So, this is the first chapter of Break Away. As usual, I own nothing but the plot. This has nothing to do with The Apple. Speaking of which, I will have the next chapter of Apple up soon. I promise. So now enjoy my new story.

"Wake up, Mari! You're going to be late!" rang through out the small apartment. Movement came from a bed in the only bedroom. A hand hit a radio on a box and music started to play.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na. Na na na na na na na na na na na na na.

The figure rolled out of bed, stretched, and shook its head. Long black hair flowed down. "I'm up, Ma!" The girl shouted.

I guess I just lost my husband. I don't know where he went. So I'm going to drink my money, I'm not going to pay his rent.

The girl, Mari, walked up to some boxes and threw things out of them. "No… No... Eww… Ain't gonna happen…" She lifted up a pair of jeans. "Perfect." She soon started rummaging through another box for a cute top match it.

I've got a brand new attitude and I'm going to wear it tonight. I wanna get in trouble. I wanna start a fight. Na na na na na na na. I wanna start a fight. Na na na na na na na. I wanna start a fight.

She started brushing her hair, looking at her blue eyes in a mirror. It was her first day at Gotham Central High School. It was also the start of her first full week in Gotham. Mari and her mom moved around a lot, usually living in apartments. Mari never knew her father and never wants to meet him.

So, so what I'm still a rock star. I've got my rock moves and I don't need you. And guess what? I'm having more fun, and now that we're done, I'm going to show you tonight. I'm alright. I'm just fine, and you're a tool. So, so what. I am a rock star, I got my rock moves, and I don't need you tonight.

Mari sang into her brush and danced around during the chorus of the song. She always believed that no matter where you move to, music will stay the same. Music was her life. As the chorus ended, she leaned over her bed to turn off the radio, grabbed her book bag and a pair of tennis shoes and headed out the door and into the living room/ kitchen/ Kori's bedroom.

Kori was sitting at a small round table with a small box on it. "Good morning, Baby Doll. Are you ready to start a new school?" She looked up from the box of kitchen wears she was unpacking. Mari sat down at the table across from her mother and grabbed an apple.

"No. Why can't you jus home school me again like we did back in Arizona? I really don't want to go to school," Mari said as she put on her shoes. "All schools are the same," Mari mumbled, grabbing her bag and putting some hair behind her ear. "I have to go. Bye, Mom. Have a good day at work. Be safe!" She called as she ran through the door, down the hallway and stairs, and out onto the street.

"Master Richard, you need to get moving or you're going to be late for work again," A stiff British-accented voice said from outside of a big oak door. From a bed a figure moved. Sitting up, one could tell that it was an adult male with black hair. He stretched, trying to wake up. He walked over to a huge oak wardrobe, looking for a suit to wear. After finding one that he didn't hate, he went downstairs for some breakfast before going to the job he was forced to go to.

"Good morning, Al," The man, named Richard, said to the old man in the kitchen. The old man turned around and smiled at him.

"Good morning, Master Richard. Breakfast?" Alfred smiled, handing Richard a plate of eggs.

"No thanks, Al. Just coffee." Richard was handed a mug of the black liquid instead.

"Don't forget, Sir, this week you, Master Bruce, and I need to look at the applications for temporary fill-ins for me," Alfred said as he dumped the plate of eggs into the garbage. "I need to go home for my niece's wedding."

"I'll remember, Al. I have to go. See you later." And with that, Richard was out of the large front door, heading toward work downtown at Wayne Enterprises for another boring, uneventful day.

Well, what did you think? I would like to know. Also, the title Break Away is only temporary. If you have any suggestions as to a better title, put it in with your review. Thanks!