A/N: This story is the property of the wonderful KateXCullen. The first five chapters are just combinations of all the chapters she has written already, and after that the chapters are my idea of what will happen. She decided to abandon the story due to personal reasons-none of my business-but she gave me permission to continue the story just because I loved it. I hope I can do it justice. Well here's the first five chapters of her superb work.

Chapter One: Whoa

Jacob POV

I stared at the angel that was running through the woods with such grace and agility. She is a site to behold, that's for sure. She has the warmest chocolate eyes, the slender body of a model, the fullest lips, the most unique shade of bronze curls that bounce as she runs, and the picture perfect face to go with it all. Such beauty. Such kindness. Such talent. It takes a lot to get a werewolf's mind completely captivated without even trying. But of course, my Renesmee hardly notices what she does to me.

"Hey buddy, you better snap out of it. Edward is coming."

I glanced over my shoulder and found my best friend Embry coming out of the forest. I shook my head in hopes of recovering in time. As if that helped, I told myself. I caught sight of Nessie as she bit down into her prey, a giant buck.

"I don't know how you get used to that. It still kind of freaks me out."

"Ha, trust me, it isn't that bad. No worse than what we do. They just suck the blood out and leave the meat."

"Still bro! Come on!"

"Embry, just stop."

"Yeah, I don't want to have to kill you," Said a voice behind us with a chuckle. We both turned and found Edward, my angel's father, my best friend's husband, my ex-mortal enemy, standing less than ten feet from us. The smell hardly bothers me any more. I have been around it so much these past few years that it tends to evade me. I can still tell that it is a vampire, but nothing that causes the hair on my back to stand up or anything like that.

"Sweetie. You aunt wants you back at the house. Something about a—"

"No! Let me guess! A shopping trip, right?"

"How did you guess?" Edward said, smiling.

"How could I not guess right when it comes to Auntie Alice?"

"Well, you have a point. Sorry. I tried to persuade her to let you stay with us, but she said it was important."

"It's okay Daddy. Nothing could have changed her mind."

My angel jumped into her father's arms and gave him a kiss. I was instantly overwhelmed by a rush of jealousy. Whoa— Wait up. What the hell?!. That is new…

Edward snapped his head in my direction and gave me a look that could have killed a lesser being. I didn't have enough time to recover from my shock to do any evil glances back.

"You better get along before she comes looking for you, Nes."

"Yeah we don't want that," Nessie smiled. I honestly thought that the clouds should be parting and God himself should be looking down just because of the radiance this girl put off. Sadly though, she ran off and I was left with her father, the dumb mind reader, and Embry.

"She's only six you idiot. Control yourself," Edward snarled through his teeth.

Without thinking I replied, "Technically she has been alive six years. She is actually more like sixteen in the flesh."

He shook his head at my response and started walking back to his cottage and his wife. I know he had to see this coming.

"Don't sweat it dude. It'll all work out," Embry reassured while putting his arm around my shoulders. "Let's go see what Esme is cooking."

"Sure, sure…"

Chapter Two: Similar, but not the same…

Jacob POV

Emily was with Esme when we got there. Esme and Emily became fast friends. I could tell that Sam didn't like it, but Emily doesn't let him push her around. I can't blame her. Esme is so nice! I don't know anyone that could possibly be mean to her! We may be natural enemies, but she doesn't act like it so neither do I. It really is something you can get used to.

After Embry and I got our lunch—some really good ham and cheese grills, we made our way to La Push. Alice was going to have Nes busy for the rest of the afternoon. I felt obligated to spend some time with Embry. We haven't hung out in a while. When I'm with Nessie I tend to loose track of time.

"So…how's it goin' brother?" I asked Embry as we ran into the forest. We both stripped as soon as we were out of vampire range eyes and phased.

Quil and Claire have gotten pretty funny to watch. Claire asked Quil to be her boyfriend the other day. Quil can't find it in himself to tell her no so now they are a "couple". I heard his wolf-ish laugh from beside me.

I thought this was pretty amusing. I know that I wouldn't be able to deny Renesmee if she were a normal human and asked me to be her boyfriend. I wouldn't be able to even if I didn't feel romantic about her yet. It is all about the imprintee's happiness.

You guys can seem really pathetic sometimes. You know that right?

I laughed at this. He'll understand if he imprints someday. Imprinting causes your world to realign.

Suuuurrrre. I think you guys just like looking pathetic.

I decided to drop it. I just smiled a wolfish smile at him.

Hey boys. Are you gossiping like a bunch of bitches?

Leah's sudden presence caused Embry to growl with frustration. She still hasn't figured how to win the rest of pack yet. I'm really the only one that doesn't think she is all that bad. I must be a sucker.

Yeah. Sucker would be a good way to put it. I can't believe you let her get to you.

Oh shut the hell up Embry. Nobody said you had to join this pack and my thoughts. Embry thought some pretty foul thought back.

Fine, I'm glad I didn't want to run that bad. I could hear the sarcasm in her thoughts. Good bye, she thought angrily as she phased back.

Good. I didn't want to deal with her today.

Oh be nice Embry! She really isn't that bad if you would just be nice.

I started to loose control over my train of thought as we got closer to the jealousy that had taken me over earlier was just as real as it was then. Embry picked up on it.

Oh holy shit! That must be why Edward was so pissed and stuff. You're going to have Daddy Dracula on your back if you can't control yourself.

Yeah…Not very fun. I already know that Edward is going to rip me into pieces if he hears my thoughts going that direction again.

Then a thought popped in my head. Don't imprinter's become what their imprintee's want? Doesn't that mean she might be having a change in feelings too?

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she is feeling the same things you are. Your feelings wouldn't change if hers weren't changing as well.

Soon we were back on the Rez and we headed for the beach. Quil and Claire were on there walking the beach with Claire's mom and sister. Claire waved at us and dragged Quil over to us. I barked at them and started nudging Claire with my nose. Embry ran back into the forest and phased. He walked back out and was watching me as I licked Claire.

"Hi Jake! Stop it!" She giggled.

I barked at her and then jumped on Quil.

"Jake! Get the hell off me!" He said, laughing and trying to push me off him.

I barked a wolfish laugh at him.

"Jacob Black don't you hurt my Quil!" Claire started pushing at me. I got off him.

Quil picked Claire up and kissed her cheek. "I'm fine Claire."

Their exchange made me realize how much I missed my Nessie. I growled uneasily and nudged Quil's shoulder. He nodded at me.

"Go ahead and leave then. We'll be fine without you."

"Yeah, I hope you still have your head when you get back!" Embry shouted. I growled at him as Quil and Claire gave him questioning glances. "I'll tell you guys when he leaves."

Embry started laughing and I lunged at him. He was knocked back about fifteen yards. I laughed at him.

"Very mature, Jake. Very mature," Quil said. I was still laughing. "Well, get going. I beat she is missing you too."

"Hey Jake! Tell Nes I said 'hi'," Claire shouted at me. I nodded my head in realization of her words and ran back into the forest.

"See you later Jake," I heard Quil say before turning back to talk to Claire. I ran as fast as I could for the next few hours. I was lucky enough to have no company. I decided that I should phase back and check the time. Maybe Alice will bring Nessie home soon.

As soon as I was back at the house and by the time I was done with my shower it was five o'clock.

"Might as well go to the cottage and check…" I told myself quietly. There was nothing around here that I could possibly occupy my time with.

I decided not to run there in my werewolf form. Walking and being human would probably be a good way to waste time. The last thing I wanted was alone time with Edward. I started watching my thoughts as I got past the border. I wasn't lucky enough to find Renesmee waiting for me when I got there. Instead I found Bella and Edward talking at the table.

"Hey Jake. Can I talk to you? How about we take a walk?" Bella asked as soon as I walked into the room.

Oh joy. Why not?

Chapter Three: Forever Caring

Jacob POV

"You're not being taken out here to be murdered you know," Bella said to me as soon as we were out of vamp hearing age (I sadly haven't gotten used to not thinking of them as bloodsuckers. Damn. Nobody can be perfect!).

"Ha! You could have fooled me!"

"I'm not going to tell you what you think I am," she replied. She paused and I waited patiently for her to continue. "You know how much Edward and I love Renesmee. You know that we only want her to be safe and happy. Honestly Jake, I am glad that you will be there for her. I tried to picture her with someone else and it just doesn't seem right. Edward doesn't have anything against you anymore, you know…"

My thoughts went straight to what Edward had said to me in the clearing when we all thought the end had come '…my son…'

"…He's accepted your future with her, as I have. We just wish you had waited a little while longer before you started this chapter in you're relationship with her…I was hoping for more time."

"Listen, Bells. I don't know what Edward said to you, but I haven't done or said anything. It was a…very random…thought. Nothing else. I don't plan on doing or saying anything until she does. Once she says something…well, maybe I will say something then."

Bella got a pained look on her face for a fraction of a second. I hardly heard her say, "That's why I'm talking to you…" in her vampire speed and in an unbelievably quiet whisper. She shook her head and looked back up at me. "Okay. Yeah. Of course. Just…be careful with my baby, okay? Please, Jake?"

"How could I not be?"

Chapter Four: Breaking It To Her

Jacob POV

"Damn!" I exclaimed.

Leah started laughing like crazy. "Yeah! Um, it's hot."

"Thanks for the warning!"

"Hey, no problem," she replied in between laughs.

"Dude! Isn't it obvious? It just came out of the oven!" Seth wasn't helping at all.

I had taken a drink of ice water, and it was already healed, when I smelled her. Her scent is so hard to describe. It is a smell so sweet and addicting that I'm surprised you can't get high off of it! She knocked on the door and something happened that has never happened before. My stomach actually… fluttered. Whoa. That is new…

"Come in Nes," I said loud enough for her to hear.

"Hey Jacob. Do you mind if I hang out here?" She seemed extremely flustered. Ness and I don't push for information from each other. We tell each other when we are ready. We are the anatomy of the phrase 'best friend'. Well, at least we were… wait we still are. Calm down bucko.

"Sure, sure. Want some lasagna? Specially made by Ms. Clearwater," I smiled at her and motioned with my hands like a TV game show host showing off a new sports car.

"Sure. I'm kinda hungry," she replied and her answering smile had me staring for a second too long. I got up and made her a plate. "Be careful, it's hot." I glared at Leah and Seth.

"Thanks Jake."

Leah stared down at her food and finished her meal fast. She made up a lame excuse about a TV show that was coming on soon and fled out of the house. I looked at Seth and we shared a knowing glance. She doesn't have anything against Nes exactly. She says that she just doesn't like how much Nes has taken away from my attention. She says that the Pack should always come first. She can't keep her true thoughts away from any of us though. She is still holding a grudge against imprinting. One day…I thought to myself.

"Um, I'm sorry. I have a feeling I am the cause of her running off…" Nes whispered with an apologetic look on her face. I have told her about Leah already. She asked one day because she noticed how she always runs off when she comes over. I can't keep anything from her long.

"Hey! It's okay Nessie. She'll get over it someday. It isn't your fault," Seth told her with a smile. He leaned over the table and punched her arm. Her answer was another dazzling smile. I knew her well enough to tell it wasn't genuine though. Seth couldn't tell. She got her father's acting skills.

After we finished, Seth left to go help his mom with some last minute plans for their vacation they were planning. Leah, Seth, and their mom were going to go to Florida in a week. Sue decided that they needed to take a break from the clouds and rain. I heard rumors that Charlie might be going with them. Leah isn't thrilled about that. Leah isn't a supporter of Charlie and her mom's relationship because she has never been a supporter of Isabella Swan. It is a dumb reason not to like Charlie. Seth loves it. Seth always jokes with Bella that they should get married so that they can be step-siblings.

"Jake, Billy isn't over protective of you is he?" I could tell that she was wanting to start talking about why she came over all of a sudden.

"Nah. He leaves me alone most of the time. Even when I was a teenager he never really bugged me. We both keep to ourselves."

"You are sooooo lucky," she paused after that comment and just looked at me. The look in her eyes was confused. It was probably a mirror image of me.

"You weren't supposed to be my best friend forever," she said. It was a statement. Not a question.

"No…not really." My heartbeat started picking up. I tried to quiet it. I knew she could hear it.

"Yeah…that is what I thought. I may look like I am 16/17 right now, and I may think like I am 27/28 but honestly, I don't exactly know…what this is…I…" she was struggling for words.

"Imprinting doesn't mean that I am your best friend Nes. It means that we were meant for each other. In every sense. Whatever you need… I am."

She was letting this sink into her brain. "So what you are saying is…--"

"—Is that you aren't crazy? Yes. And surprisingly enough, I have been feeling the same way these past few days." I looked at her. She looked back. It was as if we were both in a trance. She broke the trance after a minute or two.

"I think my parents know that. They do don't they?" she asked.

I didn't have the power to lie to her. "Yes. They have known since you were born— As I have. I just couldn't get myself to tell you. I guess… I guess I didn't want to freak you out. Neither did your mom and dad."

"Ah. Well, it seems that everyone knew about it, but me, of course," she thought for a second. She started laughing. "Wow. Well, that explains Auntie Alice while we were shopping the other day. I was actually thinking about you and she had a vision after I decided to talk to Mom and Dad about you. I wonder what she saw exactly…she must have seen me coming here…"

I had a feeling that what Alice saw had something to do with what I was thinking…her lips are so tempting…I can't though. Not today…she can't be ready for it.

Then it hit me. I'm so clueless. I should have known that as soon as I started having different feeling towards her that she was having the same feelings. I just said it! 'Whatever ever you need…I am.' She must be needing something more than a best friend. She is so beautiful…a sexy 8 year-old…with a nice body…Whoa…best friends don't normally notice all of THIS…I was instantly grateful that Edward wasn't here for my realization of his daughter's… package. I started laughing at the mere thought of Edward if he was here right now. I fell off of my chair in my wild outburst.

Nessie gave me a look that could have killed a lesser man. "Are you laughing at me?!"

"Of course I'm not laughing at you! I'm just—" I stopped myself. She shouldn't know what I am thinking right now. I'm pretty sure that THAT would freak her out. It would make her think I am a pervert.

She got up and started to leave. "I'm not going to stay here if you are just going to laugh at me."

I stood up and took a few steps towards her. "Nes! Don't go! Please? Come on! I wasn't laughing at you!"

She used her vamp speed and ran to me. She was right in front of me and glaring up at me. "Why should I believe you?"

"I was just thinking about what your dad would say if he was here."

"And why would he care? You said he knew this would happen."

"Yes, he knew that this would happen some day but he didn't think I would be doing this so soon."

"Doing what? Telling me about all of this? He should have known that I—"

I cut her off. "—would want to know? Yeah he does know that. I meant me doing this…"

I bent down and put my lips to hers. Her lips were cold against mine, but that was probably just because mine were so hot. She was kissing me back. Kissing me back with everything she had. Her lips were soon just as hot as mine. I broke away from her so we could breathe and I started running my tongue along her bottom lip. She gasped at the surprised but she didn't pull away. She pushed her body closer to mine so that every part of her was touching some part of me. We stood like that for a while, just staring at each other passionately.

"You should probably get back…we don't want them coming here looking for you."

She jumped back from me, as if she just noticed I was there. I saw the blush creeping up her cheeks, so much like her mom. "Um…yeah…good idea. I'll…um…see you tomorrow…"

I watched her walk out the door and I just stood there for a few minutes. I finally snapped out of it and walked into my room.

Oh hell. I'll be catching some full-blown shit from her parents in the morning…

Chapter Five- Warmth

Nessie POV

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh MY GOD!"

I can't believe that just happened! I am as good as dead right now. I should have written my will. I never thought I would die, but I should have known that something like this would eventually cause my murder.

I was standing in the middle of the forest. Half way from Jake's house and half way to my cottage. I knew that I would have to get home soon. Auntie Alice couldn't have kept this from Daddy. He would know. And that probably means that Mom knows, too.

I sighed deeply. "Let's get this over with. The longer I wait, the worse it is going to be."

I walked slowly to the cottage. I had had an argument with mom and dad before I ran to Jake's house. They were attempting to give me "the Talk" inconspicuously. I had a feeling that Auntie Alice was fast becoming a traitor. I was so pissed that I didn't even have the energy to retort my lines in the argument. I simply just ran out of there for the comfort of my best friend…well, he WAS my best friend…

"I'm home!" I screamed as soon as I was through the door. I thought that maybe if I acted like normal, they would pretend like nothing had happen.

"Hey baby," Mom said to me. She didn't seem angry. She was acting more like somebody had died. I decided to leave it for now. "Um, your father went for a run…"

Oh crap. He must be angry. Maybe he will burn off all of his anger by time he comes back from Northern Canada.

"Is he that mad?" I couldn't avoid it forever. Her response was silence. I groaned.

"Give him some time. Let's just hope he doesn't kill anybody, okay?"

"Mom, I'm not hurt AT ALL. I feel wonderful," I said as I felt my cheeks warm. She looked at me for a second before responding.

"I believe you. Trust me."

Mom had told me about Jacob before. She told me the entire story about Jake and Daddy. She told me how troubling some of those times had been for her during her human life. I couldn't help but thinking about how my lips have touched the same things that hers have. That should bother me but it doesn't for some reason…At least she understand how good it feels.

"Um. I think I am going to go bed. Please help Daddy calm down. Tell him how happy I am. Please."

I went to bed and dreamed of being covered in warmth. The warmth of my Jacob.