She Wants Perfection, He Wants Her.

Chapter Six.

Clare just stared. K.C. let go of her chin and surrounded her in a hug. She began to lightly cry into K.C.'s chest as he kissed the top of her head. Her thin arms pulled K.C. tighter to her.

"Why Clare? Why did you feel the need to do this to yourself?" He whispered to her. Clare's chest got tighter and it was harder for her to breathe. It was now or never. Just say it.

"Because I wanted you, K.C. I wanted you to love me just as much as I love you. I thought you couldn't love anyone who looked the way that I did. That I do. I love you so much K.C. and that night in the woods just set me over the edge. I wanted you to just say those three words and when you didn't…I thought it was only me who had these feelings." She exhaled slowly and pulled herself away from K.C. She looked up at him and fresh new tears began to brim over. She brushed them quickly aside.

"Clare," K.C. began gently. "I haven't forgotten that night in the woods. It's just hard for me to put into words how much that night means to me…How much you mean to me. It's difficult when reasoning tells me that we're too young to find love, but then your heart tells you differently."

Clare looked back towards K.C. "What are you trying to say exactly?"

"That I love you." He bent down and kissed her on the sidewalk. Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tighter to his chest. The sun hit them both and they reverberated heat. The wind changed its course and the onlookers walked past them without noticing their intensity. They were once again in their own little place together. It was just K.C. and Clare.

Their future was together. Their life was meant to intertwine together like their hands did in the library, like their bodies did in the forest. Clare got through her disorder with only moments of relapse, K.C. was her rock and meditation. He kept her in balance through love and understanding. They were together, more than a couple, they were combined through body and soul.

She wanted perfection. But he still wants her.

The End.