Dean a malicious grin. Payback for that incident with the realtor.

"Dean's always wanted a kid; you should see him, he's always picking out these little outfits for him to wear and he likes playing peek-a-boo with him." The woman gave a loud 'awwwwwww!' while Dean looked mutinous. The woman toddled off, after commenting again how precious they looked as a family.

"I hate you."

"I could always pat your ass and call you Honey, if that would make you feel better." Sam shot back, grinning. Dean was about to retort when he noticed the look on little Bobby's face.

"Umm Sammy? We have a situation." Sam looked at Bobby and within seconds, Bobby had begun to cry…very loudly. Sam shot Dean a panicked look.

"What do you think is wrong?" That's when the smell reached their nostrils.

"Crap." Literally.


Thank God for nice mothers who have extra diapers! Was all Sam could think as he pushed their cart down the diaper aisle of the drugstore. Both brothers had been at a loss of what to do, standing at the changing table looking baffled as Bobby had continued to wail. Thankfully, a kind looking woman had chosen that moment to walk in with a baby of her own. She had basically instructed them step-by step on how to change diapers; whether because she felt bad for them or because she needed the changing table, Sam didn't know, but he didn't care. They were prepared for next time.

After buying some clothes and a LOT of diapers, it occurred to Sam that they had completely forgotten about the hunt.

"Crap." Said Dean again, when Sam reminded him. "What do we do about the kid?

"We could get real Bobby to watch him? We aren't too far from his place." Dean shrugged, although the image of grizzled Bobby cooing over a baby made him smile. While Sam dialed big Bobby's number, Dean sat down on the bed, holding little Bobby on his lap. Dean offered his finger to the baby who clutched it in his tiny fist, laughing. Bobby waved his fist up and down for a few seconds before yawning and rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

"You tired, Bud?" Dean gently turned Bobby around so he could rest his head on Dean's shoulder. The baby yawned once before laying his head down. He was asleep in a matter of seconds.

Sam hung up the phone, confused; Bobby hadn't answered his home phone or his cell. He turned around to tell Dean so, only to be greeted with the sight of his big brother, cradling a sleeping baby in his arms.

"What's up?" asked Dean, quieter than he normally would.

"Bobby's not answering either of his phones."

"Probably on a hunt," said Dean, "so what now? We obviously can't take him with us."

"I guess someone will have to stay with him." Sam was struck with an idea, "how about I watch the kid, do a bit of research and you go interrogate the family of the last victim?" Dean didn't answer, but looked down at little Bobby, still sound asleep. Sam rolled his eyes.

"Fine, you stay and research and I'll go investigate." Dean just smiled.


"Why do you ask? The company already sent someone over."

"Oh, that was my partner. We've got a new theory and we need a few more details." The man eyed Sam suspiciously, but said nothing. Sam took that as an invitation to continue.

"I came home and my daughter was lying on the ground, dead. She looked like she'd literally frozen to death, but how is that possible?" the man held back his tears.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, sir. Tell me, did your daughter have any enemies? Or fight with any girls her age?"

"Rosie was a popular girl; she hung out with this one group of girls who seemed to have it all: good looks, lots of money, everything they wanted. But she did get into some sort of argument with them, wouldn't tell me what it was about." He shook his head sadly. Sam's expression softened, he really did feel sorry for the poor man.

"Could you tell me their names?"

"There were three of them, Sara Wilkins, Becky Thomas, and Kelly Jay. But Sara and Kelly were both found dead a few days ago, and nobody knows where Becky is." Sam nodded.

"Thank you sir, that's exactly what I needed to know."


"Up we go!" Dean held little Bobby over his head and ran around the room making airplane noises. Bobby clapped his hands and shrieked with delight. Dean laughed, spinning around and throwing him up in the air just a little before catching him again.

"Dean, I've got news," Sam stopped in the doorway. "What are you doing?" Dean froze.

"Playing airplane?" he offered sheepishly. Sam burst out laughing.

"He likes it…" Dean grumbled as Sam continued to howl. "Oh, shut up!"

Stifling his laughter, Sam sat down. Dean also sat down, still holding little Bobby in his arms. Bobby grasped Dean's finger and waved his arm contentedly.

"The guy's daughter had a falling out with a group of three girls shortly before she died. Two of them were found dead just a few days ago, but the third, Becky Thomas, is still missing."

"Does it say how the other girls were killed?" asked Dean, not bothering to stop Bobby from sucking on his finger.

"They were both shot. But the guy said that a man had come to talk to him already; said he was an older guy, sandy-haired with a beard." That got Dean's attention.

"Real Bobby?" Sam nodded,

"That's what it sounded like to me." Dean got up,

"Well shit Sammy, we've got to find him! Make sure that witch hasn't got him." Sam stood up too,

"We have no idea where the witch is, and even if we did, we can't take a baby on a hunt!" The brothers stood in silence for a moment trying to figure out what to do.

Sam got an idea,

"Dean, what if we drove to Bobby's place first? He could be there for all we know, but if he's not, maybe he has some sort of lead on the witch's whereabouts." Dean grumbled a little, but that was as good a plan as any.

"Fine, let's go."