FASH: Partially inspired by the review A Brighter Dawn left me for Language of the Fan. And I figured it was about time to write some more stuff for Panther/Sena, this pairing needs more attention.
Disclaimer: Still don't own it...
Sena watched with wide eyes as Panther made a touchdown only ten seconds into the game, hardly able to concentrate on anything else as Shin stated, a small degree of surprise in his voice, that the four point two seconds wall had been destroyed.
His eyes stayed locked on Panther as he ran much further than necessary, not even stopping when he reached the very end of the football field.
With an almost gravity defying leap he jumped up to land on the guard-rail directly across from Sena, who was standing only a foot away, still on the stairs.
They stared at each other, eye level due to Panther's crouched position, for what felt like an eternity before Panther moved to speak, only to slip backwards due to the slickness of the surface he had chosen as his perch.
Sena instinctively moved forward to try and help his friend stay steady, grabbing onto one of his flailing arms and pulling as hard as he could.
Panther, unable to stop the forward momentum, fell forward from the guard-rail which in turn caused the both of them to fall onto the stairs, his lips awkwardly smashing against Sena's when they landed.
The entire stadium seemed to go silent and Panther quickly pulled himself off of Sena, flushing darker than he would ever admit to.
"I am so sorry! I did not mean for that to happen Sena!" He babbled at the dazed boy who had taken all of the weight in the fall. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?"
Sena slowly shook his head before gently brushing his hand against his lips, looking up at Panther with a strange gleam in his eyes.
"Sorry about that too! I really didn't mean to take your first kiss! Well, it might not be your first kiss, but it was mine and I really didn't expect that, and even if it was kind of nice, I'm sorry if it was your first-" Panther paused when he realized how much he was rambling and flushed several shades darker. "I'd better get back to the field now. Sorry!"
He quickly leapt over the rail and ran back to his team mates, leaving Sena to stare after him as Monta fretfully made his way to his friend's side.
"Sena, you aren't scarred for life now are you?" He asked seriously, his concern fading away when Sena began to smile.
"Panther-kun sure was blushing a lot." He commented, mostly to himself before he stood up, letting out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a giggle, causing Monta to stare at him in wide-eyed shock.
"Sena, are you feeling okay?" He asked slowly and Sena turned to give him a bright, nearly blinding smile.
"I'm better than okay, I'm absolutely wonderful." He said, sighing wistfully as he clasped his hands together.
Monta, although he was confused as hell, decided to just believe Sena for now and not ask any questions. He had a sneaking suspicion that he'd retain more of his sanity this way, if the looks Sena was now tossing in Panther's direction were any clue.